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No difference between Clinton and Trump administrations?? Bullshit.........

Harry Bosch

Jul 4, 2014
Basic Beliefs
I keep hearing this crap that there is no difference between a Trump administration and a HRC administration. Well, let's study a few recent Trump administrations and see if there is a pattern:

1. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Appointee is the honorable Ben Carson. Carson has expressed a deep aversion to the social safety net programs and fair housing programs. Brilliant.
2. Education Secretary: Betsy Devos - has a passion for private school vouchers and believes that intelligent design is a "valid theory that should be taught". Real Brilliant.
3. Small Business Administration: Linda McMahon; former professional-wrestling executive. Off the charts Brilliant.

But then the Crème da la Crème came out today: Trump nominated Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. This is just sad. Pruitt is a climate denialist. He believes that climate change is far from settled. But don't worry, he also believes in intelligent design, and that even if we do screw up the planet, that the lord will save us.

Normally I like to include links to support my opening posts. But it's too depressing. If anyone has questions about the above, just google it.... Then maybe cry.
No difference between Clinton and Trump administrations??

I keep hearing this crap that there is no difference between a Trump administration and a HRC administration.


Is this an intentional strawman or have you really been hearing this shit? If so, where?

I have never heard anyone say such an insane thing. Everyone I hear from both sides continually point out how different the two administrations would be, some rejoicing and some in mourning.
I had a short conversation much like this yesterday with a couple Trump supporters. They voted for "change". One said that she liked how Trump realized when he didn't know something and so would get the right, knowledgeable person in to take care of it (whatever "it" is). I looked at her quizzically and quoted Trump talking about how he knew more about ISIS than the generals. I also went a bit into Dunning-Kruger, but I think that flew right over her head.

The other complained how the Obama administration has completely fucked up the country, and I argued that Trump was obviously in over his head and was painfully winging it. His reply was that the presidency was just a figurehead anyway, and he compared the presidency to the queen of Great Britain in terms of political power. I pointed out the obvious contradiction here - in that if the presidency is just a figurehead as he claims, then how in the world did the Obama administration have any effect at all, much less "ruin the country". Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) our conversation was cut short.
No difference between Clinton and Trump administrations??

I keep hearing this crap that there is no difference between a Trump administration and a HRC administration.


Is this an intentional strawman or have you really been hearing this shit? If so, where?

I have never heard anyone say such an insane thing. Everyone I hear from both sides continually point out how different the two administrations would be, some rejoicing and some in mourning.

Is this an intentional strawman or have you really been hearing this shit? If so, where?

I have never heard anyone say such an insane thing. Everyone I hear from both sides continually point out how different the two administrations would be, some rejoicing and some in mourning.


What didn't you understand? Do you keep hearing people claiming that there would be no difference between the two administrations?

Personally, I keep hearing Trump supporters rejoicing that the country has been saved from Clinton and Clinton supporters decrying the end of liberty in the US.

What didn't you understand? Do you keep hearing people claiming that there would be no difference between the two administrations?

I have heard and read many people claiming that Trump and Clinton were equally bad choices. That the election was a six of one/half dozen of the other proposition.

Maybe you should get out more?
What didn't you understand? Do you keep hearing people claiming that there would be no difference between the two administrations?

I have heard and read many people claiming that Trump and Clinton were equally bad choices. That the election was a six of one/half dozen of the other proposition.

Maybe you should get out more?
I am one who thinks both are bad choices but there are many, many different paths that can be bad for the country. There is certainly a great difference in the way these two candidates can lead awful administrations. But maybe you are one who sees that an administration could only lead to either a Utopia or a hell hole.
I have heard and read many people claiming that Trump and Clinton were equally bad choices. That the election was a six of one/half dozen of the other proposition.

Maybe you should get out more?
I am one who thinks both are bad choices but there are many, many different paths that can be bad for the country. There is certainly a great difference in the way these two candidates can lead awful administrations.

Sure, I'd agree with you that HRC wasn't the greatest choice in the world. But where you and I differ, is my opinion that HRC and her administration would have been infinitely better than Trump and his (crazy) administration.
I have heard and read many people claiming that Trump and Clinton were equally bad choices. That the election was a six of one/half dozen of the other proposition.

Maybe you should get out more?
I am one who thinks both are bad choices but there are many, many different paths that can be bad for the country. There is certainly a great difference in the way these two candidates can lead awful administrations. But maybe you are one who sees that an administration could only lead to either a Utopia or a hell hole.

Or maybe I see that one of the two candidates actually understood how the government works.

Take the Secretary of Defense nod. Trump either didn't understand or didn't care that his nominee was not immediately qualified to serve in that position according to the current law.

Take the Secretary of HUD nod. Trump either doesn't understand ore doesn't care that his nominee not only has no experience any relevant field, but no experience in government whatsoever.

On his short list for Secretary of State is (as far as I can tell) only one person who has any experience as a diplomat. His EPA choice seems to think the EPA itself should be abolished.

Whatever you may think about Clinton, the fact is that when filling jobs in her administration, she'd likely pick people who actually understood the nature of the job they were being given.
I have heard and read many people claiming that Trump and Clinton were equally bad choices. That the election was a six of one/half dozen of the other proposition.

Maybe you should get out more?
I am one who thinks both are bad choices but there are many, many different paths that can be bad for the country. There is certainly a great difference in the way these two candidates can lead awful administrations. But maybe you are one who sees that an administration could only lead to either a Utopia or a hell hole.

If a foreign power wanted to plant someone that would weaken the US....

... could they have found a better candidate than Trump?
I keep hearing this crap that there is no difference between a Trump administration and a HRC administration. Well, let's study a few recent Trump administrations and see if there is a pattern:

1. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Appointee is the honorable Ben Carson. Carson has expressed a deep aversion to the social safety net programs and fair housing programs. Brilliant.
2. Education Secretary: Betsy Devos - has a passion for private school vouchers and believes that intelligent design is a "valid theory that should be taught". Real Brilliant.
3. Small Business Administration: Linda McMahon; former professional-wrestling executive. Off the charts Brilliant.

But then the Crème da la Crème came out today: Trump nominated Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. This is just sad. Pruitt is a climate denialist. He believes that climate change is far from settled. But don't worry, he also believes in intelligent design, and that even if we do screw up the planet, that the lord will save us.

Normally I like to include links to support my opening posts. But it's too depressing. If anyone has questions about the above, just google it.... Then maybe cry.

Hopefully there will be differences, because it seems that the US is a state run by one party with 2 names where there is no clear delineation between the democrats and republicans depending on which issues are debated.
I keep hearing this crap that there is no difference between a Trump administration and a HRC administration. Well, let's study a few recent Trump administrations and see if there is a pattern:

1. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Appointee is the honorable Ben Carson. Carson has expressed a deep aversion to the social safety net programs and fair housing programs. Brilliant.
2. Education Secretary: Betsy Devos - has a passion for private school vouchers and believes that intelligent design is a "valid theory that should be taught". Real Brilliant.
3. Small Business Administration: Linda McMahon; former professional-wrestling executive. Off the charts Brilliant.

But then the Crème da la Crème came out today: Trump nominated Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. This is just sad. Pruitt is a climate denialist. He believes that climate change is far from settled. But don't worry, he also believes in intelligent design, and that even if we do screw up the planet, that the lord will save us.

Normally I like to include links to support my opening posts. But it's too depressing. If anyone has questions about the above, just google it.... Then maybe cry.

Hopefully there will be differences, because it seems that the US is a state run by one party with 2 names where there is no clear delineation between the democrats and republicans depending on which issues are debated.
There is only one political party in the US, the Democrat Party. The Republicans are a partisan party who seek winning elections only, not actual governance.
No difference between Clinton and Trump administrations??

I keep hearing this crap that there is no difference between a Trump administration and a HRC administration.


Is this an intentional strawman or have you really been hearing this shit? If so, where?

I have never heard anyone say such an insane thing. Everyone I hear from both sides continually point out how different the two administrations would be, some rejoicing and some in mourning.

I've seen that quite a lot.
Yes, but it's not just Trump vs. Clinton. "Republicans and Democrats are just two sides of the same coin" is a common phrase that I've heard for decades, usually uttered by third-party supporters.
We are going to pay a steep price for having the red-headed demagogue in the WH. And for having the legislative branch in the hands of the same bunch who brought us to the sad state we were in on New Years Day 2009. Add the international situation and things could get catastrophically bad.
Yes, but it's not just Trump vs. Clinton. "Republicans and Democrats are just two sides of the same coin" is a common phrase that I've heard for decades, usually uttered by third-party supporters.
...and hedging Trump supporters.
No difference between Clinton and Trump administrations??

I keep hearing this crap that there is no difference between a Trump administration and a HRC administration.


Is this an intentional strawman or have you really been hearing this shit? If so, where?

I have never heard anyone say such an insane thing. Everyone I hear from both sides continually point out how different the two administrations would be, some rejoicing and some in mourning.

Well here's one right here on this thread.

Hopefully there will be differences, because it seems that the US is a state run by one party with 2 names where there is no clear delineation between the democrats and republicans depending on which issues are debated.

I hear this frequently from Bernie supporters. My tongue is raw from biting it. It's so blatantly untrue, but these people are convinced there is _no_ difference.

- - - Updated - - -

If a foreign power wanted to plant someone that would weaken the US....

... could they have found a better candidate than Trump?

Or if Satan wanted to lead christians astray, is there a better pied piper for that than trump?
Is this an intentional strawman or have you really been hearing this shit? If so, where?

I have never heard anyone say such an insane thing. Everyone I hear from both sides continually point out how different the two administrations would be, some rejoicing and some in mourning.

Well here's one right here on this thread.

Hopefully there will be differences, because it seems that the US is a state run by one party with 2 names where there is no clear delineation between the democrats and republicans depending on which issues are debated.

I hear this frequently from Bernie supporters. My tongue is raw from biting it. It's so blatantly untrue, but these people are convinced there is _no_ difference.
Yeah, Moore-Coulter swapped to Clinton-Trump among some liberals, who clearly had no fucking clue.
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