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Julian Assange is finally free

Woodward and Bernstein tried to break into a top secret server??? Perhaps we should alert the media?
It is your position that Assange himself, not Manning, was the one trying to break into a top secret server? Assange himself was collecting the data he was reporting? Even the U.S. Government didn't go that far in what they were trying to charge him with before the plea bargain. They accused him of conspiracy to assist Manning, but not of being the one doing the hacking. They accused him of espionage for daring to publish data embarrassing to the U.S., which is of course a huge crime. One must not offend the image of the monarch.
Assange gave Manning instructions on how to break into the server. That makes him just as guilty as Manning.
That is what is alleged. However, in your post you accused him of trying to break into the server, not assisting Manning in doing so. Guilt as an accomplice is still guilt, that much is true, but that's not what you wrote.
I said:
Specifically he helped Chelsea Manning attempt to break into a secure server containing classified materials.
So I'm confused as to where you got the idea I said something differant.

Oh, you forgot about this post.

He plead guilty to a bullshit charge. If Woodward and Bernstein had been held to the same standard as Assange, Nixon would have finished his second term in peace.
Woodward and Bernstein tried to break into a top secret server??? Perhaps we should alert the media?

By implication you are saying Manning did try to break into ... whatever, you aren't bothered by your own double standards, why should I be bothered by your double standards. He hurt your patron saint, he embarrassed the holy government. The sinner must be destroyed.
Oh good lord. :rolleyes:

Of course he tried to break into the server.
Holy government? I doubt few anywhere in the west would say that, maybe in China.

The question today given the population size, economics, and many divisions what does anyone rose as a different form of government?

Can a government function with complete transparency and public access to all government inner workings? I do nit think so.

Those who want to tear down the system offer no practical alternative and appear ignorant of the consequences of such a collapse. We got a taste of it during COVID.

I watched one of Assange's Russian TV shows, do you support an anti American Russian sympathizer?

Russia and China are decidedly out to replace the US as the major global influence, are you ok with that?

There are real consequences to releasing classified information.
Was it good that the Collateral Murder video was released?
Yes. The public had a right to know. Notice when the politicians say he released that information to the enemy, they are tipping their hand about who they consider the enemy.

Oh, and I just remembered. He DID release the Kremlin papers, which makes him opposed to Vladamir Putin. Those who say he only released US information are either lying or uninformed.
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