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LA to require 10 commandments in schools

You can break 7 of the 10 in America (as things stand now) without breaking any laws.
Also, are kids going to have adultery defined for them? I remember being puzzled by that word when I was old enough to read but blissfully ignorant of a lot of reality. I assumed adultery meant grownups being grownup, although that made the commandment nonsensical.
It's funny what kids don't understand. I grew up in an extremely Catholic world. I think I was about 10 before I realized that Protestants believe in Jesus. I thought that they were sorta pretend Catholics, who just went to church sometimes because that's what you do on Sunday morning.
ETA ~When I started realizing that I couldn't believe what I was being taught about Jesus and stuff, I thought I had to be atheist. I couldn't be a Protestant because then I'd go to hell. ~

Also, we have a huge industry built on encouraging people to covet. It's called advertising.
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With two and a half exceptions (since Gorsuch was raised Catholic), this SCOTUS is the American Holy See. If something offends a bishop, but helps, say, all women, they'll find a way to condemn -- er, overturn -- it.

I find it hard to believe this conspiracy theory about activist judges deliberately framing their opinions based on personal bias.

Surely judges are going to apply the law impartially, without fear or favor, based solely on sound jurisprudence - no matter who appointed them.
Summer child.
I can't tell from the words whether they believe this or are being sarcastic. So yes... "Summer child", indeed.
You can break 7 of the 10 in America (as things stand now) without breaking any laws.
Also, are kids going to have adultery defined for them? I remember being puzzled by that word when I was old enough to read but blissfully ignorant of a lot of reality. I assumed adultery meant grownups being grownup, although that made the commandment nonsensical.
It's funny what kids don't understand. I grew up in an extremely Catholic world. I think I was about 10 before I realized that Protestants believe in Jesus. I thought that they were sorta pretend Catholics, who just went to church sometimes because that's what you do on Sunday morning.
I thought there was a Catholic Church and a Protestant Church. And that was it for Christianity. It wasn't until I went to college I learned about what Protestant churches were and not until I was out of college and learned some Protestants are insane!

Gonna be teaching my daughter about religion this summer so understands the hub bub. She wasn't even certain about what god was when it was mentioned in a book she was reading. Oh, it'll be fun.
With two and a half exceptions (since Gorsuch was raised Catholic), this SCOTUS is the American Holy See. If something offends a bishop, but helps, say, all women, they'll find a way to condemn -- er, overturn -- it.

I find it hard to believe this conspiracy theory about activist judges deliberately framing their opinions based on personal bias.

Surely judges are going to apply the law impartially, without fear or favor, based solely on sound jurisprudence - no matter who appointed them.
Summer child.

Maybe its only Democrat appointed judges who apply the law impartially, without fear or favor. *shrug*
You can break 7 of the 10 in America (as things stand now) without breaking any laws.
Also, are kids going to have adultery defined for them? I remember being puzzled by that word when I was old enough to read but blissfully ignorant of a lot of reality. I assumed adultery meant grownups being grownup, although that made the commandment nonsensical.
It's funny what kids don't understand. I grew up in an extremely Catholic world. I think I was about 10 before I realized that Protestants believe in Jesus. I thought that they were sorta pretend Catholics, who just went to church sometimes because that's what you do on Sunday morning.
I thought there was a Catholic Church and a Protestant Church. And that was it for Christianity. It wasn't until I went to college I learned about what Protestant churches were and not until I was out of college and learned some Protestants are insane!

Gonna be teaching my daughter about religion this summer so understands the hub bub. She wasn't even certain about what god was when it was mentioned in a book she was reading. Oh, it'll be fun.
So, to be clear, it would be rather unkind to her and yourself to neglect to point out that much of the language spiritualists use apply to real things in real ways, and that it is in large part their religious language and basis for understanding that generally causes the bad to get pulled in with the sound-but-unargued premises there.

I will note that one of my coworkers is a theist because they were born into an atheist family who presented untrue propositions based on mere out-of-hand dismissal of spiritual claims leading them to reject the unargued dismissals by atheists of such language.

Take my unsolicited advice with whatever shaker of salt you deem fit, but I think if you want to really make the atheism stick long term you will have to discuss all the concepts of religion (including many weird ones involved in spiritual thought).

I would also reference that thread of mine where I go about discussing several different meanings of the utterance although that's a little "400 level".

Also: Good luck!
There isn't a lot of nonsense in the ten commandments. The last 5 set of rules are actually quite decent. Of course, the Eightfold Path would be a much better thing to display, from a morality standpoint. But that doesn't include the veiled threat of Yahweh. The only reason for its inclusion in the first place.
But you can break them all and do it all the time and Jesus still loves you and forgives you.
It's funny what kids don't understand. I grew up in an extremely Catholic world. I think I was about 10 before I realized that Protestants believe in Jesus. I thought that they were sorta pretend Catholics, who just went to church sometimes because that's what you do on Sunday morning.
ETA ~When I started realizing that I couldn't believe what I was being taught about Jesus and stuff, I thought I had to be atheist. I couldn't be a Protestant because then I'd go to hell. ~
Then, said Cranly, you do not intend to become a protestant?
I said that I had lost the faith, Stephen answered, but not that I had lost self-respect.

- James Joyce​
With two and a half exceptions (since Gorsuch was raised Catholic), this SCOTUS is the American Holy See. If something offends a bishop, but helps, say, all women, they'll find a way to condemn -- er, overturn -- it.

I find it hard to believe this conspiracy theory about activist judges deliberately framing their opinions based on personal bias.

Surely judges are going to apply the law impartially, without fear or favor, based solely on sound jurisprudence - no matter who appointed them.
Summer child.

Maybe its only Democrat appointed judges who apply the law impartially, without fear or favor. *shrug*
When we hear about unreasonable decisions by judges these days they're usually from the right.
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