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Maddow: NY Times knew Trump was being investigated before the election


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

They knew, and yet they falsely reported that the investigation lacked substance while simultaneously beating the dead horse about Hillary's emails.

They knew the allegations about Trump were substantive and reported that they weren't.

They knew that the allegations about Hillary weren't substantive and reported (strongly) that they were.

Even before this, did anyone seriously believe that the NYT has a liberal bias? Because if you believe that, you haven't been paying attention for at least a decade. They've been moderate conservatives with at least a slight pro-conservative bias since at least the Darth Jar-Jar administration if not earlier.
Wasn't it the NYT the Bush administration used to plant stories to the public which they then cited those same stories as an excuse to go to war with Iraq?
Wasn't it the NYT the Bush administration used to plant stories to the public which they then cited those same stories as an excuse to go to war with Iraq?

That's a little different. The NYT hired conservative reporters specifically to be more "fair and balanced" (they foolishly thought it would cause conservatives to stop accusing them of being biased), and it was through those specific reporters that the Darth Jar-Jar used to inject stories into the national discussion.

This was an editorial decision about what stories to run in the first place, which I think is a different ball of wax.

I know. Can you believe it? One little act of treason and people just won't shut up about it like it's a big deal or something!

Whether or not there was a treason/collusion is not issue for me here. Issue here is using ridiculously fake evidence.
You would think these powerful news organizations would be able to get real expert opinion, but apparently not.

I know. Can you believe it? One little act of treason and people just won't shut up about it like it's a big deal or something!

Hey, it's not like Trump conspired with Russians to rig the 2016 election, or would ever look the other way to protect his personal investments when journalists are murdered, right?
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