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How to Improve Capitalism

What is Good Business?

It’s become easy to feel that all businesses are somehow bad and corrupt. Far from it. So long as they follow these six principles, any business can be good.

Misemployment can be just as bad as unemployment.

Do the people that make these videos run a business and employ people in a meaningful way? Just making sure, instead of just complaining in their minds that they don't think gambling is a good use of entertainment.
Against Philanthropy

The best way to do good in the world is not to be a philanthropist. It’s to be a good capitalist. The need to 'give back' is generally chiefly a sign that people took too much to begin with.

Misemployment can be just as bad as unemployment.

Do the people that make these videos run a business and employ people in a meaningful way? Just making sure, instead of just complaining in their minds that they don't think gambling is a good use of entertainment.

You really have to counter arguments, do you? And yet you can't allow yourself to agree, so you attack the messenger? Really?

Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Do the people that make these videos run a business and employ people in a meaningful way? Just making sure, instead of just complaining in their minds that they don't think gambling is a good use of entertainment.

You really have to counter arguments, do you? And yet you can't allow yourself to agree, so you attack the messenger? Really?

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

No, the person complaining about how employers are employing people in the wrong should be out employing people in the right way. Hey it's wrong for the Casino company to employ people to hand out leaflet and look at our company Y that employs ever single one of it's employees to be productive. I'm sorry, but the multitude of jobs that are out there, aren't going to be the shiny feel good jobs.
I don't have time to digest all this now, but at least the title of the thread is good.. "improve". Maybe we can have a decent discussion without the usual trolls preaching for the destruction of the market and ruining the thread.
A better class of people will improve capitalism, but I am not sure how to go about achieving that goal.
Do the people that make these videos run a business and employ people in a meaningful way? Just making sure, instead of just complaining in their minds that they don't think gambling is a good use of entertainment.

This is who is behind the videos http://www.theschooloflife.com/shop/


Anti-Capitalist Notebooks

History is filled with some fascinating 'schools of thought' dedicated to tackling life's big problems in distinctive ways. We've created this exquisite set of notebooks in honour of The Anti-Capitalists.

In the modern age, gigantic corporations have come to rule the planet: laying down railways, flattening forests and distributing fizzy drinks to the remotest parts of our continents. Communities have been broken up, people exploited, and rubbish dropped everywhere, all because a few beneficiaries would like to have a little more money in their bank accounts. It can be enraging. Yet at every stage there have been thinkers who have considered how capitalism might be improved or overcome. Their ideas are an example of bravery: the hope that a tiny minority might transform the world for the better.


Damn those capitalists with their trains and their Coca-Cola! Damn them to hell!
Easy a revolution followed with socialism to communism, smash capitalism with a hammer & anyone left standing still supporting it gets a swipe from the sickle
Surely the best way to improve capitalism is to split it up into competing capitalisms, and deregulate them so they can charge whatever the market will bear. If a consumer wants to switch to a cheaper capitalism, or to a more expensive but more fully featured capitalism, then they can do so.
Capitalism whether we like it or not, is the only system that works. The only system that produces wealth and more importantly, jobs.
Capitalism whether we like it or not, is the only system that works. The only system that produces wealth and more importantly, jobs.

Slavery produced wealth and jobs. My family had cradle to grave job security under slavery.

The economy of the USSR produced wealth and jobs. Did the average soviet citizen see that wealth in his own pocket? No, but the same can be said of many American citizens today with regard to American wealth.


Beware the use of absolute words like ONLY, NEVER, and ALWAYS. These words usually make a statement FALSE.
Capitalism whether we like it or not, is the only system that works. The only system that produces wealth and more importantly, jobs.

Slavery produced wealth and jobs. My family had cradle to grave job security under slavery.

The economy of the USSR produced wealth and jobs. Did the average soviet citizen see that wealth in his own pocket? No, but the same can be said of many American citizens today with regard to American wealth.


Beware the use of absolute words like ONLY, NEVER, and ALWAYS. These words usually make a statement FALSE.

We know too much about how capitalism increases standard of living, life expectancy, wealth, innovation and education. No non-capitalist country has ever come close to matching it. We know too much, you can't put the genie back in the bottle, which is why you will almost certainly not see a first world country abandon it in your life time, unless something catastrophic happens to where suddenly people forget the lessons of history.
Slavery produced wealth and jobs. My family had cradle to grave job security under slavery.

The economy of the USSR produced wealth and jobs. Did the average soviet citizen see that wealth in his own pocket? No, but the same can be said of many American citizens today with regard to American wealth.


Beware the use of absolute words like ONLY, NEVER, and ALWAYS. These words usually make a statement FALSE.

We know too much about how capitalism increases standard of living, life expectancy, wealth, innovation and education. No non-capitalist country has ever come close to matching it. We know too much, you can't put the genie back in the bottle, which is why you will almost certainly not see a first world country abandon it in your life time, unless something catastrophic happens to where suddenly people forget the lessons of history.

The advancement of science can increase the standard of living, life expectancy , wealth, innovation and education in a socialist country. No non capitalist country can exist without being threatened and undermined by U.S. military and covert forces. It is where on a scale a government starts it existence and when that determines how far it can advance itself. Communist utopias cannot be expected to automatically sprout from the political vacuum left by a violent revolution. So far, communism has only happened in countries that were forced by inept dictators and emperors to overturn their regimes. That does not automatically build infrastructure to support society. Colonial countries were held back by their masters from educating their people and from using their natural resources for a very long time. When the leadership of these countries vow to create a fair social government they have little to work with except the rubble the colonizers have left when they are driven out. Zimbabwe is an example. They want to be fair to the people and the rest of the world still wants to dominate them. Those who are impatient and have no loyalty to their own country wander off to places like the U.S. and Europe, looking for a quick fix for their own personal sake.
This leaves the nascent regime without educated people to responsibly build a fair social order. It is no wonder to me why capitalism seems wonderful to those it blesses with immense wealth. What always amuses me is how many people who are getting screwed by capitalists every day just keep saying..."There is nothing in the world so good as this." You are drinking red white and blue cool-aide.

Socialism born out of the rubble of capitalism that forces revolution has a much harder time starting than a socialism that is the natural result of people cooperating in a more civil manner. Shaw did not think we had to take all the capitalists out and shoot them. I agree with Shaw. But capitalists on the other hand go to backward places and kill millions for profit. They cheat and manipulate currencies and property that should never be considered theirs. I have seen a general deterioration of our educational system, our transportation system, our energy generating systems and our overall status in the world under the kind of unbridled capitaistic greed that has run rampant in this country for the last 30 years. I really disagree with you, Axulus.:thinking:
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