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How would you rank corruption?


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
With story of corruption going around about Biden's son it occurred to me just how common place corruption has become in our government today. Whether it is legal or not (and it should not be) our politicians are routinely selling their office to the highest bidder. How else do they come to office making $175k/ year and leave $millionaires. And in the case of Biden, not even attempting to do it in darkness. As President Lincoln once said, if our nation be destroyed it will be done by ourselves. I think we our well on our way now.

And as I started to reflect just how corrupt the world has become, it occurred to me is that when a monopoly of purchase of influence can exist, the more likely for corruption is to thrive. Here I decided to list the most corrupt positions in America today. With 1 being most corrupt and 10 being most honest. Perhaps your ranking would be different

1. Members of Congress
2. Executive branch
3. Salaries CEO's of private industry
4. Tech giants (Facebook and Twitter)
5. Lawyers
6. Lobby's
7. Banksters
8. Corporate drug giants
9. Used car salesmen
10 Medical and trade unions
What corruption did Biden do?

I assume this is going to turn out the way your Roger Stone thread ended up.
It is hard for me to choose the number 1 slot occupant. Congress has 535 possible sleaze bags, but Mr. Trump is so sleazy, I cannot choose.
What corruption did Biden do?

I assume this is going to turn out the way your Roger Stone thread ended up.


In Joe Bidens own words. You should watch this video quickly though because google controls whether it will be left up.

This 2016 letter proves that GOP attacks on Biden over Ukraine are nonsense
It wasn’t just Biden who wanted reform in the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office. Republican senators did, too.

Trump’s core argument against Joe Biden is that then-Vice President Biden improperly used the power of his office to get a Ukrainian general prosecutor fired in order to stop him from investigating a Ukrainian gas company that Biden’s son Hunter served on the board of.

The reality is that the Obama administration — as well as many other Western European officials — wanted the prosecutor, a man named Viktor Shokin, removed because he was believed to be trying to stymie anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine. In other words, if anything, Biden’s efforts could have put his son in more legal jeopardy, not less.

Yet the conspiracy theory persists and has been repeated by Trump’s Republican allies on Fox News and in Congress. But it turns out Republicans have failed to mention one important thing: At least three GOP senators at the time also wanted that Ukrainian prosecutor fired.

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following month when Ukraine’s Parliament voted him out).

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats in the US — and many European nations — wanted Shokin gone for failing to clamp down on graft.


However, Vitaly Kasko, who had been Shokin's deputy overseeing international cooperation before resigning in February 2016 citing corruption in the office, provided documents to Bloomberg News indicating that under Shokin, the investigation into Burisma had been dormant.

 Victor Shokin

So your video starts out with an invalid premise, then runs with it.
This 2016 letter proves that GOP attacks on Biden over Ukraine are nonsense
It wasn’t just Biden who wanted reform in the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office. Republican senators did, too.

Trump’s core argument against Joe Biden is that then-Vice President Biden improperly used the power of his office to get a Ukrainian general prosecutor fired in order to stop him from investigating a Ukrainian gas company that Biden’s son Hunter served on the board of.

The reality is that the Obama administration — as well as many other Western European officials — wanted the prosecutor, a man named Viktor Shokin, removed because he was believed to be trying to stymie anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine. In other words, if anything, Biden’s efforts could have put his son in more legal jeopardy, not less.

Yet the conspiracy theory persists and has been repeated by Trump’s Republican allies on Fox News and in Congress. But it turns out Republicans have failed to mention one important thing: At least three GOP senators at the time also wanted that Ukrainian prosecutor fired.

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following month when Ukraine’s Parliament voted him out).

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats in the US — and many European nations — wanted Shokin gone for failing to clamp down on graft.


However, Vitaly Kasko, who had been Shokin's deputy overseeing international cooperation before resigning in February 2016 citing corruption in the office, provided documents to Bloomberg News indicating that under Shokin, the investigation into Burisma had been dormant.

 Victor Shokin

So your video starts out with an invalid premise, then runs with it.

Are you reading what you just wrote ZipHead? Are you saying that you think the prosecutor should not have been fired? Because certain members of congress (in this case both R's and D's) wanted him fired? Because this guy was on the verge of finding corruption?

If you wanted honest investigation, why would you want a prosecutor fired? Because he might find some members of congress (including Biden) who were corrupt?

Furthermore, this thing about Biden almost takes the thread on a tangent. Because there are SO MANY other examples of corrupt congressmen. Biden only scratches the surface of corruption going on. As I said in my OP, how else do you explain these politicians becoming super wealthy on a government salary?
Note this is after Shokin left.

KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian investigation of gas company Burisma is focused solely on activity that took place before Hunter Biden, son of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, was hired to sit on its board, Ukraine’s anti-corruption investigation agency said.

Separately, a senior official at the General Prosecutor’s office said that neither of the Bidens had been called for questioning in relation to this investigation.

Ukraine would open an investigation into the period when Hunter Biden was involved with Burisma if there were compelling new testimony in Ukraine, Nazar Kholodnytsky, the head of anti-corruption investigations at Ukraine’s Prosecutor’s Office, said on Novoye Vremya radio.

What corruption did Biden do?

I assume this is going to turn out the way your Roger Stone thread ended up.

So why did the former Mayor of Moscow’s wife give Hunter $3.5M?
There is no evidence that happened: https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/sep/30/examining-trump-claim-hunter-biden-got-35-million-/

Perhaps not. But in any case, what good does protecting bad deeds (either R's or D's) do for the country? Let information flow freely and bring everyone's deeds into the light.

Are you reading what you just wrote ZipHead? Are you saying that you think the prosecutor should not have been fired? Because certain members of congress (in this case both R's and D's) wanted him fired? Because this guy was on the verge of finding corruption?

If you wanted honest investigation, why would you want a prosecutor fired? Because he might find some members of congress (including Biden) who were corrupt?

Ukraine wanted international business and international business wanted to operate in Ukraine. The prosecutor wasn't prosecuting corruption and business wasn't willing to operate in a corrupt climate.

You're basically saying Shokin wasn't corrupt, which flies in the face of pretty much the rest of the entire world.

Those conspiracy theory sites you wander around are not doing anything to help your credibility.
Note this is after Shokin left.

KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian investigation of gas company Burisma is focused solely on activity that took place before Hunter Biden, son of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, was hired to sit on its board, Ukraine’s anti-corruption investigation agency said.

Separately, a senior official at the General Prosecutor’s office said that neither of the Bidens had been called for questioning in relation to this investigation.

Ukraine would open an investigation into the period when Hunter Biden was involved with Burisma if there were compelling new testimony in Ukraine, Nazar Kholodnytsky, the head of anti-corruption investigations at Ukraine’s Prosecutor’s Office, said on Novoye Vremya radio.


Lets just say the R's are making a big deal out of nothing. How do you explain the typical congressman getting filthy rich on a middle class salary? How do you explain Biden's son reaping $millions on a board of a company he knows nothing about and has no experience?

Perhaps not. But in any case, what good does protecting bad deeds (either R's or D's) do for the country? Let information flow freely and bring everyone's deeds into the light.
Glad you see the light, since I don't recall you championing that position when the Trump administration stonewalled the investigation into Trump withholding defense aid to Ukraine.

That aside, information is different than repeated unsubstantiated claims by Mr. Trump.

Are you reading what you just wrote ZipHead? Are you saying that you think the prosecutor should not have been fired? Because certain members of congress (in this case both R's and D's) wanted him fired? Because this guy was on the verge of finding corruption?

If you wanted honest investigation, why would you want a prosecutor fired? Because he might find some members of congress (including Biden) who were corrupt?

Ukraine wanted international business and international business wanted to operate in Ukraine. The prosecutor wasn't prosecuting corruption and business wasn't willing to operate in a corrupt climate.

You're basically saying Shokin wasn't corrupt, which flies in the face of pretty much the rest of the entire world.

Those conspiracy theory sites you wander around are not doing anything to help your credibility.

If you think corruption in congress is a conspiracy theory you are part of the problem. Our country is being destroyed from within.
Ukraine wanted international business and international business wanted to operate in Ukraine. The prosecutor wasn't prosecuting corruption and business wasn't willing to operate in a corrupt climate.

You're basically saying Shokin wasn't corrupt, which flies in the face of pretty much the rest of the entire world.

Those conspiracy theory sites you wander around are not doing anything to help your credibility.

If you think corruption in congress is a conspiracy theory you are part of the problem. Our country is being destroyed from within.

Address the words I said, not your imagination.

Perhaps not. But in any case, what good does protecting bad deeds (either R's or D's) do for the country? Let information flow freely and bring everyone's deeds into the light.
Glad you see the light, since I don't recall you championing that position when the Trump administration stonewalled the investigation into Trump withholding defense aid to Ukraine.

That aside, information is different than repeated unsubstantiated claims by Mr. Trump.
Trump should be held to the same standard as the rest. In a better world, our politicians should be making decisions to benefit the country and not just themselves. Both D's and R's.
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