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Mexico and US agree to some sort of Manufacturing agreement

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
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White House announces that Mexico and the US have come to some sort of agreement regarding auto manufacturing. Trump indicated that Canada "may" join the deal, but Canada hasn't been involved yet.

article said:
President Trump announced Monday that the United States has reached agreement with Mexico on a new trade deal that he declared will not be called NAFTA -- a name he said has bad connotations.

Canada might or might not be part of the new deal, Trump said -- a startling suggestion that would represent the biggest change yet in U.S. trade policy under the Trump administration, if Trump indeed rips up the North American Free Trade Agreement and replaces it with a bilateral deal with Mexico.

The agreement reached Monday was narrowly focused on auto manufacturing. But the president said that the limited agreement with Mexico could supplant NAFTA.
Trump suggested he'd tariff Canadian cars if Canada doesn't hop aboard... something that would likely be illegal... if Congress gave a fuck.
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White House announces that Mexico and the US have come to some sort of agreement regarding auto manufacturing. Trump indicated that Canada "may" join the deal, but Canada hasn't been involved yet.

article said:
President Trump announced Monday that the United States has reached agreement with Mexico on a new trade deal that he declared will not be called NAFTA -- a name he said has bad connotations.

Canada might or might not be part of the new deal, Trump said -- a startling suggestion that would represent the biggest change yet in U.S. trade policy under the Trump administration, if Trump indeed rips up the North American Free Trade Agreement and replaces it with a bilateral deal with Mexico.

The agreement reached Monday was narrowly focused on auto manufacturing. But the president said that the limited agreement with Mexico could supplant NAFTA.
Trump suggested he'd tariff Canadian cars if Canada doesn't hop aboard... something that would likely be illegal... if Congress gave a fuck.

Nobody should give a fuck - this is like the agreement to agree with "Chairman Kim" that has already fallen apart. Yet, the stock market was up 260 points last time I looked. (I guess the Iran threat didn't put a damper on it... )
Something might actually emerge from this. Probably not as good a deal for anyone as NAFTA was, but Mr. Marmalade will take credit for "fixing" North American trade, even if nothing happens.
From what I understand, it's not all that different from NAFTA.

He campaigned on saying NAFTA was terrible, so he replaced it with more or less the same thing with a different name and declared victory.
Legally, he is not king. Senate ratifies all treaties. Ergo, unless I am missing something, he is tweaking an existing treaty within the bounds of what was already ratified by the Senate and allowed to be modified by the Pres. In other words, this is still NAFTA .
In other words, this is still NAFTA .

It sure does seem like it. There's nothing wrong with modifying things within the agreement called NAFTA, so why call it something else unless one wants to a reason to brag about achieving a relatively minor thing lower level officials routinely do?

Yup. He's essentially making Trump steaks. $50 repackaging of walmart beef. Made in Mexico.
In other words, this is still NAFTA .

It sure does seem like it. There's nothing wrong with modifying things within the agreement called NAFTA, so why call it something else unless one wants to a reason to brag about achieving a relatively minor thing lower level officials routinely do?

Because his followers are mostly dumber than shit.
Wall Street Journal condemns Trump’s ‘half a NAFTA’ as ‘notably worse’ — and loaded with ‘nonsense’

Exactly as expected...it's all crap...

The business-friendly editors of the Wall Street Journal are decidedly unimpressed with President Donald Trump’s hastily put-together replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement.

On the editorial page of the Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper, the new agreement — involving Mexico but not Canada — was condemned as “notably worse in many ways,” based on what little is known about it.

“The Presidents of America and Mexico announced a new trade agreement Monday that Donald Trump called ‘much better’ than the North American Free Trade Agreement. We’ll reserve judgment until we see the fine print, but on first inspection this is half a Nafta that contains some improvements but is notably worse in many ways,” the editorial began, before warning, “Whether it can pass Congress is far from certain.”

According to the Journal, the good news is that the “U.S. also seems to have stepped back from its demand for a five-year ‘sunset’ that was essentially a backdoor way to dampen cross-border investment. The two parties agreed instead to a 16-year pact with a review period after six years.”

However, Trump’s decision to move forward without major trading partner Canada came under attack.

Donald Trump, the idiot that performs multilateral negotiations with a single bilateral negotiation and hopes it just falls into place with Canada in a week or two.
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