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Lost, Not Stolen


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated

A conservative group has put out an exhaustive report showing that not only was there insufficient fraud in the 2020 election to change the result of the presidential election, but that there is not one single precinct anywhere in the US where the results could have been changed by fraud.
Again - not one precinct in any County in any State, experienced enough fraud to have changed the result of that precinct.

This is one case where the absence of evidence IS evidence of absence.
Will any Trumpsucker be swayed by this pack of conservative scholars and judges?
The authors will be vilified as RINOs, identified as Deep State operatives and the Big Lie shall be repeated loudly and constantly until this effort is forgotten. The the slow-motion fascist coup continues.

introduction said:
We hope that setting out the full record in this Report will help restore faith in the reliability of our elections.

That's a very faint "hope", since trumpsuckers are heavily invested - emotionally and financially - in the Big Lie. It's not like they're going to read this report.

A conservative group has put out an exhaustive report showing that not only was there insufficient fraud in the 2020 election to change the result of the presidential election, but that there is not one single precinct anywhere in the US where the results could have been changed by fraud.
Again - not one precinct in any County in any State, experienced enough fraud to have changed the result of that precinct.

This is one case where the absence of evidence IS evidence of absence.
Will any Trumpsucker be swayed by this pack of conservative scholars and judges?
The authors will be vilified as RINOs, identified as Deep State operatives and the Big Lie shall be repeated loudly and constantly until this effort is forgotten. The the slow-motion fascist coup continues.

introduction said:
We hope that setting out the full record in this Report will help restore faith in the reliability of our elections.

That's a very faint "hope", since trumpsuckers are heavily invested - emotionally and financially - in the Big Lie. It's not like they're going to read this report.
This lie has been half a century in the cooking and preparation.

There were unfounded claims of illegal voting, and have been for so long, fertilizing the ground for those who had heard such all their lives to believe it when their (anti)Christ told them it had happened, that their fears had been materially realized in that moment, no matter how much of a lie it was.

Just wait. There will be a cross mark everyone will need to get. "Crosses were really shaped like a capital T in Roman times." It's the mark of the faithful!

People have been cultivated for this...

...Emphasis on the cult.
The basic tenet of the Trump base is "Half of Trump supporters are stupid and the other half must keep them in turmoil in order for Trump to succeed."

Of course, both halves think they are the smart ones. This explains why so many apparently astute Trump supporters will happily pass on blatantly false stories, of remain quiet while their fellow Trumpets do.
At Nuremberg none of the top Nazis thought they did anything wrong against Jews or other ethnicities. Odoriferous emanations from the Orange Cesspool are never going to smell rosy. The Nazis built their power on lies and so has Orange Turd. If you don't like the smell of shit you'll never feel at home there.
At Nuremberg none of the top Nazis thought they did anything wrong against Jews or other ethnicities. Odoriferous emanations from the Orange Cesspool are never going to smell rosy. The Nazis built their power on lies and so has Orange Turd. If you don't like the smell of shit you'll never feel at home there.
The model has evolved to the point where to enter their tent, one must have a smear of shit under their nose. Never mind that it's rather squarely shaped...
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