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New poll shows broad support for Mueller, half of Americans ready to impeach Trump


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
Bring on those mid-terms!!

[FONT=&quot]A new poll released by the Washington Post and ABC News shows Donald Trump hitting a record 60 percent unfavorable rating, with an approval rating of only 36 percent. The same poll shows strong support for Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and strong opposition to Trump firing attorney general Jefferson Sessions. And, no matter what Trump and Rudy Giuliani say, a majority of Americans are ready to say that Trump has obstructed justice.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]All of which suggests that Americans are genuinely paying attention in the wake of the guilty plea from Trump attorney Michael Cohen and the guilty verdict against Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort. Two-thirds of respondents were aware of these cases and their results. Put that all together, and that means 49 percent of Americans want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings, even though the report from Mueller has yet to land on their desks. Forty-six percent opposed impeachment. As might be expected, the polls show a wide split along party lines on this issue, with a big majority of Democrats ready to impeach and an even larger percentage of Republicans trying to put on the brakes. But the number among Independents mirrors the overall result, with 49 percent ready to flush Trump.[/FONT]

Bring on those mid-terms!!

[FONT="]A new poll released by [URL="https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/poll-60-percent-disapprove-of-trump-while-clear-majorities-back-mueller-and-sessions/2018/08/30/4cd32174-ac7c-11e8-a8d7-0f63ab8b1370_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.ed1b90bbbda7"]the Washington Post and ABC News[/URL] shows Donald Trump hitting a record 60 percent unfavorable rating, with an approval rating of only 36 percent. The same poll shows strong support for Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and strong opposition to Trump firing attorney general Jefferson Sessions. And, no matter what Trump and Rudy Giuliani say, a majority of Americans are ready to say that Trump has obstructed justice.[/FONT]
[FONT="]All of which suggests that Americans are genuinely paying attention in the wake of the guilty plea from Trump attorney Michael Cohen and the guilty verdict against Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort. Two-thirds of respondents were aware of these cases and their results. Put that all together, and that means 49 percent of Americans want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings, even though the report from Mueller has yet to land on their desks. Forty-six percent opposed impeachment. As might be expected, the polls show a wide split along party lines on this issue, with a big majority of Democrats ready to impeach and an even larger percentage of Republicans trying to put on the brakes. But the number among Independents mirrors the overall result, with 49 percent ready to flush Trump.[/FONT]


Never fear - Russia will keep the Rethuglicans in control of the House and the Senate, and a year from now we'll be talking about postponing the next Presidential election.
There won't be a conviction, no point in impeaching.

Are you sure you want to abandon the rule of law while we have a president who thinks Nazis are "very fine people" and who is constantly tooting on a dog whistle at neo-Nazis and other fascists/white supremacists?
There won't be a conviction, no point in impeaching.

Are you sure you want to abandon the rule of law while we have a president who thinks Nazis are "very fine people" and who is constantly tooting on a dog whistle at neo-Nazis and other fascists/white supremacists?

Huh? I'm saying that the attempt to impeach is a waste, there's no way it will get through the senate.
Trump has already been nemed in court for criminal activity (by Cohen) and not a peep from the GOP. There wont be any votes from them to impeach. They wont even investigate Trump.
I think it depends on Mueller's report. The Gopers have already said campaign finance violations aren't serious enough for impeachment. But if Mueller says there was collusion, there could conceivably be enough of a groundswell to get to 2/3. 'course that depends on the Dems taking the house.
Trump has already been nemed in court for criminal activity (by Cohen) and not a peep from the GOP.

Silence is in itself a response. Normally you'd see a slew of denials and "how dare theys" and all manner of huff-puffery. Not this time.

And if the midterms go the way they seem to be going (blue) and we retake the House, impeachment proceedings will be assured.

There wont be any votes from them to impeach.

You mean they'll vote to acquit. True of many, but not of all. A super majority is unlikely, but not out of the realm of possibilities considering Mueller hasn't even started to formulate his report. What we're seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg. Mueller is very clearly setting down a road to impeachment that cannot be denied or hand-waved away and would essentially amount to criminal acts on the part of any Senators thinking they can just stonewall or dismiss.

Iow, he's gearing it up for political suicide for anyone that would oppose his ultimate findings. By the time we get to that point, the public will have seen about 30-40% of the overwhelming evidence against Trump, while the Senators will know the fuller extent of the mountain of evidence of criminal activity still to be revealed. They will also see how the midterms went and have to judge for themselves whether or not saving a traitor has any value to them.

Regardless, the impeachment phase merely starts the proceedings, and it comes from the House, not the Senate. And if we take the House, Trump's presidency is all but over anyway in so far as him being able to ever get anything done. He'll be a lame duck President with a proven criminal record that traitorous Republicans will be too cowardly to depose.

They wont even investigate Trump.

Knowing Mueller's thoroughness, they won't have to. It will all be spelled out in EZ2 READ type.
Wow...That sounds so hopeful, Koy.

Too bad you're non-prophet.
I think it depends on Mueller's report.

You mean it WOULD depend on Muller's report - if it was ever made public, or even given to Congress.
Much work is underway to ensure that this never happens.

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