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matter before the big bang

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Veteran Member
Feb 26, 2006
United States-Texas
Basic Beliefs
When matter was encased into one mass right before the big bang do we know what particles of matter existed then that retained their current form up until today, if any did? For example did quarks exist before the big bang and were able to maintain their composition as quarks, throughout the explosion even up till now.
When matter was encased into one mass right before the big bang do we know what particles of matter existed then that retained their current form up until today, if any did? For example did quarks exist before the big bang and were able to maintain their composition as quarks, throughout the explosion even up till now.

We don't know for sure what happened before 10-32 seconds after the Big Bang (there are a number of competing hypotheses, none of which holds a consensus amongst cosmologists); and it is probably meaningless to even consider times earlier than the Planck Epoch, which is 10-34 seconds after the Big Bang - certainly it is meaningless using the framework of current physics or cosmology. We know that quarks and gluons existed at about 10-32 seconds; but before that is a mystery.

It is meaningless to talk about 'before' the Big Bang; there is no basis at all for your assumption that "matter was encased into one mass right before the big bang", or to make any other assumptions about it. There may have been no matter, no energy, no space, and no time. Or there may have been any or all of these things.

Time might or might not start at the Big Bang; we don't know. If it did, then asking about 'just before the big bang' is meaningless; if not, then we can say with certainty that current theories cannot tell us anything at all about what was happening.

The answer to your question is 'Nobody knows'.
When matter was encased into one mass right before the big bang do we know what particles of matter existed then that retained their current form up until today, if any did? For example did quarks exist before the big bang and were able to maintain their composition as quarks, throughout the explosion even up till now.
We don't really know squat about the very early universe, though we have theories and models that may or may not be close to reality. The furthermost we can observe is estimated to be about 300,000 years after what we assume was the Big Bang. Most (but not all) cosmologists accept the standard model but with reservations and unresolved questions.

So to answer your question, no one knows and your question itself may (or may not) be a nonsense question.
I'm happy to say I know about as much as the world's smartest scientist regarding the run up to the Plank Epoch.
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I'm happy to say I know about as much as the world's smartest scientist regarding the run up to the Plank Epoch.

What about the world's smallest pirate?
That would be the photon. It can be either a wave or a point particle as it sails through the double slit. So sneaky that nobody knows exactly where it is.
Wouldn't that be more of a ninja?

It's a Planck joke, dag nabbit, following Mr. Higgins' purposeful misspelling.

"So sneaky that nobody knows exactly where it is." Now that is a sneaky comment.
Same is true for any particle, not just photon.

Aye, Skipper, there be many pirates sailing those seas, but none sail a faster ship than Captain Photon and his crew.

The good ship Neutrino is just as fast; and so stealthy that all there is is spin, and no substance at all (A neutrino may well be our next Prime Minister).
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