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How would you rank corruption?

Fucking hell. Benghazi all over again. Republicans and Trumptards are fucking pathetic.
Ukraine wanted international business and international business wanted to operate in Ukraine. The prosecutor wasn't prosecuting corruption and business wasn't willing to operate in a corrupt climate.

You're basically saying Shokin wasn't corrupt, which flies in the face of pretty much the rest of the entire world.

Those conspiracy theory sites you wander around are not doing anything to help your credibility.

If you think corruption in congress is a conspiracy theory you are part of the problem. Our country is being destroyed from within.

Address the words I said, not your imagination.
You want me address why certain media present a story one way and the other conservative media presents the story the other way. I can not do that and it completely misses the point anyway. I'm not going to spend any more time arguing why Bidens son made out with a corrupt salary because you do not want to hear it anyway.

What matters is that our members of congress, the POTUS, and the former vice president are corrupt. As well as the Clintons and McConnell and practically all the rest. How do I know this? All you need to do is follow the money how these individuals became millionaires while selling influence of our government.

And I repeat the message you desperately need to hear. If you think this is a conspiracy theory, you are part of the problem.
Such conduct, you would think he is a member of the mafia.

That's the Trump strategy.
Paint Sleepy Joe as an underling is someone else's mob, to contrast with the fact that El Cheato is actually the head of his own mob.

certain media present a story one way and the other conservative media presents the story the other way

"Certain media" distort, conservative media lie. Not the same thing.
Address the words I said, not your imagination.
You want me address why certain media present a story one way and the other conservative media presents the story the other way. I can not do that and it completely misses the point anyway. I'm not going to spend any more time arguing why Bidens son made out with a corrupt salary because you do not want to hear it anyway.

What matters is that our members of congress, the POTUS, and the former vice president are corrupt. As well as the Clintons and McConnell and practically all the rest. How do I know this? All you need to do is follow the money how these individuals became millionaires while selling influence of our government.

And I repeat the message you desperately need to hear. If you think this is a conspiracy theory, you are part of the problem.


You failed to prove your case so you just fall back on everybody's corrupt. Such an honorable position.
With story of corruption going around about Biden's son it occurred to me just how common place corruption has become in our government today. Whether it is legal or not (and it should not be) our politicians are routinely selling their office to the highest bidder. How else do they come to office making $175k/ year and leave $millionaires. And in the case of Biden, not even attempting to do it in darkness. As President Lincoln once said, if our nation be destroyed it will be done by ourselves. I think we our well on our way now.

And as I started to reflect just how corrupt the world has become, it occurred to me is that when a monopoly of purchase of influence can exist, the more likely for corruption is to thrive. Here I decided to list the most corrupt positions in America today. With 1 being most corrupt and 10 being most honest. Perhaps your ranking would be different

1. Members of Congress
2. Executive branch
3. Salaries CEO's of private industry
4. Tech giants (Facebook and Twitter)
5. Lawyers
6. Lobby's
7. Banksters
8. Corporate drug giants
9. Used car salesmen
10 Medical and trade unions

I think you have a problem between corrupt and simply sleazy. At least half of your list doesn't involve corruption.
Fucking hell. Benghazi all over again. Republicans and Trumptards are fucking pathetic.
if it makes you feel any better, rvonse has been pulling this coulter/moore shit on these forums since the bush administration.

RVonse's double standards, faux outrage and intellectual dishonesty isn't an issue in and of itself. It's how lucrative and successful this type of PragerU-esque crap is.
Fucking hell. Benghazi all over again. Republicans and Trumptards are fucking pathetic.
if it makes you feel any better, rvonse has been pulling this coulter/moore shit on these forums since the bush administration.

RVonse's double standards, faux outrage and intellectual dishonesty isn't an issue in and of itself. It's how lucrative and successful this type of PragerU-esque crap is.
I have no double standard about what our politicians are doing with regards to selling influence. It is pure corruption and it is your country they are selling out. They are selling your country to China and Israel as well as a host of others. It is both R's and D's doing this making themselves filthy rich. So if you are angry at me and not the politicians who are doing this....then I really don't know what else can be said.

The double standard is that our politicians follow a different set of laws than the laws they make for us. And the fact you can not see this makes you and others part of the problem.
With story of corruption going around about Biden's son it occurred to me just how common place corruption has become in our government today. Whether it is legal or not (and it should not be) our politicians are routinely selling their office to the highest bidder. How else do they come to office making $175k/ year and leave $millionaires. And in the case of Biden, not even attempting to do it in darkness. As President Lincoln once said, if our nation be destroyed it will be done by ourselves. I think we our well on our way now.

And as I started to reflect just how corrupt the world has become, it occurred to me is that when a monopoly of purchase of influence can exist, the more likely for corruption is to thrive. Here I decided to list the most corrupt positions in America today. With 1 being most corrupt and 10 being most honest. Perhaps your ranking would be different

1. Members of Congress
2. Executive branch
3. Salaries CEO's of private industry
4. Tech giants (Facebook and Twitter)
5. Lawyers
6. Lobby's
7. Banksters
8. Corporate drug giants
9. Used car salesmen
10 Medical and trade unions

I think you have a problem between corrupt and simply sleazy. At least half of your list doesn't involve corruption.
I'm not sure I understand what the real difference is between the result between sleazy behavior and corruption. Because both behaviors allow individuals with bad morals to obtain an excessive reward at the expense of others.
Address the words I said, not your imagination.
You want me address why certain media present a story one way and the other conservative media presents the story the other way. I can not do that and it completely misses the point anyway. I'm not going to spend any more time arguing why Bidens son made out with a corrupt salary because you do not want to hear it anyway.

What matters is that our members of congress, the POTUS, and the former vice president are corrupt. As well as the Clintons and McConnell and practically all the rest. How do I know this? All you need to do is follow the money how these individuals became millionaires while selling influence of our government.

And I repeat the message you desperately need to hear. If you think this is a conspiracy theory, you are part of the problem.


You failed to prove your case so you just fall back on everybody's corrupt. Such an honorable position.

Read the OP again. The Biden corruption was the straw for me to write this thread but it is not at all the total sum of corruption going on today. And I said that.
Address the words I said, not your imagination.
You want me address why certain media present a story one way and the other conservative media presents the story the other way. I can not do that and it completely misses the point anyway. I'm not going to spend any more time arguing why Bidens son made out with a corrupt salary because you do not want to hear it anyway.

What matters is that our members of congress, the POTUS, and the former vice president are corrupt. As well as the Clintons and McConnell and practically all the rest. How do I know this? All you need to do is follow the money how these individuals became millionaires while selling influence of our government.

And I repeat the message you desperately need to hear. If you think this is a conspiracy theory, you are part of the problem.


You failed to prove your case so you just fall back on everybody's corrupt. Such an honorable position.

Maybe he can't, but I can: willful fucking ignorance and disinformation. It doesn't miss any point, it doesn't leave out any important information.

There are some stanky parts of who Biden is, no doubt about it. No body gets to that position with their soul entirely intact. But then when I look at the current White House circus, I see people who failed their clearance investigations appointed to cabinet positions and advisory roles, most of which are nepotistic.

I mean if we are talking corrupt leg-ups for their children, just look at Donny "got a 'loan' from daddy" tRump.

And the thing is, I DO care, a slight bit, if hunter got some nepotistic help. It's not good. I can acknowledge that. But it's just not an apt comparison to the shitshow we have today. At least Biden makes an attempt to be discreet rather than over-the-top rampant nepotistic like the administration. Will we see a position of honor for Hunter? Maybe, but I doubt it. Contrast this with literally every child of the Resident joining him in his Residency.

You failed to prove your case so you just fall back on everybody's corrupt. Such an honorable position.

Read the OP again. The Biden corruption was the straw for me to write this thread but it is not at all the total sum of corruption going on today. And I said that.

You've yet to establish any Biden corruption.

You failed to prove your case so you just fall back on everybody's corrupt. Such an honorable position.

Read the OP again. The Biden corruption was the straw for me to write this thread but it is not at all the total sum of corruption going on today. And I said that.

You've yet to establish any Biden corruption.

And they also have yet to actually compare it: how do you compare "maybe got his kid a good job in a political capacity" to "literally appointed every child and child-in-law to advisory or full cabinet positions despite most of them (including himself) failing clearance investigations".

Like, it's not even reasonably close.

The sum total of corruption that is going on is being done by people the OP ignores entirely. It's like that question "what is the difference between a billion dollars and a million dollars," whose answer is "a rounding error".

You failed to prove your case so you just fall back on everybody's corrupt. Such an honorable position.

Read the OP again. The Biden corruption was the straw for me to write this thread but it is not at all the total sum of corruption going on today. And I said that.

You've yet to establish any Biden corruption.

Apparently, Bidens handlers have now put him back into hiding in his basement again. An unprecedented never before move this close to a POTUS election. So this has all the appearance that that the right must have hit just a little too close to the truth after all.
You've yet to establish any Biden corruption.

Apparently, Bidens handlers have now put him back into hiding in his basement again. An unprecedented never before move this close to a POTUS election. So this has all the appearance that that the right must have hit just a little too close to the truth after all.

That's how you establish corruption???

Dear Zeus, never let this person serve on a jury.
You've yet to establish any Biden corruption.

Apparently, Bidens handlers have now put him back into hiding in his basement again. An unprecedented never before move this close to a POTUS election. So this has all the appearance that that the right must have hit just a little too close to the truth after all.

That's how you establish corruption???

Dear Zeus, never let this person serve on a jury.

Yeah, never mind his (anti-)christ figure, tRump, hiding out in a bunker in his basement until he got his fee-fees so hurt by people talking about his cowardess that he gassed out a church and did yet another audition for his own position as King of the Shitty Apocalypse.
Whether it is legal or not (and it should not be) our politicians are routinely selling their office to the highest bidder. How else do they come to office making $175k/ year and leave $millionaires. And in the case of Biden, not even attempting to do it in darkness.

RVonse, it’s so interesting how you make these indignant proclamaitions that really are kind of embarassing for you.

The way Joe Biden made his money is really easy to discover and undersand. He left the vice presidency with a moderate net worth of less than 500K.

Then - he wrote a book and sold it and had book tours.
AS one does after being a vice president.

It’s really pretty embarassing for you that you make such a stink about his net worth when it is so monumentally easy to follow it - and it is not corruption.

Vice President
As Vice President, Biden made around $230,000, and Jill Biden made $24,400 as an author in 2013, publishing a children’s book called Don’t Forget, God Bless Our Troops. By the time he ended his tenure in the White House, Biden’s financial disclosure forms listed assets and liabilities between negative $897,000 and positive $489,000.

Post White House
In the two years following Biden’s vice presidency, the couple earned more than $15 million; $1.8 million came from book tour events; another $2.4 million was derived from speaking fees; and the University of Pennsylvania paid Biden $775,000 to lead the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Jill Biden made $700,00 in speaking fees.

You can find this information so easily

But you’ve let some thug with an agenda fool you into thinking it is underhanded and nefarious.
Dude. It happened after he left the white house, and it is published fact.
He’s put out 40 years worth of tax returns.

And you whinge, “ How else do they come to office making $175k/ year and leave $millionaires,”. ? Seriously dude, wake up.
(A) he didn’t leave the White house as a millionaire
(B) The source of his income is obvious and public and normal. He wrote a book.
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This Hunter Biden laptop story is fucked.<br><br>Docs show the laptop was dropped on Apr 12, 2019. They also show an external drive and its serial number.<br><br>Western Digital’s web site says that drive’s **3-year** warranty expires Apr 18, 2022…meaning it was manufactured Apr *18*, 2019. <a href="https://t.co/2swmsbQ3ho">pic.twitter.com/2swmsbQ3ho</a></p>— ➖Dustin Miller➖ (@spdustin) <a href="https://twitter.com/spdustin/status/1316621229751762945?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 15, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]

Much more in that thread.
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This Hunter Biden laptop story is fucked.<br><br>Docs show the laptop was dropped on Apr 12, 2019. They also show an external drive and its serial number.<br><br>Western Digital’s web site says that drive’s **3-year** warranty expires Apr 18, 2022…meaning it was manufactured Apr *18*, 2019. <a href="https://t.co/2swmsbQ3ho">pic.twitter.com/2swmsbQ3ho</a></p>— ➖Dustin Miller➖ (@spdustin) <a href="https://twitter.com/spdustin/status/1316621229751762945?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 15, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]

Much more in that thread.

I must object to one bit in that thread: Dismounting a motherboard SSD to recover it is not something beyond a small repair shop. I have swapped out a motherboard SSD before, a pain in the ass to get to, 30 seconds to swap it. One screw, no soldering involved.
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This Hunter Biden laptop story is fucked.<br><br>Docs show the laptop was dropped on Apr 12, 2019. They also show an external drive and its serial number.<br><br>Western Digital’s web site says that drive’s **3-year** warranty expires Apr 18, 2022…meaning it was manufactured Apr *18*, 2019. <a href="https://t.co/2swmsbQ3ho">pic.twitter.com/2swmsbQ3ho</a></p>— ➖Dustin Miller➖ (@spdustin) <a href="https://twitter.com/spdustin/status/1316621229751762945?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 15, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]

Much more in that thread.

I must object to one bit in that thread: Dismounting a motherboard SSD to recover it is not something beyond a small repair shop. I have swapped out a motherboard SSD before, a pain in the ass to get to, 30 seconds to swap it. One screw, no soldering involved.

Apparently on some Macs the ssd is soldered to the motherboard. It's talked about later in that thread.
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