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Mueller Testimony: Orange Man Good, FBI Bad


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Orange Man Good, FBI Bad is the narrative that Republicans are going to try to foist off on the public tomorrow when Mueller appears before the House.
No surprise there, since that's been their only defense of Cheato's ongoing criminal activities since his election. But I'm beginning to wonder exactly how complicit Bob Mueller is willing to make himself, in the name of conformity to regulations. Apparently he thinks it is more important to his legacy to remain "by-the-book" even if that means helping the Cheato cabal retain their ability to abuse power, than it is to preserve/return us to the representative government described in the US Constitution. Either that, or he is flat out unaware of just how stupid the American electorate really is, and is naively trusting it to preserve the Union.

Personally I'd like to see him "lose it" and call out Trump in plain language, as a criminal whom he would have indicted 10x were he not the undeserving occupant of the White House. Then go after the toady Barr as a liar who intentionally misrepresented the findings of the report, and launch into the Republicans in Congress as knowing enablers of Cheato's illegal and immoral activities. Fact is, he has already made ALL those assertions by implication, Joe Friday-style. I would still love to hear him say it in simple lay English that even the average Trumpanzee can understand...

I know - the chances are better that Cheato will be hit by a meteorite, but wishful thinking is okay as long as you know you're doing it... right?
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Mueller is still trying to duck and cover wanting his deputy Aaron Zebley to replace him. Mueller ain't gonna tell no lies, about dishonest Don. What is is so afraid of?
Funny how two years ago, Republican Robert Mueller, graduate of Princeton University and New York University, Marine Corp veteran, recipient of a Bronze Star for heroism and a Purple Heart... this man who was universally considered the best of the best by the left, the right and the center - is now sold out by Republican congresscritters and Faux News as a corrupt enemy of America, Democracy, Truth and Justice. And worse, they do this on behalf of a totally corrupt draft dodging idiot-savant conman. Worst of all, they know damn well that it is the devil they serve, but do it anyway because they are convinced that their jobs depend on it.
WaPo: Live: Mueller grilled on obstruction, ‘fishing’ without charging Trump

9:05 a.m.: Mueller pushes back on Trump’s ‘no collusion, no obstruction’ claim

Mueller rejected claims by Trump that his report cleared him from wrongdoing and confirmed that he could be charged after he leaves office.

In the first back-and-forth, Nadler, the committee chairman, listed basic yes-or-no questions — or inquiries that could be answered in a few words — to get Mueller to confirm that he did not exonerate Trump.

“Did you actually totally exonerate the president?” the New York Democrat asked.

“No,” Mueller said.

“Does that say there was no obstruction?” Nadler said, reading an excerpt from the report where Mueller’s team discussed they could not “exonerate” Trump on the matter.


Mueller went on to talk about Justice Department rules that say a sitting president cannot be indicted.

“The report did not conclude that he did not commit of obstruction of justice,” Nadler asked again.

“That is correct,” Mueller said.

The president has repeatedly claimed the report showed there was “no collusion” and “no obstruction.”

Asked if “under DOJ policy the president could be prosecuted for obstruction of justice crimes after he leaves office,” Mueller responded: “True.”

Mueller also confirmed that Trump refused to be interviewed by his team.

9 a.m.: Mueller makes clear his investigation did not exonerate the president

“The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed,” the former special counsel told the House Judiciary Committee.

Asked whether the president could potentially be indicted after leaving office, Mueller responded, “True.”
I've watched most of the hearing, before I fell asleep for awhile, mostly during the break. It was so partisan, ( no suprprise ) as both sides tried to present their case. But, I do think the Republicans went out of their way to try and make Mueller look as if he was working for the Democrats, inspite of his long history of not only being a Republican, but trying to stay out of partisan politics while doing his work. I felt sorry for him. He looked tired and overwhelmed by being asked the same things over and over again. He's stated several times, when he's been willing to answer, that the investigation didn't find the president innocent of obstruction, but that a sitting president could not be indicted, but he could be indicted after leaving office.

My conclusion is that this hearing isn't going to change anyone's mind. The Trumper's who bothered to watch will claim victory.

Well, it's not over yet, but I doubt anything is going to change during the time left. As predicted, Mueller did his best to follow the rules and avoid questions which the report didn't address. Many times, the Republicans didn't allow him to answer questions when he wanted to, but criticized him when he refused to answer.

Here's some analysis from CNN

n that same opening statement, Mueller said he would not address any questions involving Attorney General William Barr or the actions of Congress. That's a big blow for Democrats, who very much wanted to explore differences in public statements about the special counsel investigation between Mueller and Barr, particularly as it related to how Barr characterized the findings of the report on obstruction.
It's not entirely clear if Democrats on the committee will have any success in even nibbling at the edges of the Barr-Mueller divisions and discrepancies, but what is obvious is that the former special counsel has zero interest in engaging on it.
4. Mueller has been shaky so far
If Democrats hoped that Mueller would easily bat away Republican attacks -- on him and on his report -- they have been sorely disappointed in the opening moments of his testimony. Mueller seemingly contradicted himself (and the report) when he told Doug Collins, the ranking Republican member on the committee, that collusion and conspiracy were not the same thing.
Mueller also seemed to struggle to hear and/or understand questions from member of both sides as well as to find various references members were making to the Mueller report, asking for questions to be repeated. Democrats viewed the hearing as a chance for the public to hear what the President did (and didn't do) from a straight-out-of-central-casting prosecutor. Mueller isn't coming across like that so far.
5. Mueller directly contradicts Trump on FBI job
On Wednesday morning, Trump tweeted this: "It has been reported that Robert Mueller is saying that he did not apply and interview for the job of FBI Director (and get turned down) the day before he was wrongfully appointed Special Counsel. Hope he doesn't say that under oath in that we have numerous witnesses to the interview, including the Vice President of the United States!"
Except ... under questioning from Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, Mueller directly contradicted Trump's version of events. As Gohmert was attacking Mueller's alleged conflicts of interest, he cited Mueller meeting with Trump the day before he was appointed as special counsel as a job interview for the open FBI spot. "Not as a candidate," for the job, Mueller said.
So someone is lying here. Worth noting: Mueller's testimony is under oath. Trump's tweet is, uh, not.

As predicted, Trump is claiming victory, ignoring some of the things that he has constantly denied but have been confirmed by Mueller.

9. Mueller has (re)confirmed lots of details Trump doesn't acknowledge
Donald Trump is clearly thrilled with the way the morning hearing went. "I would like to thank the Democrats for holding this morning's hearing," he tweeted just after 1 p.m. ET. "Now, after 3 hours, Robert Mueller has to subject himself to #ShiftySchiff - an Embarrassment to our Country!" And while it's clear that Democrats have not reaped the huge wins some of them expected they might, it's also true that Mueller has confirmed, verbally that is, lots of facts that the President of the United States seems reluctant to admit. Among them: a) Russia interfered in the election to help Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton b) the Trump campaign was thrilled about that effort and c) Trump was involved in business dealing in Russia (the discussions of the construction of Trump Tower Moscow). None of that is good news -- at all -- for the President and his many past denials on these issues.
I think this hearing demonstrated one solid point. The GOP will aim to destroy you, regardless of who you are, if you don't tow the party line.
Listening to the viewer comments on C-SPAN on the Mueller hearing. I'm really flabbergasted by the Republicans calling in. It's like they watched but didn't listen. :lalala:
Listening to the viewer comments on C-SPAN on the Mueller hearing. I'm really flabbergasted by the Republicans calling in. It's like they watched but didn't listen. :lalala:

Oh but Faux news told them it was just fine and ignore everything else. Sheep.
Nothing happened again lol Trump is right. Biggest witch hunt in history.

When are they going to investigate Obama and crooked Hillary?
Listening to the viewer comments on C-SPAN on the Mueller hearing. I'm really flabbergasted by the Republicans calling in. It's like they watched but didn't listen. :lalala:

Oh but Faux news told them it was just fine and ignore everything else. Sheep.

You guys are nuts! You think saying that will change minds?

This is like saying "CNN told the Dems Trump colluded and ignore eveyrthing else. Sheep."
Is there someone who thinks this went well for Democrats? I haven't seen one yet.
It was an attempt to the illiterate and those who do not read newspapers to listen to Mueller in the hope that it will change their minds. I think the Democrats forgot that most of the people who believe Trump can do no wrong or did nothing wrong are not going to listen to Mueller's testimony. I suppose if it changes the minds of the right 70,000 or so voters, it might swing the election away from Trump, but that it is a real "hail mary" hope.
It was an attempt to the illiterate and those who do not read newspapers to listen to Mueller in the hope that it will change their minds. I think the Democrats forgot that most of the people who believe Trump can do no wrong or did nothing wrong are not going to listen to Mueller's testimony. I suppose if it changes the minds of the right 70,000 or so voters, it might swing the election away from Trump, but that it is a real "hail mary" hope.

Innocent until proven guilty. They asked Mueller, "Can you exonerate Trump?" Mueller said, "No."

Yet, being innocent is the default. He should have "yes." Otherwise, he's saying Trump is guilty without a trial, which is very anti-American in respect to the justice system.
Yet, being innocent is the default.
Learn English. Innocent =/= proven innocent.
He said exactly what he meant.

Whatever you say. But, this is playing right into Trump's hands. The undecided voters HATE witch hunts and no results. The more the left smears Trump with lies and slander and nothing comes of it, the more the undecided will go to Trump.
Listening to the viewer comments on C-SPAN on the Mueller hearing. I'm really flabbergasted by the Republicans calling in. It's like they watched but didn't listen. :lalala:

Oh but Faux news told them it was just fine and ignore everything else. Sheep.

You guys are nuts! You think saying that will change minds?

This is like saying "CNN told the Dems Trump colluded and ignore eveyrthing else. Sheep."

have you read the report? It clearly states the dishonest Don committed crimes.
Yet, being innocent is the default.
Learn English. Innocent =/= proven innocent.
He said exactly what he meant.

Whatever you say. But, this is playing right into Trump's hands. The undecided voters HATE witch hunts and no results.

This "witch hunt", as you called it, generated a surplus in asset forfeiture and has put several high profile people in jail because they pleaded guilty. If this was a witch hunt, then witches are real.
It was an attempt to the illiterate and those who do not read newspapers to listen to Mueller in the hope that it will change their minds. I think the Democrats forgot that most of the people who believe Trump can do no wrong or did nothing wrong are not going to listen to Mueller's testimony. I suppose if it changes the minds of the right 70,000 or so voters, it might swing the election away from Trump, but that it is a real "hail mary" hope.

Innocent until proven guilty. They asked Mueller, "Can you exonerate Trump?" Mueller said, "No."

Yet, being innocent is the default.
Only in court. BTW, you clearly do not adhere to that principle when it comes to Mrs. Clinton.
He should have "yes."
That would be a lie. Since the report clearly stated it could not exonerate him. And the report gave multiple reasons for that rationale.
Otherwise, he's saying Trump is guilty without a trial, which is very anti-American in respect to the justice system.
First of all, it is very American to judge people without trials - our history is replete with examples. For example, fine upstanding white Christians used to lynch people without trials.

Second, Mueller made it clear that he was not judging the President since it was against DOJ policy to indict a sitting President. People are free to come to their own conclusions about what our President did (or is very likely to have done). Most of the Trump supporters I know simply do not care what he did which is not the same thing as thinking he is innocent.

Third, I think you really have no clue what undecided voters think or feel what is important or not.
Yet, being innocent is the default.
Learn English. Innocent =/= proven innocent.
He said exactly what he meant.

Whatever you say. But, this is playing right into Trump's hands. The undecided voters HATE witch hunts and no results. The more the left smears Trump with lies and slander and nothing comes of it, the more the undecided will go to Trump.
The 'lies and libel' I see here are you talking your usual unsupportable shit.
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