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LA to require 10 commandments in schools

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing, now that I think about it. If implemented, some of the more critical thinking, skeptical and/or outspoken kids are likely to balk and raise awareness of the nonsense in the 10C's (and Bible), resulting in more non-believer students. After all, one of the best ways to make atheists is for people to actually read the Bible.
There isn't a lot of nonsense in the ten commandments. The last 5 set of rules are actually quite decent. Of course, the Eightfold Path would be a much better thing to display, from a morality standpoint. But that doesn't include the veiled threat of Yahweh. The only reason for its inclusion in the first place.
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing, now that I think about it. If implemented, some of the more critical thinking, skeptical and/or outspoken kids are likely to balk and raise awareness of the nonsense in the 10C's (and Bible), resulting in more non-believer students. After all, one of the best ways to make atheists is for people to actually read the Bible.
There isn't a lot of nonsense in the ten commandments. The last 5 set of rules are actually quite decent. Of course, the Eightfold Path would be a much better thing to display, from a morality standpoint. But that doesn't include the veiled threat of Yahweh. The only reason for its inclusion in the first place.
A lot of the nonsense about the 10Cs is what isn't in there, as well as the bronze age gibberish such as coveting cattle and manservants. Why does God worry about cattle and not swearing, but ignore child abuse, spousal abuse, slavery, torture, etc. Thinking people will realize God has some pretty fucked up priorities.
I wonder if any youngsters will be enterprising enough to use a sharpie and turn the period at the end of the first commandment into a comma. Then followed by "especially Jesus".
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing, now that I think about it. If implemented, some of the more critical thinking, skeptical and/or outspoken kids are likely to balk and raise awareness of the nonsense in the 10C's (and Bible), resulting in more non-believer students. After all, one of the best ways to make atheists is for people to actually read the Bible.
There isn't a lot of nonsense in the ten commandments. The last 5 set of rules are actually quite decent. Of course, the Eightfold Path would be a much better thing to display, from a morality standpoint. But that doesn't include the veiled threat of Yahweh. The only reason for its inclusion in the first place.
IMHo, they're all pretty crappy. There's nuance missing, (though shalt not kill? What about self defense, etc?).
Why are they splitting up the coveting part and having a single line for house? Also, can any children get in trouble about asking whether the tenth commandment should indicate to not covet thy neighbor's ass?
I believe the courts have already ruled on the 10C issue, so this seems more like political theater than anything else.
Have you not been paying attention? This particular version of SCOTUS has proven that precedence is really nothing to let get in the way of stuff like this. As long as the school isn't actively promoting it or some shit, they'll allow this.
Issues like prohibition of prayer in school and The 10C's would seem to have more solid footing, though, due to not just precedence, but that it's illegality is directly traceable back to the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment.
And Thomas's and Alito's response would be "So fucking what?" It isn't religion, it is historical!
Then, we make a higher court and call it the Super Duper Supreme Court so those bozos can be overruled.
With two and a half exceptions (since Gorsuch was raised Catholic), this SCOTUS is the American Holy See. If something offends a bishop, but helps, say, all women, they'll find a way to condemn -- er, overturn -- it.

I find it hard to believe this conspiracy theory about activist judges deliberately framing their opinions based on personal bias.

Surely judges are going to apply the law impartially, without fear or favor, based solely on sound jurisprudence - no matter who appointed them.
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing, now that I think about it. If implemented, some of the more critical thinking, skeptical and/or outspoken kids are likely to balk and raise awareness of the nonsense in the 10C's (and Bible), resulting in more non-believer students. After all, one of the best ways to make atheists is for people to actually read the Bible.
There isn't a lot of nonsense in the ten commandments. The last 5 set of rules are actually quite decent. Of course, the Eightfold Path would be a much better thing to display, from a morality standpoint. But that doesn't include the veiled threat of Yahweh. The only reason for its inclusion in the first place.
A lot of the nonsense about the 10Cs is what isn't in there, as well as the bronze age gibberish such as coveting cattle and manservants.
...and asses. If your neighbor has a hot ass, you must not covet! It isn't a particularly useful book for morality. Not saying otherwise, rather don't kill, don't covet, don't lie, these are good tenets. George Carlin would not you probably could just simplify the last five rules into 'just be nice'.
Why does God worry about cattle and not swearing, but ignore child abuse, spousal abuse, slavery, torture, etc. Thinking people will realize God has some pretty fucked up priorities.
You've read the Tanakh right? Yaeweh is kind of a dick.
You can break 7 of the 10 in America (as things stand now) without breaking any laws.
Also, are kids going to have adultery defined for them? I remember being puzzled by that word when I was old enough to read but blissfully ignorant of a lot of reality. I assumed adultery meant grownups being grownup, although that made the commandment nonsensical.
I believe the courts have already ruled on the 10C issue, so this seems more like political theater than anything else.

after the last few years I no longer have faith in the power of judicial precedence.

Right? The abortion issue had already been decided on too.

Speaking of that, the same ass backward balkanized excuse for a state has turned the abortion pill into an illegal controlled substance. God, what a hellhole to have to live in.
With two and a half exceptions (since Gorsuch was raised Catholic), this SCOTUS is the American Holy See. If something offends a bishop, but helps, say, all women, they'll find a way to condemn -- er, overturn -- it.

I find it hard to believe this conspiracy theory about activist judges deliberately framing their opinions based on personal bias.
*spit take*
Surely judges are going to apply the law impartially, without fear or favor, based solely on sound jurisprudence - no matter who appointed them.
*takes another drink*

*spit take*
Do we have a Bible with "{,pre}-woke" pronouns?
Although Missing in the version upthread as touted by the Orange Faction , ... in King James Exodus XX, I am enjoined not to covet my neighbor's ass.

Strictly speaking -- and this is my question for Bible authorities -- King James enjoins me not to covet "his" ass, but in my case it's "her" ass for which I require proscription and/or punishment. (In the event the Commandment's mention of "neighbor's wife" is irrelevant: the appropriately gendered person in question has no husband.)

Need Answer Fast.
Do we have a Bible with "{,pre}-woke" pronouns?
Although Missing in the version upthread as touted by the Orange Faction , ... in King James Exodus XX, I am enjoined not to covet my neighbor's ass.

Strictly speaking -- and this is my question for Bible authorities -- King James enjoins me not to covet "his" ass, but in my case it's "her" ass for which I require proscription and/or punishment. (In the event the Commandment's mention of "neighbor's wife" is irrelevant: the appropriately gendered person in question has no husband.)

Need Answer Fast.
Bible Authority Central Office
Processing Dept.
Complaints, Queries, Dispensations
Dear sir or madam:
The Archbishop of the Levant and Anatolia delegates me to reply to your request. First, there is no "Need Answer Fast" term in Biblical Protocols. The answer to any question depends upon many factors, such as orthodox purity, revelation through scripture, revelation through deity, and the votes of the Elect in council. I am authorized to transmit the following findings which may address your question:
FIRST, BACO is not amused by secular play on words that tends to denigrate the scripture. "Beast of burden" is more proper than the use of "ass", which today's secularists consider so amusing.
SECOND, You would certainly face divine punishment for coveting either spouse in your neighbor's domicile. Either choice could consign you to eternal damnation, and no amount of special pleading or claims of scriptural ambiguity would absolve your guilt. God does not play favorites, and if you make the wrong decision and are damned, there is a finality to the judgment.
THIRD, whether you would face damnation for coveting a "beast of burden" depends entirely on your intentions toward that beast. We know of one intention which would damn you.
FOURTH, you may, if you wish, ask that these issues be clarified at the Third Council of Nicaea, which is tentatively set to begin on January 1, 2195. Requests should be forwarded to this office on parchment or vellum, through your local bishop.
May the Lord be with you.
Benedict Boniface, First Clerk
HOORAY, an end to Capitalism! The ONLY laws against coveting shall finally be enforced!!!

muahahaha *glee* *twisting my dastardly mustache* I hope Anti-Abortion Amy gets to have dinner with Roy Moore!
The more religion you jam at kids the less they'll like it when they are adults. And they'll have fun with it just like in this thread. I'd be willing to bet that the religious types that frequent these boards like Lion didn't have much, if any, religion as kids. Then someone told them all about Santa and they fell in love.
I've gotta be honest, sane Americans need to start doing to Christian fundies what Matthew 5:29-30 suggests.
You can break 7 of the 10 in America (as things stand now) without breaking any laws.
Also, are kids going to have adultery defined for them? I remember being puzzled by that word when I was old enough to read but blissfully ignorant of a lot of reality. I assumed adultery meant grownups being grownup, although that made the commandment nonsensical.

That's a funny story. Were you imagining some day turning 18, and the world greeting you with "Welcome to the wonderful world of adultery?"
Don't most of those who support stuffing schools with commandments think the Jewish are going to hell because they aren't reborn and that rebirth is only what matters when it comes to Salvation, not those dumb rulea?
With two and a half exceptions (since Gorsuch was raised Catholic), this SCOTUS is the American Holy See. If something offends a bishop, but helps, say, all women, they'll find a way to condemn -- er, overturn -- it.

I find it hard to believe this conspiracy theory about activist judges deliberately framing their opinions based on personal bias.

Surely judges are going to apply the law impartially, without fear or favor, based solely on sound jurisprudence - no matter who appointed them.
Summer child.
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