Dung beetles. Lots and lots of dung beetles.
I've heard they were in comas, no poopies.What I want to know is who had the job of shoveling manure. It must have stank to 'high heaven' as the saying goes.
I've heard they were in comas, no poopies.What I want to know is who had the job of shoveling manure. It must have stank to 'high heaven' as the saying goes.
I've heard that God took care of that, along with the food. Mana fell from heaven, poop floated back up for...magic...recycling?
I've heard that while building the ark, Noah trained animals to shovel the poop. Such as homo floresiensis.was offered as a candidate, as well as chimps, gorillas, Neanderthals....
Acceptance is meaningless without understanding.
Many accept evolution but have no clue about it's nondirectionality.
Nothing that arises is planned or could be known about ahead of time.
It is all an expression of random change.
There's one overarching reality about this entire creation magic vs evolution discussion that rarely gets mentioned, and that is that "life" is constructed mostly of water. WATER! Fucking water!
LOL. The man died of cerebral edema.
I rest my case.
But most speculation about descent with modification were about relatively small-scale changes. The first to speculate about large-scale DwM was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, around 1800. He is best known for proposing the inheritance of acquired characters, but that theory was around long before him. "Maternal impressions" are some folklore that what one experiences can shape one's fetus, for instance ( Maternal impression), and a version of that is the genetic engineering described in Genesis 30, making cattle streaked by showing their parents striped sticks when they were being conceived.8. Biology
The doxography tells us that according to Anaximander life originated from the moisture that covered the earth before it was dried up by the sun. The first animals were a kind of fish, with a thorny skin (the Greek word is the same that was used for the metaphor “the bark of a tree” in Anaximander’s cosmology). Originally, men were generated from fishes and were fed in the manner of a viviparous shark. The reason for this is said to be that the human child needs long protection in order to survive. Some authors have, rather anachronistically, seen in these scattered statements a proto-evolutionist theory.
Never "How dare you say that birds are descended from little dinosaurs!!!" or "How dare you say that whales are descended from land animals!!!"
Fair enough.Well, not NEVER. I have seen people poo-poo these very ideas. But they offer them as obvious proof that the entire theory is foolish. "Look at a whale and a ____! Do they look related! Evolution is stupid!"Never "How dare you say that birds are descended from little dinosaurs!!!" or "How dare you say that whales are descended from land animals!!!"
No, it's not fair. It's even worse. They don't like ape(ish) baby, so they also throw out the whalewater and the horsewater and the chickenwater. Thinking that just by glancing at, say, a whale and a proposed ancestor, they can SEE the reason all the actual evidence they dismiss is dismissable.Fair enough.Well, not NEVER. I have seen people poo-poo these very ideas. But they offer them as obvious proof that the entire theory is foolish. "Look at a whale and a ____! Do they look related! Evolution is stupid!"Never "How dare you say that birds are descended from little dinosaurs!!!" or "How dare you say that whales are descended from land animals!!!"
Some creationists inflate this number to 100 or 150 or so.n 1893, Robert Wiedersheim published The Structure of Man, a book on human anatomy and its relevance to man's evolutionary history. This book contained a list of 86 human organs that he considered vestigial, or as Wiedersheim himself explained: "Organs having become wholly or in part functionless, some appearing in the Embryo alone, others present during Life constantly or inconstantly. For the greater part Organs which may be rightly termed Vestigial."
I occasionally scan religious TV shows.
Today I heard something new. It is not religion that is incompatible with science, it is atheism that is incompatible with science.