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I can't ... I just can't

That is a red herring. The bulk metadata surveillance was grossly unconstitutional, however, not what was going on in '16. In '16, there was a FISA warrant to track Russian operatives, after Trump kept coming up in surveillance overseas. What happened in '16 was part of an actual investigation, which is on going. There is no evidence to support that there was wiretapping of Americans using a FISA warrant which would be against the law.

No one get's wiretapped these days. Surveillance techniques have come along way. Trump in his usual sloppy manner used an outdated word
Trump could say he'll pull out just before while he was actually cumming at that moment and you'd actually defend him by saying, "Oh he meant the next time."

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That is a red herring. The bulk metadata surveillance was grossly unconstitutional, however, not what was going on in '16. In '16, there was a FISA warrant to track Russian operatives, after Trump kept coming up in surveillance overseas. What happened in '16 was part of an actual investigation, which is on going. There is no evidence to support that there was wiretapping of Americans using a FISA warrant which would be against the law.

No one get's wiretapped these days. Surveillance techniques have come along way. Trump in his usual sloppy manner used an outdated word
It was not 'sloppy mannered' words, it was 100% horse shit!
Didn't you notice the all-important fact that he put wire-tapped in QUOTES?? " That changes everything!!! " (This is how a lying, sneaky-minded 8-year-old manipulates adults.)
As to Trumpanzees and GOP in general believing Trump -- these are the people who let Birtherism grow, for fuck's sake. Look up the poll numbers for the % of registered Republicans who, in perfect sincerity, said they believed Obama was born in Kenya, Obama was a Muslim...Track this back a quarter century and you'll find murder conspiracies about the Clintons (not just Vince Foster but drug runners in Arkansas), fueled by the Reverend Jerry Falwell...of course the recent horror about Hillary's pizzeria/prostitution business..(Can't forget 'climate change is a hoax.') Meanwhile, try telling these people about Bush Jr. blowing off intel about the coming attacks on 9/11, or Cheney rewriting CIA reports to stir up war paranoia, or the actual causes of the 2008 market meltdown, or the practiced, persistent lying of the Screaming Carrot Demon. Just try.

Upset that they learned that the FBI think Russia May have gained control over the White House?
Again more FBI drivel that does not provide a conclusion.

Only an utter fool expects valid conclusions to arise from Facebook.
In fact, only an utter fool expects ANY conclusions at all, to be offered in public at this point in the investigation.
Will is less of a fool than you, for wishing to divert attention away from the Russia issues in favor of looking for leaks.

It's already apparent that Cheato himself is the source of much of the leakage that he complains about...
His pappy died from Alzheimers. But, does Trump show any of the mental confusion and temper issues associated with Alzheimers? Be fair now.

Tantrums galore, but since he has long been in the habit of contradicting himself day to day - even hour-to-hour - it is impossible to assess whether his state of confusion is or is not greater than it has historically been.
I say we play it safe and put him out of his misery...
His pappy died from Alzheimers. But, does Trump show any of the mental confusion and temper issues associated with Alzheimers? Be fair now.

Tantrums galore, but since he has long been in the habit of contradicting himself day to day - even hour-to-hour - it is impossible to assess whether his state of confusion is or is not greater than it has historically been.
I say we play it safe and put him out of his misery...
He is still the President (Dog help us all!), so talk like that is inappropriate.
Tantrums galore, but since he has long been in the habit of contradicting himself day to day - even hour-to-hour - it is impossible to assess whether his state of confusion is or is not greater than it has historically been.
I say we play it safe and put him out of his misery...
He is still the President (Dog help us all!), so talk like that is inappropriate.

By "out of his misery" I meant put him out of office. If you have an argument about how that would be inappropriate, I'd love to hear it. :p
It's already apparent that Cheato himself is the source of much of the leakage that he complains about...
I reckon he found the most flattering two pages of his tax returns and leaked them :)

As do I... and remember, this was a tax return from OVER A DECADE AGO. Insane he had to go THAT far back to find one that wasn't completely damning.
That is a red herring. The bulk metadata surveillance was grossly unconstitutional, however, not what was going on in '16. In '16, there was a FISA warrant to track Russian operatives, after Trump kept coming up in surveillance overseas. What happened in '16 was part of an actual investigation, which is on going. There is no evidence to support that there was wiretapping of Americans using a FISA warrant which would be against the law.

No one get's wiretapped these days. Surveillance techniques have come along way. Trump in his usual sloppy manner used an outdated word

And not one person... no one, not ever, anywhere... ever said that "wiretap" was the operative word. ONLY those defending Trump blindly say this in defense of what they WISH people were going on about... something for which a reasonable explanation does exist.. usage of the word... In other words, this is a strawman.

What they are not too stupid to understand is that the blatant lying part of that is that "Obama Ordered Trump Tower to be 'watched' in some (any) way".
And that is what there is no support for, and for which there is no excuse other than, "I was lying to distract". So the stawman is "everyone knows that wiretap can mean anything"..

.. ok... so what. No one is complaining about sloppy language... everyone is complaining about baseless accusations.
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