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My Dinner With Trump Supporters


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
So awhile back, I got invited to a dinner at a fancy country club by an in law and accepted the invitation. This was some historical club he wanted me to join. I figured it would be populated by neocons politically, but the topic wouldn’t stray into politics. Was I wrong.

It started innocuously enough with a comment from a woman lamenting that her daughter didn’t get accepted to her first choice in college. At that remark, an older gentleman, in his 70’s and from rural Mississippi interjected, “That’s because she’s white! If she had been Asian or black, she would easily have been accepted. We white people need to stick together, or we are going to lose all of our rights!”

From that point on it degenerated into a long diatribe mostly by the older white guy about Trump. He apparently drove a bus as a volunteer for the campaign. He said he drove a bus from Alaska to Idaho and spent the time talking to housewives and reporting what he heard back up to the Trump team. I wanted to comment that I would like to know what routes he took, because the only way up there on a road is mostly through Canadian wilderness, but he was on a roll, so why bother stopping him.

According to him, before Trump came on the scene, the country was in really bad shape. The housewives (never seemed to talk to working women!) complained about their husbands losing jobs because all of the factories moving overseas. This was all Obama’s doing of course.

The story then turned into a rally he dragged a friend into for Trump. This was in October of 2015, three years ago. He started talking about how the rally got interrupted by a Black Lives Matter protester (according to him). He was sure that the guy was paid for by George Soros. How else could he afford to go to the rallies! And he had been arrested 23 previous times at other rallies. How he knew this, he did not elaborate on. He had brought a friend who was sitting with us, and they regaled us with stories of him charging at the protester, but by the time he got there some old lady was kicking the protester and she was really wailing on him! It was so funny. The table was laughing at this BLM protester getting his ass kicked by a little old lady.

The conversation somehow then turned into others on the left and the lady who made the original remark commented about the incivility of the protesters against the Kavanaugh confirmation. “The left is so uncivil. I didn’t protest when Elena Kagan was nominated to the Supreme Court! Can you imagine what the media would do if conservatives had done that!” The cognitive dissonance was really too much, and I gripped my fork tightly telling myself over and over that I was just a guest here. Keep my mouth shut.

The next topic was Bill Clinton, which one in our table assured us he personally knew from his time as an attorney in Arkansas (at least plausible). Clinton apparently was personally involved with the CIA in shipping massive quantities of Cocaine to blacks in the urban areas to keep them voting for Democrats. At this the table started nodding in agreement. Of course he was a total womanizer sleaze ball.

I tried my best to smile, but I must have looked pained. Finally, another dinner guest from a different table said he was heading to the bar for another drink and invited some of us to join him so I politely excused myself and enjoyed a nice glass of wine to calm my nerves and talk about everything but politics.

I don’t think I’m going to join the club.

SO. You gonna join or what? :)

Kudos on remaining quiet that whole time. Holy crap.
Why do you find the notion of driving through Canada impossible?


Anchorage to Seattle, 44 hours, 2260 miles by road. Since that's about 55 miles per hour the roads must be paved.

The trumpets are pretty stupid, though, and in my experience usually I'm-not-a-racist racists.

I think he was saying that the storyteller would not have not been likely to have talked to AMERICAN housewives on a road trip from AK to Idaho since the route would have likely been through Canada....

So far, I've never met a single racist who admitted to being a racist. This includes an actual member of the KKK. They aren't racist; they're realists. And yeah, that's a common quote.

Now, I don't talk to any of those people anymore and the KKK member is dead now. Every racist I've met is an I'm-not-a-racist racist.
What people mean by "white rights" is the right to have everything, all opportunity, all wealth.

It is full grown adults trapped in the emotional state of a three year old.

Many American boy men have been coddled since childhood.

If they grew up in the 40's and 50's they grew up when segregation was legal.

They got all the breaks while black people got none.

And somehow they think they succeeded because they are superior.
Why do you find the notion of driving through Canada impossible?


Anchorage to Seattle, 44 hours, 2260 miles by road. Since that's about 55 miles per hour the roads must be paved.

The trumpets are pretty stupid, though, and in my experience usually I'm-not-a-racist racists.

I think he was saying that the storyteller would not have not been likely to have talked to AMERICAN housewives on a road trip from AK to Idaho since the route would have likely been through Canada....

So far, I've never met a single racist who admitted to being a racist. This includes an actual member of the KKK. They aren't racist; they're realists. And yeah, that's a common quote.

Now, I don't talk to any of those people anymore and the KKK member is dead now. Every racist I've met is an I'm-not-a-racist racist.

Exactly. I’ve looked at the route before. You aren’t likely to run into many Canadian housewives either. It looks like it’s through desolate country.

The I’m not a racist comment also came up. The woman said her daughter had accused her of racism, and she interjected, “I'm not a racist!” And those at the table guffawed, No!! I just wanted to crawl away.

What people mean by "white rights" is the right to have everything, all opportunity, all wealth.

It is full grown adults trapped in the emotional state of a three year old.

Many American boy men have been coddled since childhood.

If they grew up in the 40's and 50's they grew up when segregation was legal.

They got all the breaks while black people got none.

And somehow they think they succeeded because they are superior.

Definitely this gentleman did. He went to segregated superior schools, he was college educated in the early 60’s, at least served in Vietnam, but apparently didn’t get enough lessons from it. Denied any racial feelings. Sigh.

I can only remark that society progresses one funeral at a time.

Of course he was a total womanizer sleaze ball.

My sister, a Trump adherent, nearly spits in disgust every time she hears Bill Clinton's name. She will not hesitate to growl about him "getting his dick sucked" or some other Whatever. Not too long ago... let me check my phone...On this past September 16, she sent me a Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky meme on my phone, the caption of which read, "When presidents didn't mind if you took a knee."

I sent her back a picture of Trump with Stormy Daniels, the caption of which read, "When the president violates campaign finance laws by paying hush money to a porn star he screwed just weeks after his wife gave birth."

She wrote back, "Does a point accompany this?"

This is why I think Trump voters are fucking idiots.

Edited to add: this is one of the many reasons I think Trump voters are idiots. If I listed all the reasons, they'd find me as a cobwebbed skeleton with my bony fingers frozen to my keyboard, the list only partially complete.
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I sent her back a picture of Trump with Stormy Daniels, the caption of which read, "When the president violates campaign finance laws by paying hush money to a porn star he screwed just weeks after his wife gave birth."

She wrote back, "Does a point accompany this?"

I doubt it. Stormy said it was like a sad little toadstool. Maybe a point accompanies it if he has some viagara or something.
I sent her back a picture of Trump with Stormy Daniels, the caption of which read, "When the president violates campaign finance laws by paying hush money to a porn star he screwed just weeks after his wife gave birth."

She wrote back, "Does a point accompany this?"

I doubt it. Stormy said it was like a sad little toadstool. Maybe a point accompanies it if he has some viagara or something.

Man. Talk about a piece of information the world truly didn't need.

I (along with Pepperidge Farms) remember when conservatives used to castigate Hillary for not leaving Bill Clinton; saying what a weak enabler she was. But they were always so threatened by her because she had greater ambitions than being the nations First Marm. Melania isn't a political person. She is a gold digger who shot her trollopy mouth off about the birther nonsense, but the extent of her aspirations are to stay the fuck out of the spotlight as much as possible.

Anyway, all this Trump toadstool-dick fuckery would ideally serve a higher purpose if conservatives would come to the realization that maybe some things are best left in private, but they won't. My sister is a living example. They still think Bill Clinton is the most immoral SOB to ever hold the Office, yet have no problems with Trump's vast perfidy.
Why do you find the notion of driving through Canada impossible?


Anchorage to Seattle, 44 hours, 2260 miles by road. Since that's about 55 miles per hour the roads must be paved.

The trumpets are pretty stupid, though, and in my experience usually I'm-not-a-racist racists.

I think he was saying that the storyteller would not have not been likely to have talked to AMERICAN housewives on a road trip from AK to Idaho since the route would have likely been through Canada....

I've been on those roads, most recently 2 years ago when I rode my motorcycle the entire length of the Alaska Highway (used to be called the Al-Can) and then south through Alberta and British Columbia into Idaho via the Eastport border crossing.

There are no factories in that part of Alaska and northern Idaho. There's a few small businesses like machine shops and butcher's shops that make smoked meats and sausages, but that's about it for manufacturing. There was no loss of jobs due to factories going overseas. The speaker was bullshitting.

So far, I've never met a single racist who admitted to being a racist. This includes an actual member of the KKK. They aren't racist; they're realists. And yeah, that's a common quote.

Now, I don't talk to any of those people anymore and the KKK member is dead now. Every racist I've met is an I'm-not-a-racist racist.

Same here. They always define racism in a way that excludes them and their white supremacist, segregationist friends.
There are enough Trumpeteers around here. If the convo turns to politics, I make my contempt for Trump plain. The conversation usually switches. It's a small town, I know who the die-hards are, and avoid the topic with them.
Why do you find the notion of driving through Canada impossible?


Anchorage to Seattle, 44 hours, 2260 miles by road. Since that's about 55 miles per hour the roads must be paved.

The trumpets are pretty stupid, though, and in my experience usually I'm-not-a-racist racists.

I think he was saying that the storyteller would not have not been likely to have talked to AMERICAN housewives on a road trip from AK to Idaho since the route would have likely been through Canada....

So far, I've never met a single racist who admitted to being a racist. This includes an actual member of the KKK. They aren't racist; they're realists. And yeah, that's a common quote.

Now, I don't talk to any of those people anymore and the KKK member is dead now. Every racist I've met is an I'm-not-a-racist racist.

But after you have gone through Canada (and probably not seen many people for most of the trip) you have to go through the US where you could meet US housewives.
Why do you find the notion of driving through Canada impossible?


Anchorage to Seattle, 44 hours, 2260 miles by road. Since that's about 55 miles per hour the roads must be paved.

The trumpets are pretty stupid, though, and in my experience usually I'm-not-a-racist racists.

I think he was saying that the storyteller would not have not been likely to have talked to AMERICAN housewives on a road trip from AK to Idaho since the route would have likely been through Canada....

So far, I've never met a single racist who admitted to being a racist. This includes an actual member of the KKK. They aren't racist; they're realists. And yeah, that's a common quote.

Now, I don't talk to any of those people anymore and the KKK member is dead now. Every racist I've met is an I'm-not-a-racist racist.

But after you have gone through Canada (and probably not seen many people for most of the trip) you have to go through the US where you could meet US housewives.

I doubt he met that many in Idaho and Alaska. Sparsely populated. And of course they’re both heavily red states anyways.
I suspect most of these country club people were old and old people tend to prefer times when they were young hence old times and people of their age (Trump).
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