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‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum

A black Nazi, you say?
I'm not familiar with the case. But note that it says "anti-semitic", not "Nazi". The latter is a subset of the former.
I suppose if I ever had political ambitions, I would have taken precautions to remain a little more mysterious on the internet. Although I understand why some people have need to keep their face to face world and their online world separate, it's never been an issue for me.
It's not so much keeping them separate, but that you should keep anything that might be sensitive as separate as possible from your real identity.
I suppose if I ever had political ambitions, I would have taken precautions to remain a little more mysterious on the internet. Although I understand why some people have need to keep their face to face world and their online world separate, it's never been an issue for me.
It's not so much keeping them separate, but that you should keep anything that might be sensitive as separate as possible from your real identity.
The identity I present here is as real as any. When I'm online, I exercise the same discretion as when dealing with the face to face world. Anyone who knows me in the face to face world would not be surprised by anything I have ever posted, and if an online acquaintance ever takes me up on my offer of lunch, they'll find me much the same, only more so.
Goldwater would not be a member of today’s MAGGOT-infested GOP. Nor would Eisenhower, T. Roosevelt or Lincoln, among other notables.
The Republicans of old share little but a name with the MAGA crowd. They corrupted the party and now are trying to corrupt the nation.

I don’t think Goldwater was ever a racist or a bigot. His opposition to the Civil Rights Act was rooted in a libertarian theory of government and business, in which government took a “hands-off” approach to the private operation of business, and that would include who to serve. He would say, at that time, that it was the “right” of a private property owner to refuse service to anyone for any reason, including the color of the person’s skin.
I am not going to address what his position was but opposition to something doesn't always mean you support it's opposite. Government should not intrude on personal matters without a compelling state interest in doing so--a burden that I do not think is met in an awful lot of cases. I can easily see someone of the time not realizing how much harm was being caused by the negative social implications of putting blacks in higher places.
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