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I couldn't find one so.....high thoughts please post if you think of something that sounds amazing when you are high. To be determined later by everyo


New member
Aug 12, 2007
Benton, Il
Basic Beliefs
I have an idea. For above ground swimming pools.

Instead of making the liner look "cool" like refreshing chilly cool.
Maybe good for little plastic baby pools but if you want at least a idk 4' with a deep end it takes a lot to heat that water up.
To get more swimming time make the liners that attract sun. I realize not good in places like Arizona. Btw.
In need of this:
People who ask about heating their pools.
Maybe the pool is in too much shade?
Maybe you're susceptible to cold more than warm?
The customer picks from a line of really cool but dark artwork.
Maybe print a game that can be played several ways? Have to Dive or some shit.
Ironically, Opposite of cold depictions. Would that be ironic?
Incorporate solar neon for night lights? Is that a thing??

Or buy a hot tub.

The End. Hope I am not judged too harshly. And I hope to see I'm not the only one.

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The OP is looking for inspirations that come from being baked? I have -- literally -- no personal experience in this line, but I love a story a friend of mine told me about getting high with her sister. They had some really potent grass, smoked it, and sometime into the experience started talking about the Academy brand sketch pad that one of them had. They fixated on what a strange word "Academy" was, because it was unpronounceable. Impossible to get the consonants in the right order. They tried to say it, and it came out "Adak-a-mee" or "Aka-mad-a-mee". The more they tried to say it, the rougher it got. Finally they just lay down and giggled their heads off.
Smoking pot while 15 years old...
A vinyl record was playing ... a mesmerizing track, bass rhythm was awesome ... went on for several minutes, and I was groovin' away.
It took a while, but finally realized it was the needle clicking the inside of the LP, rubbing up against the label and jumping back.

Being high can lower the threshold for what is "awesome" down to below ground level.
Smoking pot while 15 years old...
A vinyl record was playing ... a mesmerizing track, bass rhythm was awesome ... went on for several minutes, and I was groovin' away.
It took a while, but finally realized it was the needle clicking the inside of the LP, rubbing up against the label and jumping back.

Being high can lower the threshold for what is "awesome" down to below ground level.

So true, I kinda panicked when I got up this morning. [emoji15]

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Video game controllers with memory foam-inlaid grips
Do you ever get stoned and realize a sober idea was wrong? That happens to me more often than getting stoned and later thinking a stoned idea was wrong.
As for stoned ideas I think kazoo kid is a technopagan prophet. Over a billion people have watched him. And that is just You Tube. He likes to have fun fun fun fun x6 and that is a lot of fun. Almost too much fun. He may sink deeply into things, gain the trust of the internet - then BAM turn out to be like Hitler or something. No one with a kazoo deserves that much power. No one on the internet at all deserves that much power. What is really going on? Think I will be unstoned sometime next week and say wtf was I talking about?
As for stoned ideas I think kazoo kid is a technopagan prophet. Over a billion people have watched him. And that is just You Tube. He likes to have fun fun fun fun x6 and that is a lot of fun. Almost too much fun. He may sink deeply into things, gain the trust of the internet - then BAM turn out to be like Hitler or something. No one with a kazoo deserves that much power. No one on the internet at all deserves that much power. What is really going on? Think I will be unstoned sometime next week and say wtf was I talking about?

Can we have more kazoo?
Oh yes. You'll have more kazoo. When he takes over we'll have nothing but kazoo. Kazoo kid may be a false prophet. He gives me the creeps. Something is amiss.
Oh yes. You'll have more kazoo. When he takes over we'll have nothing but kazoo. Kazoo kid may be a false prophet. He gives me the creeps. Something is amiss.

The best part about this is there's probably people reading this going "What the fuck are they on about?"
Many strains of marijuana tout an increase in creativity. Dosage is key. It is a once a week indulgence for me, just a few puffs. I found it helps me to solve issues I'm having with my never-ending basement remodel: building around the utilities, lighting layouts, and the like. For instance, when building walls, I ensured they are square, of course. One wall runs parallel and against the stairs of the basement. After drywalling it, I noticed while my walls were square, the stairs were slightly askew. This was very noticeable when looking along the length of the stairs at the developing gap between the stairs stringer (side) and where the drywall meets, an increasing gap at the bottom of the stairs. For months I could not see the easy solution. Rebuilding the wall was out of the question. I thought I might be able to adjust the stairs but found the stringers to be embedded into the concrete floor of the basement.
After coming up with a better lighting layout for one room and a creative work-around for some of the utilities while under the influence, I thought I might give this issue a go.
Puff, puff. Wait. Observe. Think.
"I have a 4' by 2' section of lattice in the garage. Take it apart and use the lattice strips between the wall framing and drywall, thus bringing out the drywall to meet the stringer.

Remove drywall. Place lattice strips at seam. Reattach drywall.
Look at that line atop the stringer where it meets the drywall. Perfect.

I would dismiss this if I was high, pondering a solution for 20 minutes of more. But that is not the case. On each occasion, as soon as the buzz kicks in. Boom. There it is.
Dang TVandCC that is what it is all about. Like I was saying I see more mistakes in sobriety when I smoke than in highness when I don't. You got ahold on one of those eureka strains and dosed yourself properly, huh. Once a week I could not handle. It has to be compulsive, but smokers are smokers.

I can't pack a moving van unless I'm completely lit. I walk around smoking while I look at each piece and then I look at the van. I have to yell at people if they put something in the wrong place. I've fit a LOT of things into small spaces by smoking and thinking exactly how you're saying there. When I yell at people, it isn't because I don't like them. They just aren't doing what I instructed them to do. A simple misunderstanding. People turn out liking you more when you confidently disrespect them. That is another real thing I observed from smoking. I never would have caught on without marijuana.

Do you ever feel "beside yourself" when you get a certain high on? That sensation is something I live to feel but lately it doesn't hit me unless I add some salvia I bought up the street from Kroger. Salvia is the arguably the world's strongest and strangest hallucinogen yet I can buy it legally on my way to illegally buy some harmless pot. Yeah that makes sense.

Nice dry walling btw. When Wal Mart ran everything out of town my old boss pillaged the vacant spots for some material called um meticulocyte or something. It makes good sound proofing, and stuffing it behind dry wall makes dwellings feel air tight. I hate that hollow, echo'ish sound in houses. I can sense empty walls when I am high. From the way sound carries I guess. That is probably something you can hear when you're not high, but I've never had the chance to try that.
Many strains of marijuana tout an increase in creativity. Dosage is key. It is a once a week indulgence for me, just a few puffs. I found it helps me to solve issues I'm having with my never-ending basement remodel: building around the utilities, lighting layouts, and the like. For instance, when building walls, I ensured they are square, of course. One wall runs parallel and against the stairs of the basement. After drywalling it, I noticed while my walls were square, the stairs were slightly askew. This was very noticeable when looking along the length of the stairs at the developing gap between the stairs stringer (side) and where the drywall meets, an increasing gap at the bottom of the stairs. For months I could not see the easy solution. Rebuilding the wall was out of the question. I thought I might be able to adjust the stairs but found the stringers to be embedded into the concrete floor of the basement.
After coming up with a better lighting layout for one room and a creative work-around for some of the utilities while under the influence, I thought I might give this issue a go.
Puff, puff. Wait. Observe. Think.
"I have a 4' by 2' section of lattice in the garage. Take it apart and use the lattice strips between the wall framing and drywall, thus bringing out the drywall to meet the stringer.

Remove drywall. Place lattice strips at seam. Reattach drywall.
Look at that line atop the stringer where it meets the drywall. Perfect.
View attachment 10984

I would dismiss this if I was high, pondering a solution for 20 minutes of more. But that is not the case. On each occasion, as soon as the buzz kicks in. Boom. There it is.

[emoji91]now that is making it work for you! I think my problem may lie in the dosage [emoji848][emoji51]

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Dang TVandCC that is what it is all about. Like I was saying I see more mistakes in sobriety when I smoke than in highness when I don't. You got ahold on one of those eureka strains and dosed yourself properly, huh. Once a week I could not handle. It has to be compulsive, but smokers are smokers.

I can't pack a moving van unless I'm completely lit. I walk around smoking while I look at each piece and then I look at the van. I have to yell at people if they put something in the wrong place. I've fit a LOT of things into small spaces by smoking and thinking exactly how you're saying there. When I yell at people, it isn't because I don't like them. They just aren't doing what I instructed them to do. A simple misunderstanding. People turn out liking you more when you confidently disrespect them. That is another real thing I observed from smoking. I never would have caught on without marijuana.

Do you ever feel "beside yourself" when you get a certain high on? That sensation is something I live to feel but lately it doesn't hit me unless I add some salvia I bought up the street from Kroger. Salvia is the arguably the world's strongest and strangest hallucinogen yet I can buy it legally on my way to illegally buy some harmless pot. Yeah that makes sense.

Nice dry walling btw. When Wal Mart ran everything out of town my old boss pillaged the vacant spots for some material called um meticulocyte or something. It makes good sound proofing, and stuffing it behind dry wall makes dwellings feel air tight. I hate that hollow, echo'ish sound in houses. I can sense empty walls when I am high. From the way sound carries I guess. That is probably something you can hear when you're not high, but I've never had the chance to try that.


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Dang TVandCC that is what it is all about. Like I was saying I see more mistakes in sobriety when I smoke than in highness when I don't. You got ahold on one of those eureka strains and dosed yourself properly, huh. Once a week I could not handle. It has to be compulsive, but smokers are smokers.

I can't pack a moving van unless I'm completely lit. I walk around smoking while I look at each piece and then I look at the van. I have to yell at people if they put something in the wrong place. I've fit a LOT of things into small spaces by smoking and thinking exactly how you're saying there. When I yell at people, it isn't because I don't like them. They just aren't doing what I instructed them to do. A simple misunderstanding. People turn out liking you more when you confidently disrespect them. That is another real thing I observed from smoking. I never would have caught on without marijuana.

Do you ever feel "beside yourself" when you get a certain high on? That sensation is something I live to feel but lately it doesn't hit me unless I add some salvia I bought up the street from Kroger. Salvia is the arguably the world's strongest and strangest hallucinogen yet I can buy it legally on my way to illegally buy some harmless pot. Yeah that makes sense.

Nice dry walling btw. When Wal Mart ran everything out of town my old boss pillaged the vacant spots for some material called um meticulocyte or something. It makes good sound proofing, and stuffing it behind dry wall makes dwellings feel air tight. I hate that hollow, echo'ish sound in houses. I can sense empty walls when I am high. From the way sound carries I guess. That is probably something you can hear when you're not high, but I've never had the chance to try that.

If I take your meaning, no. I can't imagine. I've always been a person who has very much lived inside myself and have never experienced anything like this.
I smoked a strain a few years back when I lived on the west coast, some homegrown of a coworker. I don't know what it was, Sour Diesel perhaps. Smoked in small amounts, I really enjoyed reading while high. It enabled me to read as I did when I was a young teen. That is, I was able to focus without distraction. It was wonderful. I had forgotten what this was like, it had been so long. To read and define unfamiliar words from context. Not since I was a kid.
I don't know how long I'll keep smoking. My original intent was to use it to move away from alcohol. But, I had forgotten how much I enjoy beer with it, especially to take the anxious edge I often experience off the initial high.
I did enough stuff in my early twenties to realise that the unusual perspectives don't come from drugs. They're often prompted by drugs, but the same mindsets can happen stone sober.

And that's when I realised I didn't need drugs to enjoy the world around me, it could be interesting for it's own sake, and is usually a lot easier to handle sober than when under the influence.

Of course, that's just me, people's experiences with various stuff seems to differ pretty wildly.
If I take your meaning, no. I can't imagine. I've always been a person who has very much lived inside myself and have never experienced anything like this.

Not beside yourself to the point that you can look over and see yourself. Was referring more to a mind state where you can see yourself making mistakes in things like carpentry and correct them. Without the different plateau afforded by the pot buzz you never would have seen the angles you needed to cut. There are other meanings I was going to point out but I'll leave it there.

I really enjoyed reading while high. It enabled me to read as I did when I was a young teen. That is, I was able to focus without distraction. It was wonderful

I wouldn't read or write anything without being completely ripped. I'm perfectly happy with the mundane world and the things I have to do in it when I am sober. The moment I smoke marijuana I become completely indifferent to the odd way the world works. When high, I see a kaleidoscope of petty attitudes and ridiculous standards in the world. When sober, I'm just a part of that mess and I don't really mind.

My original intent was to use it to move away from alcohol. But, I had forgotten how much I enjoy beer with it, especially to take the anxious edge I often experience off the initial high

Alcohol takes over your ego and tweeds makes you ponder what your ego is. Alcohol causes deaths, too. Marijuana doesn't kill many people. I know there are traffic accidents and depressions leading to suicides.. but then again, there are traffic accidents and depressions leading to suicide. So whatever. But yeah, my advice as a pseudonym with questionable values would be this: smoke pot and don't drink alcohols. Like ever. Smoke it religiously if that is what it takes to stop drinking. I did the same thing but with opiates, which kill just as many people. It works like a charm, it really does.

Having a bowl ready for you after work will make you more productive. You'll work happier and more creatively, because the marijuana will remain in your system in small amounts through the day. Once you smoke for years, you'll always be in a state of idiotic bliss. They say that the I.Q drops half point for every two years smoked? Something like that? Nonsense. I think the will to take an I.Q test seriously lowers as smoking continues through life. Like the meaning of any test diminishes in meaning, because the justifiable sense of futility sets in. Many things lose their meaning, and it is a good thing because many things should have no meaning.

Here is a stoned thought for you: The planet is violently raped 24 hours a day by metal penises and drills - and we get to consume the disgusting fluids produced by this terrible rape. And pay for it! And we think that this is normal because we are insanely sober. Two tokes and it comes into view, right? That makes the illegality of such a substance make a lot more sense. The world (as ridiculous as it is) may just shut down the drills and go home if people smoke too many drugs. Heavy machinery always freaks me out when I'm high. That is an intense situation. If you ever get the chance to get high at work you should try it.

But yeah things are wildly different and some parts of the world may not be as hell-like as the ones I have had to deal with. When I say I, I mean about 500 potheads I know in my city. It isn't something I alone experience, and I assume this is common everywhere. It amazes me how differently people think when you drive just 8hrs. In some places, people actually consider pot recreational. Like, not something they must have inside their brains at all times, just to tolerate society. Those places do exist and I'm not discounting those places. Anyway, I can speak for pot as a nonlethal escape from "the syndrome" that I find disgusting when I look around and think about how people do so many unnecessary things, and how poorly they do them.
I don't often see a lot of productive, functional chronic pot-smokers. That's not to say they don't exist, but most people I know who were once pot-smokers eventually gave it up and moved into an otherwise regular life, without depending on any type of drug to get by. Some of these people have done lots of great things sober.

Anymore, I don't know many pot smokers at all, but those I know who do smoke seem to do it in lieu of other stuff. Get home from work, whip out a bowl, listen to some music, read a book while life passes them by. Eventually life is just about getting high and doing whatever you do while high.

I really don't know. I recall a friend of mine many years ago saying something like 'pot smokers smoke all the time as if it's normal'. At the time I didn't get it, but these days I think I do. Habitual drug usage is usually a crutch, whether alcohol, pot, or whatever. It's a form of escapism and there's nothing really overly noble about it, it's just a thing you can do in lieu of facing your life head on. That's not say I think there's anything wrong with it, but it does seem like a lot of chronic smokers just get lazy and stop giving a shit about anything. And when they're high they start really noticing all that's wrong with the world and reject it outright, rather than accepting it for what it is.

I guess this probably isn't the place to soap-box against pot use, but there's an alternative perspective to 'get high and fuck the world man'.
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