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I couldn't find one so.....high thoughts please post if you think of something that sounds amazing when you are high. To be determined later by everyo

I should add I'm not talking about casual pot use, but those who are getting high all the time. If you're smoking nearly every day the habit's probably not much different than alcoholism. Somehow that's more normalised, though, because there's no equivalent to alcoholics anonymous.
Not beside yourself to the point that you can look over and see yourself. Was referring more to a mind state where you can see yourself making mistakes in things like carpentry and correct them. Without the different plateau afforded by the pot buzz you never would have seen the angles you needed to cut. There are other meanings I was going to point out but I'll leave it there.
I didn't take that as your meaning, nothing out of body but, your clarification of being acutely aware of every step in a process and the next I'm about to take, yes. But I only plan the steps and can carry them much further than I otherwise would. I will plan a day's work in a fair degree of detail. But I do not actually work while high. Too many unforgiving power tools for that. When I plan sober, I'm more likely to miss the pitfalls in the process, the necessary workarounds or reason why it may not work at all.

I agree about all the seemingly nonsensical things we humans do. Marijuana is an escape. I have a great love of the outdoors and used to work in Yosemite for a time. It is so much more beautiful than I had imagined. Pictures do not do it justice. You have to appreciate depth of vision with Yosemite.
People would litter. That used to blow my mind. I don't mean a little litter, a lot. Why would anyone go to Yosemite and litter? I used to pick up trash as I went about my duties. As beautiful and serene as the park is, I used to get frustrated in the summers. The crowds. The traffic. All making my job a little more difficult. Then the hour drive home, all twisting mountain road with nearly no opportunity to pass the lumbering RV.
Then finally home. Marijuana take me away. And it does. Without fail. People drink at the end of the work day I suppose as an escape. Alone, alcohol doesn't really take away the day's stress for me unless I drink to excess. This is the one aspect of marijuana I appreciate the most and for that reason, the one most likely to be habit forming. But there's worse habits to have.

I don't often see a lot of productive, functional chronic pot-smokers. That's not to say they don't exist, but most people I know who were once pot-smokers eventually gave it up and moved into an otherwise regular life, without depending on any type of drug to get by. Some of these people have done lots of great things sober.

Anymore, I don't know many pot smokers at all, but those I know who do smoke seem to do it in lieu of other stuff. Get home from work, whip out a bowl, listen to some music, read a book while life passes them by. Eventually life is just about getting high and doing whatever you do while high.

I really don't know. I recall a friend of mine many years ago saying something like 'pot smokers smoke all the time as if it's normal'. At the time I didn't get it, but these days I think I do. Habitual drug usage is usually a crutch, whether alcohol, pot, or whatever. It's a form of escapism and there's nothing really overly noble about it, it's just a thing you can do in lieu of facing your life head on. That's not say I think there's anything wrong with it, but it does seem like a lot of chronic smokers just get lazy and stop giving a shit about anything. And when they're high they start really noticing all that's wrong with the world and reject it outright, rather than accepting it for what it is.

I guess this probably isn't the place to soap-box against pot use, but there's an alternative perspective to 'get high and fuck the world man'.
Glory be to alcohol. Even in this forum. We talk about different beer. We have a thread where drunkenness is a prereq. We have one for the hard stuff which I know nothing of but can imagine it's much like a discussion about beer, the subtle differences of the drink. And it all just gets you plain old drunk. Some worse than others, but drunk just the same. How many different kinds of drunk are there? I won't mention them. Most are not very flattering.

I would like to move, intend to move where marijuana is legal. I'd like to sample different strains as I do different beers now. The look. The smell. The buzz. This is where marijuana diverges. There is a similarity to the buzz but the experience is different. What one might enjoy while high is different. I have one strain now, it puts me in the mood to clean the house. Not a bad thing but I doubt I will be buying much more of it. It's a hobby and a very interesting one at that. I have a grinder and a water pipe. I take one steady puff and another short one to clear the pipe. That's it. After about 45 minutes and a couple beers, I'll do it again. It's more interesting than alcohol, just not acceptable.
People say they accept it but they still pooh-pooh it. It still carries the Jeff Spicoli stigma.
I didn't take that as your meaning, nothing out of body but, your clarification of being acutely aware of every step in a process and the next I'm about to take, yes. But I only plan the steps and can carry them much further than I otherwise would. I will plan a day's work in a fair degree of detail. But I do not actually work while high. Too many unforgiving power tools for that. When I plan sober, I'm more likely to miss the pitfalls in the process, the necessary workarounds or reason why it may not work at all.

I agree about all the seemingly nonsensical things we humans do. Marijuana is an escape. I have a great love of the outdoors and used to work in Yosemite for a time. It is so much more beautiful than I had imagined. Pictures do not do it justice. You have to appreciate depth of vision with Yosemite.
People would litter. That used to blow my mind. I don't mean a little litter, a lot. Why would anyone go to Yosemite and litter? I used to pick up trash as I went about my duties. As beautiful and serene as the park is, I used to get frustrated in the summers. The crowds. The traffic. All making my job a little more difficult. Then the hour drive home, all twisting mountain road with nearly no opportunity to pass the lumbering RV.
Then finally home. Marijuana take me away. And it does. Without fail. People drink at the end of the work day I suppose as an escape. Alone, alcohol doesn't really take away the day's stress for me unless I drink to excess. This is the one aspect of marijuana I appreciate the most and for that reason, the one most likely to be habit forming. But there's worse habits to have.

I don't often see a lot of productive, functional chronic pot-smokers. That's not to say they don't exist, but most people I know who were once pot-smokers eventually gave it up and moved into an otherwise regular life, without depending on any type of drug to get by. Some of these people have done lots of great things sober.

Anymore, I don't know many pot smokers at all, but those I know who do smoke seem to do it in lieu of other stuff. Get home from work, whip out a bowl, listen to some music, read a book while life passes them by. Eventually life is just about getting high and doing whatever you do while high.

I really don't know. I recall a friend of mine many years ago saying something like 'pot smokers smoke all the time as if it's normal'. At the time I didn't get it, but these days I think I do. Habitual drug usage is usually a crutch, whether alcohol, pot, or whatever. It's a form of escapism and there's nothing really overly noble about it, it's just a thing you can do in lieu of facing your life head on. That's not say I think there's anything wrong with it, but it does seem like a lot of chronic smokers just get lazy and stop giving a shit about anything. And when they're high they start really noticing all that's wrong with the world and reject it outright, rather than accepting it for what it is.

I guess this probably isn't the place to soap-box against pot use, but there's an alternative perspective to 'get high and fuck the world man'.
Glory be to alcohol. Even in this forum. We talk about different beer. We have a thread where drunkenness is a prereq. We have one for the hard stuff which I know nothing of but can imagine it's much like a discussion about beer, the subtle differences of the drink. And it all just gets you plain old drunk. Some worse than others, but drunk just the same. How many different kinds of drunk are there? I won't mention them. Most are not very flattering.

I would like to move, intend to move where marijuana is legal. I'd like to sample different strains as I do different beers now. The look. The smell. The buzz. This is where marijuana diverges. There is a similarity to the buzz but the experience is different. What one might enjoy while high is different. I have one strain now, it puts me in the mood to clean the house. Not a bad thing but I doubt I will be buying much more of it. It's a hobby and a very interesting one at that. I have a grinder and a water pipe. I take one steady puff and another short one to clear the pipe. That's it. After about 45 minutes and a couple beers, I'll do it again. It's more interesting than alcohol, just not acceptable.
People say they accept it but they still pooh-pooh it. It still carries the Jeff Spicoli stigma.

Yea I realise now my post came across differently than intended.

It's not pot in itself, it's when pot overtakes people's lives, in the same way when alcohol overtakes peoples lives. I drink and take part in mentioned threads, but almost never get drunk, rarely have more than a few drinks at a time, and usually only have a drink a few nights a week. I couldn't fault pot usage that's much of the same. I'm not going to judge people who smoke daily, but I have to think it is an addiction, akin to alcoholism

Basically, I only mean to point out that sometimes people who smoke pot glorify it as somehow better than alcohol, and ok to smoke all the time because of the same reason. Then their lives end up shrouded in an enormous smoke cloud without them noticing. Not so much a judgement as a warning to those who get really, really deep into it and think they're becoming enlightened by an altered mind-set. I've seen guys that smoked way too much and who thought they had it all figured out, but were clearly way out of touch with reality. Have also seen chronic, life-long pot smokers descend into mental health issues and paranoia in old age.
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I should add I'm not talking about casual pot use, but those who are getting high all the time. If you're smoking nearly every day the habit's probably not much different than alcoholism. Somehow that's more normalised, though, because there's no equivalent to alcoholics anonymous.

rousseau I heard that if you live in an urban area there is a chance you're always on drugs, even if you don't want to be. It comes from the shower water and it is floating around in the air. Don't tell them I told you about it. At any rate life is built around little escapes and the safer the escape - the more sense it makes.

I forgot to mention that there are different potencies of marijuana that people like to smoke all day. Personally I couldn't afford to smoke the Armageddon Cannabis Strain in every breath, so pot grown in a barn suffices. Just plain old pot. You really don't even know you're smoking until the 5th administration (after breakfast). Low grade acts as a depressant so it is nice to have just a bit of the high dollar around for mid day.

You said that smoking all day is some sort of escape, and it is, but from what? Surreal life? Smoking makes life seem LESS psychedelic, in my opinion. I think life appears as it really is, if you smoke enough pot. A person's ability to express the situation or act on it is gone while high so that is why people should keep journals (or as it is known today) talk into a cellphone while it is recording.

If a person smoked a really high grade strain 20% THC all day they wouldn't be a normal person by any means. They may not even understand the mechanics of personal hygiene. I don't think they would get much of anything done. It is glamorized in entertainment but I seriously doubt these people are doing this all day. That would make a person impossible to talk to. Some amphetamines may help but then you're talking about an insane druggie, so subtract the pharms. Growers are pushing the THC up to around 30% which makes a smoking session into a heavy drug trip. I doubt people want to smoke the real stuff "all day"

Barn weed is down around 8% (if it is really good barn weed) and 5% if it is just barn weed. Big difference from the high-society weed. Like sipping wine all day instead of injecting whiskey into your jugular every four minutes. It comes down to how tinted to you want your shades and how much can you spend on a pair. Responsibly there is a limit to how much a person should spend and if money isn't a problem they should consider how important hygiene is.

I got ahold of a strain called "gas" from a Detroit dispensary. Once it was removed from my asshole I smoked it and completely lost grip. It was a DRUG. Barn weed aint a drug. Barn weed is a reality buffer. The "gas" totally blew my mind. I put on noise canceling headphones (without sound playing), turned out the lights, turned off the phones and other blinking beepers... and just sat there in complete paranoia. The sound of dog barks penetrated my headphones and I thought it was people I knew arguing outside. My cat was looking at me funny. Everything was wrong. Next time I went, I got "girl scout cookies". The strains just keep getting weirder. I prepared with benzodiazepines that time, and I managed to get some things finished that had been waiting for a long time. Without the nerve pills I probably would have been driven into another panic attack because the THC level of this stuff is 20+ and I have such an oral fixation that I will smoke it until it is gone. But yeah, barn weed, rousseau. Can't go wrong with the stuff. You can easily turn off/on if you smoke all day - and skip the first half of the day if society calls with another pointless task.
I don't mean to lecture anyone against pot use, just pointing out that it has it's perils too, and the 'glory be to pot' attitude might hurt just as much as the 'glory be to alcohol' one. I could list off a number of examples of acquaintances who smoked way too much, and spent critical years of their lives shirking many of their responsibilities.

I'm lucky in the sense that circumstances in my life have forced me to abstain from pretty much anything that's psycho-active. If that weren't the case I'd never have had a reason to. But since it was the case I had no choice but to forcefully focus on my health. No drugs, limited alcohol, limited caffeine, strong sleep patterns, healthy diet, gave up cigarettes. And after about 8 years since I first gave up pot I'm pretty much completely addiction free, including things as basic as sweets and the like. Before that I smoked pot for 4-5 years, so I know what it's like to be in the lifestyle.

And for most of my twenties I spent my time trying to resolve my anxieties, rather than escape from them. Mostly it was about my career, and it took a battle, but I did it. Nowadays my life is weird because there is really nothing to escape from, which weirdly comes with it's own problems, mainly boredom. Anyway, point of this here paragraph is that escapism doesn't actually solve problems, it just ignores them. And if the problem is important, sometimes it gets worse and worse until it's too late, and you're left with nothing but the failure and whatever you're using to forget about it. For me, couple resolving my anxieties with moving my body to a naturally healthier state, and the result is just phenomenal. Being high for me means taking a walk after dinner with my fiance that I somehow ended up with. Being able to afford a car and drive to the next town to take in world class theatre. Life is now it's own reward, and at no point when I was heavily using anything did I feel better than I do now.

If you can't resolve your problems and just want to escape anyway, fair enough. If you just like pot and are able to deal with your life how you like, fair enough, invite me over and I'll have a whisky with you. Like I say, my intent isn't to lecture anyone, just offer that alternative perspective. Sometimes pot gets in the way of life just as much as alcohol or any other drug. It might not kill you, but it's not a completely harmless Godsend either.
Anyway, didn't mean to soap-box, it just kinda came out.. I'll back out of this thread now.. carry on
Naw I mean sober living amazes me. I'm always interested to know how people manage to do that. Seems like everyone has an escape though. Cigarettes kill more than all other drugs x5,000 yet people hotbox them outside every "treatment" facility. Wine, heh wine is good for you. I don't get down on wine people. But alcohol, what the hell is up with that? Do you know any Brits? I do, and I'm concerned. Alcohol is a bad one.

Heroin is an epidemic in my area but it is complicated. The heroin is now mostly baby laxative and Carfentanil. If you tilt a globe and spit in the direction of southern Ohio you'll see how Carfentanil is spreading down toward Florida. A very large part of the country. I know of about a hundred people it killed. Anyone can notice the distinct taste of medicine-like non heroin but they don't seem to care because it fucks them up. It is 10,000x more potent than morphine, and the people mixing it are not chemists. So that means a lot of people die. Heroin is second to alcohol which is just below tobacco. Tobacco is the worst.

Vaping is probably going to cause birth mutations. There are few "escapes" that don't involve self destruction. Some people get off on being around horses or climbing rocks. But horses can kill you with ease and gravity + rocks always ends badly. Knitting can give you tetanus and water-on-the-joints. Driving for relaxation... Jesus Christ you're a gonner. Swimming? No way.
Naw I mean sober living amazes me. I'm always interested to know how people manage to do that. Seems like everyone has an escape though. Cigarettes kill more than all other drugs x5,000 yet people hotbox them outside every "treatment" facility. Wine, heh wine is good for you. I don't get down on wine people. But alcohol, what the hell is up with that? Do you know any Brits? I do, and I'm concerned. Alcohol is a bad one.

Heroin is an epidemic in my area but it is complicated. The heroin is now mostly baby laxative and Carfentanil. If you tilt a globe and spit in the direction of southern Ohio you'll see how Carfentanil is spreading down toward Florida. A very large part of the country. I know of about a hundred people it killed. Anyone can notice the distinct taste of medicine-like non heroin but they don't seem to care because it fucks them up. It is 10,000x more potent than morphine, and the people mixing it are not chemists. So that means a lot of people die. Heroin is second to alcohol which is just below tobacco. Tobacco is the worst.

Vaping is probably going to cause birth mutations. There are few "escapes" that don't involve self destruction. Some people get off on being around horses or climbing rocks. But horses can kill you with ease and gravity + rocks always ends badly. Knitting can give you tetanus and water-on-the-joints. Driving for relaxation... Jesus Christ you're a gonner. Swimming? No way.

I do it because I hate things like alcohol and cigarettes and prefer to at least attempt to resolve and solve problems and face them head on. However, some people are just too stupid so you can't do that so the only thing that can be done is to just stay away from and leave things alone.

I do support the basic and core idea of the war on drugs, but now it's become to much of a money making industry and so it will never end.

However, I don't support making it illegal completely. If you want to do drugs, just keep it private, keep it out of the workplace, keep it out of the hands of children, and face heavy fines and punishment6s if you hurt people or commit crimes.

Regardless of the popular belief, drugs really do cause a lot of harm and destroy lives.
Naw I mean sober living amazes me. I'm always interested to know how people manage to do that. Seems like everyone has an escape though. Cigarettes kill more than all other drugs x5,000 yet people hotbox them outside every "treatment" facility. Wine, heh wine is good for you. I don't get down on wine people. But alcohol, what the hell is up with that? Do you know any Brits? I do, and I'm concerned. Alcohol is a bad one.

Heroin is an epidemic in my area but it is complicated. The heroin is now mostly baby laxative and Carfentanil. If you tilt a globe and spit in the direction of southern Ohio you'll see how Carfentanil is spreading down toward Florida. A very large part of the country. I know of about a hundred people it killed. Anyone can notice the distinct taste of medicine-like non heroin but they don't seem to care because it fucks them up. It is 10,000x more potent than morphine, and the people mixing it are not chemists. So that means a lot of people die. Heroin is second to alcohol which is just below tobacco. Tobacco is the worst.

Vaping is probably going to cause birth mutations. There are few "escapes" that don't involve self destruction. Some people get off on being around horses or climbing rocks. But horses can kill you with ease and gravity + rocks always ends badly. Knitting can give you tetanus and water-on-the-joints. Driving for relaxation... Jesus Christ you're a gonner. Swimming? No way.

I do it because I hate things like alcohol and cigarettes and prefer to at least attempt to resolve and solve problems and face them head on. However, some people are just too stupid so you can't do that so the only thing that can be done is to just stay away from and leave things alone.

I do support the basic and core idea of the war on drugs, but now it's become to much of a money making industry and so it will never end.

However, I don't support making it illegal completely. If you want to do drugs, just keep it private, keep it out of the workplace, keep it out of the hands of children, and face heavy fines and punishment6s if you hurt people or commit crimes.

Regardless of the popular belief, drugs really do cause a lot of harm and destroy lives.

[emoji15] I never worked high.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I do it because I hate things like alcohol and cigarettes and prefer to at least attempt to resolve and solve problems and face them head on. However, some people are just too stupid so you can't do that so the only thing that can be done is to just stay away from and leave things alone.

I do support the basic and core idea of the war on drugs, but now it's become to much of a money making industry and so it will never end.

However, I don't support making it illegal completely. If you want to do drugs, just keep it private, keep it out of the workplace, keep it out of the hands of children, and face heavy fines and punishment6s if you hurt people or commit crimes.

Regardless of the popular belief, drugs really do cause a lot of harm and destroy lives.

[emoji15] I never worked high.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Psssst... if you worked at a high elevation, you did.

Anyway, didn't mean to soap-box, it just kinda came out.. I'll back out of this thread now.. carry on

Without totally incriminating myself, let me say that many successful professionals that I've known over the past 35 or so years have used on a daily or almost daily basis. I compare baby boomers usage of weed to the habit of having a few drinks after work, a habit of many in the so called greatest generation.

While I personally consider ETOH to be a much stronger, potentially dangerous drug, I realize that most people are capable of being successful social drinkers even if they imbibe within reason on a daily basis. Weed is not any different. It's very easy for most users to enjoy it in moderation, even if they use almost daily. With some of the new varieties available, it doesn't take much to get a nice little buzz that will make art, music and comedy more enjoyable, as well as being helpful for a large variety of physical and emotional problems. It has an anti depressant effect for some, helps some with insomnia, or relieving muscle pain, or stress, as well as helping some of the Gi symptoms suffered by many. I refer to weed as Viagra for older women. In fact, while I knew this before reading her book, there is a book entitled "Woman", ( can't remember the author's name right now ) who suggests that older women use a little weed to enhance their sex drives. I know several older women who find this very helpful. But I digress.

I very rarely use ETOH because I don't like it and the buzz is a bit too intense and short lived for me. I find it very hypocritical that weed is illegal in most places while ETOH is available most everywhere. If you don't think a person can live a successful life and still enjoy toking on a daily basis. how in the world did Willie Nelson or Bill Mahr accomplish so much? I have no doubt that there are many very successful, productive people who enjoy weed on a daily basis, but due to the stigma and illegal nature of the product, they remain in the closet. Maybe it's the people that I associate with, but sometimes I think most people enjoy a little weed on a regular basis.

It's fine that you don't enjoy the stuff. A lot of people don't, but I hope that by sharing some of my experiences with you, you will at least come to understand that lots of perfectly well adjusted people enjoy a little weed on a regular basis. Unlike those who drink too much alcohol, there are no withdrawal symptoms if you want to stop or it isn't available. ETOH is a very addictive drug if not used in moderation. Getting off the stuff can be a rather horrible experience. Other than missing it, there are no withdrawal symptoms when you stop using THC.

And you certainly can't blame any American who needs a little smoke to get them through the Trump presidency! Can you?
Anyway, didn't mean to soap-box, it just kinda came out.. I'll back out of this thread now.. carry on
With some of the new varieties available, it doesn't take much to get a nice little buzz that will make art, music and comedy more enjoyable, as well as being helpful for a large variety of physical and emotional problems.
And baseball. The pace of the game is perfect with a weed buzz.
Speaking of which, it's almost 6:10.
most people are capable of being successful social drinkers even if they imbibe within reason on a daily basis. Weed is not any different.

Right right. I know people who smoke the barn weed all day and drink beer with it. They run contracting businesses and everything else. Not a fan of alcohol personally because it is a deadly drug but weed-wise there is nothing you can't do on the stuff. Getting paid while doing it is the dream but there are roadblocks unless you're running your own business. The smell is a problem in work, I think.

I don't work of course but story cut short, my friend and I played a game to identify what type of weed people smoked by sniffing at them as they passed. Strains have unique smells and they can be recognized after enough smokage. Anyways, we did that. It is fun to make fun of people at work. It may be the only good thing about working unless you do something that actually fullfills you. Everything is more fullfilling with marijuana on your side, so working on it just makes sense. There is a big status thing in some jobs, when it comes to the type of pot you smoke. Some people smoke barn weed all morning and then take a rip of high dollar weed before entering the building. That way they smell more successful. I think I may have done that a few times.

Visene and cologne you'd think would be perfect fixers for the two main issues but really the cologne thing is a beacon. It lets everyone in the room know that you smell like pot. Only the people close by will know if you do the smart thing and just wash your hands. The bathroom-blower thing is good for getting the essence off your shirt. Be sure to write that one down I guess. Visene unscrews in your pocket. Having visene on you looks shady, too. I never bothered with the stuff when I was bothering to work.

Women don't really apply with these rules because they have the right to carry purses and cologne is more suitable for women. Personally I look down on men who distastefully wear cologne. Men don't understand cologne, especially stoners. Male stoners don't even understand scented deoderant. Shampoo is complex and they don't understand that either. There are some disgusting products that mix shampoo, conditioner, cologne and soap. I keep it around for emergencies and when I use it I feel like it won't wash off. Like there is a slime coating on my hair and body all day. The stuff smells like antelope balls by noon. Wears off really quick, unlike Coast. Coast is good soap. Yeah, that is my stoned thought for the hour. Coast is good soap. mm Coast and Irish spring mixed together makes for an exotic shower. Dual wielding soaps is where it's at. Have you tried that, southernybrid?

And baseball. The pace of the game is perfect with a weed buzz.
Speaking of which, it's almost 6:10.

I trade baseball cards for pot all the time. I have a lot, from when I was a big fan in the 90's. I put on a game sometimes because I like the sound and the chilled vibe. And yeah the pace, I get you. Digital television and surround sound have really stepped up the game, yet I like the sound of games on a small tube tv just as much. Maybe more I don't know.
Anyway, didn't mean to soap-box, it just kinda came out.. I'll back out of this thread now.. carry on

Without totally incriminating myself, let me say that many successful professionals that I've known over the past 35 or so years have used on a daily or almost daily basis. I compare baby boomers usage of weed to the habit of having a few drinks after work, a habit of many in the so called greatest generation.

While I personally consider ETOH to be a much stronger, potentially dangerous drug, I realize that most people are capable of being successful social drinkers even if they imbibe within reason on a daily basis. Weed is not any different. It's very easy for most users to enjoy it in moderation, even if they use almost daily. With some of the new varieties available, it doesn't take much to get a nice little buzz that will make art, music and comedy more enjoyable, as well as being helpful for a large variety of physical and emotional problems. It has an anti depressant effect for some, helps some with insomnia, or relieving muscle pain, or stress, as well as helping some of the Gi symptoms suffered by many. I refer to weed as Viagra for older women. In fact, while I knew this before reading her book, there is a book entitled "Woman", ( can't remember the author's name right now ) who suggests that older women use a little weed to enhance their sex drives. I know several older women who find this very helpful. But I digress.

I very rarely use ETOH because I don't like it and the buzz is a bit too intense and short lived for me. I find it very hypocritical that weed is illegal in most places while ETOH is available most everywhere. If you don't think a person can live a successful life and still enjoy toking on a daily basis. how in the world did Willie Nelson or Bill Mahr accomplish so much? I have no doubt that there are many very successful, productive people who enjoy weed on a daily basis, but due to the stigma and illegal nature of the product, they remain in the closet. Maybe it's the people that I associate with, but sometimes I think most people enjoy a little weed on a regular basis.

It's fine that you don't enjoy the stuff. A lot of people don't, but I hope that by sharing some of my experiences with you, you will at least come to understand that lots of perfectly well adjusted people enjoy a little weed on a regular basis. Unlike those who drink too much alcohol, there are no withdrawal symptoms if you want to stop or it isn't available. ETOH is a very addictive drug if not used in moderation. Getting off the stuff can be a rather horrible experience. Other than missing it, there are no withdrawal symptoms when you stop using THC.

And you certainly can't blame any American who needs a little smoke to get them through the Trump presidency! Can you?

Indeed, like I said the initial post came across a little differently than intended, and was mostly a reaction to this:

Having a bowl ready for you after work will make you more productive. You'll work happier and more creatively, because the marijuana will remain in your system in small amounts through the day. Once you smoke for years, you'll always be in a state of idiotic bliss. They say that the I.Q drops half point for every two years smoked? Something like that? Nonsense. I think the will to take an I.Q test seriously lowers as smoking continues through life. Like the meaning of any test diminishes in meaning, because the justifiable sense of futility sets in. Many things lose their meaning, and it is a good thing because many things should have no meaning.

I don't disagree with you, my response was mostly a reaction to the idea that pot is harmless, in contrast to alcohol. The idea that getting up and smoking weed all day, every day, is any different than alcoholism is a weird thought to me. But many seem to justify it for the very reason that it's not alcohol. Sure, it probably won't kill you, but doing so can have it's consequences too.
I don't smoke at work, or early in the day. I almost always follow a 4:20 rule. I know one woman who does use all day and she seems to be able to be productive, but I don't think anyone who works as a health care professional should be stoned at work. I've known plenty of nurses that used, but only one who took a few tokes prior to work. I doubt she was high by the time she actually started working. I think she was just an anxious person who needed a little self medication.

I have no desire to be high all day, but even if I did, I wouldn't do it. I build up a tolerance very quickly so if I smoked all day long, I would not enjoy it. I think we all metabolize drugs very differently. And, if I lived alone, I'd probably be straight most of the time. For me, drinking or smoking dope is a social thing. It does of course sometimes make cleaning more tolerable, that is if you can stop fixating on the one thing that you just finished. You know, like standing back and viewing your beautiful, sparkling clean counter tops for a half an hour. That can really slow things down. :D
The idea that getting up and smoking weed all day, every day, is any different than alcoholism is a weird thought to me.

30% of traffic deaths are caused by alcohol, rousseau. Marijuana is probably down around 3%. "Marijuana related deaths" just mean that marijuana was in someone's bloodstream. There may be no connection at all. Personally I think it makes me a better driver, but I'm just me. But no marijuana isn't harmless. If you start smoking it before your brain matures you can do damage. If not physically - definitely academically. Otherwise I think it really is harmless. Barn weed is, anyway. The new stuff they're growing I don't know about. It smells and tastes very nice. I'll say that.

I have no desire to be high all day

Oh dear God.

I almost always follow a 4:20 rule

"4:20" corrupts children. Of course the number is spookily synonymous with all things weed, but the way the fad blew up was no accident. Children are out of school and looking for ways to fit in at 4:20pm. Perfect timing. I go by the 20 minutes after the hour - every hour, thing. It suits me but yeah I smoke barn weed that is less than 10% THC. I could get by on smoking 5x a day if I could afford the 20% stuff.

I build up a tolerance very quickly so if I smoked all day long, I would not enjoy it.

Nah you'd still enjoy it. I think tolerance drops while you're asleep. It works like It is supposed to every time. Amazing thing about weed. Got to skip doses of salvia for that damn tolerance reason . A life of all day salvia smoking is just too good to be true. As for weed you're good to go.

You know, like standing back and viewing your beautiful, sparkling clean counter tops for a half an hour

Ha nice mental image. Counters are never actually clean. Do you lean down and adjust the light to make sure that every atomic bit is clean and smooth? Oh man. Hours of fun lol
30% of traffic deaths are caused by alcohol, rousseau. Marijuana is probably down around 3%. "Marijuana related deaths" just mean that marijuana was in someone's bloodstream. There may be no connection at all. Personally I think it makes me a better driver, but I'm just me. But no marijuana isn't harmless. If you start smoking it before your brain matures you can do damage. If not physically - definitely academically. Otherwise I think it really is harmless. Barn weed is, anyway. The new stuff they're growing I don't know about. It smells and tastes very nice. I'll say that.

I'm not trying to claim that the two are equivalent in every conceivable way, but if someone came into the 'Whisky and other Fine Alcohol' thread and said something like.. just have a drink waiting for you after work every day, keep it in your system, you'd assume that person was an alcoholic. So if we say the same thing about pot, how is that not an addiction?

I smoked for a long time, so I get the benefits, and I understand why people like it, and I agree with many of the points that have been presented in response to mine. The drug probably gets more undue negative attention that it deserves and needs to be more normalised. At the same time, a part of that normalisation is a better understanding of the drug and the impacts it has independently of anything else.

Realistically, I don't think pot is going to cause much collateral damage to anyone else from a smoker. Going from my own experience alone I only knew it to be demotivating, as well as having a way of driving a wedge between myself and the real world that everyone else was living in.

My only friend who smokes *a lot* these days is one of the smartest guys I know. About ten years ago he bought a cat and somehow never figured out how to take care of it properly. Now the cat is grossly over-weight and is probably going to die prematurely. His apartment is always a mess and dis-organised. Some years ago he was thinking about making some career moves to pay off his student debt, which never really came to be. And now he's still smoking and smoking as the years pass by and his isolation grows. Maybe the pot had nothing to do with it, it's only a single anecdote, but it does strike me as a likely example of what can happen when you're too busy getting high to deal with your life.

And over the years I've come across a number of other heavy pot smokers who were just totally whacked out, but couldn't conceive of the fact that maybe they were smoking too much. Like I say.. I'm not anti-pot per se, just in a rather long-winded way trying to point out that it's not a miracle drug.
My best buddy in the world was club champion two years ago, and and I was club champion last year. A real golf course with hundreds of members.

We both enjoy having a toke or two during the round.

I'd love to not hide it.
I'm not trying to claim that the two are equivalent in every conceivable way, but if someone came into the 'Whisky and other Fine Alcohol' thread and said something like.. just have a drink waiting for you after work every day, keep it in your system, you'd assume that person was an alcoholic.

Yeah but weed isn't a drug. It won't make you sick if you go without it, like whiskey. I mean yeah I get what you're saying but it isn't a drug in that way. Work is way more fun if you do it knowing that your reward for doing all that bullshit is smoking marijuana when you're done, and in good jobs during.

My only friend who smokes *a lot* these days

Your friend probably has other things going on in his life. How can you pin it on weed? Maybe his life's quality and course would have been much worse without marijuana. I mean I don't know the guy but I don't know any societal dropouts that would have done so solely because of weed. Weed is definitely a symptom of the loserdome your friend has brought on himself but there is no reasonable argument for marijuana being the cause of his failure.

And over the years I've come across a number of other heavy pot smokers who were just totally whacked out, but couldn't conceive of the fact that maybe they were smoking too much. Like I say.. I'm not anti-pot per se, just in a rather long-winded way trying to point out that it's not a miracle drug.

Most modern people are whacked out no matter how you look at it. Some are whacked out and stoned. What is it about marijuana that is so whacky? Seriously the whacky people I know would be sooo much whakier if they didn't have weed to rely on. I'm grateful that people around me have weed to rely on. I'm not qualified to make the call but I think half of the people around me could kill at any moment. What was the joke about forgetting to kill your wife because you were stoned or whatever? I don't know but oh man I sure am glad pot is everywhere around me because these people are dangerous. I'm talking the people that anyone could come into contact with by just being in public. I'm glad there is a good way to sedate people. Was watching some show the other day and they had these futuristic, one time use vape things that were sold on the subway in a vending machine. The show was about a Utopia somewhere. Can't remember the title for some reason.
Yeah but weed isn't a drug. It won't make you sick if you go without it, like whiskey. I mean yeah I get what you're saying but it isn't a drug in that way. Work is way more fun if you do it knowing that your reward for doing all that bullshit is smoking marijuana when you're done, and in good jobs during.

I always figured it caused more of a psychological than physical addiction. Not as hard to break out of, but the psychological element of the drug has a pull that keeps you doing it and which you can come to depend on.
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