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No difference between Clinton and Trump administrations?? Bullshit.........

We are going to pay a steep price for having the red-headed demagogue in the WH.

Don't worry... he won't be in the White House much. It's only a part time job for him, as he returns to being executive producer of Celebrity Apprentice. Mike Pence will be taking care of all that nitty gritty foreign and domestic policy stuff.
We are going to pay a steep price for having the red-headed demagogue in the WH.

Don't worry... he won't be in the White House much. It's only a part time job for him, as he returns to being executive producer of Celebrity Apprentice. Mike Pence will be taking care of all that nitty gritty foreign and domestic policy stuff.
Yeah... you read this and think... WTF?!?!? Draining the swamp while producing reality programming?
We are going to pay a steep price for having the red-headed demagogue in the WH.

Don't worry... he won't be in the White House much. It's only a part time job for him, as he returns to being executive producer of Celebrity Apprentice. Mike Pence will be taking care of all that nitty gritty foreign and domestic policy stuff.
Will one of the challenges for the apprentices be "come up with a viable strategy against ISIS"?
Don't worry... he won't be in the White House much. It's only a part time job for him, as he returns to being executive producer of Celebrity Apprentice. Mike Pence will be taking care of all that nitty gritty foreign and domestic policy stuff.
Will one of the challenges for the apprentices be "come up with a viable strategy against ISIS"?

Wait...is "bomb the shit out of them" not a viable strategy?
Don't worry... he won't be in the White House much. It's only a part time job for him, as he returns to being executive producer of Celebrity Apprentice. Mike Pence will be taking care of all that nitty gritty foreign and domestic policy stuff.
Yeah... you read this and think... WTF?!?!? Draining the swamp while producing reality programming?

You know... lately I've been thinking that as much as I despise Mike Pence, maybe I'd rather see him as President. At least he showed some class with the whole Hamilton thing. I don't think Trump is capable of showing class.
Know which fork to use, that's what makes a good president.

I prefer Trump, because I'm guessing he's a worse manager than Pence. Which means he'll get less done, which means he'll do less damage. Pence is hand in glove with Ryan and McConnell.
Know which fork to use, that's what makes a good president.

I prefer Trump, because I'm guessing he's a worse manager than Pence. Which means he'll get less done, which means he'll do less damage. Pence is hand in glove with Ryan and McConnell.

Except that Pence is going to be doing those things anyway, even if Trump is President. Trump will be too busy producing Celebrity Apprentice, watching SNL to see how they're making fun of him, tweeting crazy ass stuff in the early morning, and retweeting any random thing he reads on the internet.

I just don't see how it'll work. Can you imagine Trump giving press conferences? Will only Fox News be there because he'll have blacklisted everyone else? When he gives speeches, will he be speaking from a script (you know how awkward that sounds) or free-wheeling it? Ugh.. .we're in for a bumpy ride.
Know which fork to use, that's what makes a good president.

I prefer Trump, because I'm guessing he's a worse manager than Pence. Which means he'll get less done, which means he'll do less damage. Pence is hand in glove with Ryan and McConnell.

Except that Pence is going to be doing those things anyway, even if Trump is President. Trump will be too busy producing Celebrity Apprentice, watching SNL to see how they're making fun of him, tweeting crazy ass stuff in the early morning, and retweeting any random thing he reads on the internet.

I just don't see how it'll work. Can you imagine Trump giving press conferences? Will only Fox News be there because he'll have blacklisted everyone else? When he gives speeches, will he be speaking from a script (you know how awkward that sounds) or free-wheeling it? Ugh.. .we're in for a bumpy ride.

Trump will also be compulsively monitering his media coverage. And things that put him in a bad light he'll have a problem with. He had no problem directly contradicting Pence during the campaign.
We are going to pay a steep price for having the red-headed demagogue in the WH. And for having the legislative branch in the hands of the same bunch who brought us to the sad state we were in on New Years Day 2009. Add the international situation and things could get catastrophically bad.

God is supposed to identify the end time with trumpets. Or is that Trump/Pence?
Good one Loren. I doubt that the media would freeze Trump out, as long as it sells ads and gets good ratings. They may give him a hard time, or they may kiss his ass, whichever brings in more money.
We are going to pay a steep price for having the red-headed demagogue in the WH. And for having the legislative branch in the hands of the same bunch who brought us to the sad state we were in on New Years Day 2009. Add the international situation and things could get catastrophically bad.

God is supposed to identify the end time with trumpets. Or is that Trump/Pence?
Doesn't the New Testament say that a good deal of Christians will unknowingly (or should have known better) side with the Anti-Christ?

Jesus would have shit himself, Christians voting for Trump.
What didn't you understand? Do you keep hearing people claiming that there would be no difference between the two administrations?

I have heard and read many people claiming that Trump and Clinton were equally bad choices. That the election was a six of one/half dozen of the other proposition.

Maybe you should get out more?

Why not post a link. Unless you just made that up?

- - - Updated - - -

Is this an intentional strawman or have you really been hearing this shit? If so, where?

I have never heard anyone say such an insane thing. Everyone I hear from both sides continually point out how different the two administrations would be, some rejoicing and some in mourning.

I've seen that quite a lot.

Post a link
Will one of the challenges for the apprentices be "come up with a viable strategy against ISIS"?

Wait...is "bomb the shit out of them" not a viable strategy?

Apparently not. The plan is to give groups associated with them weapons and hope Americans are too dumb to ask questions. Do you think that is working?
Post a link

Here's two. If you are familiar with the website google.com, you can find many more.

Rapper Killer Mike is telling voters there's no difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

“If you’re voting for Trump or Hillary Clinton, you’re voting for the same thing,” he told TMZ during an interview Thursday.

Killer Mike, a prominent Bernie Sanders supporter, said he still isn't behind either general election candidate.

Understand that our abandonment of the party is not picking up our toys and going home out of spite. We’re picking up our toys and going home because you keep breaking them. I don’t care that Hillary might take office now, because I, and others, aren’t seeing much a difference between she and your lower case “l” lord and savior. We don’t see much use in abandoning our principles to stop Hillary, only to elect Hillary’s buddy.

By "no difference" I think they mean no important difference or no difference that matters to them, and they have a point.

Both Trump and Clinton are owned by big money interests. Neither are for real progress.

Trump winning may actually turn out to be great for America, if only to give the Democrats a kick in the teeth, to motivate them to act as actual liberals instead of corporate shills. Most people in America agree with the liberal side of most issues, and yet you are losing elections. That should tell you something. People do indeed see little actual difference between the Democrats and the Republicans in action. Many see the only big difference to be the political talking points they each trot out. This says more about how much the Democrats have sold out than anything else.
By "no difference" I think they mean no important difference or no difference that matters to them, and they have a point.
I think they mean in the sense of they have no clue what they are talking about and think that a Clinton Admin will result in the same policies as a Trump Admin which is obviously false and an indication of just how undereducated they are between the two of the candidates.

Both Trump and Clinton are owned by big money interests. Neither are for real progress.
Trump is for Trump and whatever forces got him elected. Clinton is for Clinton and politics as usual (as per an Obama Admin). Right now we are clearly seeing the differences between the two.

Trump winning may actually turn out to be great for America, if only to give the Democrats a kick in the teeth, to motivate them to act as actual liberals instead of corporate shills.
Kick in the teeth? They lost to the candidate that made shit up all the time and his supporters didn't care. Trump ran a candidacy that would have been laughed out of a movie theater it was so unconventional and distasteful.
Most people in America agree with the liberal side of most issues, and yet you are losing elections.
Because the right-wing has a large media machine that has convinced people to vote against their own self-interests.
That should tell you something. People do indeed see little actual difference between the Democrats and the Republicans in action. Many see the only big difference to be the political talking points they each trot out. This says more about how much the Democrats have sold out than anything else.
No, not really.
By "no difference" I think they mean no important difference or no difference that matters to them, and they have a point.
No, they don't have a point. It will matter to them - a lot. They just don't see it coming.
Both Trump and Clinton are owned by big money interests. Neither are for real progress.

Trump winning may actually turn out to be great for America, if only to give the Democrats a kick in the teeth, to motivate them to act as actual liberals instead of corporate shills.
No it won't be great for America.
It also won't make the Dems more liberal. How did Bush winning work out for us progressives?

Most people in America agree with the liberal side of most issues, and yet you are losing elections. That should tell you something.
A lot of people believe lies hook, line and sinker?
People do indeed see little actual difference between the Democrats and the Republicans in action.
Not "in action," they see little difference in how the right portrays their actions.
Many see the only big difference to be the political talking points they each trot out. This says more about how much the Democrats have sold out than anything else.

It says more about what people believe that isn't true.
Not "in action," they see little difference in how the right portrays their actions.

Maybe it's "left and right inaction" that are so similar. :)
For the last 8 years that has been down to Republican obstructionism. Now it's the Dems' turn to try to keep anything from happening.
No it won't be great for America.
It also won't make the Dems more liberal. How did Bush winning work out for us progressives?

Well Democrats did manage to retake Congress, but it was short-lived. The Tea Party movement seized upon the fact that things weren't improving enough under Obama's first year, and the GOP co-opted that dissatisfaction quite effectively.

Rest assured that if things go swimmingly for Trump's first year or so, they'll sell it as him actually "Making America Great Again" despite the fact that the trajectory was upwards before he ever set foot in the White House.

If things go bad, they'll blame it all on Obama and the Democrats. And Trump supporters will buy into that idea 100%. Remember, these are people who genuinely believe the economy today is worse off than it was when Obama was sworn in. Their gullibility knows no bounds.
It also won't make the Dems more liberal. How did Bush winning work out for us progressives?

You mean from Bill Clinton to Candidate Obama? Candidate Obama was actually quite a bit more progressive. If only it hadn't been all lies...
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