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More than two terms?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Crowd cheers after Trump says he deserves an 'extension' on presidency - Business Insider
  • President Donald Trump quipped about extending his presidency past a second term during a rally in Elkhart, Indiana.
  • It's not the first time Trump joked about staying in the White House for longer than the eight-year maximum.
  • Trump immediately walked back the comment.
He claimed that the news media would be happy to see him go.

I remember Ronald Reagan also once saying that he wanted more than two terms. But this Presidential term limit was pushed by Republicans after they watched FDR get elected President four times. So he'd have to try to repeal the 22th Amendment.
That sounds like a good amendment to repeal. If people like the job that a President is doing and want to keep him around, they should be allowed to do so and not have an arbitrary limit placed on how long he can stay there.

I would prefer that Obama got to run again, for instance. If the American people are batshit crazy and still want Trump to be their President seven years from now, they should have that option as well. I don't believe that most major countries have term limits and they turn over their leadership fine when the country wants them to.
In the past, I would have thought it delusional that the 27th Amendment would be repealed in my lifetime. Of course, I thought it delusional that someone like Trump could become a nominee of a major party for POTUS, let alone win the election.

Even though I would hope more rational heads would prevail and any attempt to repeal the 27th amendment to get Trump an extension would fail miserably, I no longer doubt such an awful outcome could happen. I think the only ray of hope is that by the time it would take to get enough states to pass that repeal, Trump would not be physically capable to become President.
I'd be gobsmacked if Trump tried to install himself as Leader For Life - LEGALLY. (Or if he did anything else legally... )
But I'll be equally amazed if he doesn't try every trick in his book of cheating to maintain his - and his family's - grip on power.
In the past, I would have thought it delusional that the 27th Amendment would be repealed in my lifetime. Of course, I thought it delusional that someone like Trump could become a nominee of a major party for POTUS, let alone win the election.

Even though I would hope more rational heads would prevail and any attempt to repeal the 27th amendment to get Trump an extension would fail miserably, I no longer doubt such an awful outcome could happen. I think the only ray of hope is that by the time it would take to get enough states to pass that repeal, Trump would not be physically capable to become President.
Well, his "doctor" said he'd live to be 200 if he just eats a veggie every once in a while.
That sounds like a good amendment to repeal. If people like the job that a President is doing and want to keep him around, they should...
...they should vote in someone like 1st Bush, whose campaign promise consisted of 4 more years of Reagan.
In the past, I would have thought it delusional that the 27th Amendment would be repealed in my lifetime. Of course, I thought it delusional that someone like Trump could become a nominee of a major party for POTUS, let alone win the election.

Even though I would hope more rational heads would prevail and any attempt to repeal the 27th amendment to get Trump an extension would fail miserably, I no longer doubt such an awful outcome could happen. I think the only ray of hope is that by the time it would take to get enough states to pass that repeal, Trump would not be physically capable to become President.
Well, his "doctor" said he'd live to be 200 if he just eats a veggie every once in a while.

Is Melania a vegetable?
No? How can you tell?
That sounds like a good amendment to repeal. If people like the job that a President is doing and want to keep him around, they should...
...they should vote in someone like 1st Bush, whose campaign promise consisted of 4 more years of Reagan.

Or just vote for 4 more years of Reagan, as opposed to needing to settle for mini-Reagan.
That sounds like a good amendment to repeal. If people like the job that a President is doing and want to keep him around, they should be allowed to do so and not have an arbitrary limit placed on how long he can stay there.

I would prefer that Obama got to run again, for instance. If the American people are batshit crazy and still want Trump to be their President seven years from now, they should have that option as well. I don't believe that most major countries have term limits and they turn over their leadership fine when the country wants them to.

My right wing gun nut friend posted something on Facebook during the Obama years about an effort to repeal that one (apparently there's some Congressman who introduces the bill every year or two) and he used it as proof that Obama was planning to declare himself President for Life. Presumably his third term was when he was gonna impose Sharia Law (or communism...I forget).

After patiently trying to explain that repealing a Constitutional Amendment is very hard unless there's liquor involved, and pointing out that it was just one crazy Congressman, he kept insisting that Obama was going to be a dictator.

So I made a bet with him. If, on January 21st 2017 Obama was still President, I'd pay him the agreed upon sum of money, ask him to loan me a firearm, and join the fight against tyranny. If he was wrong, all he'd have to do is admit he was wrong.

I have yet to collect on that bet.
That sounds like a good amendment to repeal. If people like the job that a President is doing and want to keep him around, they should be allowed to do so and not have an arbitrary limit placed on how long he can stay there.

I would prefer that Obama got to run again, for instance. If the American people are batshit crazy and still want Trump to be their President seven years from now, they should have that option as well. I don't believe that most major countries have term limits and they turn over their leadership fine when the country wants them to.

My right wing gun nut friend posted something on Facebook during the Obama years about an effort to repeal that one (apparently there's some Congressman who introduces the bill every year or two) and he used it as proof that Obama was planning to declare himself President for Life. Presumably his third term was when he was gonna impose Sharia Law (or communism...I forget).

After patiently trying to explain that repealing a Constitutional Amendment is very hard unless there's liquor involved, and pointing out that it was just one crazy Congressman, he kept insisting that Obama was going to be a dictator.

So I made a bet with him. If, on January 21st 2017 Obama was still President, I'd pay him the agreed upon sum of money, ask him to loan me a firearm, and join the fight against tyranny. If he was wrong, all he'd have to do is admit he was wrong.

I have yet to collect on that bet.

That's because he's waiting for Obama to pull off his Trump mask and admit that he's just been trolling everybody for the past year to show what a bunch of morons Republicans are.
That's because he's waiting for Obama to pull off his Trump mask and admit that he's just been trolling everybody for the past year to show what a bunch of morons Republicans are.

That would be hilarious beyond my means to express.
That sounds like a good amendment to repeal. If people like the job that a President is doing and want to keep him around, they should...
...they should vote in someone like 1st Bush, whose campaign promise consisted of 4 more years of Reagan.

Isn't that the idea though? Even though you can't re-elect a President after two terms, you can vote for someone who's just like him. For example, Obama would've won a third term, but since he can't, you vote for someone who will continue his policies. That's why Hillary's President now... oh, wait.
Oh great, so he wants to make america great again again.

Look, the Trump White House is the most corrupt and incompetent administration ever to exist in America. They have screwed things up so incredibly that it would take a new President most of his first term just to figure out all the things that are wrong, let alone to get around to fixing them. Donald Trump, however, has an intimate knowledge of all the things he's fucked up, so he'd be able to hit the ground running and begin the process of correcting the issues, so he's clearly the best choice to lead the efforts to repair the damage done by a Donald Trump presidency.
That sounds like a good amendment to repeal. If people like the job that a President is doing and want to keep him around, they should be allowed to do so and not have an arbitrary limit placed on how long he can stay there.

I would prefer that Obama got to run again, for instance. If the American people are batshit crazy and still want Trump to be their President seven years from now, they should have that option as well. I don't believe that most major countries have term limits and they turn over their leadership fine when the country wants them to.

Why would we need to repeal that amendment?

Conservolibertarians stopped believing in the rule of law some time around the Bush II administration. If the smartest American president in history wants to serve more than 2 terms, he can do so without regard to that stupid constitution and those stupid laws, which are all tools of the Deep State Conspiracy and thus can be ignored.
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