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Is it time for us to start working on leaving the planet?

Really, some arguments are so mind-bogglingly dumb that there is no point in pointing out the flaws; the idea of going into space to solve our problems is one such idea.

It is pretty much ALL flaws, so there is nothing specific to point out. If you can't immediately see that it is unbelievably stupid; that any problem that we have needs to be solved before going into space, not by going into space, then arguing against it is futile.

Your problem is that you suffer a surfeit of optimism. You seem totally blind to the flaws in your ideas, and think that other people's attempts to point them out to you can simply be disregarded as negativity or pessimism.

You are not qualified to actually do anything towards your goal, and you are a miserable failure at encouraging those who are qualified to support you.

The idea of solving any problem we currently have by leaving the planet is fractally wrong; at every point, and at every scale, it is fatally flawed.

It is an idea with no merit whatsoever; a stupid, pointless, and moronic attempt to find a solution where none exists, by adding massively to the complexity of the task at hand. It is the antithesis of a good idea, and may even be reasonably described as the antithesis of an idea.

It is vacuous, unworkable, expensive, and futile; it has zero merit, it is a bad, bad, bad idea.

As ideas go, this is one of the worst in history. It cannot possibly achieve its stated goals, and would, if attempted, cause vastly more harm than good.

In short, it is a dumb idea.

Really, no further argument is needed. Arguments are for ideas that might or might not work. Ideas that are completely, uncontroversially and irredeemably stupid merely need to be identified as such, and discarded without further waste of time or effort.
Really, some arguments are so mind-bogglingly dumb that there is no point in pointing out the flaws; the idea of going into space to solve our problems is one such idea.

It is pretty much ALL flaws, so there is nothing specific to point out. If you can't immediately see that it is unbelievably stupid; that any problem that we have needs to be solved before going into space, not by going into space, then arguing against it is futile.

Your problem is that you suffer a surfeit of optimism. You seem totally blind to the flaws in your ideas, and think that other people's attempts to point them out to you can simply be disregarded as negativity or pessimism.

You are not qualified to actually do anything towards your goal, and you are a miserable failure at encouraging those who are qualified to support you.

The idea of solving any problem we currently have by leaving the planet is fractally wrong; at every point, and at every scale, it is fatally flawed.

It is an idea with no merit whatsoever; a stupid, pointless, and moronic attempt to find a solution where none exists, by adding massively to the complexity of the task at hand. It is the antithesis of a good idea, and may even be reasonably described as the antithesis of an idea.

It is vacuous, unworkable, expensive, and futile; it has zero merit, it is a bad, bad, bad idea.

As ideas go, this is one of the worst in history. It cannot possibly achieve its stated goals, and would, if attempted, cause vastly more harm than good.

In short, it is a dumb idea.

Really, no further argument is needed. Arguments are for ideas that might or might not work. Ideas that are completely, uncontroversially and irredeemably stupid merely need to be identified as such, and discarded without further waste of time or effort.

Yea, I don't know what's weirder, the original idea, or the fact that this thread is 140 posts long.

Dumb ideas are easy to respond to, I guess..
Really, some arguments are so mind-bogglingly dumb that there is no point in pointing out the flaws; the idea of going into space to solve our problems is one such idea.

It is pretty much ALL flaws, so there is nothing specific to point out. If you can't immediately see that it is unbelievably stupid; that any problem that we have needs to be solved before going into space, not by going into space, then arguing against it is futile.

Your problem is that you suffer a surfeit of optimism. You seem totally blind to the flaws in your ideas, and think that other people's attempts to point them out to you can simply be disregarded as negativity or pessimism.

You are not qualified to actually do anything towards your goal, and you are a miserable failure at encouraging those who are qualified to support you.

The idea of solving any problem we currently have by leaving the planet is fractally wrong; at every point, and at every scale, it is fatally flawed.

It is an idea with no merit whatsoever; a stupid, pointless, and moronic attempt to find a solution where none exists, by adding massively to the complexity of the task at hand. It is the antithesis of a good idea, and may even be reasonably described as the antithesis of an idea.

It is vacuous, unworkable, expensive, and futile; it has zero merit, it is a bad, bad, bad idea.

As ideas go, this is one of the worst in history. It cannot possibly achieve its stated goals, and would, if attempted, cause vastly more harm than good.

In short, it is a dumb idea.

Really, no further argument is needed. Arguments are for ideas that might or might not work. Ideas that are completely, uncontroversially and irredeemably stupid merely need to be identified as such, and discarded without further waste of time or effort.

My idea is not as dumb as your post is redundant.

The problem with your post is that you and others is that you are too ignorant and arrogant.
Really, some arguments are so mind-bogglingly dumb that there is no point in pointing out the flaws; the idea of going into space to solve our problems is one such idea.

It is pretty much ALL flaws, so there is nothing specific to point out. If you can't immediately see that it is unbelievably stupid; that any problem that we have needs to be solved before going into space, not by going into space, then arguing against it is futile.

Your problem is that you suffer a surfeit of optimism. You seem totally blind to the flaws in your ideas, and think that other people's attempts to point them out to you can simply be disregarded as negativity or pessimism.

You are not qualified to actually do anything towards your goal, and you are a miserable failure at encouraging those who are qualified to support you.

The idea of solving any problem we currently have by leaving the planet is fractally wrong; at every point, and at every scale, it is fatally flawed.

It is an idea with no merit whatsoever; a stupid, pointless, and moronic attempt to find a solution where none exists, by adding massively to the complexity of the task at hand. It is the antithesis of a good idea, and may even be reasonably described as the antithesis of an idea.

It is vacuous, unworkable, expensive, and futile; it has zero merit, it is a bad, bad, bad idea.

As ideas go, this is one of the worst in history. It cannot possibly achieve its stated goals, and would, if attempted, cause vastly more harm than good.

In short, it is a dumb idea.

Really, no further argument is needed. Arguments are for ideas that might or might not work. Ideas that are completely, uncontroversially and irredeemably stupid merely need to be identified as such, and discarded without further waste of time or effort.

My idea is not as dumb as your post is redundant.

The problem with your post is that you haven't paid attention to what I have been saying.

On the contrary, I have been paying far too much attention to what you have been saying. I am sick to death of mindless utopianism.
My idea is not as dumb as your post is redundant.

The problem with your post is that you haven't paid attention to what I have been saying.

On the contrary, I have been paying far too much attention to what you have been saying. I am sick to death of mindless utopianism.

You're just not ready for this kind of change. Agreeing with me would mean to change everything. I know that it won't be easy.
On the contrary, I have been paying far too much attention to what you have been saying. I am sick to death of mindless utopianism.

You're just not ready for this kind of change. Agreeing with me would mean to change everything. I know that it won't be easy.

Agreeing with you would be the height of stupidity. Your ideas are grandiose but ill-thought out. I have no problem with change, but I won't start chasing foolish pie-in-the-sky dreams for the sake of change, nor because some hopelessly over optimistic but ill-informed person on the Internet wants me to.

You are putting the cart before the horse; An off-world colony might be a good idea for a number of reasons, but first we need to solve the problems that you (with no justification at all) seem to think can be solved by simply setting up such a colony. Well they can't. Every single thing that you have set out in this thread as problems to be solved would be easier and cheaper to achieve on Earth; None of the causes for these problems are unique to the Earth, except insofar as Earth is where all the people are. By exporting any of the people (no matter how carefully selected they might be), you would export the problems too. It has happened every time anyone has colonised anywhere; and it would happen again, unless we already solved the problems before we left - in which case your reason for going just disappears.

If you want people to support your ideas, you need to first persuade them that your ideas are good ideas. The critical missing factor in this problem is that in order to convince most people (and certainly in order to convince the skilled individuals you need to recruit), that you have a good idea, the ideas actually need to be good - and this idea isn't good. it is an obvious stinker, and nobody with the wit to help out with an adventure into space will touch it with a ten foot pole.

The world is full of half-arsed bullshit, mostly caused by people saying 'Wouldn't it be a good idea if...' and nobody having the testicular fortitude to stand up and say 'No, that would be a very poor idea'. Fortunately for me, you are not in a position to fire me for not being sufficiently supportive of your pet projects.

Most of the bullshit in the developed world is the result of pointy-haired bosses with limited imaginations and no technical skills who have the authority to insist that others go along with their half-baked schemes.

Change is fine. But it must be reasoned and reasonable. What you are calling for is neither. Damn right I am not ready for it. If my mental acuity ever deteriorates to the point where I am ready for it, I hope someone is at hand to help me die with dignity.
You're just not ready for this kind of change. Agreeing with me would mean to change everything. I know that it won't be easy.

Agreeing with you would be the height of stupidity. Your ideas are grandiose but ill-thought out. I have no problem with change, but I won't start chasing foolish pie-in-the-sky dreams for the sake of change, nor because some hopelessly over optimistic but ill-informed person on the Internet wants me to.

You are putting the cart before the horse; An off-world colony might be a good idea for a number of reasons, but first we need to solve the problems that you (with no justification at all) seem to think can be solved by simply setting up such a colony. Well they can't. Every single thing that you have set out in this thread as problems to be solved would be easier and cheaper to achieve on Earth; None of the causes for these problems are unique to the Earth, except insofar as Earth is where all the people are.

Problems in the world have much to do with fighting over resources, complicated claims for land and conflicts over differing ideologies. These three issues will be significantly limited by the space colony because it would have all of the resources recycled (needing very little for entropy), no complications from previous land claims and a more harmonious society with Western ideologies.

Remember that I know this isn't the best plan possible or a perfect plan, but it is a plan to solve the major issues in the world.

By exporting any of the people (no matter how carefully selected they might be), you would export the problems too.

Of course we would export some problems, and new problems would even emerge. All we can do is solve as many major problems as we can while trying to avoid any worse problems that might emerge. We have no choice. There is no such thing as stasis or true conservatism because we live in a dynamic universe, so we must constantly be diligent and adapting to the changes.

This is a distant plan to ease major problems from borders, invoked terrorism, land histories, resource/money fueled conflicts, pollution, weather, geological devastation and other planetary uncertainties that are uncontrollable.

It has happened every time anyone has colonised anywhere; and it would happen again, unless we already solved the problems before we left - in which case your reason for going just disappears.

If you want people to support your ideas, you need to first persuade them that your ideas are good ideas. The critical missing factor in this problem is that in order to convince most people (and certainly in order to convince the skilled individuals you need to recruit), that you have a good idea, the ideas actually need to be good - and this idea isn't good. it is an obvious stinker, and nobody with the wit to help out with an adventure into space will touch it with a ten foot pole.

I am not on here to find support; I am on here to read criticisms, opinions and other kinds of thoughts about all of this.

If I wanted support, I would probably pander to young liberal minds who think this would be "cool".

The world is full of half-arsed bullshit, mostly caused by people saying 'Wouldn't it be a good idea if...' and nobody having the testicular fortitude to stand up and say 'No, that would be a very poor idea'. Fortunately for me, you are not in a position to fire me for not being sufficiently supportive of your pet projects.

Most of the bullshit in the developed world is the result of pointy-haired bosses with limited imaginations and no technical skills who have the authority to insist that others go along with their half-baked schemes.

This is not about your "pointy-haired" boss. :biggrina:
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No you can't.

Another brilliant argument - do you care to explain, or is this your way of getting attention?

You have demonstrated no capability to orqanise people in charge or even in doing work at these forums. For you to make such a claim requires that you support that claim.

Got your attention?

- - - Updated - - -

Did you even read my posts, or are you just ignorant too?

In 4-5 years you're going to look back on this thread and..

Sorry, didn't mean to set off your defenses.

nm ... saying anything would be piling on....
Another brilliant argument - do you care to explain, or is this your way of getting attention?

You have demonstrated no capability to orqanise people in charge or even in doing work at these forums. For you to make such a claim requires that you support that claim.

I didn't know that was what I was trying to do.

Got your attention?

Isn't that what trolling is meant to do?

Did you even read my posts, or are you just ignorant too?

In 4-5 years you're going to look back on this thread and..

Sorry, didn't mean to set off your defenses.

nm ... saying anything would be piling on....

too late
You have demonstrated no capability to orqanise people in charge or even in doing work at these forums. For you to make such a claim requires that you support that claim.

I didn't know that was what I was trying to do.

I took your reply based on my readings of your demonstrated capabilities, lack thereof, to organize leading people at this forum...... you generally take on the cloak of the student.

Bluntly, what you were trying to do was to establish some coat of authority for yourself on this topic. IMHO you failed and now you fail again.

Still all you need do is provide evidence you are an organizer of leaders.....apply for the position of off earth transport organizer.
I didn't know that was what I was trying to do.

I took your reply based on my readings of your demonstrated capabilities, lack thereof, to organize leading people at this forum...... you generally take on the cloak of the student.

I am not trying to organize people from this forum. I put my ideas out there. If someone shared my passion for this, then I might be interested in working with that person on this in the future.

Bluntly, what you were trying to do was to establish some coat of authority for yourself on this topic. IMHO you failed and now you fail again.

No I was not. Unfortunately it might come off that way over the forum.

Still all you need do is provide evidence you are an organizer of leaders.....apply for the position of off earth transport organizer.
No I don't need to provide evidence that I am an organizer; I need to organize. I have not started to organize people yet. I have been more interested in constructive criticism, helpful ideas and just feedback in general. I have learnt a lot from doing this.
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