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How will America avoid confrontation in Syria?

He's easily manipulated by whomever is in the room with him at the time, be they Russians or otherwise.
Clearly that is a fatal flaw in (allegedly) Putin's plan.
Even assuming the joking banter is relatively close to reality, that wouldn't seem to be a 'fatal flaw'. With El Cheato's foreign policies bouncing off the walls, many countries will be less willing to cooperate with the US, and the general backdrop would be seen as less US international leadership. I think that would fit with the Russian mafia boss's goals well enough...
It’ll take more than a missile strike to clean up Obama’s mess in Syria?

Robert Kagan writes.

The Trump administration is going to find itself under increasing pressure to do more and more dangerous things.

You're going to blame Syria mess on Obama?! Here's the deal: the Russians are willing go to WW3 over Syria. We are not. At least most Americans are not willing. AFAIC: there's nothing in mid-east worth going to WW3 over.
Dude, where the hell do you get your information? 1950's propaganda wheels?
Clearly that is a fatal flaw in (allegedly) Putin's plan.
Even assuming the joking banter is relatively close to reality, that wouldn't seem to be a 'fatal flaw'. With El Cheato's foreign policies bouncing off the walls, many countries will be less willing to cooperate with the US, and the general backdrop would be seen as less US international leadership. I think that would fit with the Russian mafia boss's goals well enough...

Right. The wild conspiracy theories about Trump being some sort of Manchurian candidate are off base because of precisely this. If the Russians wanted Trump, it is because Trump would make the US look bad, not to use him as a lackey. At least, unless these alleged pissing videos are real and, I doubt anyone in Russia thinks they can *control* Trump, they just know that he'll make America weak due to his sheer incompetence.
You're going to blame Syria mess on Obama?! Here's the deal: the Russians are willing go to WW3 over Syria. We are not. At least most Americans are not willing. AFAIC: there's nothing in mid-east worth going to WW3 over.
Dude, where the hell do you get your information? 1950's propaganda wheels?

Yea, I'll double down and say it again: there is nothing in the ME worth the US going to war over! I'm sorry. We don't need their oil. We don't need their crazy religions. We don't need their wonderful contributions to science. Don't need the great products that they engineer. I feel bad for the refugees. However, I have three kids at about draft age - so I don't see any reason to fight over the ME.
Dude, where the hell do you get your information? 1950's propaganda wheels?

Yea, I'll double down and say it again: there is nothing in the ME worth the US going to war over! I'm sorry. We don't need their oil. We don't need their crazy religions. We don't need their wonderful contributions to science. Don't need the great products that they engineer. I feel bad for the refugees. However, I have three kids at about draft age - so I don't see any reason to fight over the ME.
It's economy, stupid! US makes and sells weapons to Saudi Arabia.
Even assuming the joking banter is relatively close to reality, that wouldn't seem to be a 'fatal flaw'. With El Cheato's foreign policies bouncing off the walls, many countries will be less willing to cooperate with the US, and the general backdrop would be seen as less US international leadership. I think that would fit with the Russian mafia boss's goals well enough...

Right. The wild conspiracy theories about Trump being some sort of Manchurian candidate are off base because of precisely this. If the Russians wanted Trump, it is because Trump would make the US look bad, not to use him as a lackey. At least, unless these alleged pissing videos are real and, I doubt anyone in Russia thinks they can *control* Trump, they just know that he'll make America weak due to his sheer incompetence.
Agreed, I highly doubt that many foreign policy advisers in Russia did not know what Trump was - stupid clown who is good at one thing only - messing things up.
Get rid of the Cabal that has taken over our government and ordered our sanity to stop. Trump should go.
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