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Mueller Testimony: Orange Man Good, FBI Bad

It bears repeating; the Mueller probe turned a profit! This is the most successful venture involving Trump ever! Let him campaign in every election cycle and the US won't have to worry about a budget deficit ever again.
When Mueller was read several quotes during the hearing of Trump praising WikiLeaks during the campaign and saying everyone should read it and how it was a gold mine Mueller replied that "it was very disturbing ... to say the least." And that WikiLeaks' Assange is under indictment as a criminal organization. But for some reason Republicans don't comprehend how this self-serving attitude will inevitably lead to really bad consequences for our nation. This kind of derangement goes far beyond any pent up hostility they might have for the Clintons. Maybe a few of them will come around before the next election.
Nothing happened again lol Trump is right. Biggest witch hunt in history.

When are they going to investigate Obama and crooked Hillary?

1) It's much more important to investigate those in power.

2) Nobody's found any real dirt on either Obama or Hillary. His Flatulence is neck deep in it.
Yet, being innocent is the default.
Learn English. Innocent =/= proven innocent.
He said exactly what he meant.

You are not proven innocent in court. If you are found not guilty, that just means that based on the facts and evidence, they can't prove that you did the crime. It doesn't mean they have proven you did not do it.

You should know this based on the OJ verdict. The vast majority of America thinks OJ is not guilty, right?
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