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Meanwhile in White House Email Propaganda

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
White House email said:
Today, President Trump will meet with victims of Obamacare -- individuals, businesses, and others negatively impacted by the law. In addition, the President will meet with his Cabinet for the Trump Administration's first Cabinet meeting.
Victims?! It'd be nice if the White House email wasn't a flat out propaganda tool.

Fine, you want to pretend ACA has been a failure, go ahead, but lets not try to pretend that "TrumpCareless" is anything but a stripped down ACA bill.
Why 'meet with the victims?'
Does he think this will be like touring flooded areas or earthquake sites?
I hope he'll explain how the new law will make it any better for them.

I hope he'll explain how the new law will make it any better for them.


Yeah, where's the improvement???

From what I've seen so far the only improvement will be for those of us eligible for the tax credit but not for the subsidy, and that's assuming he doesn't damage the system otherwise.
I hope he'll explain how the new law will make it any better for them.


Well they will save a lot of money since they will no longer be forced to pay a lot for health insurance..

They just won't have any insurance.
I hope he'll explain how the new law will make it any better for them.


Yeah, where's the improvement???

From what I've seen so far the only improvement will be for those of us eligible for the tax credit but not for the subsidy, and that's assuming he doesn't damage the system otherwise.
The improvements are the tax cuts for the well to do. This should be called a tax reform bill, not a health care bill.
Yeah, where's the improvement???

From what I've seen so far the only improvement will be for those of us eligible for the tax credit but not for the subsidy, and that's assuming he doesn't damage the system otherwise.
The improvements are the tax cuts for the well to do. This should be called a tax reform bill, not a health care bill.

Exactly right, It's a bill that's so bad even Republican constituents should feel their intelligence has been insulted for having proposed it. The idea is that ACA is falling apart and is unworkable. So, they push a stripped down version without the subsidies, the mandate, or (ironically) the health care. This is how bad the GOP has become. They have been pushing these "alternate facts" to their voters for so long that they came to believe in their own bullshit ideology, despite any evidence that contradicts it. Their policy and analysis arms have atrophied to the point of being useless. Combine this with their recently revealed COMPLETE lack of ethics, and we have a political party that doesn't know, and doesn't care.
From what I've seen so far the only improvement will be for those of us eligible for the tax credit but not for the subsidy, and that's assuming he doesn't damage the system otherwise.
I wonder if when Trump says 'we will insure everybody' he means 'we will insure everybody who matters.'
The winners, probably. As a draft dodger who thinks McCain was a loser for being caught, he probably thinks feels sick people are losers for getting sick.
Today's email, "Share your Obamacare disaster story".

White House email said:
During the meeting, one woman revealed that she had her health insurance cancelled three times since Obamacare became law. Another attendee had her insurance jump from $17,000 a year to a devastating $52,500 a year for her struggling family, while yet another said her health insurance now costs more than her mortgage.
$52,500 a year? Who are the interviewing, the old lady in a shoe? Who pays over $4k a month for insurance?!

And the followup email offers you a list of articles to read, this shit has to stop!
White House email said:

  • Breitbart: "Donald Trump Meets with Victims of Obamacare at the White House"
    Read More
  • Fox News: "Trump: Americans will be able to 'pick the plan they want'"
    Read More
  • Townhall: "Five Ways The White House Plans to Sell Obamacare Repeal and Replace"
    Read More
  • Fox News: "Trump steps up ObamaCare repeal push, meets with law's 'victims'"
    Read More
Weasel-word of the month:


Repugs are poised to sell the notion of universal ACCESS to health care in lieu of actual health care to the unwary dullards who voted for Trump. Of course everyone in the country already has "access" to health care if they are willing and able to pony up for it. The GOP plan doesn't alter that fact.
Beware of ANY statement by ANY Republican who uses the word "access" in the same sentence with "health care" - they are being intentionally deceptive, and hoping nobody will notice. Scumbags.
Weasel-word of the month:


Repugs are poised to sell the notion of universal ACCESS to health care in lieu of actual health care to the unwary dullards who voted for Trump. Of course everyone in the country already has "access" to health care if they are willing and able to pony up for it. The GOP plan doesn't alter that fact.
Beware of ANY statement by ANY Republican who uses the word "access" in the same sentence with "health care" - they are being intentionally deceptive, and hoping nobody will notice. Scumbags.
That was very much the noted shift in his speech to Congress. In his campaign he wanted health care coverage for all, but in his speech he wanted health care access to all, which is a notable change. Of course, everyone already has "access" to health care and this bill doesn't increase said access. People like Hugh Hewitt on the right are trying to convince people that many that have health care right now can't actually see a doctor, and so by removing that health care, they'll be able to get real health care because Republican run states love the idea of raising taxes to pay for it.

The right-wing hasn't been this full of shit since '05 when trying to sell privatizing Social Security to deal with the solvency problem, when it didn't even address Social Security solvency.
Today's email, "Share your Obamacare disaster story".

I took them up on it, and shared my Obamacare disaster story. That Obamacare saved me from the disaster of having pre-existing conditions, the disaster of annual and lifetime benefit limits, etc. I went on to share how Trumpcare would be a disaster for millions of Americans by dropping them from the rolls of the insured, and by killing the Medicaid expansion, a disaster Trump would own. I then challenged Trump to locate his spine, and push for UHC. After this email, the last one they solicited from me on what I wanted to hear in his joint session speech, and whatever they solicit from me next, I am sure I will be put on the no fly list pretty soon.
White House email offers link to Washington Post 'article' "supporting" the Trump Budget. The issue is, the headline, to the Op-Ed, was being sarcastic.
Washington Post Op-Ed said:
This budget will make America a lean, mean fighting machine with bulging, rippling muscles and not an ounce of fat. America has been weak and soft for too long. BUT HOW WILL I SURVIVE ON THIS BUDGET? you may be wondering. I AM A HUMAN CHILD, NOT A COSTLY FIGHTER JET. You may not survive, but that is because you are SOFT and WEAK, something this budget is designed to eliminate.


The State Department, by 29 percent: Right now, all the State Department’s many qualified employees do is sit around being sad that they are never consulted about anything. This is, frankly, depressing, and it is best to put them out of their misery. Besides, they are only trained in Soft Diplomacy, like a woman would do, and NOBODY wants that. Only HARD POWER now that we have a man in charge who thought the name Rex Tillerson was not manly enough and rechristened himself Wayne Tracker. With the money we will save on these sad public servants, we will be able to buy lots of GUNS and F-35s and other cool things that go BOOM and POW and PEW PEW PEW.

White House email offers link to Washington Post 'article' "supporting" the Trump Budget. The issue is, the headline, to the Op-Ed, was being sarcastic.
Washington Post Op-Ed said:
This budget will make America a lean, mean fighting machine with bulging, rippling muscles and not an ounce of fat. America has been weak and soft for too long. BUT HOW WILL I SURVIVE ON THIS BUDGET? you may be wondering. I AM A HUMAN CHILD, NOT A COSTLY FIGHTER JET. You may not survive, but that is because you are SOFT and WEAK, something this budget is designed to eliminate.


The State Department, by 29 percent: Right now, all the State Department’s many qualified employees do is sit around being sad that they are never consulted about anything. This is, frankly, depressing, and it is best to put them out of their misery. Besides, they are only trained in Soft Diplomacy, like a woman would do, and NOBODY wants that. Only HARD POWER now that we have a man in charge who thought the name Rex Tillerson was not manly enough and rechristened himself Wayne Tracker. With the money we will save on these sad public servants, we will be able to buy lots of GUNS and F-35s and other cool things that go BOOM and POW and PEW PEW PEW.


Heh. They got trolled. I doubt it will be the last time.
Is it being trolled when you deliberately post a link to a story from a source you repeatedly claim is "fake news"? Seems more like outright dumbfuckery mixed with desperation.
Yes, they were trolled.
THere are a number of instances of the Repugs complaining about the evil practice people have of sticking a microphone into a conservative's face and letting them talk. So underhanded and evil.
Weasel-word of the month:


Repugs are poised to sell the notion of universal ACCESS to health care in lieu of actual health care to the unwary dullards who voted for Trump. Of course everyone in the country already has "access" to health care if they are willing and able to pony up for it. The GOP plan doesn't alter that fact.
Beware of ANY statement by ANY Republican who uses the word "access" in the same sentence with "health care" - they are being intentionally deceptive, and hoping nobody will notice. Scumbags.
That was very much the noted shift in his speech to Congress. In his campaign he wanted health care coverage for all, but in his speech he wanted health care access to all, which is a notable change. Of course, everyone already has "access" to health care and this bill doesn't increase said access. People like Hugh Hewitt on the right are trying to convince people that many that have health care right now can't actually see a doctor, and so by removing that health care, they'll be able to get real health care because Republican run states love the idea of raising taxes to pay for it.

The right-wing hasn't been this full of shit since '05 when trying to sell privatizing Social Security to deal with the solvency problem, when it didn't even address Social Security solvency.

So pisses me off. This am there was a TN Pug bitch on CNN saying "the goal is to provide ACCESS to health care to everybody". And the insipid moderator didn't call her on it.
No, beotch, the goal is to provide HEALTH CARE. Your sorry excuse "ACCESS" won't help anyone who can't afford it, any more than they can afford it right now. If you are working poor making $26k and they give you $4k to defray a $13k premium, how do you have any "ACCESS" to health care?
White House email offers link to Washington Post 'article' "supporting" the Trump Budget. The issue is, the headline, to the Op-Ed, was being sarcastic.


Heh. They got trolled. I doubt it will be the last time.

It's actually not even being trolled. The White House is as bad as their base. They have no nuance, no depth, they read the title and post. "Fake news" indeed. It's a good thing anyone with any brains on the right left the party long ago.
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