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New blockade in Minneapolis

Sad thing is a lot of blacks would defend it by saying she deserved it because she was a snitch. "Black lives matter" indeed.
A lot?

You can show this to be true, not just another Halfie fantasy?

Keith, you have to be smarter than this!
i am smart enoughto notice you spend a lot of time in alternate realities.
If this was a white male, if this was Obama, if this happened to a Christain... you just love to make up what-if stories you can never support except maybe with an 'i have seen this' claim.


Can you find anyone on the internet, aside from youtube comments sections, to support your claim, Anyone saying she deserved this for that reason?
You never heard the phrases, "snitches get stitches" or "snitches get left in ditches" before?
Now prove it applies here.
Keith, you have to be smarter than this!
i am smart enoughto notice you spend a lot of time in alternate realities.
If this was a white male, if this was Obama, if this happened to a Christain... you just love to make up what-if stories you can never support except maybe with an 'i have seen this' claim.


Can you find anyone on the internet, aside from youtube comments sections, to support your claim, Anyone saying she deserved this for that reason?
You never heard the phrases, "snitches get stitches" or "snitches get left in ditches" before?
Now prove it applies here.

The assailant clearly killed her because she snitched! Had that been a cop doing the killing, BLM would've been up in arms. But, since it was a fellow black doing the killing, they are silent. This should logically tell you that black lives do not matter, only hating police matters. Even the assailant didn't stop and say, "I'm just contributing to killing another black life that matters."
Sad thing is a lot of blacks would defend it by saying she deserved it because she was a snitch. "Black lives matter" indeed.
A lot?

You can show this to be true, not just another Halfie fantasy?

I think he bases his entire world view on stuff he’s seen in blaxploitation flicks.
I think he bases his entire world view on stuff he’s seen in blaxploitation flicks.

Naw. If it was a blaxpoitaition movie, she'd have (luckily!) dodged the bullet in the first five minutes and then she'd spend the rest of the movie hunting down those who want her dead and who killed her cousin.
Oh, and she'd be played by a young Pam Grier of course. :)
i am smart enoughto notice you spend a lot of time in alternate realities.
If this was a white male, if this was Obama, if this happened to a Christain... you just love to make up what-if stories you can never support except maybe with an 'i have seen this' claim.


Can you find anyone on the internet, aside from youtube comments sections, to support your claim, Anyone saying she deserved this for that reason?Sure.
Now prove it applies here.

The assailant clearly killed her because she snitched! Had that been a cop doing the killing, BLM would've been up in arms. But, since it was a fellow black doing the killing, they are silent. This should logically tell you that black lives do not matter, only hating police matters. Even the assailant didn't stop and say, "I'm just contributing to killing another black life that matters."

Ah yes, because some black person somewhere shot another person who didn't deserve it, something that we all on the left still object to, the left apparently doesn't object to the thing that they do clearly object to? Your logic is dizzying. And by that, I mean nonsensical.

Of course your solution is, what? Back to the cotton fields? The rest of us think the answer is improved education and economic opportunities that aren't gang-related. I wonder which situation would be better for society...
Sad thing is a lot of blacks would defend it by saying she deserved it because she was a snitch. "Black lives matter" indeed.
A lot?

You can show this to be true, not just another Halfie fantasy?

I think he bases his entire world view on stuff he’s seen in blaxploitation flicks.

No. I understand that a lot of blacks in the ghetto do want out. But, there are a lot of drive-by shootings in the ghetto. It is black vs. black. Even gangsta rap glorified black on black killing. I do wonder why they view that as OK, but the moment a white man shoots a black guy, all hell breaks loose. It's like they are saying, "If anyone's gonna kill a black man, it's gonna be another black man!"

It's a very sad mentality that no one cares to fix.
Ah yes, because some black person somewhere shot another person who didn't deserve it, something that we all on the left still object to, the left apparently doesn't object to the thing that they do clearly object to? Your logic is dizzying. And by that, I mean nonsensical.

Of course your solution is, what? Back to the cotton fields? The rest of us think the answer is improved education and economic opportunities that aren't gang-related. I wonder which situation would be better for society...

Have you seen the movie Boyz in the hood? It is praised as one of the most realistic movies about life in the ghetto. Take a look at this scene:


Why do fellow blacks do that to each other? The man who has the gun pointed at him desperately wanted to get out of the ghetto for a better life. He's not a gang member. But, this shows how blacks try to keep other blacks down. Don't you think this is sad?
The assailant clearly killed her because she snitched!
Even if we take this as given, you said lots of blacks would defend it. One guy justifying his crime != lots of blacks defending it.
Had that been a cop doing the killing,
Fuck of a truck, that really is all you have, isn't it?
What if, if this had been, in another world....
You are so terribly jealous that minority groups you are not part of get privilege you cannot claim, while fearing that the privilege you deserve erodes away.
Try adding some steampunk to your fictional accpunts, seems to be popular in the YA section.
Derec said:
A smart person would take their meds or get themselves checked in into an inpatient facility.
A smart person would know one of the biggest issues in helping the mentally ill is getting them to recognize they need help and to get it.

Derec said:
I think the burden of proof is on the side that claims that deterrence (or lack thereof) has no effect.
The one who makes a positive claim of fact has the burden of proof.

Derec said:
Why do you think protesters pull this shit in Minneapolis so often and not say, in Atlanta? We've had some controversial police shootings recently, for example D'ettrick Griffin, who tried to steal a policeman's car at a gas station. I-75 wasn't shut down, somehow. Imagine that.
I have no idea because I don't know anything about Atlanta. Some anecdote about Atlanta in a completely different situation is not very convincing.

Derec said:
Roadwork is a necessary evil, like a surgeon cutting into your abdomen to remove an inflamed appendix for example.
Blockading interstates for political purposes is not necessary at all, it's like a mugger stabbing you in the abdomen.
To the blocked, I'll bet it doesn't matter what the cause.
Derec said:
I would say that interstate traffic being at standstill for 23 minutes definitely qualifies as a major disturbance. You may disagree, but you'd be wrong - as usual.
Obviously, you are in the wrong line of work - you should hire out as an infallible consultant.
Derec said:
By the way, how would you feel if a political group you disagreed with (e.g. pro life protesters, or Proud Boys or something) was blocking interstates with impunity?
If it were not bothering the locals, it would not bother me at all. If the local police were not arresting them, I would first want to learn about the area to understand the entire context instead of spouting off about things I knew little to nothing about. If it were in my area, it would depend on how long and how frequently I was inconvenienced.
Sadly true.

On the contrary. I was agreeing with your observation that reputation matters.

You have no idea how smart Mr. Quinones was. Mental illness strikes people of all intelligences.
A smart person would take their meds or get themselves checked in into an inpatient facility.

Most drugs used to treat psychiatric drugs have unpleasant side effects that are difficult to tolerate. Many of these meds can also be very expensive. Or, some patients feel enough relief from their medication that they begin to feel they don’t need their meds any longer, so they go off their meds, and their symptoms reappear. It can take several changes in medications or combinations of meds to be truly effective for an individual. It is also extremely difficult to access mental health care. There are not nearly enough beds in psychiatric facilities and not nearly enough money to pay for a spot.

Pick any of the above or any combination and you will have a likely explanation for why an individual goes off their meds.
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Obviously the guns weren't holstered.

Are you saying that they drew their weapons prior to observing the knife?

Are you saying they weren't?

No, I said what I said and you said what you said.. you said "obviously" they weren't holstered in response to me saying that a knife versus a holstered gun has an advantage at certain distances... which is just a general fact. I asked how you knew your "fact", to which you responded by claiming that I stated a different fact than what I stated.

My little factoid about knives versus guns came from the sentiment expressed here that it apparently is NEVER ok to use a gun versus an attacker with a knife.
You are saying something about what the cops actually did.. and then you incorrectly accused me of doing what you did.
Are you saying they weren't?

No, I said what I said and you said what you said.. you said "obviously" they weren't holstered in response to me saying that a knife versus a holstered gun has an advantage at certain distances... which is just a general fact. I asked how you knew your "fact", to which you responded by claiming that I stated a different fact than what I stated.

My little factoid about knives versus guns came from the sentiment expressed here that it apparently is NEVER ok to use a gun versus an attacker with a knife.
You are saying something about what the cops actually did.. and then you incorrectly accused me of doing what you did.

Yeah, that whole NEVER thing is pretty bullshit, whoever brings it up. Sometimes it's OK to shoot someone with a knife. But it's also quite possible to judge from posture whether the person with the knife is capable of making a rush, how long that rush will take, and shooting the person if they escalate to a usage. You see the knife, you still have an obligation to evaluate the situation and determine if shooting is necessary to defend people from it's use. Are they low to the ground? Or are they set for a sprint? Sometimes it's OK to shoot someone with a knife, but usually it isn't.

"I saw a guy with something shiny in his hand" is an excuse offered for officer-involved shootings these days, and that simply should not be sufficient.

If you would like the cop vindicated here, bodycam footage would do that. No footage? No vindication.

Edit: also, a policy of "don't shoot first" would, in fact, severely limit the use of suicide by cop. If you have to actually assault someone to consummate your suicide, that would, in fact, be sufficient to stop all but the most desperate of people.
Read the article and it's quite obviously a suicide by cop.

Where does it say the cops have to oblige him?

Being a suicide by cop means this wasn't any sort of mistake, the guy was deliberately trying to look like a lethal threat.

Thus it comes down to whether the police had other options--and the reality is that unless planned in advance they almost certainly didn't.

I have seen backing up suggested. Any cop who tries that should be promptly off the force due to incompetence. You can't move backwards as fast as someone coming at you can move forward and when you're going backwards you don't know what's behind you, a fall is likely, putting you in a very bad position relative to the attacker. If you turn around to run you have no way to monitor the threat and know if you're getting away or not--and you likely aren't. Cops carry quite a bit of equipment, the attacker merely had a knife. Who would be faster??

Taser? Miss (which is all too common with tasers, even a hit sometimes gets deflected) and you're probably dead. If it's planned ahead one cop will have a taser and one a gun, if the taser fails the other one can still shoot. But that requires an agreement as to who will do what and it requires enough time (which means space) that they can be tried in sequence.

The reality is the police normally respond to lethal threats with lethal force. This guy was clearly a lethal threat.
When police act like snowflakes because some guy has a knife, it's sad, rather disturbing as well as disgusting. I mean, a knife! Seriously? Those bid bad cops, who are supposed to wear protective vests and have guns, couldn't have tried to talk the guy down, or maybe even shoot him in the foot or lower leg, which would caused him to fall down and drop his knife? OMG! The cops are really fucking idiots.

Somebody needs to give them more training in how to deal with people who seem like they might be mentally disturbed or suicidal. The dead man probably appeared disturbed because nobody in his right mind confronts the police with a knife. I can only assume that the cops were pissed off because the disturbed man made them chase him, and. that in their opinion was a justification for killing him.

This is so ignorant that it seems like satire.
Are you saying they weren't?

No, I said what I said and you said what you said.. you said "obviously" they weren't holstered in response to me saying that a knife versus a holstered gun has an advantage at certain distances... which is just a general fact. I asked how you knew your "fact", to which you responded by claiming that I stated a different fact than what I stated.

My little factoid about knives versus guns came from the sentiment expressed here that it apparently is NEVER ok to use a gun versus an attacker with a knife.
The key is whether someone with a knife is necessarily an attacker. The expectation or fear of an attack does not make it so.
It is his family that claimed that he had mental health issues. If that's the case, why didn't they try to help him?

Who says they didn't? The thing is you can't make an adult get help unless they're really messed up.
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