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Julian Assange is finally free

Just curious, what did Hillary Clinton do that pissed him off so much?
Hillary Clinton is a neocon. She is Dick Cheney in a dress. Anyone who thinks the US has a far too aggressive foreign policy has a problem with Hillary Clinton.

Anyone who hates Dick Cheney and loves Hillary Clinton is inconsistent.
Just curious, what did Hillary Clinton do that pissed him off so much?
Hillary Clinton is a neocon. She is Dick Cheney in a dress. Anyone who thinks the US has a far too aggressive foreign policy has a problem with Hillary Clinton.

Anyone who hates Dick Cheney and loves Hillary Clinton is inconsistent.
Why do you believe that is so?
Just curious, what did Hillary Clinton do that pissed him off so much?
Hillary Clinton is a neocon. She is Dick Cheney in a dress. Anyone who thinks the US has a far too aggressive foreign policy has a problem with Hillary Clinton.

Anyone who hates Dick Cheney and loves Hillary Clinton is inconsistent.
Why do you believe that is so?
Their foreign policies are identical. "Bomb them until I've had enough."

Neocons aren't Theocons. They play them very well though, knowing all their talking points to get their vote and deliver as little as possible in return.

They work together much better with big money, as both Cheney and Clinton lived throwing tons of money at defense contractors. How else will they get all the munitions they want to spread all over the planet? The military is their favorite tool for getting what they want.

The Neocon

Oh well I'm the type of guy who will never settle down
Where there's countries to attack you know that I'm around
I shoot 'em and I bomb 'em 'cause to me they're all the same
I occupy and drone 'em and don't even know their name
They call me a neocon, yeah a neocon
Troops roam around around around

Oh well there's Syria on my left and Iraq on my right
And Iran is the country that I'll attack tonight
On election day when the parties switch
I play for both sides there isn't any hitch
Cause I'm the neocon yeah the neocon
Troops roam around around around

Oh well troops roam from land to land
They go and I don't care
If there's oil under that sand
You know the troops will soon have a reason to go there

I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place my policies are unsound
I've never worn a uniform or carried a gun, yeah
It's the little people who can have all the fun
Yeah I'm the neocon, yeah the neocon
Troops roam around around around, let's go

Oh yeah I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place my policies are unsound
I've never worn a uniform or carried a gun, yeah
It's the little people who can have all the fun
'Cause I'm a neocon, yeah a neocon
Troops roam around around around around around
'Cause I'm a neocon, yeah a neocon
Troops roam around around around around around
Just curious, what did Hillary Clinton do that pissed him off so much?
Hillary Clinton is a neocon. She is Dick Cheney in a dress. Anyone who thinks the US has a far too aggressive foreign policy has a problem with Hillary Clinton.

Anyone who hates Dick Cheney and loves Hillary Clinton is inconsistent.
Not once one realizes that the teo may differ rather radically over many domestic policy questions.
Just curious, what did Hillary Clinton do that pissed him off so much?
Hillary Clinton is a neocon. She is Dick Cheney in a dress. Anyone who thinks the US has a far too aggressive foreign policy has a problem with Hillary Clinton.

Anyone who hates Dick Cheney and loves Hillary Clinton is inconsistent.
Not once one realizes that the teo may differ rather radically over many domestic policy questions.
The teo (sic) aren't as radically different as you might imagine. Neocons aren't Theocons. They know how to say the right words to get their vote, but they don't follow though on giving them anything in return. They're not culture warriors, even though they imagine themselves warriors.

Neocons don't even pretend to be free market the way other Republican factions pretend. They're quite open about how they are not fans. Now they do have ties to big business, because it is big business that supplies the war machine, but then Democrats like Clinton have those same ties.

About the biggest place Neocons differ with the Democratic Party is that Neocons want to secure the border, but for a reason entirely different from Trump's reason. The Neocons see foreigners are terrorists and want to keep them in their own country where they're easier to bomb.

However, since you were nice enough to agree that their foreign policies are the same desire to kill poor brown people, you also agree as to why Assange disliked Clinton. (bringing it back to the topic)
Just curious, what did Hillary Clinton do that pissed him off so much?
Hillary Clinton is a neocon. She is Dick Cheney in a dress. Anyone who thinks the US has a far too aggressive foreign policy has a problem with Hillary Clinton.

Anyone who hates Dick Cheney and loves Hillary Clinton is inconsistent.
Not once one realizes that the teo may differ rather radically over many domestic policy questions.
The teo (sic) aren't as radically different as you might imagine. Neocons aren't Theocons. They know how to say the right words to get their vote, but they don't follow though on giving them anything in return. They're not culture warriors, even though they imagine themselves warriors.

Neocons don't even pretend to be free market the way other Republican factions pretend. They're quite open about how they are not fans. Now they do have ties to big business, because it is big business that supplies the war machine, but then Democrats like Clinton have those same ties.

About the biggest place Neocons differ with the Democratic Party is that Neocons want to secure the border, but for a reason entirely different from Trump's reason. The Neocons see foreigners are terrorists and want to keep them in their own country where they're easier to bomb.

However, since you were nice enough to agree that their foreign policies are the same desire to kill poor brown people, you also agree as to why Assange disliked Clinton. (bringing it back to the topic)
I don’t bother over Mr Assange’s motivation or preferences at all.

I did not agree over the foreign policy similarities between the two. I just didn’t wish to jump down another one of your rabbit holes.

Fuck Assange. He got off light.

Imagine if he'd done it to Putin? He'd be lucky to die a slow painful death, over in a couple of months. He could have wound up in a gulag for decades, then been poisoned
Or fell out out a single storey window or touched a door knob
I know I'm committing sacrilege by equating the second greatest saint in US politics to the second greatest sinner in US politics, but I really do see "bomb them all" as the same as "bomb them all", even if the party affiliation is different.
I know I'm committing sacrilege by equating the second greatest saint in US politics to the second greatest sinner in US politics, but I really do see "bomb them all" as the same as "bomb them all", even if the party affiliation is different.
I’m I the only one who sees this as some babbling diversion?
I know I'm committing sacrilege by equating the second greatest saint in US politics to the second greatest sinner in US politics, but I really do see "bomb them all" as the same as "bomb them all", even if the party affiliation is different.
I’m I the only one who sees this as some babbling diversion?
Yes. Everyone else understands what I mean by "even if the party affiliation is different."
I know I'm committing sacrilege by equating the second greatest saint in US politics to the second greatest sinner in US politics, but I really do see "bomb them all" as the same as "bomb them all", even if the party affiliation is different.
I’m I the only one who sees this as some babbling diversion?
Yes. Everyone else understands what I mean by "even if the party affiliation is different."
That is the only part that is not babble. Try again.
I know I'm committing sacrilege by equating the second greatest saint in US politics to the second greatest sinner in US politics, but I really do see "bomb them all" as the same as "bomb them all", even if the party affiliation is different.
I’m I the only one who sees this as some babbling diversion?
Yes. Everyone else understands what I mean by "even if the party affiliation is different."
That is the only part that is not babble. Try again.
You admitted my post is not babble, and so you want me to try again. That's weird.
I know I'm committing sacrilege by equating the second greatest saint in US politics to the second greatest sinner in US politics, but I really do see "bomb them all" as the same as "bomb them all", even if the party affiliation is different.
I’m I the only one who sees this as some babbling diversion?
Yes. Everyone else understands what I mean by "even if the party affiliation is different."
That is the only part that is not babble. Try again.
You admitted my post is not babble, and so you want me to try again. That's weird.
No. Try again.
I think Hillary contributed more to her own defeat than Assange did, but he still played a role. :whistle:
Hillary got many more votes than Trump. The votes were just in the wrong places. I think that's totally fucking stupid.

If I recall correctly, Hillary struggled to connect with voters, and the DNC's tactics against Sanders, along with her downplaying them in the name of "Party Unity," didn't help. Many understandably frustrated individuals chose either to stay home or vote for independent candidates. Her overconfidence and apparent dismissal of Trump as a serious contender gave the impression that she believed her credentials alone would prevent America from voting for him. It also seemed as though she didn't think she needed Sanders' voters to secure her victory either.

Moreover, black and Latino voters didn't support her as strongly as they did Obama or even her husband. There was something about Hillary that people just didn't like. Personally, I never felt she had my back earlier in her political career. In fact, many policies she supported contributed to the increased incarceration of black (and Latino) people. It takes more than fluffy speeches, emotionless eyes & a bloviating TV personality to convince people to let go of grudges. Biden was and remains in a stronger position now due to the actual impact of Trump's presidency. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that even Hillary might have a chance of winning against him now.

That's just my unsupported by any evidence take.
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