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"I Demand A Congressional Investigation!"


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated

Are we going to demand congressional investigations every time some alt-right radio show host makes up a story that Cheato swallows?
I think we need a congressional investigation into Ted Cruz' affairs with at least five women! Then we need one to investigate how Scalia was assassinated by a “$2,000-a-night hooker” hired by the CIA People are saying it!
This doesn't even begin to address the possibility that aliens have taken over Mitch McConnell's brain! We need a congressional investigation! And speaking of aliens, we need a congressional investigation into the fact that Trump is a Scientologist! And what about the rodent that is chewing its way through Steve Bannon's body???

These, and so many other things demand looking into... why doesn't Cheato pick up the phone, call Sessions, Comey and Pompeo and fucking ASK them if Obama actually did "tapp" his phone? That could at least take the easy one off the list. But noooooo - Cheato wants to waste the time of all of our lawmakers "investigating" his favorite fantasy.

Okay... I hope the next year and a half brings us congressional investigations of every fantasy that enters Cheato's addled mind. That should do as much to stall the Republican agenda as every obstructionist act the Dems can pull out of their collective hats.


Are we going to demand congressional investigations every time some alt-right radio show host makes up a story that Cheato swallows?
I think we need a congressional investigation into Ted Cruz' affairs with at least five women! Then we need one to investigate how Scalia was assassinated by a “$2,000-a-night hooker” hired by the CIA People are saying it!
This doesn't even begin to address the possibility that aliens have taken over Mitch McConnell's brain! We need a congressional investigation! And speaking of aliens, we need a congressional investigation into the fact that Trump is a Scientologist! And what about the rodent that is chewing its way through Steve Bannon's body???

These, and so many other things demand looking into... why doesn't Cheato pick up the phone, call Sessions, Comey and Pompeo and fucking ASK them if Obama actually did "tapp" his phone? That could at least take the easy one off the list. But noooooo - Cheato wants to waste the time of all of our lawmakers "investigating" his favorite fantasy.

Okay... I hope the next year and a half brings us congressional investigations of every fantasy that enters Cheato's addled mind. That should do as much to stall the Republican agenda as every obstructionist act the Dems can pull out of their collective hats.


In fairness, I think your new President is far more interested in posturing and ranting than in governing. 'Look at me! Look at ME! Look at M-E-E-E-E! is as near a policy that he gets, I fear.

Are we going to demand congressional investigations every time some alt-right radio show host makes up a story that Cheato swallows?
I think we need a congressional investigation into Ted Cruz' affairs with at least five women! Then we need one to investigate how Scalia was assassinated by a “$2,000-a-night hooker” hired by the CIA People are saying it!
This doesn't even begin to address the possibility that aliens have taken over Mitch McConnell's brain! We need a congressional investigation! And speaking of aliens, we need a congressional investigation into the fact that Trump is a Scientologist! And what about the rodent that is chewing its way through Steve Bannon's body???

These, and so many other things demand looking into... why doesn't Cheato pick up the phone, call Sessions, Comey and Pompeo and fucking ASK them if Obama actually did "tapp" his phone? That could at least take the easy one off the list. But noooooo - Cheato wants to waste the time of all of our lawmakers "investigating" his favorite fantasy.

Okay... I hope the next year and a half brings us congressional investigations of every fantasy that enters Cheato's addled mind. That should do as much to stall the Republican agenda as every obstructionist act the Dems can pull out of their collective hats.


There is a link between Trump and Scientology; Hubbard also had orange hair. I'm surprised that no one picked up on this point.
As for Banon, is it a rat or a mouse. It could be a young Sereque which is a rat like creature found in Mexico. I can see an outline on his cheek in the link you quoted ut its not clear. http://www.mexiconewsnetwork.com/adventure/sereque-mexico/

Perhaps these can tunnel under the wall.

Are we going to demand congressional investigations every time some alt-right radio show host makes up a story that Cheato swallows?
I think we need a congressional investigation into Ted Cruz' affairs with at least five women! Then we need one to investigate how Scalia was assassinated by a “$2,000-a-night hooker” hired by the CIA People are saying it!
This doesn't even begin to address the possibility that aliens have taken over Mitch McConnell's brain! We need a congressional investigation! And speaking of aliens, we need a congressional investigation into the fact that Trump is a Scientologist! And what about the rodent that is chewing its way through Steve Bannon's body???

These, and so many other things demand looking into... why doesn't Cheato pick up the phone, call Sessions, Comey and Pompeo and fucking ASK them if Obama actually did "tapp" his phone? That could at least take the easy one off the list. But noooooo - Cheato wants to waste the time of all of our lawmakers "investigating" his favorite fantasy.

Okay... I hope the next year and a half brings us congressional investigations of every fantasy that enters Cheato's addled mind. That should do as much to stall the Republican agenda as every obstructionist act the Dems can pull out of their collective hats.


There is a link between Trump and Scientology; Hubbard also had orange hair. I'm surprised that no one picked up on this point.
As for Banon, is it a rat or a mouse. It could be a young Sereque which is a rat like creature found in Mexico. I can see an outline on his cheek in the link you quoted ut its not clear.

I think it's a gerbil that escaped from Scalia's ass that night with the hooker...

Perhaps these can tunnel under the wall.

There are already four known tunnels ... and that doesn't include the alien space-warp transport systems that are dumping millions of rapists into the suburbs of Lexington KY!
We need congressional investigations into ALL of this! Get busy, Pugs!
I don't get the hooker thing. Does that mean the going rate to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice is only $2000? Because I'd have thought it would be more than that. Or, is killing the guy she's with an upcharge on the regular services like how you need to throw her an extra $50 to stick her finger up your ass?

If this is part of the regular service, then that would significantly undercut the wages of the legitimate professional assassination profession and I'm concerned that foreign sex slaves may be used for this purpose and become one more example of illegal immigrant labour taking away American jobs.

Are we going to demand congressional investigations every time some alt-right radio show host makes up a story that Cheato swallows?
I think we need a congressional investigation into Ted Cruz' affairs with at least five women! Then we need one to investigate how Scalia was assassinated by a “$2,000-a-night hooker” hired by the CIA People are saying it!
This doesn't even begin to address the possibility that aliens have taken over Mitch McConnell's brain! We need a congressional investigation! And speaking of aliens, we need a congressional investigation into the fact that Trump is a Scientologist! And what about the rodent that is chewing its way through Steve Bannon's body???

These, and so many other things demand looking into... why doesn't Cheato pick up the phone, call Sessions, Comey and Pompeo and fucking ASK them if Obama actually did "tapp" his phone? That could at least take the easy one off the list. But noooooo - Cheato wants to waste the time of all of our lawmakers "investigating" his favorite fantasy.

Okay... I hope the next year and a half brings us congressional investigations of every fantasy that enters Cheato's addled mind. That should do as much to stall the Republican agenda as every obstructionist act the Dems can pull out of their collective hats.


My thoughts are that this is comical, but unfortunately also scary.

Trump has about ZERO critical thinking ability. Ths was obvious from the start. He's a pathological liar - also easily observable. He decides what is true or not by how new information makes hm feel.
Is the new data good or bad for his ego? f good, it's reality. If it makes him feel bad about himself, then it's false. This is actually how it goes and I cannot for the life of me see how everyone by now hasn't realized this, and how dangerous it actually is. Not only does our commander in chief have an extremely tenous grasp of reality, but his psyche makes him VERY vulnerable to manipulation. It's blatantly obvious. Simply couch anything you want to massage his ego and you're much more likely to get hm to do what you want. Point out his enemies for him and get him to realize that his opponents think he's awful, and he'll hate them as well. It's literally a grade school playground social system. He is surrounded by people doing this to him, and the effects are easily obervable. It's already been demonstrated Trump doesn't understand the executive orders he's been signing, or even basic economics. He called one of his generals to inquire whether a strong dollar is good or bad for the economy. A general. He's surrounded by Golman-Sachs sycophants, but he calls his gerneral. Why? Because general asshole is good for his ego.

So now we're in some deep shit.
I don't get the hooker thing. Does that mean the going rate to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice is only $2000? Because I'd have thought it would be more than that. Or, is killing the guy she's with an upcharge on the regular services like how you need to throw her an extra $50 to stick her finger up your ass?

If this is part of the regular service, then that would significantly undercut the wages of the legitimate professional assassination profession and I'm concerned that foreign sex slaves may be used for this purpose and become one more example of illegal immigrant labour taking away American jobs.

Naaa, it wasn't an assassination.. Scalia was playing "bronco busting" and had a heat attach because of over exertion. :D:D:cool:


Are we going to demand congressional investigations every time some alt-right radio show host makes up a story that Cheato swallows?
I think we need a congressional investigation into Ted Cruz' affairs with at least five women! Then we need one to investigate how Scalia was assassinated by a “$2,000-a-night hooker” hired by the CIA People are saying it!
This doesn't even begin to address the possibility that aliens have taken over Mitch McConnell's brain! We need a congressional investigation! And speaking of aliens, we need a congressional investigation into the fact that Trump is a Scientologist! And what about the rodent that is chewing its way through Steve Bannon's body???

These, and so many other things demand looking into... why doesn't Cheato pick up the phone, call Sessions, Comey and Pompeo and fucking ASK them if Obama actually did "tapp" his phone? That could at least take the easy one off the list. But noooooo - Cheato wants to waste the time of all of our lawmakers "investigating" his favorite fantasy.

Okay... I hope the next year and a half brings us congressional investigations of every fantasy that enters Cheato's addled mind. That should do as much to stall the Republican agenda as every obstructionist act the Dems can pull out of their collective hats.


My thoughts are that this is comical, but unfortunately also scary.

Trump has about ZERO critical thinking ability. Ths was obvious from the start. He's a pathological liar - also easily observable. He decides what is true or not by how new information makes hm feel.
Is the new data good or bad for his ego? f good, it's reality. If it makes him feel bad about himself, then it's false. This is actually how it goes and I cannot for the life of me see how everyone by now hasn't realized this, and how dangerous it actually is. Not only does our commander in chief have an extremely tenous grasp of reality, but his psyche makes him VERY vulnerable to manipulation. It's blatantly obvious. Simply couch anything you want to massage his ego and you're much more likely to get hm to do what you want. Point out his enemies for him and get him to realize that his opponents think he's awful, and he'll hate them as well. It's literally a grade school playground social system. He is surrounded by people doing this to him, and the effects are easily obervable. It's already been demonstrated Trump doesn't understand the executive orders he's been signing, or even basic economics. He called one of his generals to inquire whether a strong dollar is good or bad for the economy. A general. He's surrounded by Golman-Sachs sycophants, but he calls his gerneral. Why? Because general asshole is good for his ego.

So now we're in some deep shit.

All correct, except that last sentence. If we can keep them busy investigating aliens, impossible wiretapping schemes, hooker-assassins etc, the actual real-life shit we're in won't get so deep. Yeah, Russia will probably double its geographic size in the meanwhile, but who cares? Certainly not the republican congress. It's more important to chase down every single right-wing loony fantasy to make sure it's not real.
I don't get the hooker thing. Does that mean the going rate to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice is only $2000? Because I'd have thought it would be more than that.

The cost of services is related to the number of people willing to do the job. People might have lined up to do it for free, but figured they could hose the Feds out of at least a couple grand.
I don't get the hooker thing. Does that mean the going rate to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice is only $2000? Because I'd have thought it would be more than that.

The cost of services is related to the number of people willing to do the job. People might have lined up to do it for free, but figured they could hose the Feds out of at least a couple grand.
Yeah, they didn't say it was a good looking hooker. The $2k may have been for the axing.
My thoughts are that this is comical, but unfortunately also scary.

Trump has about ZERO critical thinking ability. Ths was obvious from the start. He's a pathological liar - also easily observable. He decides what is true or not by how new information makes hm feel.
Is the new data good or bad for his ego? f good, it's reality. If it makes him feel bad about himself, then it's false. This is actually how it goes and I cannot for the life of me see how everyone by now hasn't realized this, and how dangerous it actually is. Not only does our commander in chief have an extremely tenous grasp of reality, but his psyche makes him VERY vulnerable to manipulation. It's blatantly obvious. Simply couch anything you want to massage his ego and you're much more likely to get hm to do what you want. Point out his enemies for him and get him to realize that his opponents think he's awful, and he'll hate them as well. It's literally a grade school playground social system. He is surrounded by people doing this to him, and the effects are easily obervable. It's already been demonstrated Trump doesn't understand the executive orders he's been signing, or even basic economics. He called one of his generals to inquire whether a strong dollar is good or bad for the economy. A general. He's surrounded by Golman-Sachs sycophants, but he calls his gerneral. Why? Because general asshole is good for his ego.

So now we're in some deep shit.

All correct, except that last sentence. If we can keep them busy investigating aliens, impossible wiretapping schemes, hooker-assassins etc, the actual real-life shit we're in won't get so deep. Yeah, Russia will probably double its geographic size in the meanwhile, but who cares? Certainly not the republican congress. It's more important to chase down every single right-wing loony fantasy to make sure it's not real.

I agree that they are wasting precious time and resources on stupid shit, and this keeps them from enacting actual policy that would hurt a lot of people. But I really do think we are in deep shit. It's unfortunate, but we liberals are too busy resisting Trump by pushing his racism and misogyny as an issue. I think this is a mistake. Our main issue should be his utter incompetence and governing. This man is a disaster. Look at how the entire white house is in an obvious state of disarray. All of this from very minor setbacks to his goals. Even with the entire congress behind him, in his 6 weeks he has enacted few real policies. Mostly just pulling back legislation to let companies pollute the environment. The State Department has gone dark. Our intelligence services hate him and is not providing all it's findings to the president. The Republicans, in an effort to hold onto power, are overlooking complete incompetence and a very possible Russian intrusion into our governmental processes. With the Donald and his sycophants not divesting themselves financially or providing financial information to the public, corruption seems to be running rampant. Multiple lawsuits are already pending against this administration. The Justice department head has recused himself, but so far we haven't been able to verify this, so justice itself is suspect in this administration. What happens when a real crisis rears it's ugly head?

The leadership of our country will be slow to respond, and most likely blind to the scope and severity of any situation, It will not be acting on reliable information, and is likely to provide a knee jerk reaction resulting in worsening of the the issue. North Korea is acting up and nuclear weapons are on the table here. Russia is getting more brave by the day, sensing how bogged down in a swamp of bullshit we are. Our allies are dumbfounded and confused, unable to trust that our president will keep his word, provide truthful information, or can be trusted with sensitive data. The military itself is in a difficult situation, awaiting orders from a commander and chief that may be against the Geneva conventions, putting them in a situation where for the first time our civilian government may be told "NO" by our military. The sad truth is that our military currently is the voice of reason in this white house right now. We are a clumsy, blind, and stupid giant, waiting to be provoked.

The Republicans cannot control this child in a man's body, despite Priebus literally running from meeting to meeting in the white house in an attempt to find leakers and provide damage control. Bannon can influence him, but also cannot control him, and has a dangerous world view, thinking an all out war between the West and Middle East is inevitable, while simultaneously relishing the dismantling of our government - the very instrument that would control our military and policies during wartime. Some of the most influential people to the president are literally conspiracy website producers, such as Bannon from Breitbart, and Alex Fucking Jones. Unrest at home continues to increase, providing further distractions to this president, as the rich get tax breaks, and the current fight between Republicans itself right now is over repealing and replacing our health care system. The conflict is over the number of those that will be uninsured. Will it be a whole lot, or a shitload? These people are STILL (despite all available evidence over several decades) pushing the zombie economic idea that tax breaks will stimulate the economy. They want to enact the policies of Kansas over the entire country, despite the miserable failure that Kansas has become. Between their disdain for the poor and their lack of any respect for people who aren't white, minorities will be doubly effected by these policies, causing further unrest within our borders and demonstrations, some of which will most likely turn into riots and over reaction by our militarized police forces. How will our justice department react to this with a complete bigot at the helm?

It's butt fucking ugly. It's dangerous, and a lot of people are going to suffer. In my opinion our only hope is to get a competent independent investigator and see what kind of fire is providing the tremendous smoke being put out by this administration regarding Russia. Simply handing everything over to Pence won't solve this problem either. We'll still be stuck with a hopelessly incompetent and ignorant cabinet and government, that will now seek to enact theocratic policies with renewed vigor. The head of this snake needs to be chopped off and soon. All of this in less than TWO MONTHS. Can we even survive waiting for two years to kick these fuck nuts out?

To my mind the most repugnant in all this isn't even Trump. Trump is what he is, and that was obvious even before the election. This will not change. What is the most sleazy are these Republicans. They're literally willing to sit and watch as our country plunges into chaos because they're in power. What happened to America first? It's obviously party, dogma and ideology first, and 90 percent of Republicans are willing to walk lock step off of this cliff. Most of those with any smarts or integrity are gone. Pathetic. I had very little respect for the current Republican party for the last decade, but now? Ugh.
What is incredible is the near silence from the Republican Party except McCain and Graham on things like Russia. The entire fucking party! And I'm not talking about the Trump campaign conspiring with Russia. I'm talking about saying the US Federal Government is as bad as the Russians when it comes to silencing dissidents. And no, the American terrorist murdered without trial wasn't a "dissident". I'm talking the other party type of dissident. Virtually nothing out of the Republicans with that statement. I don't know whether they are caught starring at the headlights are also compromised.

Sen. Franken and Schumer could be shot to death at the same time by Russian speaking thugs in different locations and the Republicans would just pretend to bow their heads to mourn and not look into anything.
All correct, except that last sentence. If we can keep them busy investigating aliens, impossible wiretapping schemes, hooker-assassins etc, the actual real-life shit we're in won't get so deep. Yeah, Russia will probably double its geographic size in the meanwhile, but who cares? Certainly not the republican congress. It's more important to chase down every single right-wing loony fantasy to make sure it's not real.

I agree that they are wasting precious time and resources on stupid shit, and this keeps them from enacting actual policy that would hurt a lot of people. But I really do think we are in deep shit. It's unfortunate, but we liberals are too busy resisting Trump by pushing his racism and misogyny as an issue. I think this is a mistake. Our main issue should be his utter incompetence and governing. This man is a disaster. Look at how the entire white house is in an obvious state of disarray. All of this from very minor setbacks to his goals. Even with the entire congress behind him, in his 6 weeks he has enacted few real policies. Mostly just pulling back legislation to let companies pollute the environment. The State Department has gone dark. Our intelligence services hate him and is not providing all it's findings to the president. The Republicans, in an effort to hold onto power, are overlooking complete incompetence and a very possible Russian intrusion into our governmental processes. With the Donald and his sycophants not divesting themselves financially or providing financial information to the public, corruption seems to be running rampant. Multiple lawsuits are already pending against this administration. The Justice department head has recused himself, but so far we haven't been able to verify this, so justice itself is suspect in this administration. What happens when a real crisis rears it's ugly head?

The leadership of our country will be slow to respond, and most likely blind to the scope and severity of any situation, It will not be acting on reliable information, and is likely to provide a knee jerk reaction resulting in worsening of the the issue. North Korea is acting up and nuclear weapons are on the table here. Russia is getting more brave by the day, sensing how bogged down in a swamp of bullshit we are. Our allies are dumbfounded and confused, unable to trust that our president will keep his word, provide truthful information, or can be trusted with sensitive data. The military itself is in a difficult situation, awaiting orders from a commander and chief that may be against the Geneva conventions, putting them in a situation where for the first time our civilian government may be told "NO" by our military. The sad truth is that our military currently is the voice of reason in this white house right now. We are a clumsy, blind, and stupid giant, waiting to be provoked.

The Republicans cannot control this child in a man's body, despite Priebus literally running from meeting to meeting in the white house in an attempt to find leakers and provide damage control. Bannon can influence him, but also cannot control him, and has a dangerous world view, thinking an all out war between the West and Middle East is inevitable, while simultaneously relishing the dismantling of our government - the very instrument that would control our military and policies during wartime. Some of the most influential people to the president are literally conspiracy website producers, such as Bannon from Breitbart, and Alex Fucking Jones. Unrest at home continues to increase, providing further distractions to this president, as the rich get tax breaks, and the current fight between Republicans itself right now is over repealing and replacing our health care system. The conflict is over the number of those that will be uninsured. Will it be a whole lot, or a shitload? These people are STILL (despite all available evidence over several decades) pushing the zombie economic idea that tax breaks will stimulate the economy. They want to enact the policies of Kansas over the entire country, despite the miserable failure that Kansas has become. Between their disdain for the poor and their lack of any respect for people who aren't white, minorities will be doubly effected by these policies, causing further unrest within our borders and demonstrations, some of which will most likely turn into riots and over reaction by our militarized police forces. How will our justice department react to this with a complete bigot at the helm?

It's butt fucking ugly. It's dangerous, and a lot of people are going to suffer. In my opinion our only hope is to get a competent independent investigator and see what kind of fire is providing the tremendous smoke being put out by this administration regarding Russia. Simply handing everything over to Pence won't solve this problem either. We'll still be stuck with a hopelessly incompetent and ignorant cabinet and government, that will now seek to enact theocratic policies with renewed vigor. The head of this snake needs to be chopped off and soon. All of this in less than TWO MONTHS. Can we even survive waiting for two years to kick these fuck nuts out?

To my mind the most repugnant in all this isn't even Trump. Trump is what he is, and that was obvious even before the election. This will not change. What is the most sleazy are these Republicans. They're literally willing to sit and watch as our country plunges into chaos because they're in power. What happened to America first? It's obviously party, dogma and ideology first, and 90 percent of Republicans are willing to walk lock step off of this cliff. Most of those with any smarts or integrity are gone. Pathetic. I had very little respect for the current Republican party for the last decade, but now? Ugh.

No doubt about it, BFI.
The Repugs are collectively acting in the most cowardly, unpatriotic way that one could ever imagine, and certainly far worse than I have ever seen in 50+ years of watching US politics.
Assuming that we're all still around in 2018 and that those elections are not cancelled , the Final Answer will be had when we see if the sleazebags have been able to sell their dystopian nightmare to the American public. I doubt it... I think that one thing Trump is correctly predicting is "a bloodbath in 2018", for which he is already preparing to blame those who are reticent to go along with his ill-conceived tax cuts for the rich at the expense of poor insured people, aka Obamacare Lite.
I don't understand the problem here. Aren't we all better off as a nation if this Congress spends its time and energy investigating right wing loonisphere claims instead of trying legislate?
I don't understand the problem here. Aren't we all better off as a nation if this Congress spends its time and energy investigating right wing loonisphere claims instead of trying legislate?

IMHO, yes. But that assumes that we aren't invaded and taken over by Trashcanistan or someone else.
I don't understand the problem here. Aren't we all better off as a nation if this Congress spends its time and energy investigating right wing loonisphere claims instead of trying legislate?

That does seem to be the case. Given that everything they want to do is horrible and damaging, the less time they spend doing it the better. The worst that happens if they spend their time investigating every boogeyman that Trump thinks is hiding in his closet is that some money is wasted. That's not as bad as the GOP doing what the GOP actually wants to do.
Who says the Republican Congress is paralyzed? We're only a month and a half into Trumpistan. The GOP has already resurrected a rule whereby they can defund any federal employee they want (by reducing his/her salary to $1.) They've passed a law allowing coal companies to resume dumping mining sludge into rivers. And please tell me they'll step up and confront Trump if he gets some crazy notion to "bomb the shit out of.." (fill in the blank; there are, at a minimum, three targets he might select.) They're itching to fill the Scalia seat they stole with another right-wing ideologue. As for their accommodating the Screaming Carrot Demon (copyright, Molly Bee), CNN interviewed some GOP senator who's on the Intelligence committee today, whose main talking point was to remind us that Trump is a "novice" to politics, hence, wink-wink, he may say a few things that don't parse or haven't been screened enough. Which, after all, is just what they'd be saying about a Dem who was spouting b.c.p. (batshit crazy propaganda.) After all, haven't they been shrieking LOCK HIM UP in reference to Pence's private (and hacked-into) emails?
I don't understand the problem here. Aren't we all better off as a nation if this Congress spends its time and energy investigating right wing loonisphere claims instead of trying legislate?
Umm... 9/11. The Republicans were too busy equated Pres. Clinton's military action with a movie they hadn't watched and obstructing his Administration to actually care about the threat of terrorism.
That defunding rule is called the Holman Rule. It has a long history of being part of Congress's arsenal, then voted out, then in. Our modern righties don't miss a trick. Remember, they already ordered the State Dept. to compile lists of all staff who worked to promote women's issues.
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