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Is Trump doing any good?


Not sure if that's behind a paywall or not, so cherry picking some quotes from it:

"The Donald J Trump enigma: No American President in recent US history has so dramatically improved the American economy boosting pay rates, job numbers, retail sales, business investment, profits and, of course, the share market. It’s an astounding transformation that will create a tidal wave of repercussions around the world."



I've wondered for some time if the man is actually doing some good and I'm just not looking hard enough for signs of this. He certainly brings more trouble for himself then he needs, but does the article make any reasonable points?

My response to the OP, continue from my post #37 above.

What ever good comes to the economy from the massive tax cut and increase in the national debt is due primarily to the euphoria of the moment and its impact on the corporations of the windfall that the money raised by the increase in the national debt has created. The corporations are paying their employees bonuses and some are raising the minimum wage that they pay, a certain road to bankruptcy if you believe the neoliberals on the board.

Apple has announced that they will repatriate 250 billion dollars of income that they illegally shielded from corporate taxes and will pay the one time reduced corporate taxes on the amount. There is no announcement forthcoming on what they will do with the rest of the estimated trillion dollars plus that they also illegally hid from corporate taxes or if they will continue to illegally hide their profits from the 21% corporate tax like they illegally hid the profits from the 35% corporate tax.

But what will happen is what always happens. The corporations will process the windfall and eventually convince themselves that they earned the money and that they deserve the money and that they are not going to share it with the employees and only use it to increase the value of the company's stock by enough to pay the executives their maximum bonuses.

Executives work for the benefit of executives. If they must throw a few bucks at some street-level "buy and hold" investors, that's just a necessary evil they have to tolerate.
Whom of you have went broke because Mr. Trump economic strategy?

Who is claiming of having less benefits under Mr. Trump administration? (no illegal immigrants included because... obvious, they are not legally in this country)

What laws against society has Mr. Trump signed under a Republican party in control of House and Senate?


Well, then stop complaining against Mr. Trump and enjoy your coffee.
Whom of you have went broke because Mr. Trump economic strategy?

Probably no living person older than three. But everyone ten and under will end up paying for Trump's $1,250,000,000,000.00 giveaway to the richest 0.1% percent and the Corporations they control.

You'd have to be an idiot to expect ANYONE to have gone broke because of a tax law that has been in effect for less than a month. Sheesh. Don't you wish everyone was as shortsighted as you?
Who is claiming of having less benefits under Mr. Trump administration? (no illegal immigrants included because... obvious, they are not legally in this country)

Between 13 and 24 million people who are losing health benefits as a result of Trump executive orders combined with the Trump mandate repeal.
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