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How The US Should Have Spent The Afganistan War Budget

Not really worth thinking about in today's climate.

It is only war that opens the floodgates for spending like that.

AOC has outlined many areas where spending would have utility to mere citizens.

They are ridiculed and ignored.

By Democrats as well as Republicans.

US democracy is as about as corrupt as a democracy could be.

We could have had high speed rail, free universal Healthcare, no homeless people, and still had money left over.
If that is what the video suggested as possible, then he ain't worth jack...I only watched a little bit, and got bored with the obviousness of the points. First, with the US flushing about $2.2 trillion into the Afghanistan occupation, that would round out to about $100 billion a year. Rough estimates for Iraq is another $2 trillion over roughly a decade. So between the 2, it would still only be about $300 billion a year. Yeah, that is a shit load of money, but it wouldn't come close to covering your laundry list, let alone have anything left over.

My napkin plan would be something like $25 billion for your homeless issue; $25 billion for real aid to the third world; and $200 billion for real infrastructure. I'd boast NASA funding by about $10 billion a year. Then I'd boast funding to support things like high speed internet expansion, 5G, and STEM education with the remaining $40 billion a year.

On UHC: Medicare's budget alone last year was $776 billion. Expanding that to the whole country would cost more than that. However, most of the cost of UHC could be covered by the combined budget of Medicare and Medicaid, and then general taxes coming from all the money that would have gone towards health insurance premiums. Those 3 components should roughly cover UHC. In reality it should even cost much less than that, as the US spends far more per capita than the EU on health care in total.

Ending homelessness is a nice idea, but I'd go for minimizing it as it will always be around at some level. Say adding $25 billion a year towards the issues around homelessness would do quite a bit when considering the other changes.

Pumping $200 billion a year into infrastructure over the last 20 years would have done a hell of a lot more than the waste in the ME. High speed rail in some parts of the US would be nice, but that all by itself would be a huge budgetary consideration, so I left it off my napkin plan.

And much of the above spending would have done far more for the US economy/GDP than the warmongering we have done. The VA budget by now would be even smaller than it was back in 2001, as the only veterans still alive in large numbers would be from the Vietnam war. War veterans end up homeless at a much higher rate than others, so that would also reduce the homeless issue. Medical expenses is the single largest cause of personal bankruptcy in the US, and I have to assume it would also be a driver for homelessness. And Clownstick spent 4 years trying to tear down everything he and his shitting minions he brought in could do to un-help those in need, at least until courts blocked him. So we wouldn't have had that adding to the homeless problem if we hadn't had SCROTUS. There are other things that King FiS would do to the budget, but this more than covers your 'what if' question...
Defense spending is that one area of consistent bipartisanship.
I once read there is nary a congressional district in the nation without a defense contractor in it. I suspect they may have been playing fast and loose with being a defense contractor regularly dependent upon the DoD and winning an occasional contract with the same but it does seem it would behoove an incumbent to support such.

We could have had high speed rail, free universal Healthcare, no homeless people, and still had money left over.
How do the military industrialists get rich if we waste money practicing socialism?

That's the thing though... The world gets nicer in leaps and bounds when we do practice improvement of social infrastructure. So what if they don't end up on top of everyone else, they end up on top of who they were before!
Not really worth thinking about in today's climate.

It is only war that opens the floodgates for spending like that.

AOC has outlined many areas where spending would have utility to mere citizens.

They are ridiculed and ignored.

By Democrats as well as Republicans.

US democracy is as about as corrupt as a democracy could be.

You would think the politicians and congressmen (women) themselves would be embarrassed about their leadership.. but none seem to be.

We could have had high speed rail, free universal Healthcare, no homeless people, and still had money left over.
How do the military industrialists get rich if we waste money practicing socialism?

Exactly. Some things are more important to others. To most of those in power (especially on the right), getting fabulously rich is far far more important than any so-called common good.
But most of those disadvantaged by that, are convinced that any deprivation they suffer is the fault of those even more deprived than themselves. So they keep re-electing the scumbags who serve those who are robbing them blind and killing their kids.
The truly miraculous thing, is how inexpensive the apparatus is that does the convincing.

President Dwight Eisenhower answered this question, in large part, in 1961: “We must never let the weight of this combination [the military-industrial complex] endanger our liberties or democratic processes. … Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals.”
(bold added)

So the major thrust of the last 2+ decades has been to dull the senses of the masses while making knowledge into some fuzzy, individually defined thing by elevating conspiracy theories to the same level as actual science. RVonse says he is "highly educated", but still thinks Hunter Biden's laptop is somehow important.
Exactly. Some things are more important to others.
Corruption whether legal or not should be the most important to everyone.
... individually defined thing by elevating conspiracy theories to the same level as actual science. RVonse says he is "highly educated", but still thinks Hunter Biden's laptop is somehow important.
Corruption is important. To call anyone a conspiracy theorist who calls out corruption is not only lazy but part of the problem. And if Hunter Biden gets to do things that the rest of us can't...that is corruption. It might even be legal but there should be no place for that in a free democracy.
Exactly. Some things are more important to others.
Corruption whether legal or not should be the most important to everyone.
... individually defined thing by elevating conspiracy theories to the same level as actual science. RVonse says he is "highly educated", but still thinks Hunter Biden's laptop is somehow important.
Corruption is important. To call anyone a conspiracy theorist who calls out corruption is not only lazy but part of the problem. And if Hunter Biden gets to do things that the rest of us can't...that is corruption. It might even be legal but there should be no place for that in a free democracy.

No. You don't get to decide what other priorities ought be for other people. At best you get to decide "I will not participate against my priorities". That's it.

Corruption seems to only be important in the moment for you, anyway. Where were you when Melania, Jared Et Al were being appointed state roles? Why are you not demanding emoluments trials or discussions on that nepotism?
Is this one of those Brexit like things, where they talk about all the great they'd do with the money, but then in the end, they say there was nothing to start with?
Is this one of those Brexit like things, where they talk about all the great they'd do with the money, but then in the end, they say there was nothing to start with?

No. You don't get to decide what other priorities ought be for other people. At best you get to decide "I will not participate against my priorities". That's it.
I guess that's why we spent 20 years in Afghanistan, plus Iraq and a host of others.

Just stay silent and don't vote.
Where were you when Melania, Jared Et Al were being appointed state roles? Why are you not demanding emoluments trials or discussions on that nepotism?
I wasn't calling anyone a conspiracy theorist who complained about them.
Where were you when Melania, Jared Et Al were being appointed state roles? Why are you not demanding emoluments trials or discussions on that nepotism?
I wasn't calling anyone a conspiracy theorist who complained about them.

I'm not calling anyone a conspiracy theorist. I'm pointing out a fact of bad faith: your failure of concern in the presence of an abject demand for concern indicates a failure of ethics or failure of awareness of simple and readily apparent things.
I'm not calling anyone a conspiracy theorist. I'm pointing out a fact of bad faith: your failure of concern in the presence of an abject demand for concern indicates a failure of ethics or failure of awareness of simple and readily apparent things.
Elixir and Higgins are and you are in direct support of both of them with your response. The very failure of awareness and ethics you preach about.
I'm not calling anyone a conspiracy theorist. I'm pointing out a fact of bad faith: your failure of concern in the presence of an abject demand for concern indicates a failure of ethics or failure of awareness of simple and readily apparent things.
Elixir and Higgins are and you are in direct support of both of them with your response. The very failure of awareness and ethics you preach about.

No. I have done exactly one thing, and you continue to fail to recognize it: I have pointed out that demands have been made that people concern themselves principally with "corruption", tentative and wishy-washy conspiracy theory level claims are pointed at hunter Biden, and NO such concern is leveled at clear cases.

This is the failure of ethics I point out. No preaching necessary.

Either demand justice uniformly or be seen as being hypocritical.
I'm not calling anyone a conspiracy theorist. I'm pointing out a fact of bad faith: your failure of concern in the presence of an abject demand for concern indicates a failure of ethics or failure of awareness of simple and readily apparent things.
Elixir and Higgins are and you are in direct support of both of them with your response. The very failure of awareness and ethics you preach about.
Not in this thread, however, you are an admitted 9/11 Truther... (not quite 'The Jews Demo'd the towers' bad) so you can't complain about that.

The more important question is simply, would you have actually supported a candidate for President that said they'd end homelessness. No you wouldn't. Would you have supported a candidate that would build out the National High Speed RR? Probably not.

It is nice to say we could have had those things, but the reality is, people like you haven't supported candidates like that. Heck, it looked like No Out of Pocket Public college was going to be rolling with the election of Hillary Clinton... and you voted (I think) for Mango Unchained.
I'm not calling anyone a conspiracy theorist. I'm pointing out a fact of bad faith: your failure of concern in the presence of an abject demand for concern indicates a failure of ethics or failure of awareness of simple and readily apparent things.
Elixir and Higgins are and you are in direct support of both of them with your response. The very failure of awareness and ethics you preach about.
Not in this thread, however, you are an admitted 9/11 Truther... (not quite 'The Jews Demo'd the towers' bad) so you can't complain about that.

The more important question is simply, would you have actually supported a candidate for President that said they'd end homelessness. No you wouldn't. Would you have supported a candidate that would build out the National High Speed RR? Probably not.

It is nice to say we could have had those things, but the reality is, people like you haven't supported candidates like that. Heck, it looked like No Out of Pocket Public college was going to be rolling with the election of Hillary Clinton... and you voted (I think) for Mango Unchained.
I supported Sanders and voted for him as far as he lasted in the 2016 election. I very likely would have voted for him in 2020 if he wouldn't have been taken out by Biden. I can not say that Sanders was for building the national High Speed Rail but I do know he was against the Iraq war and a host of other occupations. Sanders was(is) not perfect either. But he would have been the best choice (in mind) for our country. And he would have beat Trump if not for the corruption of the Democratic party. Sanders was a populist just like Trump.

In any case, for better or worse, at least I did vote in both elections for what I felt was the best lemon of the lemons.. And that's more for the country then the people Jarhyn would have who just sat home doing nothing and saying nothing.
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