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Netanyahu has lost his fucking mind

So have the bad leaders on the Israeli side... and they started FAR earlier.

The majority of the Palestinians want the war to continue until Israel has been destroyed.

Bullshit, as usual. The majority of the Palestinians aren't even INVOLVED in the war and have demonstrated a marked lack of desire to participate in it.
Is that what you believe? If there were to be elections in Gaza tomorrow, Hamas would win.
And if there were elections in the West Bank tomorrow, Hamas would loose.

More interestingly: if someone was actually running against Hamas in an election that included West Bank voters in a unified Palestine, Hamas would still loose.

Hamas is not in power in the West Bank, the PA is.
Which is why they would lose.

OTOH, has wasted most of his political capital in his never-ending pursuit of Israel appeasement, so at this point it's possible Hamas would win there too. It's not as if anyone thinks Fatah actually has a solution; even the Israelis don't take them seriously anymore.
According to a recent poll, Abbas's approval ratings are way down, but Hamas and Fatah are still about even:
In presidential elections in which Abbas and Haniyeh are the only nominees, the first wins 44% of the vote and the second 49%; if Marwan Barghouti and Haniyeh are the only nominees, the first wins 55% and the second 39%.

In parliamentary elections, Hamas receives 35%, Fatah 35%, and all other third parties combined 11%.
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