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Is this the end of the GOP?

And when you read an article about what is happening with the republican party at the federal level it reads like a soap opera. The business of running the country isn't even on their minds. They're all caught up in their own little fantasies. I swear there's something in the water or food.

The far right GOP was elected on fear and anger. That does not translate very well into policy.

Yes, you are right. That is the problem with conservatives and governance. They don't do policy. They can achieve their goal of no change simply by obstruction.

No sane country listens to conservatives. Their answer for every problem is the same, no.

Unfortunately, conservatives can use fear and anger to increase their numbers.
The GOP is alive and well. Every few years each party is assessed as on the verge of death, but all it takes is a single election to suddenly turn the tables.
It's alive, but certainly not well. The question remains can the dysfunction of Tea Party members hurt the chances of Republicans getting reelected in purple districts. That is to be seen. If that happens, there will be a war between the two factions.

What is bizarre is that these people actually believe they lost in '08 because the party just wasn't conservative enough. They are so terribly out of touch with the populace and now seem to believe they are in Congress not because their district is more red that a fire truck, but because the general sentiment of the US population is far right.
Am I the only one who really can't wait until the end of next year? Seeing all these people living under a Hillary Clinton presidency will be even funnier than seeing all these people trying to stop a Hillary Clinton presidency.
Am I the only one who really can't wait until the end of next year? Seeing all these people living under a Hillary Clinton presidency will be even funnier than seeing all these people trying to stop a Hillary Clinton presidency.
Hillary will need to double the Secret Service staff and make them also promise not to go whoring around when in the US.
The GOP is alive and well. Every few years each party is assessed as on the verge of death, but all it takes is a single election to suddenly turn the tables.

Someone brought up gerrymandering. Look no further than that. The Supreme Court has decided that such matters are not within its power to oversee and so until the makeup of the Court is different and until someone brings another lawsuit under a slightly different cause of action, those states will be putting nutjobs into office.

We are looking at demographic changes that will hurt the GOP. Changes that even the most extreme gerrymandering can't overcome, especially in the presidential election years. The GOP is on the verge of losing Texas and Florida, more than half of the ~100 electoral that the Republicans count in their pocket every four years from the South. If the Democrats would get off of their butts and contest every election and get out the vote in off years, they would be in control of more than the presidency right now.

The lawsuit that should be brought would be against the legal gerrymandering law that forces states to create more minority districts in the House of Representatives. It is "reverse discrimination" against whites that conservatives posters here constantly rail against. The law forces the Red States to pack Democratic votes into just a few districts, exactly what the Republicans want to do to reduce the number of Democratic Representatives.

But there is no one to bring the lawsuit. The Republicans are happy with this part of affirmative action and the Democrats don't want to alienate the minorities by bringing the suit. It is more likely to be declared unconstitutional when the five reactionary justices finally get rid of all of affirmative action.

Am I the only one who really can't wait until the end of next year? Seeing all these people living under a Hillary Clinton presidency will be even funnier than seeing all these people trying to stop a Hillary Clinton presidency.
Hillary will need to double the Secret Service staff and make them also promise not to go whoring around when in the US.

The Secret Service doesn't whore around in the US. The rule is "wings up, rings off", so they only whore around while out of the country. As part of America's diplomatic entourage, it's part of their job to help stimulate the local economy when abroad on official business.
Am I the only one who really can't wait until the end of next year?
You can laugh, your government is not constipated with shrieking nihilists that have the compromise tactics of a two-year old.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Movement conservatism is alive and well in Canada, especially in the west.
Am I the only one who really can't wait until the end of next year? Seeing all these people living under a Hillary Clinton presidency will be even funnier than seeing all these people trying to stop a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Arguably Clinton is the most qualified person to run for president since HW Bush, Nixon and Johnson.

Wait, that proves your point, not argues against it!
Am I the only one who really can't wait until the end of next year? Seeing all these people living under a Hillary Clinton presidency will be even funnier than seeing all these people trying to stop a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Arguably Clinton is the most qualified person to run for president since HW Bush, Nixon and Johnson.

Wait, that proves your point, not argues against it!

Ya, she'll probably be a very competent President who has very little chance of accidentally blowing up Philadelphia or selling Atlanta to the Chinese by not reading the fine print of a trade deal.

That'll make it worse for the GOP who will be flabbergasted that freedom doesn't die under her leadership.
The G.O.P. has zombie-dimension longevity. America's Angry Old White People are going to stay angry for a long, long time. Seriously, if this party was ever in danger of permanent marginal status it would've started back in the winter of '08-'09, when they nearly unbalanced all the world markets and left us with 2 wars going on the national credit card and it was then common knowledge that their president had blown off an intelligence briefing in Aug. '01 that we would be attacked by terrorists using jet planes. Have they paid a major price for that, yet? Yes, they lost 2 White House races, but Obama/McCain wasn't a landslide and Obama/Romney showed them still competitive. They have their own news network and think tanks working around the clock. They own the House, the Senate, and Clint Eastwood likes them. I'd say all bets are dicey on this crowd.
There are no leaders because leading is forbidden.

You walk in lockstep or you do not get to march with the Republicans.
There are no leaders because leading is forbidden.

You walk in lockstep or you do not get to march with the Republicans.
That's absolutely accurate. I recently read that putting personal convictions ahead of party is not allowed. Sorry I don't have the link.

Someone remind me to never even think of voting republican in the near future.

The Liberal/Conservative Axis

The far right GOP was elected on fear and anger. That does not translate very well into policy.

Yes, you are right. That is the problem with conservatives and governance. They don't do policy. They can achieve their goal of no change simply by obstruction.

No sane country listens to conservatives. Their answer for every problem is the same, no.

Unfortunately, conservatives can use fear and anger to increase their numbers.

They work in tandem with Establishment Liberals, who purposely go to extremes in order to make the Conservatives' extremes look moderate. They are united. Only the gullible fanboys take either of the sides presented by the ruling class. The kleptocracy spends years plotting this fake scenario in the prep schools and fraternity houses.
My understanding is that the GOP since the mid 60's has been an amalgam of old timey Yankee GOPers (who don't necessary love Jesus) and the Southern style firebrands (who really love Jesus). If that be, and correct me please, here's a scenario that I like to consider: the firebrands take over the GOP logo and the Yankee apostates realign with the Donkeys.
My understanding is that the GOP since the mid 60's has been an amalgam of old timey Yankee GOPers (who don't necessary love Jesus) and the Southern style firebrands (who really love Jesus). If that be, and correct me please, here's a scenario that I like to consider: the firebrands take over the GOP logo and the Yankee apostates realign with the Donkeys.

How long have you been in North Carolina?

The white working class and middle class of the south felt loyalty to the Democratic Party because of Franklin Roosevelt. The result of this was the southern Democratic state parties were divided into conservative and liberal/progressive factions. There was a lot of overlap. They tended to be liberals for government spending on infrastructure, but conservative on social issues. When civil rights became the deciding issue in the 60's, the segregationists found themselves with a shrinking voice in the party. The Nixon/Humphrey/Wallace election of 1968 took the southern whites away from the Democrats by appealing to fear with a "law and order" campaign. When Wallace failed to follow through, the GOP took the spoils.

The GOP has continued to campaign on fear issues and has done well. It's a hollow victory and can't last long. Power in the Republican party means appealing to the base with rhetoric that is toxic in a general election. They are taking an increasing share of a shrinking market. It looks good in the beginning, but it can't last.
It'll be more. No way they're going to restructure under Hillary Clinton's watch and let her be perceived as having a victory.

Bingo. But I really do not think Hillary will be elected president.

If Hillary is not elected, it will be because of something which happens between now and the election. There is no current GOP candidate who has a ghost of a chance against her.
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