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Major snow storm forecast for London

Odd how Trump fans never stop for a moment to consider just why it is he's so hated worldwide.

It doesn't take much to be hated by SJW snowflakes.

Yeah, people who stick up for out-groups are the ones who hate. That's the ticket! :lol:

What we hate is the stupidity, callousness, lack of empathy, lack of conscience, fear-driven dogma, inability to question authority, and inhumane so-called "principles" of right wing authoritarian followers.

You, on the other hand, hate human beings, and for the stupidest reasons possible. Skin color, economic status, and a whole host of shit that doesn't hurt anyone and isn't any of your damn business to begin with. Your ideology represents the bottom feeding level of human cognition.

In spite of how loathsome, simple minded, convenient, lazy, and animal brain driven your ideology is, the rest of us still hold your humanness and your human rights sacred no matter how much you serve as cement blocks on the feet of humanity.

Your restraint is admirable.
as 1m snowflakes take to the streets to stamp their little feet in protest at possible visit from the POTUS.

London braced for 'biggest protest in UK history' against Trump visit, as celebrities and politicians throw support behind demo

Major Snowflake Storm Forecast

Hilarious. I almost wish I could say I voted for Trump.

Trump derangement indeed.

Hi TSwizzle.

Here is some attention.

Don't say I never gave you anything.
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