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Leaving The Solar System


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
Open for discussion, what are the odds pf leaving the solar system? I don’t see it happening without entirely new science.


1. Energy

The show stopper. Energy density and mass.

2. Life Support

The Laws Of Thermodynamics would seem to say resources like O2, H20, and human waste can not be recycled indefinitely.

3. Gravity

Constant 1g acceleration may solve that, but then in comes energy consumption. As velocity increases at 1g distance per second goes up and the work goes up. The ISS has demonstrated long term physilogical changes with zero/low g.

4. Heat

How do you get rid of heat? The oly means is radiation. Mass goes up for radiators along with energy.

5. Psychology

What happens to a crew spending a long time in deep space with no Earth to look down at? Boredom. No variation in people. How long before a social meltdown?

6. Maneuvering

Deep space is not necessarily empty. There can be dust, gas, and objects. At say .5C how do you turn or slow down quickly? There will be reaction forces on the structure and on people. Any high speed gas and dust are abrasive. I saw a piture of a micrometeroite strike on a shuttle window. It looked like heat vaporized a neat hole in the window, not deep enough to penetrtae all the way..

7. Stopping at a destination

All the kinetic energy gained has to be lost and that will be heat.

8. Navigation

Last but not least how do you now where you are at any time to what accurcay in going to a point in space, given that all obseved refernces are in motion. Again, accuracy required ad attainable.

9. The X Factor

I believe the term came out of Edwards during the breaking of the sound barrier. Despite thorough plann9ng and analysis there may be unknown variables. X in algebra usually representing the unknown to be solved for.

I coded somethin so I could look at plots or velocity, mass, time, and energy.

For constant acceleration dv = a*dt, change in velocity. Change in velocity is linear with time.

For Newtonian mechanics there are two ways to calculate energy. Assumptions are fuel with zero mass And 100% engine efficency.

Using work F = 1kg * a, Ework is F*Distance. For a straight line Ework is F*meters, Joules. If not a line then the it requires the work integral. ∫F∙dl.

The other is equating kinetic energy added to energy used, assuming 100% efficiency.

Tje two methods correlate. For 1g acceleration over 1000 days 357.75 peta Joules kinetic enrgy vs 357.39 work. Peta is 10^15. Compare to yearly energy in Joules for the USA.


Coded in Scilab, it can be ported to other tools or implemented as a spreadsheet macro, or a graphing calculator.

Relativistic mass is calculated vs velocity to see where it may become a factor, if any. It looks like up to around .5C relativistic mass if it applies is not a factor. The time step is 1 day, a shorter step will increase the calculated peak relativistic mass.

Feel free to pick it apart.

light_year = 9.5e12 //km
C = 3e8 //m/s
a = 9.8 //1 g
Ndays = 1000
dt = 60*60*24 //seconds per day
dv = a*dt //change in velocity m/s
m0 = 1 //kg
F0 = m0*a // force Newtons
vel = 0
E0 = 0 // energy
Ew = 0 // work energy
s = 0 // distance meters
watts =(F0*dv)/dt //E/t Joules/second

for i = 1:Ndays

day(i) = i
dist(i) = s/1000 //km
ly(i) = dist(i)/light_year
v(i) = vel
ke(i) = E0 *(10^-15) //petajoules 10^15
we(i) = Ew *(10^-15)
ds = vel *dt // change in distance
s = s + ds
watts(i) =1e-6*(F0*ds)/dt
vel = vel + dv
E0 = .5*m0*(vel^2) //Joules
Ew = Ew + (F0*ds)
if(vel < C) // no divide by zero
mr(i) = m0/sqrt(1- (vel/C)^2); //m relative
mdif(i) = (mr(i)/m0)*100
mr(i) = 0;

pc_c(i) = (v(i)/C) * 100 // percent C


mprintf("ENERGY KINETIC PJ %.4f WORK %.4f\n",max(ke),max(we))

//mprintf("%e %f\n",v,pc_c)
Relative Nass


Speed Distance



One other problem. There will be collisions between tiny dust grains and the spacecraft. The energy of these dust grains, at this speed, is huge. They are also almost impossible to detect.
The Laws Of Thermodynamics would seem to say resources like O2, H20, and human waste can not be recycled indefinitely.
No, they don't say that at all,
Earth has been recycling O2, H20 for hundreds of millions of years.

One other problem. There will be collisions between tiny dust grains and the spacecraft. The energy of these dust grains, at this speed, is huge. They are also almost impossible to detect.
Impossible? just put a flashlight in front of the ship and see reflection.
Humanity has been doing the impossible for thousands of years. Where there's a will, there's a way.
So the problem isn’t “leaving the solar system”, it’s getting anywhere else worth going to and arriving alive and well.
The old saying.."Wherever you go, there YOU are".

Why did the chicken cross the galaxy?

To get to the other side.
Your first issue is really the only issue. The distances are vast, so you're going to need more fuel than you can carry, and if you leave the fuel at home and send it to the spacecraft as photons, you're going to struggle to collect enough at the distances involved. This is a showstopper for crewed interstellar missions, and/or missions that take less than many generations of human lives to complete.

The rest of your problems really aren't problems at all.

A closed system can recycle everything indefinitely - that's the first law of thermodynamics. Entropy is a potential issue, but if you solved the fuel problem, that entropy problem goes away (fuel is, in essence, just a store of low entropy).

Rotation is a perfectly good source of gravity. So that's a simple engineering problem. Angular momentum is conserved, so it only requires energy when you turn it on or off.

Radiating heat from spacecraft is current technology. It's basically the same entropy issue already discussed. And deceleration is identical with acceleration; Typically the heat you're worrying about is in the reaction mass, not the spacecraft, which is why rockets don't burn up at launch. They risk burn up on re-entry, because they use aero-braking to avoid having to carry insane amounts of fuel - so that's yet another re-statement of your first point.

Humans already have remote outposts such as Amundsen-Scott base, and long duration submarine deployments, where small groups of selected and trained people live for months in isolation from the rest of humanity without psychological issues.

As you mentioned yourself, high speed debris is already an issue, and is mostly solved. It's also increasingly rare as you move away from the sun.

Stopping is the exact same problem as starting. It requires no new solutions. Energy is mostly carried away by the reaction mass, if you use a rocket.

Navigation is easy; General Relativity is very accurate, as are our observations of the universe. It's apparently difficult for you, but that's because you're still relying on Newton, and use ridiculous non-concepts (such as graphs showing what happens at more than 100% of c). Use the right equations, and the navigation is easily within the realms of existing technology.

You are right that it's probably impossible; But wrong about seven of eight of your reasons. Of course, you only need to be right about one.

And the X factor isn't a reason at all, it's a meaningless hunch. Certainly it would be difficult, even if we solved the energy problem. But difficult isn't impossible.
I don't believe any of these are showstoppers.

There currently is one showstopper--given current human biological knowledge any interstellar voyage would be a generation ship. And while we see them in stories many times I do not believe a generation ship would ever be launched other than in dire need.

There is also the issue that for a colony to maintain our current tech level many millions of people are needed. While it would be possible to have a mission plan of simply not bringing many of the rare fields and only recovering them once the population has grown enough you have the problem that in regaining the fields it's entirely book learning--there's no teacher/mentor to tell you you're doing it wrong.

Once the biological side of things is solved (or rendered moot--I wouldn't be surprised if we end up doing immortality via upload rather than defeating aging) laser-pumped lightsail becomes mega-engineering but viable. During the midcourse period you leave the laser on at low power--just enough to counteract drag--and can use it as a power source.

By the time you have a ship large enough for the number of people you need to bring spin "gravity" is quite possible. I don't think this is a serious impediment.
Instead of a danger, could interstellar dust (and hydrogen atoms) be helpful? Scoop it up and use it as fuel, and for impulse mass.
Instead of a danger, could interstellar dust (and hydrogen atoms) be helpful? Scoop it up and use it as fuel, and for impulse mass.

Scoop it up at say 0.5C or even .1C?

Briningg mass even dust to the speed of the spaceship takes energy.
Instead of a danger, could interstellar dust (and hydrogen atoms) be helpful? Scoop it up and use it as fuel, and for impulse mass.

Scoop it up at say 0.5C or even .1C?

Briningg mass even dust to the speed of the spaceship takes energy.
Simplest, perhaps, is to think of things in the spaceship's frame, where the hydrogen would be contained (by a magnetic field?) and slowed down, and thus reduce the spaceship's forward momentum. It would be a winning idea only if you got more back (via the hydrogen fusion and impulse of ejected fusion product) than lost by capturing the hydrogen.

Would it work? I dunno.

Another idea, if there are lots of asteroids wandering around in interstellar space, would be to zig-zag among those asteroids, using them as gravitational slingshots. How massive would such an asteroid need to be to be a useful slingshot? A problem here (in addition to the probable lack of such asteroids) would be the very high g-forces needed to get a high velocity from the slingshotting.
Interstellar travel is often seen as a small cadre of people on a very fast ship, with all the attendant problems. But there are other ways that humanity can spread out to the galaxy.

One solution I've seen is more like an osmosis. Consider that our system is filled with asteroids. Some hardy pioneers land on an asteroid, set up solar and nuclear power, hollow out the interior, and spin up the asteroid's spin to accommodate human physiology. And they stay there for generations, harvesting water and minerals for export to the inner solar system.

Eventually population pressures compel some of the residents to make the next leap. Not to the nearest star, but to the nearest asteroid. Rinse and repeat. Over time (as in centuries) the logarithmic effects are such that humanity is spreading out in all directions. Progress continues until they reach the Oort cloud which reportedly stretches out to half the distance between Sol and Alpha Centauri, which presumably is surrounded by its own Oort cloud.

Thus humanity just takes one baby step after another from one star to another. To my mind, this mimics much of human migration on Earth. Yes, some peoples made large risky leaps, such as small flotillas migrating from one tiny Pacific island to another. But most human migration has been relatively slow steady spreads in search of resources.

The osmosis idea makes for less-compelling science fiction, but to my mind it seems more achievable.
Another idea, if there are lots of asteroids wandering around in interstellar space, would be to zig-zag among those asteroids, using them as gravitational slingshots. How massive would such an asteroid need to be to be a useful slingshot? A problem here (in addition to the probable lack of such asteroids) would be the very high g-forces needed to get a high velocity from the slingshotting.
In order to get a g-force out of it of even 1 g, an asteroid would have to have at least the mass of the Earth. (Except when you use lithobraking.)
I don't think the next step is a baby step. We are at the limits of science and engineering.

That being said, we have to consider entropy and the prohibition against perpetual motion.

To scoop up some form of energy the total energy gained has to be greater than the energy conversion process.
Instead of a danger, could interstellar dust (and hydrogen atoms) be helpful? Scoop it up and use it as fuel, and for impulse mass.

Scoop it up at say 0.5C or even .1C?

Briningg mass even dust to the speed of the spaceship takes energy.
This is discussed, with a number of possible solutions, in the Bussard ramjet Wikipedia page I linked in the post above yours.

It's also a neat solution to the problem of how to brake your spacecraft as you approach its destination.
Instead of a danger, could interstellar dust (and hydrogen atoms) be helpful? Scoop it up and use it as fuel, and for impulse mass.

Scoop it up at say 0.5C or even .1C?

Briningg mass even dust to the speed of the spaceship takes energy.
Bussard ramjet has a theoretical limit of .12c and no doubt the practical limit is far lower if it even is possible.
Eventually population pressures compel some of the residents to make the next leap. Not to the nearest star, but to the nearest asteroid. Rinse and repeat. Over time (as in centuries) the logarithmic effects are such that humanity is spreading out in all directions. Progress continues until they reach the Oort cloud which reportedly stretches out to half the distance between Sol and Alpha Centauri, which presumably is surrounded by its own Oort cloud.

Thus humanity just takes one baby step after another from one star to another. To my mind, this mimics much of human migration on Earth. Yes, some peoples made large risky leaps, such as small flotillas migrating from one tiny Pacific island to another. But most human migration has been relatively slow steady spreads in search of resources.

The osmosis idea makes for less-compelling science fiction, but to my mind it seems more achievable.

I believe the density of objects in interstellar space is too low for this to be viable.
There are currently 5 spacecraft that are leaving the Solar System: Pioneers 10 and 11, Voyagers 1 and 2, and New Horizons.

 List of artificial objects leaving the Solar System has a complete list, including these five spacecraft and their upper booster-rocket stages.

All five spacecraft are powered by radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTG's). They have some radioactive material whose decay heat is used to generate electricity using thermocouples. These use the Seebach effect, with heat flowing across a junction of different metals making electric-charge difference. This difference is then tapped for electricity to power the spacecraft.

Spacecraft familyMassRTG
Pioneer 10, 11260 kg155 W
Voyager 1, 2825.5 kg470 W
New Horizons478 kg245 W

RTG refers to the RTG electricity production at launch.

SpacecraftLaunchedDistVelIS VelLast Xmit
Pioneer 101972 Mar 10130.074 AU11.912 km/s (2.513 AU/yr)11.8 km/s (2.49 AU/yr)2003 Jan 23
Pioneer 111973 Apr 5108.265 AU11.192 km/s (2.361 AU/yr)11.1 km/s (2.34 AU/yr)1995 Nov 24
Voyager 11977 Sep 5155.006 AU16.951 km/s (3.576 AU/yr)16.9 km/s (3.57 AU/yrmid-2020's?
Voyager 21977 Aug 20128.938 AU15.304 km/s (3.228 AU/yr)15.2 km/s (3.21 AU/yr)mid-2020's?
New Horizons2006 Jan 1952.001 AU13.826 km/s (2.917 AU/yr)12.6 km/s (2.66 AU/yr)2030's?

Spacecraft escaping the Solar System

Last Xmit is the date of the last received transmission, or the possible future date of such a transmission.

What they visited:
Pioneer 10Jupiter
Pioneer 11Jupiter, Saturn
Voyager 1Jupiter, Saturn
Voyager 2Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
New HorizonsJupiter, Pluto, 486958 Arrokoth
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