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Mercury going retrograde

"Retrograde" movement is an optical illusion anyway. The whole concept is based on Geocentrism and a misunderstanding of orbital dynamics.
Mercury isn't changing its orbit an iota.
My mother claimed a computer issue I had a year or two back was due to Mercury in retrograde. Now she's going to start up with that again.
My mother claimed a computer issue I had a year or two back was due to Mercury in retrograde. Now she's going to start up with that again.
Interesting. Now you can do an actual analysis to see if your mother was right. Just pay close attention to any computer problem you may have in the next couple weeks such as typos, difficulty opening files, lost files or data, speed in some applications slower than you expected, etc. If you notice any such things then you will know your mother was right... :devil:
article said:
(Even people who “don’t believe in astrology” often “believe” in the crazy aftershocks of Mercury retrograde!)
The first time I've heard that retrograde influences the minds of people. I quite like how they mention "aftershocks", yet don't actually mention a single thing that happened in a retrograde.

But apparently it is responsible for lots of bad things, and if you buy a big ticket item, it'll be flawed because it was purchased during retrograde (not built) and machines don't work well because of astrology?

I'm a Pisces and my phone is a Taurus.
Whether causality is too close to home right now.

The Knows

The Sun focused my mind to become mad as a hatter
on precession of Mercury to see what was the matter
with measures of space that were plumbed straight with lead
that lowers IQ from all that I've read

The lead led to violence, at least that's what they said
It alters your brain when it gets in your head
So by mass or by mole, space rushed through my head
there's no way to know, the truth 'til you're led.

It's all heavy metal, I grinned as they thought,
to lead us through evil, like fish they were caught.

My word they heed.
The funny thing is every so often my horoscope is right... after a fashion. But most times its "huh?" being as it has no bearing on current events.
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