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How would you rank corruption?

RVonse's double standards, faux outrage and intellectual dishonesty isn't an issue in and of itself. It's how lucrative and successful this type of PragerU-esque crap is.
I have no double standard about what our politicians are doing with regards to selling influence. It is pure corruption and it is your country they are selling out. They are selling your country to China and Israel as well as a host of others. It is both R's and D's doing this making themselves filthy rich. So if you are angry at me and not the politicians who are doing this....then I really don't know what else can be said.

The double standard is that our politicians follow a different set of laws than the laws they make for us. And the fact you can not see this makes you and others part of the problem.

Is there some conclusion you are leading up to? Or did you just post this for fun?

Do you see some way to clamp down on corruption? Term limits? Publicly financed campaigns? These work in other countries.

The biggest new problem that I see is the utter disregard for laws and norms by Trump. He ignores Congressional subpoenas and court orders. He has turned the Justice Department into his own private law firm.

But a far greater threat to the nation is not the corruption which has reached new heights with the Trump administration but with their complete incompetence running the government. It has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of the citizens of the country. All that they had to do was to follow the well-established guidelines for dealing with a novel virus pandemic. Like most other countries did.
Is there some conclusion you are leading up to? Or did you just post this for fun?

Do you see some way to clamp down on corruption? Term limits? Publicly financed campaigns?
At the company I work for we get memo's all the time about not being able to take gifts from outside contractors or we will get fired.

Just doing that alone. If all our politicians had the same code of ethics as the common sense that private industry has, that would go a huge way in ending a lot of corruption.
From the PCR article:

"The problem with the press prostitutes’ attempted coverup of the Bidens’ crooked dealings is that the FBI has Hunter Biden’s laptops, and both the FBI and the Department of Justice agree with the statement of John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence, that the emails are the real stuff and not a Russian operation to interfere in the November election. [2]"
From the PCR article:

"The problem with the press prostitutes’ attempted coverup of the Bidens’ crooked dealings is that the FBI has Hunter Biden’s laptops, and both the FBI and the Department of Justice agree with the statement of John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence, that the emails are the real stuff and not a Russian operation to interfere in the November election. [2]"

Yea, I'm totally with you that Hunter is probably corrupt. Therefore, I will not vote for him.
From the PCR article:

"The problem with the press prostitutes’ attempted coverup of the Bidens’ crooked dealings is that the FBI has Hunter Biden’s laptops, and both the FBI and the Department of Justice agree with the statement of John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence, that the emails are the real stuff and not a Russian operation to interfere in the November election. [2]"

Yea, I'm totally with you that Hunter is probably corrupt. Therefore, I will not vote for him.

If Hunter Biden had received a lucrative deal from a foreign country on the very same day his then-vice president father was meeting with the leader of that foreign country, Trump—and many in the media—would be calling that out as sleazy and possibly illegal. But Ivanka Trump has done that and worse and we don’t hear a peep. For example, in April 2017, on the very same day Trump dined with Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Chinese government granted preliminary approval for Ivanka’s long-sought-after trademarks for her namesake fashion brand.

Another jaw-dropping example of possible blatant corruption, as CREW detailed, came when Ivanka received preliminary approval for additional trademarks from China’s government on June 7, 2018. What else happened on June 7, 2018? Her father agreed to lift sanctions against the massive Chinese telecommunication company ZTE, which is partly owned by the Chinese government. The Trumps aren’t even trying to hide the conflicts!

I confess that I thought you were trying to devise a unit scale, with 1 Donald Trump being, say a used car salesman: How many Donald Trumps is say, Mitch McConnel if Donald Trump himself is 1000---in which case, the answer would be 1001 Donald Trumps. Lindsay Graham would only be 999 Donald Trumps. Ivanka and Kushner would be at 1000. Don Jr. at 999. Eric at perhaps 950. The kids, after all, are kids and have plenty of time to out-do the old man.

But you have presented a ranking straight up that I cannot agree with and which is grammatically incorrect and definitely not specific enough. Jimmy Carter in office would be at most 1 Donald Trump and at present would be -200 Donald Trumps, easily.
That has already been discussed. We don't consider it evidence.

How about any of these sources at the end of this article?


OMFG you are actually quoting Paul Craig Roberts who would have to come in at around 800 Donald Trumps. I have no idea how old you are but I lived through Ronald Regan's supply side 'economics' the fallout of which gave us, among other horrors: Donald Trump.


But so far the Bobulinski allegations seem like bubkes. At 10:47, minutes after the debate ended, the Wall Street Journal, part of the same media empire as Fox News and the Post, reported, “Text messages and emails related to the venture that were provided to the Journal by Mr. Bobulinski, mainly from the spring and summer of 2017, don’t show either Hunter Biden or James Biden” — the former vice president’s brother — “discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture.”

Even if Bobulinski is telling the truth, that Joe Biden knew about the China enterprise, it’s not clear what the scandal is — he was a private citizen at the time and not yet running for president. Trump has elevated an unsubstantiated assertion that Biden had knowledge about his son’s legal and failed business venture to a “crime” for which he “should be in jail.” To put in context how absurd this allegation is, one of the first things George W. Bush did after he left the White House was deliver a paid speech in China. Somehow he remains at large.
@ RVonse — How would you rate the relative levels of Trump corruption and Biden corruption? I don't need exact decimals, just qualitative assessments like "Biden is slightly more corrupt" or "Biden is much more corrupt." Thanks.

What corruption did Biden do?

I assume this is going to turn out the way your Roger Stone thread ended up.


In Joe Bidens own words. You should watch this video quickly though because google controls whether it will be left up.
:confused: This video seems to rely on "If there was corruption then there may have been corruption." This syllogism might appear is on  Fallacies too stupid to have a name. And what's with the paranoia that Google will take down this video? Are they part of the New World Order and eager to destroy evidence against their latest antiChrist?

You've got Alex Jones' Infowars. The "other side" has got Politifact. Does that make it a 50-50 toss-up?

Politifact said:
There is no evidence that Hunter Biden came close to breaking the law, much less any evidence that his father has done so.

• Vice President Joe Biden did urge Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor, with the threat of withholding U.S. aid. But that was the position of the wider U.S. government, as well as other international institutions.

• We found no evidence to support the idea that Joe Biden advocated with his son's interests in mind, as the message suggests. It's not even clear that the company was actively under investigation or that a change in prosecutors benefited it.

Steven Pifer is a career foreign service officer who was ambassador to Ukraine under President Bill Clinton and deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs under President George W. Bush. Pifer told PolitiFact that "virtually everyone" he knew in the U.S. government and virtually all non-governmental experts on Ukraine "felt that Shokin was not doing his job and should be fired. As far as I can recall, they all concurred with the vice president telling Poroshenko that the U.S. government would not extend the $1 billion loan guarantee to Ukraine until Shokin was removed from office."

"Hunter Biden had 25,000 pics of him torturing and raping children under age 10 in China on his laptop!"
Without information to support the allegations, we rate the posts False.
That has already been discussed. We don't consider it evidence.

How about any of these sources at the end of this article?

The mainstream media also does not take the flat earther's arguments seriously. Should 'we' discount this same media for that as well? And if no, why not? PCR's is the seriously off in the head friend of that crazy Uncle. Not all 'information' is equal...

The sources:
(1,7,8,9) Zerohedge -- They were kind of funny like 8-10 years ago, in a whacky sort of way; and at least had some real links. Then they seemed dive deep into the alt-reality show
(2) The Federalist -- They used to be a more serious libertarianish group, then well they slid deeper into the cesspool that had been a swamp until it was drained.
(3) Fox News -- That is funny...Clownstick's semi-Official propaganda arm.
(4) Glenn Beck -- He almost tried become more normal a few years ago, then went back to the banana farm
(5,6) Breitbart -- Yeah, hard core alt-right fantasy site
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