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Mitt Romney: Donald Trump is not very presidential

Actually, I think Trump would have been happy to have it as an issue go away but Rush and Ann dropped it in a paper bag, set it at his front door, and lit it on fire.

I still think that Elixir is basically right that Donald Trump manufactured this crisis out of whole cloth. He could easily have ignored Limbaugh and Coulter. His supporters don't need him to build a wall. They just loved to cheer his outrageous performance. He said ridiculous things and got away with it, much to the consternation of liberals everywhere. Coulter and Limbaugh would have moved on to the next budget showdown. At this point, Trump had another self-inflicted wound in his right flank over his disastrous Syria announcement, which did not go over so well with his base of supporters. Unfortunately, he is easily distracted and manipulated. He wasn't strong enough to ignore Limbaugh and Coulter, so he made a worse mess to appease them. Now he has painted himself into a corner. He has to find a way to save face. And here comes Romney to rub salt into the wound.

I disagree. Politically, the wall represents his key political position on immigration. It's probably the main reason he got elected. He can't ignore it.
Actually, I think Trump would have been happy to have it as an issue go away but Rush and Ann dropped it in a paper bag, set it at his front door, and lit it on fire.

I still think that Elixir is basically right that Donald Trump manufactured this crisis out of whole cloth. He could easily have ignored Limbaugh and Coulter. His supporters don't need him to build a wall. They just loved to cheer his outrageous performance. He said ridiculous things and got away with it, much to the consternation of liberals everywhere. Coulter and Limbaugh would have moved on to the next budget showdown. At this point, Trump had another self-inflicted wound in his right flank over his disastrous Syria announcement, which did not go over so well with his base of supporters. Unfortunately, he is easily distracted and manipulated. He wasn't strong enough to ignore Limbaugh and Coulter, so he made a worse mess to appease them. Now he has painted himself into a corner. He has to find a way to save face. And here comes Romney to rub salt into the wound.

I disagree. Politically, the wall represents his key political position on immigration. It's probably the main reason he got elected. He can't ignore it.

Right - at least to him it represents, i.e. is a symbol of, his key position. But Americans at large are not eager to spend $5, let alone $5b to erect a pointless edifice that could be seen from outer space* in honor of Dear Leader's "Key Position". The stupid wall isn't going to mitigate drug flow or do anything else for National Security, and everybody knows it. Trump is holding the Government hostage to make it build a monument to his folly.

* I know that's an out of date expression, since anything bigger than a match box can be "seen from outer space" these days...
Mit's a douche. He kissed Trump's ass and has no credibility.

Let him challenge Trump in 2020. Same with Kasich. Unlike Mit, Kasich seems to be a decent guy with some flawed thinking.

Hell, let both bury the Shitgibbon and his filthy supporters.
Mit's a douche. He kissed Trump's ass and has no credibility.

Let him challenge Trump in 2020. Same with Kasich. Unlike Mit, Kasich seems to be a decent guy with some flawed thinking.

Hell, let both bury the Shitgibbon and his filthy supporters.

I hope a few million Dem voter register Rep so they can primary Shitgibbon.
By essentially declaring his independence from Trump, Mitt is free to act sensibly and not become a total sycophant for the Trump cult.
That will require Mitt actually making an effort to choose a side and stick to hit.
His whole history is trying to have it both ways, then acting surprised when people remember his conflicts.
By essentially declaring his independence from Trump, Mitt is free to act sensibly and not become a total sycophant for the Trump cult.
That will require Mitt actually making an effort to choose a side and stick to hit.
It is harder to corner him on a position than a Libertarian!
His whole history is trying to have it both ways, then acting surprised when people remember his conflicts.
He is a clone of Hillary Clinton, just with fewer testicles.
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