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New blockade in Minneapolis

I am always amazed at the number of mental health experts on this forum who can produce an accurate diagnosis in these cases from news reports.
It is his family that claimed that he had mental health issues. If that's the case, why didn't they try to help him?

The police of Edina and Richfield have earned (either justly or unjustly) distrust from the communities of color in the area which may help explain the reaction.
Doens't justify the local #BLMers going off without knowing all the facts and it certainly doesn't justify
If the local DAs were to prosecuted these highway blockaders to the full extent of the law, they would not be blocking interstates every time some idiot gets himself shot by police.

I -494 in Richfield is a mess anyway, with a big chunk of that freeway closed to traffic over the weekend. So I doubt there was much disturbance to travellers on Sunday night.
I disagree. It obviously causes a lot of disturbance when all lanes are blocked by idiots.

But nice to see the classy title to this tragedy in the OP.
This shit happens all the time in Minneapolis. They blocked the interstate after Michael Brown was shot. They again blocked the interstate for Jamar Clark. They are blocking interstates now. Enough already!
It is extremely difficult for a family to compel a family member to seek mental health help. Unfortunately.
But then don't blame the police when your relative leads them on a chase and threatens them with a knife.
Never mind that a certain political affiliation is responsible for gutting mental health infrastructure in the US.. not that I expect he wants to talk about that.

[citation needed] that mental health infrastructure in US is "gutted".
Police shooting to kill a person with a knife is unnecessary.

Agreed. They should've engaged the man with a knife in a fist fight instead like Steven Seagal or something.

If you can't take down a guy with a knife with your bare hands, can you really protect yourself?
It is his family that claimed that he had mental health issues. If that's the case, why didn't they try to help him?
How do you know they did not?

Doens't justify the local #BLMers going off without knowing all the facts and it certainly doesn't justify
There is a difference between explanation and justification. Whether you like or not, reputation matters in this instances.
If the local DAs were to prosecuted these highway blockaders to the full extent of the law, they would not be blocking interstates every time some idiot gets himself shot by police.
You have no idea whether Mr. Quinones was an idiot. Nor do you have a clue on what people would or would not do in the future if these were prosecuted.

I disagree. It obviously causes a lot of disturbance when all lanes are blocked by idiots.
If there are very few cars or if it is in the section that is closed, it does not cause a lot of disturbance.

This shit happens all the time in Minneapolis. They blocked the interstate after Michael Brown was shot. They again blocked the interstate for Jamar Clark. They are blocking interstates now. Enough already!
They are not blocking interstates now, so please stop with the hysterical rhetoric. It was blocked for a short time Sunday evening (roughly 23 minutes).

None of which justifies (although it explains) the classy use of the term "[slur removed for consistency]".
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Oh look...Derec's posting a story that makes a black man look bad. I'm shocked.

It's not so much about that one black man, but about all the #BLM crowd (many of them white) that automatically assume that the shooting was unjustified and who do stupid things like block interstates.
How do you know they did not?
Because of what he did.

There is a difference between explanation and justification. Whether you like or not, reputation matters in this instances.
And often the former is used to tacitly do the latter. And I agree - the reputation of #BLM is already in the toilet. Both as far as their tactics and as far as their selection of causes celebres.

You have no idea whether Mr. Quinones was an idiot.
Maybe a slight hyperbole, but he certainly wasn't smart.

Nor do you have a clue on what people would or would not do in the future if these were prosecuted.
I have no crystal ball. And yet I am not an idiot and thus can make intelligent inferences about what people will probably do in light of deterrence or lack of it.

I disagree. It obviously causes a lot of disturbance when all lanes are blocked by idiots.
If there are very few cars or if it is in the section that is closed, it does not cause a lot of disturbance.

They are not blocking interstates now, so please stop with the hysterical rhetoric. It was blocked for a short time Sunday evening (roughly 23 minutes).

And that makes it ok? How long should they have been allowed to block an interstate before it's too long?
It certainly is terrible. Blacks are killing blacks daily in the ghettos over turf for drugs. Day after day, hundreds of black lives are lost. And what do they protest? A black man killed by a cop. I have a hunch they don't actually care about black people dying. They only care about demeaning cops. Otherwise, they'd be in ghettos holding up signs and trying to convince blacks to live together in peace.
When police act like snowflakes because some guy has a knife, it's sad, rather disturbing as well as disgusting. I mean, a knife! Seriously?
A knife is a deadly weapon. Sure, unless you are closer than 20 ft or have a confederate with a tommygun lying in wait, it's generally not a good idea to bring a knife to a gunfight, but that doesn't mean police should respond to a knife wielding suspect just with billy clubs.

Those bid bad cops, who are supposed to wear protective vests and have guns,
Bullet-proof vests do not actually offer much protection against bladed weapons. And what good are guns if they are (in your view) not supposed to use them because the suspect "only" has a knife?
couldn't have tried to talk the guy down, or maybe even shoot him in the foot or lower leg,
"Shoot to wound" is a movie myth. Police are always trained to shoot center mass.

Somebody needs to give them more training in how to deal with people who seem like they might be mentally disturbed or suicidal. The dead man probably appeared disturbed because nobody in his right mind confronts the police with a knife. I can only assume that the cops were pissed off because the disturbed man made them chase him, and. that in their opinion was a justification for killing him.

Most people who lead police on a chase are taken into custody alive.
Because of what he did.
If you think that trying to get help guarantees a positive result, you are sadly misinformed.

And often the former is used to tacitly do the latter. And I agree - the reputation of #BLM is already in the toilet. Both as far as their tactics and as far as their selection of causes celebres.
Non-responsive to the observation.

Maybe a slight hyperbole, but he certainly wasn't smart.
You have no idea how smart Mr. Quinones was. Mental illness strikes people of all intelligences.

I have no crystal ball. And yet I am not an idiot and thus can make intelligent inferences about what people will probably do in light of deterrence or lack of it.
There is no evidence to support your claim at all.

And that makes it ok? How long should they have been allowed to block an interstate before it's too long?
You are shifting the goalposts. Whether or not it was a lot of disturbance depends on one's view of "a lot of disturbance". I simply said it was only for 23 minutes which to me is not a lot of disturbance. Unlike you, I had driven that stretch of road the evening before, and it was getting clogged due to the closing of a section of 494 that was not due to open until Monday.
It certainly is terrible. Blacks are killing blacks daily in the ghettos over turf for drugs. Day after day, hundreds of black lives are lost. And what do they protest? A black man killed by a cop. I have a hunch they don't actually care about black people dying. They only care about demeaning cops. Otherwise, they'd be in ghettos holding up signs and trying to convince blacks to live together in peace.

No kidding. I feel for this woman. She did nothing wrong - in fact she did the right thing. She is the right kind of person over whose death to get upset about.
An 18-year-old pregnant woman testified in a slaying. Weeks later, she was gunned down in Back of the Yards.
It certainly is terrible. Blacks are killing blacks daily in the ghettos over turf for drugs. Day after day, hundreds of black lives are lost. And what do they protest? A black man killed by a cop. I have a hunch they don't actually care about black people dying. They only care about demeaning cops. Otherwise, they'd be in ghettos holding up signs and trying to convince blacks to live together in peace.

No kidding. I feel for this woman. She did nothing wrong - in fact she did the right thing. She is the right kind of person over whose death to get upset about.
An 18-year-old pregnant woman testified in a slaying. Weeks later, she was gunned down in Back of the Yards.

Sad thing is a lot of blacks would defend it by saying she deserved it because she was a snitch. "Black lives matter" indeed.
If you think that trying to get help guarantees a positive result, you are sadly misinformed.
Sadly true.

Non-responsive to the observation.
On the contrary. I was agreeing with your observation that reputation matters.

You have no idea how smart Mr. Quinones was. Mental illness strikes people of all intelligences.
A smart person would take their meds or get themselves checked in into an inpatient facility.

There is no evidence to support your claim at all.
I think the burden of proof is on the side that claims that deterrence (or lack thereof) has no effect. Why do you think protesters pull this shit in Minneapolis so often and not say, in Atlanta? We've had some controversial police shootings recently, for example D'ettrick Griffin, who tried to steal a policeman's car at a gas station. I-75 wasn't shut down, somehow. Imagine that.

You are shifting the goalposts. Whether or not it was a lot of disturbance depends on one's view of "a lot of disturbance". I simply said it was only for 23 minutes which to me is not a lot of disturbance. Unlike you, I had driven that stretch of road the evening before, and it was getting clogged due to the closing of a section of 494 that was not due to open until Monday.
Roadwork is a necessary evil, like a surgeon cutting into your abdomen to remove an inflamed appendix for example.
Blockading interstates for political purposes is not necessary at all, it's like a mugger stabbing you in the abdomen.

I would say that interstate traffic being at standstill for 23 minutes definitely qualifies as a major disturbance. You may disagree, but you'd be wrong - as usual.

By the way, how would you feel if a political group you disagreed with (e.g. pro life protesters, or Proud Boys or something) was blocking interstates with impunity?
Oh look...Derec's posting a story that makes a black man look bad. I'm shocked.

At least he has new pictures of black people on his desktop now.


What are you babbling about? First of all, they are new pictures because they are taken from the news. Second, I got them from the Internet, not my "desktop".

By the way, you touched on a good point despite yourself.
These #BLM protests usually have a good number of white people. For example this protest about Patrick Kimmons up in Portlandia. That only black people are in the photos I found of the Interstate blockade may be a sign that "white allies" of #BLM are starting to abandon the foolishness of the movement that has long since jumped the shark.
Sad thing is a lot of blacks would defend it by saying she deserved it because she was a snitch. "Black lives matter" indeed.
A lot?

You can show this to be true, not just another Halfie fantasy?

Keith, you have to be smarter than this!

You never heard the phrases, "snitches get stitches" or "snitches get left in ditches" before?
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