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How will Trump react if the world truly turns on him?


Aug 22, 2003
South Pole
Basic Beliefs
This stuff at the G6 + 1 (Its new name), shows the USA as offside with the rest of the modern world. How will the USA react and how will Trump react if The G6 drops the + 1? How will the nation and president react if the western world starts talking of Trump and the USA as a rogue pariah nation? And what if Trump later tries to hold onto power despite losing an election, and the world starts talking about regime change the way the USA always does? How will the US populace react to that? Will they get behind him in solidarity or will they "welcome us as liberators"?
I think that Trump has hastened the realization that the US of the last couple of decades has changed much. The current Trump administration has made Europe realize that they can no longer respect, count on, and allow the US to set the tone for the entire world on any given issue. This realization has our allies taking more hand in their own destiny, and while this may cause growing pains, it may just be a good thing in the long run.

There is a current, to my mind, misconception many Americans have. It is that the rest of the world views the US and its people as somehow separate from Trump. I don't think this is necessarily true, and more and more I think the rest of the world is viewing us very differently than they ever did during even the last Bush administration. Trump has caused irreparable harm to our relationship with our allies, and even if the Dems were to somehow sweep the next election, deep suspicions would remain.

Look, countries have bad political results sometimes, but the GOP has entirely encouraged this horrible behavior, and it's just another way the conservatives have utterly failed to live up to their supposed convictions. In fact, the rest of the world sees how far the GOP has flung to the right, when Mitch McConnell says 2017 was 'the best year' for conservatives, ever. They (perhaps rightly) see a vast economic and military powerhouse now under the thumb of a corrupt regime, and they're starting to really see that this is a problem that will not be corrected by just getting someone left of center in the White House. The US can not be counted on anymore, and when it behaves belligerently, the flaws in our world politics becomes pretty clear.

I think things can be better than they are now by getting Trump and these Republicans the fuck out, with a resounding one-way election, but the US has lost their special status forever. That's my take. Western world leaders will more and more treat us like China or Russia than like good friends.
I think that Trump has hastened the realization that the US of the last couple of decades has changed much. The current Trump administration has made Europe realize that they can no longer respect, count on, and allow the US to set the tone for the entire world on any given issue. This realization has our allies taking more hand in their own destiny, and while this may cause growing pains, it may just be a good thing in the long run.

There is a current, to my mind, misconception many Americans have. It is that the rest of the world views the US and its people as somehow separate from Trump. I don't think this is necessarily true, and more and more I think the rest of the world is viewing us very differently than they ever did during even the last Bush administration. Trump has caused irreparable harm to our relationship with our allies, and even if the Dems were to somehow sweep the next election, deep suspicions would remain.

Look, countries have bad political results sometimes, but the GOP has entirely encouraged this horrible behavior, and it's just another way the conservatives have utterly failed to live up to their supposed convictions. In fact, the rest of the world sees how far the GOP has flung to the right, when Mitch McConnell says 2017 was 'the best year' for conservatives, ever. They (perhaps rightly) see a vast economic and military powerhouse now under the thumb of a corrupt regime, and they're starting to really see that this is a problem that will not be corrected by just getting someone left of center in the White House. The US can not be counted on anymore, and when it behaves belligerently, the flaws in our world politics becomes pretty clear.

I think things can be better than they are now by getting Trump and these Republicans the fuck out, with a resounding one-way election, but the US has lost their special status forever. That's my take. Western world leaders will more and more treat us like China or Russia than like good friends.

I don't think that the rest of the world really thought that much of the USA even before - certainly, they didn't hold America in such high regard as the Americans seemed to think. The real difference is that, up until now, there has been a feeling that it's in the interests of the 'rest of the west' to keep America close; The benefits of friendly relations far outweighed any costs (particularly during the Cold War). As Winston Churchill put it, 'You can always rely on the Americans to do the right thing. After they have tried everything else'.

What has changed is that it is no longer clear that you can rely on America ever to do the right thing - Waiting for America to wake up and act has been a part of western diplomacy since at least 1914, but now there is a feeling that an America that once stood by and did nothing until the last possible minute before finally doing the right thing, has become an America that will precipitately intervene where she is not wanted or needed, and in the worst possible way. The Americans used to be OK at diplomacy, if rather sluggish and heavy-handed. Now they seem to have completely forgotten what diplomacy even means.

This is not a uniquely American change - The UK of GB and NI have similarly lost the plot with regard to international relations, in the face of increasingly strident public nationalism. The ruling party is in coalition with the rabid religious nutters of the DUP, and has systematically and completely screwed up their country's relationship with their largest trading partner, as part of a chain reaction of totally pointless consequences that started with a pathetic attempt by David Cameron to make an internal party political problem go away by getting public approval for continued membership of the EU - perhaps the worst political blunder in the UK since Charles I raised his standard and declared war on parliament in 1642, in a misguided attempt to assert his divine right to rule without regard to public opinion.

The nationalists, fascists and Nazis are on the ascendant, and underpinning their rise is the deliberate elimination of intelligence and expertise from the public sphere. The lunatics are running the asylum, and the doctors, nurses and orderlies are letting them, in the name of democracy.

Just because the nutters have sufficient numbers to outvote the sane people, we are seeing the destruction of decades of progress towards peace, stability and prosperity. It's fucking terrifying.
If you want a meeting of the leading world economies, without the leading world economy, that would be an interesting meeting.

So how would Trump react? The usual way - martial law and launch the nukes, then go on a rape party.
This stuff at the G6 + 1 (Its new name), shows the USA as offside with the rest of the modern world. How will the USA react and how will Trump react if The G6 drops the + 1? How will the nation and president react if the western world starts talking of Trump and the USA as a rogue pariah nation? And what if Trump later tries to hold onto power despite losing an election, and the world starts talking about regime change the way the USA always does? How will the US populace react to that? Will they get behind him in solidarity or will they "welcome us as liberators"?
The Western World isn't quite the right thing to say, the Eastern Hemisphere is the location of the other massive giant, and it is assuming more and more control, with Trump and isolationists just stepping out of the way for them. Then there is Africa where there is a bazillion dollars to be made, and US involvement isn't too high, allowing the Eastern giant to step in there as well.

The US is suffering a lot of what is happening in Europe, Russian trolling and racist/isolationist idiots getting more and consolidated. And the Person running the US is a complete moron who doesn't know what the "Korean peninsula" is.
This stuff at the G6 + 1 (Its new name), shows the USA as offside with the rest of the modern world. How will the USA react and how will Trump react if The G6 drops the + 1? How will the nation and president react if the western world starts talking of Trump and the USA as a rogue pariah nation? And what if Trump later tries to hold onto power despite losing an election, and the world starts talking about regime change the way the USA always does? How will the US populace react to that? Will they get behind him in solidarity or will they "welcome us as liberators"?

Ironically, FFvC is probably the last hurrah for the Neocons and other rabid idiots of the Repug party. The US world domination game is most probably in its last phase, and The Dotard with give it a great sending off stamp. The EU-28 GDP is about the same as the US, and both are generally stagnating relative to the emerging countries. The PRC is expected to equal the US GDP within 7-10 years, knocking the US off another throne. A minor example is that China is now the largest market for movies, overtaking the US this year. And Hollywood has already taken notice. The US share of the world GDP has fallen about in half since 1960. The ability of the US to bully the world economically is already on haggard edge, being just the wrong time to be the biggest asshole on the planet.
I think that Trump has hastened the realization that the US of the last couple of decades has changed much. The current Trump administration has made Europe realize that they can no longer respect, count on, and allow the US to set the tone for the entire world on any given issue. This realization has our allies taking more hand in their own destiny, and while this may cause growing pains, it may just be a good thing in the long run.

There is a current, to my mind, misconception many Americans have. It is that the rest of the world views the US and its people as somehow separate from Trump. I don't think this is necessarily true, and more and more I think the rest of the world is viewing us very differently than they ever did during even the last Bush administration. Trump has caused irreparable harm to our relationship with our allies, and even if the Dems were to somehow sweep the next election, deep suspicions would remain.

Look, countries have bad political results sometimes, but the GOP has entirely encouraged this horrible behavior, and it's just another way the conservatives have utterly failed to live up to their supposed convictions. In fact, the rest of the world sees how far the GOP has flung to the right, when Mitch McConnell says 2017 was 'the best year' for conservatives, ever. They (perhaps rightly) see a vast economic and military powerhouse now under the thumb of a corrupt regime, and they're starting to really see that this is a problem that will not be corrected by just getting someone left of center in the White House. The US can not be counted on anymore, and when it behaves belligerently, the flaws in our world politics becomes pretty clear.

I think things can be better than they are now by getting Trump and these Republicans the fuck out, with a resounding one-way election, but the US has lost their special status forever. That's my take. Western world leaders will more and more treat us like China or Russia than like good friends.

I agree.

The Trump administration proves that America is a failed state that does not deserve to be a world leader.

Trump is actually doing America and the world a favor by removing America from any leadership position and by making America a mocked pariah instead of a respected leader.

The main issue I have is that this improves the relative power of Russia and China, which I believe is Putin's ultimate goal here. I hope the Europeans are more successful in opposing Putin's antics than America was. When push came to shove, America decided that we can't get enough of sucking Putin's genitals while on all fours.
I think Trump doesn’t give a shit what the rest of the world thinks. See that picture of him at the meeting with Merkel and everyone. And the thing about it is, his supporters love it even more that they’re all pissed. They’ve wanted someone to give a finger to the euro elite for a long time. They’re relishing in this. His supporters are the anti global establishment types that have been left behind by the modernization. They see his stance at the G-7 and they love it. They see him as their champion. And to a large extent he is. Of course, he’s fucking them over at the same time, but as long as he’s fucking over the global elite as well they don’t care. After all everyone else has fucked them too. At least everyone’s getting fucked now.
I think Trump doesn’t give a shit what the rest of the world thinks. See that picture of him at the meeting with Merkel and everyone. And the thing about it is, his supporters love it even more that they’re all pissed. They’ve wanted someone to give a finger to the euro elite for a long time. They’re relishing in this. His supporters are the anti global establishment types that have been left behind by the modernization. They see his stance at the G-7 and they love it. They see him as their champion. And to a large extent he is. Of course, he’s fucking them over at the same time, but as long as he’s fucking over the global elite as well they don’t care. After all everyone else has fucked them too. At least everyone’s getting fucked now.


World politics is currently being dominated by people who are fed up with being treated like idiots just because they are idiots, and who want to tear down all the things that those smug gits with their educations, expertise, and ability to actually do useful things have done.

It's time to get rid of all the confusingly complicated solutions that we have developed over the decades since WWII, and start imposing simple and easily understood values on our world. That the world is sufficiently complex as to make such simple "solutions" hugely damaging for just about everyone is unimportant - All that matters is that the idiots, who for so long have been sidelined and ignored, should get their turn in charge.

They are absolutely gleeful that they are finally making the difference in the world that they always wanted to make.

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