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It just dawned on me why Superman doesn't excite me anymore

You're focusing on "#1. Movie People Are Turning Into Rubber ", right? You know what I'd rename that?-- "movie people are turning into comic book people".

One of the many reasons I stopped reading mainstream superhero comics is that I could pretty much pick any one at random and describe it as a "rag-doll PG-13 circus where the human body does whatever the writer needs it to do (except emote)". No sense of real danger to the fight scenes, especially since most superheroes are soulless corporate franchise slaves who can never truly stay dead.
I never cared for Superman. He is far to powerful to be opposed. Too morally perfect as well.
When Frodo got speared by the huge cave monster if FOTR while wearing the Mitril Vest he should have been made into a kebab surrounding that vest.
for GOTG, I thought it was better than other recent movies at not having the main characters be too strong. But I was pissed at Groot taking automatic bullet fire and not turning into kindling.
Was Superman ever exciting? The only superman stories I've found even mildly interesting are the ones that deconstruct the mythology... Red Son and All-Star Superman come to mind. In movies, the best Superman I've seen is Hancock, ...

... if you ignore the borderline racist notion that if Superman were black, his kryptonite would be a white woman.

But obviously, WB would never do a big blockbuster Superman movie with an iota of originality. Too risky from financial point of view.
Was Superman ever exciting? The only superman stories I've found even mildly interesting are the ones that deconstruct the mythology... Red Son and All-Star Superman come to mind. In movies, the best Superman I've seen is Hancock, ...

... if you ignore the borderline racist notion that if Superman were black, his kryptonite would be a white woman.

Glad someone else picked up on that ;)
Casual violence is a problem, but to be honest, my lack of interest in Superman is that he's too, well, super. It's too hard for writers to come up with a believable problem for him.
He didn't really excite me that much even as a kid. These days I much prefer a decent storyline, not too much romantic padding (I did like Smallville)

As for his extreme power: ever heard of the "Superman Problem"? Apparently in the JLA they pack him off to sort out some problem in another galaxy every so often, so that the rest of them get a chance to do something useful!

I'm also looking forward to the apparently upcoming "Supergirl" TV series. Alas for her, the usual portrayal has her as a sort of spare wheel for Superman, over and over again. I do hope it's different this time, but I read today he will be involved. Sigh.

Because if every fckin hero, "super"hero or not, is a superman, there's no fun in Superman!
what is super about batman?
What is not super about him? He might use gadgets, preparation and money to beat up villains but he still does it the same as any other superhero. And if you think Batman isn't a superhero, then you can't really say Iron Man is one either... after all they're both just millionaire playboys with expensive gadgets. And to me that would be a bit counterintuitive.
I can't read the cracked article right now, the company firewall has blocked the site for the reason: "The category for this site is Tasteless." First time I have run into that particular reason for blocking a site.

Anyway, without having read the article, Superman is not quite as unbeatable as many seem to believe. He does have the kryptonite weakness that is exploited over and over again, but that has not been the only way the Superman problem has been solved. He gets his power from the yellow sun and loses it when faced with a red sun (I'm not sure how he fares when in proximity to blue or white suns), leaving aside how ridiculous that may seem, he was made powerless toward the end of the Action Comics Vol. 1 run, when he went to a future Earth where the sun had been turned red. More recently, he tangled with an ultra powerful virus infested Doomsday. After defeating Doomsday, he was infected with the virus himself, and became Superdoom, an evil and more powerful version of himself.

If Superman can become more powerful, and has easily exploitable weaknesses, then he isn't the ultimate unbeatable superhero that some make him out to be.

With regard to Supergirl, we will have to see how they approach her in the upcoming series. I personally liked Kara Zor-El best as a Red Lantern, but I doubt they will go there.
Superman worked when it was only Superman in the cinema. Now he has been displaced by super heroes that have a little more depth and better villains.

Because if every fckin hero, "super"hero or not, is a superman, there's no fun in Superman!
what is super about batman?
A couple angles. It is easier to sell Batman in a heroic struggle than Superman. The problem with Superman is that the idea of him losing is pretty much unthinkable. He will win out, not because of anything other than he will. Batman usually requires some level of a puzzle to solve to win in the end. Batman will always win in the story, but he could lose, in theory.

The other issue is that the bad guys in Batman are a lot more complicated. You need good bad guys. Could X-Men exist without Magneto?
Superman worked when it was only Superman in the cinema. Now he has been displaced by super heroes that have a little more depth and better villains. [...]

Better villains?

Look, even as a child Superman didn't appeal to me because he is too powerful, and that makes him inherently less interesting, but how can you possibly say that about Lex Luthor? He's one of the baddest badass normals in all of comicdom. Sure, we all know that Batman could take Superman down if he wanted to, but Luthor is crazy enough to try it every single day. He doesn't have any combat skills to speak of, he doesn't bother hiding his identity with a supervillain name or a mask, and he still takes on the most powerful being on his planet day after day after day.
He didn't really excite me that much even as a kid.

It depends on your age. Chris Reeves' movies came out when I was pre-pubescent. The age when you're biographically nowhere, under your parents' authority and have nothing barely interisting going on for you. And then you see Superman's visually-updated powers and swift gracile and unstoppable moves... which inevitably establishes the character as a staple of your day- and night dreaming.
what is super about batman?
What is not super about him? He might use gadgets, preparation and money to beat up villains but he still does it the same as any other superhero. And if you think Batman isn't a superhero, then you can't really say Iron Man is one either... after all they're both just millionaire playboys with expensive gadgets. And to me that would be a bit counterintuitive.
I always thought of him as a hero maybe even super hero but not having super abilities.
He didn't really excite me that much even as a kid.

It depends on your age. Chris Reeves' movies came out when I was pre-pubescent. The age when you're biographically nowhere, under your parents' authority and have nothing barely interisting going on for you. And then you see Superman's visually-updated powers and swift gracile and unstoppable moves... which inevitably establishes the character as a staple of your day- and night dreaming.
I think Luthor has potential but isn't usually handled well nowadays. Why do they always put him in that silly green mecha costume? Isn't he supposed to be about brains over brawn?
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