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"I Demand A Congressional Investigation!"


Are we going to demand congressional investigations every time some alt-right radio show host makes up a story that Cheato swallows? ...

I think Trump is making a mockery of the office of the POTUS. It has to be taken as if it's got the makings of a Constitutional crisis. Otherwise we set a precedent of not having to take one of the three branches of government seriously. He's the farging Commander in Chief of the most powerful nation on Earth! It can't be seen as a clown act. I consider it to be the most important issue facing Congress at the moment. This should be sink or swim for Trump. Either we get criminal charges against Obama or impeachment proceedings begin. Trump and his minions have to be shown this isn't a reality tv show.

Are we going to demand congressional investigations every time some alt-right radio show host makes up a story that Cheato swallows? ...

I think Trump is making a mockery of the office of the POTUS. It has to be taken as if it's got the makings of a Constitutional crisis. Otherwise we set a precedent of not having to take one of the three branches of government seriously. He's the farging Commander in Chief of the most powerful nation on Earth! It can't be seen as a clown act. I consider it to be the most important issue NOT facing Congress at the moment. This should be sink or swim for Trump. Either we get criminal charges against Obama or impeachment proceedings begin. Trump and his minions have to be shown this isn't a reality tv show.


FWIW, I completely agree.
Trump and his minions have to be shown this isn't a reality tv show.
What do you mean? I mean he has like the Yugest viewership of any reality tv show EVER!

And when the ratings numbers drop, they can always introduce a new show on PBS, staring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Damon Killian. I figure that the first running contestants could be Hillary and Obama.
Yes, demand a Congressional investigation!

Of how someone so gullible hasn't been removed by the 25th Amendment.
Yes, demand a Congressional investigation!

Of how someone so gullible hasn't been removed by the 25th Amendment.

I listen to CSPAN-1 on weekday mornings when getting ready for work. They have listeners call-in from all over the country. These days 80% seems to be Trump supporters whining about how he isn't being treated fairly and how he's been appointed by God to save the country from the Democrats. I want to tell them that if Obama was doing things like this they'd want to hang him. It costs NYC $500K/day to protect Trump tower plus the Secret Service renting a floor because Baron can't change his elementary school. It costs the locals in Florida $60K for police overtime and $3M for Secret Service and Coast Guard for his weekly hiatus to Maralago, when he'd said he'd be at the White House almost all the time. It's ~$100K for SS accomodations whenever his kids travel on business. He's gone back on his pledge to release his tax returns. He's stocked his cabinet with billionaires. His Treasury Secretary ran a hedge fund registered in the Caymen Islands. Many of his campaign staff have suspicious ties with Russia. There's almost nothing left in the way of traditional middle class American values that he hasn't violated.

This guy is a bully and megalomaniac and there seems to be a huge proportion of America that loves it and is willing to sell-out their principles in support. So it appears to me that nothing short of an investigation leading to legal proceedings can stop him before he shuts out the news media completely and declares martial law.
Yes, demand a Congressional investigation!

Of how someone so gullible hasn't been removed by the 25th Amendment.

I listen to CSPAN-1 on weekday mornings when getting ready for work. They have listeners call-in from all over the country. These days 80% seems to be Trump supporters whining about how he isn't being treated fairly and how he's been appointed by God to save the country from the Democrats. I want to tell them that if Obama was doing things like this they'd want to hang him. It costs NYC $500K/day to protect Trump tower plus the Secret Service renting a floor because Baron can't change his elementary school. It costs the locals in Florida $60K for police overtime and $3M for Secret Service and Coast Guard for his weekly hiatus to Maralago, when he'd said he'd be at the White House almost all the time. It's ~$100K for SS accomodations whenever his kids travel on business. He's gone back on his pledge to release his tax returns. He's stocked his cabinet with billionaires. His Treasury Secretary ran a hedge fund registered in the Caymen Islands. Many of his campaign staff have suspicious ties with Russia. There's almost nothing left in the way of traditional middle class American values that he hasn't violated.

This guy is a bully and megalomaniac and there seems to be a huge proportion of America that loves it and is willing to sell-out their principles in support. So it appears to me that nothing short of an investigation leading to legal proceedings can stop him before he shuts out the news media completely and declares martial law.

What if 2018 doesn't go well for him? By now I'm sure he is aware that if congress flips he's going to jail. So I expect him to drum up some state of national emergency by then, even if he has to attack Pitcairn Island. :D
His ability to terrify people who actually believe in American values is exceeded only by his ability to terrify his toothless, mindless followers. I swear he could tell them Obama is tapping all of their phones and they would assemble a lynch mob to deal with the problem. But stay tuned - if we survive the next 20 months and there is an election, and if congress flips (even one house) in that election, this is all going to seem like a bad dream.
I gotta wonder about an outsider who's suddenly an insider, all the way inside, who's demanding investigations over twitter.

If I had the big chair, I would not publically call for Mitch Michael's head where every news organization would discuss my relationship with the bully that stuffed me into a gym locker in 1978.
Not when I could just give his name directly to one or more agencies to find out if there's any particular legal justification, in his taxes, business contacts, prison record, parole violations, or whatever, that we should chain his fucking wrist to a weather balloon and give him a knife before releasing the balloon... Just to know, you know?

Dull knife. OOH, a dull knife in one hand and a sharpening stone in the one chained to the balloon...

I mean, I GET that Trump's base hates Obama, but they also have been demanding results. Screaming threats on twitter doesn't get things done.
I gotta wonder about an outsider who's suddenly an insider, all the way inside, who's demanding investigations over twitter.

If I had the big chair, I would not publically call for Mitch Michael's head where every news organization would discuss my relationship with the bully that stuffed me into a gym locker in 1978.
Not when I could just give his name directly to one or more agencies to find out if there's any particular legal justification, in his taxes, business contacts, prison record, parole violations, or whatever, that we should chain his fucking wrist to a weather balloon and give him a knife before releasing the balloon... Just to know, you know?

Dull knife. OOH, a dull knife in one hand and a sharpening stone in the one chained to the balloon...

I mean, I GET that Trump's base hates Obama, but they also have been demanding results. Screaming threats on twitter doesn't get things done.
But the Democrats have been obstructing Trump at every corner. It is the worst obstruction ever. Even after the bipartisan spirit the Republicans showed Obama... was it paid back? Nope! The Democrats hate the Republicans and will do everything to stop them from undoing Obama's Socialist agenda.

Did I miss something?

Are we going to demand congressional investigations every time some alt-right radio show host makes up a story that Cheato swallows?
I think we need a congressional investigation into Ted Cruz' affairs with at least five women! Then we need one to investigate how Scalia was assassinated by a “$2,000-a-night hooker” hired by the CIA People are saying it!
This doesn't even begin to address the possibility that aliens have taken over Mitch McConnell's brain! We need a congressional investigation! And speaking of aliens, we need a congressional investigation into the fact that Trump is a Scientologist! And what about the rodent that is chewing its way through Steve Bannon's body???

These, and so many other things demand looking into... why doesn't Cheato pick up the phone, call Sessions, Comey and Pompeo and fucking ASK them if Obama actually did "tapp" his phone? That could at least take the easy one off the list. But noooooo - Cheato wants to waste the time of all of our lawmakers "investigating" his favorite fantasy.

Okay... I hope the next year and a half brings us congressional investigations of every fantasy that enters Cheato's addled mind. That should do as much to stall the Republican agenda as every obstructionist act the Dems can pull out of their collective hats.


There is a link between Trump and Scientology; Hubbard also had orange hair. I'm surprised that no one picked up on this point.
As for Banon, is it a rat or a mouse. It could be a young Sereque which is a rat like creature found in Mexico. I can see an outline on his cheek in the link you quoted ut its not clear. http://www.mexiconewsnetwork.com/adventure/sereque-mexico/

Perhaps these can tunnel under the wall.

As to Steve Bannon and the rodent, it's a beaver.
I listen to CSPAN-1 on weekday mornings when getting ready for work. They have listeners call-in from all over the country. These days 80% seems to be Trump supporters whining about how he isn't being treated fairly and how he's been appointed by God to save the country from the Democrats. I want to tell them that if Obama was doing things like this they'd want to hang him. It costs NYC $500K/day to protect Trump tower plus the Secret Service renting a floor because Baron can't change his elementary school. It costs the locals in Florida $60K for police overtime and $3M for Secret Service and Coast Guard for his weekly hiatus to Maralago, when he'd said he'd be at the White House almost all the time. It's ~$100K for SS accomodations whenever his kids travel on business. He's gone back on his pledge to release his tax returns. He's stocked his cabinet with billionaires. His Treasury Secretary ran a hedge fund registered in the Caymen Islands. Many of his campaign staff have suspicious ties with Russia. There's almost nothing left in the way of traditional middle class American values that he hasn't violated.

This guy is a bully and megalomaniac and there seems to be a huge proportion of America that loves it and is willing to sell-out their principles in support. So it appears to me that nothing short of an investigation leading to legal proceedings can stop him before he shuts out the news media completely and declares martial law.

What if 2018 doesn't go well for him? By now I'm sure he is aware that if congress flips he's going to jail. So I expect him to drum up some state of national emergency by then, even if he has to attack Pitcairn Island. :D
His ability to terrify people who actually believe in American values is exceeded only by his ability to terrify his toothless, mindless followers. I swear he could tell them Obama is tapping all of their phones and they would assemble a lynch mob to deal with the problem. But stay tuned - if we survive the next 20 months and there is an election, and if congress flips (even one house) in that election, this is all going to seem like a bad dream.

2018? he'll make sure the Russians hack the voting machines.
What if 2018 doesn't go well for him? By now I'm sure he is aware that if congress flips he's going to jail. So I expect him to drum up some state of national emergency by then, even if he has to attack Pitcairn Island. :D
His ability to terrify people who actually believe in American values is exceeded only by his ability to terrify his toothless, mindless followers. I swear he could tell them Obama is tapping all of their phones and they would assemble a lynch mob to deal with the problem. But stay tuned - if we survive the next 20 months and there is an election, and if congress flips (even one house) in that election, this is all going to seem like a bad dream.

2018? he'll make sure the Russians hack the voting machines.

It's going to get a lot harder for him now that he's under the microscope. But with a lot of seeding of his cohorts in the DOJ, FBI and CIA, he might yet get away with it.
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