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Marijuana U.S.A.!!

The way it is playing out now, it is the states legalizing it and the federal government continuing to forbid it.

That makes this a states rights issue.

And as everyone knows, "states rights" is only, always, and ever a code word for racism.

Which is ironic, because the drug war is a very racist policy.
Hey. Marijuana is good stuff.

They need to legalize Marijuana in this city asap. More so than in most other places. A half gram of heroin is only 3x the cost of a whole gram of weed. Bud is outrageously taxed and scarce. Not "scarce", but compared to real dope, there is hardly any weed around. Getting it is going to expose you to some serious scumbags. I feel like I've won a contest every time I get home with my weed. Like yay, I wasn't shot and nobody poked me with a dirty needle. Win!

But hey, this happened the other day. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/08/17/over-two-dozen-overdoses-five-hours-wva-city/88905580/ I heard commotion and thought it was just cops hanging stray dogs for fun, or maybe just crackheads getting busted for trying to sell her kids again. Mondays! Nope, it was people falling out on heroin because there are no pot dispensaries in the neighborhood. Someone is always overdosing, you can count on it. But 26 in 5hrs is excessive for one neighborhood.

Legalizing Marijuana may be the only thing that can save my community. I know someone who repeats that at city hall constantly, but everyone in that building is powerless. They are stupid, too. Like low on reasoning type stupid. They don't get passionate about it until a nephew dies from heroin. THEN it is a big deal. Otherwise they stay focused on black people and how to get rid of them. Makes me sick how dumb these assholes are. I'm surprised they can even maintain their own personal hygiene, which seems more important to them than their jobs - which are to run the city. It is all for show and they don't even know it. They are really that fucking stupid.

Seriously though this is a pretty bad situation out here. Cops are selling dope and killing animals for fun, so I don't have much faith in their help. Courts are just Crucifying black people and drawing more drugs to the area when the prices go up - due to the recently busted dealers. Every time they bust a dealer, three more pop up as a result. Spending millions more on the police budget made less sense than installing a skate park and new public pool. It makes too much sense to improve our quality of life, apparently. Shitty life is why people get high isn't it? They don't listen.
The way it is playing out now, it is the states legalizing it and the federal government continuing to forbid it.

That makes this a states rights issue.

And as everyone knows, "states rights" is only, always, and ever a code word for racism.

Any reasonable person knows that there are a variety of issues that fall under the umbrella of 'State's Rights'. Those same reasonable people realize that the American Civil War was not about State's Rights, except as to how it pertained to slavery.
Existence isn't the same thing as reproduction. When two species compete for the same resources in the same niche, there is often only one (reproductive) winner. But that does not describe most inter-species relationships. Sometimes also, the "winning" species gets the resource initially in contest, and the "losing" species evolves to capitalize on other resources within that niche, or the niche itself changes (sometimes in response to the influence of the "winning" species) in ways that creates new resources that the "loser" is able to utilize to further its own reproduction. But eventually winners and losers die out, so in that sense it is indeed a zero-sum game.
Your DNA's success is very much predicated on the idea that it is you getting laid, and your continued success is assisted in no small way by your competition not getting laid.

Evolution happens to populations, not to individuals.

Tell that to the Hippopotamus. Or the lion. Or the Humpback whale. Or any of a wide array of gorillas. Or any of the other species whose males attack any other male they come across, particularly when they approach the females they have 'claimed'.

I don't want to derail this thread and further. I'll start another one in Natural Science to discuss this; anyhow - the individual drive to reproduce to the exclusion of other individuals of the same species is an evolutionary feature of some SPECIES, and is not found in all species (e.g. bonobos).
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