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If Trump shoots someone on 5th Avenue, “nothing could be done”


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Trump’s lawyer: If Trump shoots someone on 5th Avenue, “nothing could be done”

So there we have it. Trump asserts that he is above the law.
Of course when pressed the lawyer says we can have him drawn and quartered or whatever, if/when we can get him out of office...
But since he can go around shooting anyone who wants to get him out of office, and/or pardoning anyone else who shoots people who want to get him out of office, how's that supposed to work? He has already pronounced several of his "enemies" as eligible for his death sentence...

Now, just ask them if this would have been the case if Hillary had won the election and deleted one email while in office.

If they can keep a straight face for 1 minute, without Novacain, i might give it to them.
Trump’s lawyer: If Trump shoots someone on 5th Avenue, “nothing could be done”

So there we have it. Trump asserts that he is above the law.
Of course when pressed the lawyer says we can have him drawn and quartered or whatever, if/when we can get him out of office...
But since he can go around shooting anyone who wants to get him out of office, and/or pardoning anyone else who shoots people who want to get him out of office, how's that supposed to work? He has already pronounced several of his "enemies" as eligible for his death sentence...


honestly, my thought about that goes to the Revolutionary War. If we have ourselves a King being inserted, then get your fucking guns ready.
This is inline with my responses about (punching) Nazis and the Confederacy... 'wear the uniform' and I am of the opinion that wartime rules apply.
We (rightly) punch nazis, knock down confederate symbols, and decapitate Kings.
I wasn't that surprised when I read that yesterday. I think his defenders are getting desperate which is making them say more extreme things. But, I still have hopes that a lot of this nonsense will backfire. After the impeachment, when the trial goes to the Senate, the half way sane Republicans, the ones who despise Trump but don't have the courage to say it openly, are going to have to sit and listen to some very well respected, witnesses, like Taylor, and a few of the others who have testified in the last week or so. These people have excellent reputations and it's going to be very difficult when all of this becomes open to the public for them to keep denying that the witnesses are the ones who are lying. The Republicans that Trump has referred to as "scumbags" have got to eventually get angry enough to stand up to this bullshit.

Of course, on the other hand, I could be wrong, and we will continue going down the drain.....

The current problem is that this is getting very complicated and it may take a lot longer to complete this mess, than was initially expected.
So I'm picturing a guy on 5th Avenue, crouching behind a car, as Trump shoots at him (obviously, 'Spurs, having had no training on marksmanship, missed with his first 4 shots.) The guy calls the NYPD.
"Police? I'm on 5th Avenue and 34th Street, and President Trump is firing at me. A gun."
"President Donald Trump?"
"The same."
"And??? What's your question, sir?"
"Can you come and take him down?"
"Sir, that is your President firing at you. You have to wait 'til he's out of office and then we'll respond."
"I think he's reloading. You can't do anything?"
"No sir. Can you get to a place of safety?"
"My place of safety is behind this car. He's holding the gun like a girl, and I can see that he closes his eyes when he squeezes the trigger. But if he fires enough times, he's gonna hit me or someone else."
"That's most regrettable."
"I suppose I should tell you. I don't know what your laws are in New York, but I'm armed. Can I fire back?"
"Sir, that is the President!! I must ask you to stand down!! When the shooting stops, we will have officers on the scene, and you will be taken into custody."
"Well, Jesus Christ, I'm supposed to let him kill me?"
"Sir, you sound like you are hostile to religion, which won't go over well with your typical New York police officer. The President is acting completely within his authority as set forth in the Constitution."
(Bang!) "Urgh."
"Sir? ...Sir?"
"Donnelly, who's on the line with you?"
"Nobody. He hung up. Call Transportation, they may have to clean up a mess on 5th and 34th."
ANNCR: "Welcome to the 5th Democratic debate. Please greet our remaining 14 candidates!"
(Candidates file out on stage)
ANNCR: "And now -"
(AK47 fire mows down the 14 candidates)
But seriously,

I wasn't that surprised when I read that yesterday. I think his defenders are getting desperate which is making them say more extreme things. But, I still have hopes that a lot of this nonsense will backfire. After the impeachment, when the trial goes to the Senate, the half way sane Republicans, the ones who despise Trump but don't have the courage to say it openly, are going to have to sit and listen to some very well respected, witnesses, like Taylor, and a few of the others who have testified in the last week or so. These people have excellent reputations and it's going to be very difficult when all of this becomes open to the public for them to keep denying that the witnesses are the ones who are lying. The Republicans that Trump has referred to as "scumbags" have got to eventually get angry enough to stand up to this bullshit.

Not if they value their job more than their Country, which seems to be a prerequisite for membership in the Party of Trump. If Senators continue to believe that the people who elected them will dump them at Trump's command, they will either make themselves invisible or be as visible as possible in their supplication to their God a L'Orange. If the Dems win the senate they're certainly going to win the Whitehouse, and winning the Senate BIGLY would be the only way to get a conviction, so...

Of course, on the other hand, I could be wrong, and we will continue going down the drain.....

The current problem is that this is getting very complicated and it may take a lot longer to complete this mess, than was initially expected.

Yeah we could all be wrong. I'm fairly sure that stringing this out is by design, by both Dems and Reps. Public hearings will begin in a few weeks. After the first few star performances it will become apparent whether the Republican public is going to move at all, and that will have a bearing on which party is advantaged by speed vs delay.

However long it takes, I just wonder how much destruction Trump and his mob can wreak and how much they can steal in the interim.
Let him shoot anyone he wants until the election. Better to have it looming over him to sway the voting later. The impeachment route just means that angry and stupid whites finally get to shoot some niggers and rob the pharmacy. It wouldn't take much to incite them, after their president gets lynched and the brainwashing from social media sets in. The barrage of social media bullshit is just too much, and they, whoever the fuck they are, need to prevent it this time. Pray they don't impeach Trump, and pray that they can plug the rage bait fire hose snaked in from Russia, right in front of everyone's fucking faces. Again.
The downside is if he loses the next elections he becomes a guy and Warren or Biden becomes a President.
The downside is if he loses the next elections he becomes a guy and Warren or Biden becomes a President.

I've long made my peace with the fact that there are zero perfect people in the world and zero perfect candidates for POTUS will ever or could ever run, given that such candidates are drawn from the human race.

Warren, Sanders and Biden would all be a vast improvement over what we have in office now, even if they dropped dead while in office, something that does not seem that unlikely to happen in the case of Sanders or Biden. Harris and Booker would be a vast improvement. Almost anybody running except Tulsi Gabbard would be a vast improvement.

That vast improvement will matter much less if the country does not put country and world above party. This isn't a football game. We are all supposed to be for America, not for self and not for party.
The downside is if he loses the next elections he becomes a guy and Warren or Biden becomes a President.

I've long made my peace with the fact that there are zero perfect people in the world and zero perfect candidates for POTUS will ever or could ever run, given that such candidates are drawn from the human race.

Warren, Sanders and Biden would all be a vast improvement over what we have in office now, even if they dropped dead while in office, something that does not seem that unlikely to happen in the case of Sanders or Biden. Harris and Booker would be a vast improvement. Almost anybody running except Tulsi Gabbard would be a vast improvement.
I don't know, I've been hearing some really good stuff about Gabbard from the right-wing, conservatives, and libertarians. She must be a very liberal and experienced candidate!
The downside is if he loses the next elections he becomes a guy and Warren or Biden becomes a President.

I've long made my peace with the fact that there are zero perfect people in the world and zero perfect candidates for POTUS will ever or could ever run, given that such candidates are drawn from the human race.

Warren, Sanders and Biden would all be a vast improvement over what we have in office now, even if they dropped dead while in office, something that does not seem that unlikely to happen in the case of Sanders or Biden. Harris and Booker would be a vast improvement. Almost anybody running except Tulsi Gabbard would be a vast improvement.

That vast improvement will matter much less if the country does not put country and world above party. This isn't a football game. We are all supposed to be for America, not for self and not for party.
I mostly agree, though not sure how is that a relevant reply to my post.
What I was trying to say that there is a downside to this proposed "5th avenue" law. Basically next President can kill anybody including his predecessor.
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