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New report on climate change released today

Defending the indefensible is getting harder and more difficult as time passes, when it should be getting easier. No one can defend " Climategate," the Hockey Stitch, as I show in this link...........https://principia-scientific.org/should-michael-hockey-stick-mann-be-prosecuted-for-climate-fraud/

and to top it all off. The Arctic ice shelf as well as Antarctica, despite predictions that both would be ice free a decade ago, are still as big as ever.

I don't know who those guys are but they sure seem like deniers dressed up in an illusion of science. Look at what they say about themselves--they have their own peer review process. It's not anonymous--people are going to be afraid to speak up. And it's apparently only their own organization.

The first name I ran through Google to see who he was turned out to be a denier. The guy writing the article you're linking doesn't even appear to be a scientist.
The evidence against the fraudsters in the climate industry is overwhelming, if only one cares to look!

Still looking in the outhouse to support your position, I see.

Lets take a look at how Tim Bell actually won:


To be libel it actually has to be believable. Tim Bell "won" on the basis that it wasn't libel because nobody would believe his claims. That's a long way from saying that Michael Mann was wrong.
The evidence against the fraudsters in the climate industry is overwhelming, if only one cares to look!

Still looking in the outhouse to support your position, I see.

Lets take a look at how Tim Bell actually won:


To be libel it actually has to be believable. Tim Bell "won" on the basis that it wasn't libel because nobody would believe his claims. That's a long way from saying that Michael Mann was wrong.

So, how much did Dr Tim Ball have to pay to the fraudster Michael Mann for damages? What ........0.......... are you sure about that?
Geology is understanding past climate controls, and the role of CO2 in all it's forms in geological processes and climate.

Well documented geological evidence indicates that, outside short glacial episodes, the Earth's mean global temperature has been consistently 2-3 degrees warmer than today for more than 1 billion years.

It has been at cooler temps, favoured by climate alarmists, for only six short intervals, going into and emerging from glacial episodes.

That is a fact not acknowledged by GW/CC alarmists. They don't look further than the current Pleistocene-Holocene glacial period of 2 million years.

Atmospheric CO2 as a warming agent is thoroughly discredited by a range of chemical, physical and geological evidence. A powerful illustration of this is that atmospheric CO2 has progressively decreased over the past one billion years 95% [down from 2000 to less than 400 parts per million

in the atmosphere] but mean average global temperatures have remained steadfastly the same at about 20C.

Warming is occuring to re-establish the long-term climate norm after a short glacial cooling episode.

When has a climate scientists ever revealed any of this crucial information to the general layperson?

[source, Dr Robert Fagen. geologist and climate researcher.]

Religious extremism in Ireland. Scientists (or any inquisitive layman I guess) that questions the veracity of AGW are heretics and evil !!;

Climate change denial is evil, says Mary Robinson. Denial of climate change is not just ignorant, but “malign and evil”, because it denies the human rights of the most vulnerable people on the planet, former president Mary Robinson has said. Mrs Robinson said fossil fuel companies had lost their social licence to explore for more coal, oil and gas and must switch to become part of the transition to clean energy.


Her address coincided with confirmation from the International Energy Agency that carbon emissions rose to their highest levels last year after a surge in energy demand due to a strong economy and extreme weather. Energy demand rose 2.3 per cent – its fastest rate since 2010 – and was met mainly by fossil fuels.


Looks like "the most vulnerable people on the planet" are opting for cheap energy !
Geology is understanding past climate controls, and the role of CO2 in all it's forms in geological processes and climate.

Well documented geological evidence indicates that, outside short glacial episodes, the Earth's mean global temperature has been consistently 2-3 degrees warmer than today for more than 1 billion years.

It has been at cooler temps, favoured by climate alarmists, for only six short intervals, going into and emerging from glacial episodes.

That is a fact not acknowledged by GW/CC alarmists. They don't look further than the current Pleistocene-Holocene glacial period of 2 million years.

Atmospheric CO2 as a warming agent is thoroughly discredited by a range of chemical, physical and geological evidence. A powerful illustration of this is that atmospheric CO2 has progressively decreased over the past one billion years 95% [down from 2000 to less than 400 parts per million

in the atmosphere] but mean average global temperatures have remained steadfastly the same at about 20C.

Warming is occuring to re-establish the long-term climate norm after a short glacial cooling episode.

When has a climate scientists ever revealed any of this crucial information to the general layperson?

[source, Dr Robert Fagen. geologist and climate researcher.]


Do you understand the weathering thermostat? I can reference a lot of information regarding it.

If so explain it to us. Can you?

You are a stupid, ignorant time waster with eight year old "nah uh" all the time. You are dumb as fuck. God damn. That Billy Madison scene, yeah that is your retarded ass, motherfucker.

I know I will get a ding for this, but it is worth it.

Also, we have more evidence that you are a fucking retard than you have that global warming is not happening.


At any rate, literally hundreds of millions of people and their buildings and arable land will be submerged by the end of the century. Well it won't be permanent on geological time scale, only maybe 100,000 years.

But hey, it happened before...
The evidence against the fraudsters in the climate industry is overwhelming, if only one cares to look!

Still looking in the outhouse to support your position, I see.

Lets take a look at how Tim Bell actually won:


To be libel it actually has to be believable. Tim Bell "won" on the basis that it wasn't libel because nobody would believe his claims. That's a long way from saying that Michael Mann was wrong.

So, how much did Dr Tim Ball have to pay to the fraudster Michael Mann for damages? What ........0.......... are you sure about that?

You apparently still don't understand the case at all.

Mann sued Bell for libel. Bell "won" on the basis that the "libelous" material was too crazy to be taken seriously and thus no harm was done. This is in no way an exoneration of Bell.
Geology is understanding past climate controls, and the role of CO2 in all it's forms in geological processes and climate.

Well documented geological evidence indicates that, outside short glacial episodes, the Earth's mean global temperature has been consistently 2-3 degrees warmer than today for more than 1 billion years.

It has been at cooler temps, favoured by climate alarmists, for only six short intervals, going into and emerging from glacial episodes.

That is a fact not acknowledged by GW/CC alarmists. They don't look further than the current Pleistocene-Holocene glacial period of 2 million years.

Atmospheric CO2 as a warming agent is thoroughly discredited by a range of chemical, physical and geological evidence. A powerful illustration of this is that atmospheric CO2 has progressively decreased over the past one billion years 95% [down from 2000 to less than 400 parts per million

in the atmosphere] but mean average global temperatures have remained steadfastly the same at about 20C.

Warming is occuring to re-establish the long-term climate norm after a short glacial cooling episode.

When has a climate scientists ever revealed any of this crucial information to the general layperson?

[source, Dr Robert Fagen. geologist and climate researcher.]


Once again, garbage meant to deceive the uninformed.

It's already been pointed out to you that the sun has been warming for billions of years. We used to have less sunlight and more CO2 to get about the same temperature.

The deceptive nature of most denier arguments should be enough to convince any sensible person that they know they're arguing a false position.
Here's something else for the activists to get your/their balls in a knot.

I quote. " A huge glacier thought to be shrinking because of climate change has started growing again. NASA scientists have found. Greenland's Jakobshavn glacier was retreating by 2.9km and thinning by 39.5m annually.
But after being in retreat for 20 years, it has started growing again at about the same rate over the past two years, according to the Oceans Melting Greenland project.
Jakobshavn has been dubbed the " king of glaciers" as it discharges the most ice in the northern hemisphere.
It is thought likely to have produced the iceberg that sank the Titanic."
end quote. [source: The West Australian]

But you warmists cultist nutjobs go ahead and attack the messenger, which is as like water off a ducks back!
Here's something else for the activists to get your/their balls in a knot.

I quote. " A huge glacier thought to be shrinking because of climate change has started growing again. NASA scientists have found. Greenland's Jakobshavn glacier was retreating by 2.9km and thinning by 39.5m annually.
But after being in retreat for 20 years, it has started growing again at about the same rate over the past two years, according to the Oceans Melting Greenland project.
Jakobshavn has been dubbed the " king of glaciers" as it discharges the most ice in the northern hemisphere.
It is thought likely to have produced the iceberg that sank the Titanic."
end quote. [source: The West Australian]

But you warmists cultist nutjobs go ahead and attack the messenger, which is as like water off a ducks back!
The only warmists cultist nutjobs are those who deny it.
Here's something else for the activists to get your/their balls in a knot.

I quote. " A huge glacier thought to be shrinking because of climate change has started growing again. NASA scientists have found. Greenland's Jakobshavn glacier was retreating by 2.9km and thinning by 39.5m annually.
But after being in retreat for 20 years, it has started growing again at about the same rate over the past two years, according to the Oceans Melting Greenland project.
Jakobshavn has been dubbed the " king of glaciers" as it discharges the most ice in the northern hemisphere.
It is thought likely to have produced the iceberg that sank the Titanic."
end quote. [source: The West Australian]

But you warmists cultist nutjobs go ahead and attack the messenger, which is as like water off a ducks back!

As usual, any little unevenness in the data is used as a pretext to claim there's no warming. You're being played for a fool!
Here's something else for the activists to get your/their balls in a knot.

I quote. " A huge glacier thought to be shrinking because of climate change has started growing again. NASA scientists have found. Greenland's Jakobshavn glacier was retreating by 2.9km and thinning by 39.5m annually.
But after being in retreat for 20 years, it has started growing again at about the same rate over the past two years, according to the Oceans Melting Greenland project.
Jakobshavn has been dubbed the " king of glaciers" as it discharges the most ice in the northern hemisphere.
It is thought likely to have produced the iceberg that sank the Titanic."
end quote. [source: The West Australian]

But you warmists cultist nutjobs go ahead and attack the messenger, which is as like water off a ducks back!

As usual, any little unevenness in the data is used as a pretext to claim there's no warming. You're being played for a fool!

I'm being played for a fool? :hysterical: What you really mean is vice versa isn't it? GW/CC cultists are being taken to the cleaners!

I've been asking for one, just one catastrophe predicted by the alarmist over the past 2-3 decades that has eventuated in vain! You can't provide one because there ain't any!!

Eric Rignot, a glaciologist at the University of California, Irvine and senior research scientist at JPL, noted that "The chances that this will keep going on are very low in my opinion. It is only a matter of time before the glacier starts thinning again -- maybe this summer, maybe next year."
Maybe next decade, maybe next century, maybe nest millennia!
Here's something else for the activists to get your/their balls in a knot.

I quote. " A huge glacier thought to be shrinking because of climate change has started growing again. NASA scientists have found. Greenland's Jakobshavn glacier was retreating by 2.9km and thinning by 39.5m annually.
But after being in retreat for 20 years, it has started growing again at about the same rate over the past two years, according to the Oceans Melting Greenland project.
Jakobshavn has been dubbed the " king of glaciers" as it discharges the most ice in the northern hemisphere.
It is thought likely to have produced the iceberg that sank the Titanic."
end quote. [source: The West Australian]

But you warmists cultist nutjobs go ahead and attack the messenger, which is as like water off a ducks back!

As usual, any little unevenness in the data is used as a pretext to claim there's no warming. You're being played for a fool!

I'm being played for a fool? :hysterical: What you really mean is vice versa isn't it? GW/CC cultists are being taken to the cleaners!

I've been asking for one, just one catastrophe predicted by the alarmist over the past 2-3 decades that has eventuated in vain! You can't provide one because there ain't any!!

You still need to come up with a failed prediction of disaster. By an actual climate scientist, not a reporter.

Eric Rignot, a glaciologist at the University of California, Irvine and senior research scientist at JPL, noted that "The chances that this will keep going on are very low in my opinion. It is only a matter of time before the glacier starts thinning again -- maybe this summer, maybe next year."
Maybe next decade, maybe next century, maybe nest millennia!


Scientists attributed the ice gain to localized ocean cooling.

Between 2014 and 2016, waters up to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) cooler entered Disko Bay, where Jakobshavn glacier enters the water.

Researchers believe that the cooling is related to a natural variation in the climate in the Northern Hemisphere known as the North Atlantic Oscillation, which can warm or cool the northern portions of the Atlantic Ocean in periods of several years (not too dissimilar from the impact that El Niño and La Niña can have on Pacific Ocean temperatures).

Your mention of this is one step away from "there's no global warming because we still have winters."
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