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Is there a point where we technically don't have a pres?


Mar 31, 2006
Far Western Mass
Basic Beliefs
I'm here...
During my naval service, someone's reenlistment ceremony was interrupted. He'd received the paperwork ending his previous enlistment. The captain showed him the bonus check for his reenlisting, $3000, but someone needed the CO's attention before he signed the new contract/took the oath. ×hen he turned back, the sailor was gone...with the check. Without actually reenlisting.

After that, they didn't give us the discharge until after they got the new contract signed. Usually with the same tired joke, "you were technically out of the Navy since midnight. Har-har. We should have charged you for breakfast. Har-har."
Except for my second re-up, when the CO gave me the discharge first, and generously offfered me a 24 hour head start...in the Mid-Atlantic...300 feet below the surface.

Har fucking har.

Anyway, i was wondering if the inauguration oath was the full tranfer of power, or if the were a technicality in there somewhere? Some other event ending tge previous term....?

Because i can imagine the plot of a thriller, or a comedy, where there is a federal prosecutor who has dirt on, say, an incumbent president, but he can't arrest the President while in office.
And the statute of limitations will run out during the second term.
But then he learns that the President actually won't _BE_ president during the limo drive to the swearing in ceremony.

So if he can arrest him on the steps up to the ceremony...

Tom Cruise as the prosecutor, Frank Langella as the Pres, Denzel Washington as the conflicted Secret Service Agent in charge of the ceremony, Sofia Boutella as the FBI agent assisting Cruise, Christine Baranski as Langella's protective scheduling secretary, Pence as a conniving Vice Pres trying to get Langella arrested...

Unless the President is Kevin James.

Jack Black as the Prosecutor. Dwayne Johnson as his bookish legal aide (the one who discovers the window of opportunity).
Jason Stratham in dual roles as twin brothers, one who drives the Presidential limo, one who drives for the Justice department team in the chase scene. Sarah Silverman as the President's chief of staff who has heard rumors about Black's plan and is riding roughshod over the whole day ("Get in the limo, you fat fuck! You can have breakfast tomorrow, or you can have a cavity search today!"). Charlie Sheen as the over-aggressive Secret Service agent on the detail.

I would like to see these movies made, but i would really like to see at least one commercial made, played during Fox And Friends, just to see the tweets that would follow.
I would think the switch is simultaneous. Ten seconds before the new president becomes president marks ten seconds of being president for the present president. Kinda like a relay where a baton, stick, or torch is passed on to the next. There’s that transition point, but I’d think technically, the former stays the current up until the upcoming becomes the current.

But then again, I’ve learned that thinking is a dangerous thing. I mean dang, there’s probably some legislative cut off time and date which makes all my thinking pointless. What I think don’t mean jack. It’s a research issue where the answer isn’t introspective.

So, why am I here? I just want a part in the movie man! I thought maybe if I showed up and associated with the right one’s, I might create an opportunity for an opportunity. So long as I’m a success at the first, being a failure at the second at least shows I’m trying.

I’m thinking I can be a stunt double and be the go-to guy for all the hairy car stunts. I’m not going to be pushy or be in anyone’s way, but if you get into a situation where some of the brainiacs can’t solve a safety concern, I’m just asking that you remember that I’ll be close by standing dead ready to rock and roll.

Theres some union dealy for stunt drivers, but sure, you can be the guy on the corner, pointing up the street, 'is that the President's limo taking the corner on two wheels?'
If it's the drama, it's swerving to get around a roadblock of Veterans who used to support the Pres, in the comedy it's trying to avoid a collision with the Justice building, as Silverman symbolically shouts, 'We have to avoid Justice!'
Well, if it's a re-election, then he'd still be President during the limo ride to the inauguration because he doesn't stop being President until the new one comes in, so there'd be no time when he's not President.
Well, if it's a re-election, then he'd still be President during the limo ride to the inauguration because he doesn't stop being President until the new one comes in, so there'd be no time when he's not President.

But like my example of my enlistment being followed by my enlistment, is there some legal or even ceremonial end of the President's term? It makes no real sense, but i can sure see it as a movie plot anyway. And thus a rumor...

Hey, can we start a rumor that Obama never actually (i dunno, saluted the flag on the last walk out? Or didn't ask the portrait of Washington for permisdion to leave? Or ordered a last breakfast but NEVER ATE IT!) and technically he never turned over the country?

Something more symbolic than legalistic, but still counts as a precedent, that appeals to those tea party/sovereignty guys.
During my naval service, someone's reenlistment ceremony was interrupted. He'd received the paperwork ending his previous enlistment. The captain showed him the bonus check for his reenlisting, $3000, but someone needed the CO's attention before he signed the new contract/took the oath. ×hen he turned back, the sailor was gone...with the check. Without actually reenlisting.

After that, they didn't give us the discharge until after they got the new contract signed. Usually with the same tired joke, "you were technically out of the Navy since midnight. Har-har. We should have charged you for breakfast. Har-har."
Except for my second re-up, when the CO gave me the discharge first, and generously offfered me a 24 hour head start...in the Mid-Atlantic...300 feet below the surface.

Har fucking har.

Anyway, i was wondering if the inauguration oath was the full tranfer of power, or if the were a technicality in there somewhere? Some other event ending tge previous term....?

Because i can imagine the plot of a thriller, or a comedy, where there is a federal prosecutor who has dirt on, say, an incumbent president, but he can't arrest the President while in office.
And the statute of limitations will run out during the second term.
But then he learns that the President actually won't _BE_ president during the limo drive to the swearing in ceremony.

So if he can arrest him on the steps up to the ceremony...

Tom Cruise as the prosecutor, Frank Langella as the Pres, Denzel Washington as the conflicted Secret Service Agent in charge of the ceremony, Sofia Boutella as the FBI agent assisting Cruise, Christine Baranski as Langella's protective scheduling secretary, Pence as a conniving Vice Pres trying to get Langella arrested...

Unless the President is Kevin James.

Jack Black as the Prosecutor. Dwayne Johnson as his bookish legal aide (the one who discovers the window of opportunity).
Jason Stratham in dual roles as twin brothers, one who drives the Presidential limo, one who drives for the Justice department team in the chase scene. Sarah Silverman as the President's chief of staff who has heard rumors about Black's plan and is riding roughshod over the whole day ("Get in the limo, you fat fuck! You can have breakfast tomorrow, or you can have a cavity search today!"). Charlie Sheen as the over-aggressive Secret Service agent on the detail.

I would like to see these movies made, but i would really like to see at least one commercial made, played during Fox And Friends, just to see the tweets that would follow.

Joking is all well and good but you imply that the US has some intention of giving this man a second term.

Please don't.
Moee to the point, though, i want to set a rumor in #FatNixon's ear that even running for a second term is not an impervious defensive strategy.

And start selling T shirts for 2020 Russia State Visit of No Return.
During my naval service, someone's reenlistment ceremony was interrupted. He'd received the paperwork ending his previous enlistment. The captain showed him the bonus check for his reenlisting, $3000, but someone needed the CO's attention before he signed the new contract/took the oath. ×hen he turned back, the sailor was gone...with the check. Without actually reenlisting.

After that, they didn't give us the discharge until after they got the new contract signed. Usually with the same tired joke, "you were technically out of the Navy since midnight. Har-har. We should have charged you for breakfast. Har-har."
Except for my second re-up, when the CO gave me the discharge first, and generously offfered me a 24 hour head start...in the Mid-Atlantic...300 feet below the surface.

Har fucking har.

Anyway, i was wondering if the inauguration oath was the full tranfer of power, or if the were a technicality in there somewhere? Some other event ending tge previous term....?

Because i can imagine the plot of a thriller, or a comedy, where there is a federal prosecutor who has dirt on, say, an incumbent president, but he can't arrest the President while in office.
And the statute of limitations will run out during the second term.
But then he learns that the President actually won't _BE_ president during the limo drive to the swearing in ceremony.

So if he can arrest him on the steps up to the ceremony...

Tom Cruise as the prosecutor, Frank Langella as the Pres, Denzel Washington as the conflicted Secret Service Agent in charge of the ceremony, Sofia Boutella as the FBI agent assisting Cruise, Christine Baranski as Langella's protective scheduling secretary, Pence as a conniving Vice Pres trying to get Langella arrested...

Unless the President is Kevin James.

Jack Black as the Prosecutor. Dwayne Johnson as his bookish legal aide (the one who discovers the window of opportunity).
Jason Stratham in dual roles as twin brothers, one who drives the Presidential limo, one who drives for the Justice department team in the chase scene. Sarah Silverman as the President's chief of staff who has heard rumors about Black's plan and is riding roughshod over the whole day ("Get in the limo, you fat fuck! You can have breakfast tomorrow, or you can have a cavity search today!"). Charlie Sheen as the over-aggressive Secret Service agent on the detail.

I would like to see these movies made, but i would really like to see at least one commercial made, played during Fox And Friends, just to see the tweets that would follow.

Joking is all well and good but you imply that the US has some intention of giving this man a second term.

Please don't.

Unfortunately, there are those, some of them my relatives, who ADORE Trump and seem impervious to the idea that so far, the only thing he's actually done is to start his campaign for his next term. This includes a cousin who adopted her child from El Salvador and keeps posting things about Build That Wall on FB. I would not bet the ranch that all of the appropriate paperwork was done and that her 32 year old daughter is actually a legal citizen. I hope so but....my cousin isn't the best one for knowing how to follow through and as far as I know, they still haven't paid back the loans that my uncle and their church gave them to help fund the adoption. Granted, it would have been hard for them to do as her husband can't keep a job and her job has never paid much. With only a HS degree from a Baptist high school, neither has ever been in a good position to earn well and they are heading into retirement in a few years, although I don't know how. God help them. Her husband unfriended me a while back when I implied he might be racist, which he defended by a 3 paragraph diatribe about how he had black friends--2 of them! so he couldn't be racist. He then followed by telling me I couldn't respond or he would unfriend me and then he unfriended me 3 seconds later.

There's also a bunch of stuff about how Melania brought class back to the FLOTUS. Because we all know that Michelle Obama was a (black woman) fat, ignorant, loud mouthed ape who didn't know how to act or how to decorate or what nutrition was or...how to write a speech.

I truly love my cousin. This Trump loving BS aside, she's actually a very loving, kind person who has done a great deal to reach out to her nephew who is struggling under a loathesome, abusive father and various addictions. She's the opposite of materialistic. She had a difficult upbringing and a bunch of bad stuff happened in her life. She doesn't wallow in it, isn't a 'poor pitiful me' kind of person but she truly does not see a disconnect between her political opinions and the teachings of Christ, in whom she believes with her whole heart.

These are the core of Trump supporters plus some mega milliion/billionaires who don't have enough money and don't have the guts to run for office themselves.

This is what we have to fight against. Plus Russia Plus China and whoever else can hack social media and spread disinformation and stoke racist fires.
If we impeach Trump and vote to remove him from office, we won't have a president until Pence is sworn in.

I agree that we should not arrest a sitting president. Trump should be impeached and removed from office. AFTER Pence is removed from office. AFTER Jan 3 when Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker of the house and 3rd in line to the Presidency. I'm not a big Pelosi fan but she would be an improvement over either Trump or creepy fake-pious Pence. My friends from Indiana are outspoken about how terrible he is. And they don't talk politics.
We haven't had a president since January 20th, 2017. We've had a moron pretending to be the president.
If we impeach Trump and vote to remove him from office, we won't have a president until Pence is sworn in.

I agree that we should not arrest a sitting president. Trump should be impeached and removed from office. AFTER Pence is removed from office. AFTER Jan 3 when Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker of the house and 3rd in line to the Presidency. I'm not a big Pelosi fan but she would be an improvement over either Trump or creepy fake-pious Pence. My friends from Indiana are outspoken about how terrible he is. And they don't talk politics.

Wouldn't Pence become President the moment Trump is removed? The whole swearing in thing is ceremonial and doesn't actually matter to becoming President.
If we impeach Trump and vote to remove him from office, we won't have a president until Pence is sworn in.

I agree that we should not arrest a sitting president. Trump should be impeached and removed from office. AFTER Pence is removed from office. AFTER Jan 3 when Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker of the house and 3rd in line to the Presidency. I'm not a big Pelosi fan but she would be an improvement over either Trump or creepy fake-pious Pence. My friends from Indiana are outspoken about how terrible he is. And they don't talk politics.

Wouldn't Pence become President the moment Trump is removed? The whole swearing in thing is ceremonial and doesn't actually matter to becoming President.
I think you are right.

I just spent some time looking this up. I didn't remember from when Ford became president but he did become president the moment Nixon resigned, according to law. He was immediately sworn in. Nixon officially resigned via letter on 8/9/74; Ford was immediately sworn in as President on 8/9/74. I can't find anything that notes a time lapse and I don't remember whether there was one or not. It would have been brief.

The swearing in is important. Until he is sworn in, the former president remains president, unless there's a death or a resignation or removal from office.
I remember looking into this when there was that whole thing about Obama screwing up the oath or whatever. The swearing in is just a ceremony and not a constitutional requirement.

If the judge asks the guy to swear to uphold the constitution and the office and whatever and he says no and walks off the stage, he still gets to walk into the Oval Office and start Presidenting.
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