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On the Origin of White Power

What does white mean? Skin head typesprobably do not consider Italians or Spaniards white.

The question is what led to the currentwestern civilization.

Popular history in the USA begins withthe founding of the USA, and all things good came out of it ignoringthe long path of history.

I watched a show on the course ofscience and technology. The conclusion was science and innovation hasalways followed the money. Before the rise of European science theplace to be was Persia and the Arabs. The Persians had the state ofthe art observatory of its time with dorms and classrooms, it was the international place to be for astronomy. Newton used Persianobservational data in his work. All the principles of his laws ofmotion were in print in Arabic.

Ancient Chinese were doing elements oflinear algebra. The rapid exponential growth in science andtechnology in the west of the last 200 years came at the end of along human intellectual history, it did not arise out of nothing inthe west. And the growth has flattened out.

What the media now calls technologicalinnovation is just coming up with applications for existing science.A washing machine, a PC, or a TV all have the same basic science adtechnology inside.

According to the show the Muslims had aproblem with printing presses used to make copies of religious textsdue to the possibility of errors, and this inhibited the spread ofIslam to Europe.

As Arab economics declined and Europeanwealth grew science passed to Europe. They had the excess wealth andsurplus time for it. Islamic cultures did not always rejectrationalism. That us a relatively modern phenomena in Islam.

At some point rationalism and theologycollided in the Ottoman Empire resulting in a backlash againstscience and reason. With the end of the Ottoman Empire the Islamicworld was left with a power vacuum and no culture of science andreason. The result continuous chaos in North Africa and the mid East.Post WWI Europe was the stable civilization.

IMO it was also the difference betweenIslam and Christianity. Christianity was always a mix of theology andreason. The Reformation cemented the idea of the individual withinChristianity with a freedom of interpretation and action. Europeanhistory was the development from monarchs to modern democracy and theidea of the individual.

From a show on anthropology , thesuccess of a civilization before modern transportation was basedmostly o geography. Europe had fresh water, good agricultural land,navigable rivers, ad natural harbors. Western Sub Saharan Africa haslittle of it. Hunter-gatherer cultures today in places like NewGuinea work 24/7 just to get basic calories.

In North America through the 1800snatural resources were virtually unlimited for population growth.

Today in the USA we divert water tosupport places like Las Vegas while we have growing water issues foragriculture. Our white western consumption culture is blindlyheading towards unsustainability.

The fact that western civilization hasdominated for a century or two is just a point in the time line. TheRussian-Soviet, Japanese, and British empires have gone. Some thinkthe west is in decline. China is reestablishing a dominance. Whoknows a few hundred years from now.

The idea that western whites have someinnate superiority is myth.

As to genetics, I read an NFL stat. Ata few positions blacks seem to dominate by virtue of being on theaverage slightly faster than whites. For example free safety. Ifthere is a genetic component it only manifests at the elite athletelevel.

Sherpas have a higher concetrion ofblood vessels in the legs. Mountain South American enaves have ahigher lung capacity. Genetic variations exist.

I have worked with people from all overthe workd. My observational opinion is anyone who goes through thesame educational system is no re or less able on the average. A tradejournal article back in the 90s looked at the lack of blacks inengineering. Back then it was more a matter of blacks not choosingengineering rather than being excluded in hiring.

I don't have a link, I read thatimmigrant blacks from the Caribbean and Africa do far beer thanAmerican blacks. They do not carry IMO the emotional burdens ofdiscrimination and slavery. Back in the 70s I saw a defeatism inblacks I knew. The feeling the deck ea so stacked against themselvesthat there was no point in trying
Back in the 60s there was the MoynihanReport on poverty. One conclusion was the primary correlation to kidsperformance in school regardless of race was family economics andfamily stability. And controversially that welfare was a destructiveelement in he decline of the black family.


Separating out culture, environment,and genetics is an impossible task. Considering the genetic mix ofwhat some may call white, European, or Anglo the idea of afundamental genetic superiority is basically meaningless.

Andy Grove one of the Intel founderswas a Hungarian immigrant, is he white ? An Wang who started WangLabs was an Asia immigrant. He did a lot of basic research onrotating disk data storage.


Or does white in the context of the USrace debate simply mean anyone non black? Eastern Europeans weer onceconsidered racially inferior over here.
Racial Identification in the Skull and Teeth
Cranial features and race – john hawks weblog
Analysis of Skeletal Remains
Craniofacial criteria in the skeletal attribution of race
Determination of Racial Affinity

Forensic anthropologists can often classify a skull's (former) owner by race, using broad categories like Caucasoid (European, North African, Middle Eastern, indian Subcontinent), Negroid (sub-Saharan African), Mongoloid (East Asian).

Sports performance also varies across populations(Sport and Ethnicity). West Africans tend to be very good at sprinting, East Africans at distance running, whites at weightlifting and throwing, eastern Asians at diving and gymnastics, etc.

Despite how visible such variation is, overall genetics tells a different story. Only about 5 to 7 percent of human genetic variation correlates with the classical races (Race Finished » American Scientist) As a result, many anthropologists don't think that "race" is a good category, that it is mostly based on regional variation that is not much more than skin deep.
As to the stereotypes that Nicholas Wade mentioned, those are mostly of recent centuries, too little time for selection of genes involved in those features. I say "involved", because beanbag genetics doesn't work very well for many phenotypic features.

The ancestors of the classical races went their separate ways in the late Pleistocene, about 100,000 to 30,000 years ago. But over most of that time, the diverged populations had been foragers, hunter-gatherers. More recently, many of them had been peasant farmers. So those present-day stereotypes do not apply very well.

I think that Jared Diamond's GGS hypothesis is much more reasonable. It explains development differences without requiring any genetic mental differences between groups.

In the 18th, 19th, and early 20th cys., it may have seemed self-evident that northwestern Europeans and their descendants elsewhere were the most skilled at creating advanced societies. But before that and after that, it's not so clear. Not long before that, the people that were going on a exploration and colonization binge were southeastern Europeans. A bit earlier, it was Chinese with their Treasure Fleets. They didn't think that Europeans were worth trading with, since they mainly had to offer such plebeian goods as woolens and wine and the like.

2500 - 2000 years ago, the people of the Mediterranean Basin would have thought that northwestern Europeans were backward.
Yes, male brains and female brains are different. You're very clever. Of course, I said there's no difference between the brains of an African *man* and a European *man*.

IT is relevant because people ignorant enough to dismiss the possibility of psychologically relevant brain differences between races are often those ignorant enough to deny such differences between genders. It is relevant because males and females are pretty darn genetically similar, yet they have biologically based brain differences that are more than significant enough to produce psychological differences. There differences illustrates that it is absurd and unscientific to point to the high degree of genetic similarity between two subpopulations as a basis to conclude that no brain differences could exist between them that would be psychologically meaningful.

Yes, of course the neural connections are not atomically identical from one person's brain to the next; if they were we'd all have identical personalities and thoughts. This is completely besides the point, however, since I was clearly *not* talking about those kind of minute differences and was in fact talking about the kind of difference that transcend individuality and are representative of one population versus the other.

Ah, so you admit that neural connections highly determine our personalities and thoughts (and therefore actions), yet in the next breath argue that differences in neural connonections are too "minute" to create psychological differences between people. What's that again?

The claim that there are no such fundamental differences between the brains of Africans and Europeans is a matter of *scientific fact*.

Then you should easily be able to find many peer reviewed neuroscience articles concluding that African and European brains differ on no dimension that any brains could differ on that is relevant to any psychological processes. You cannot, because it isn't anything anyone literate in neuroscience would ever utter.

Furthermore, the claim that "our understanding of the way two brains can differ from each other is in its infancy"; is either ignorant, or dishonest. You're trying to imply that we haven't the foggiest about it, when in fact we know a great deal about these subjects, certainly more than enough to dismiss as *pseudoscience* the idea that there is some sort of substantitive difference between the brains of different groups which is based entirely on biological factors.

No, my statement is based upon being actually aware of the state of neuroscience and of the fact that most of what their is to know about the human brain, the trillions of ways in which brains can differ, and the numerous ways that any difference can impact psychological processes is still unknown. I am aware that nothing in the science of neuropsychology precludes the possibility of measurable neuro-based psychological differences between Africans and Europeans. I am aware that only gross ignorance of these areas of science could allow for statements like yours to be made.

Oh, and then there is the fact that every single psychological and behavioral difference has to be a product of brain differences, because all psychology and behavior is a product of the brain.

If that were true;

If that were true???? So, you doubt that human cognition is a product of the brain? Because the only way that it isn't true is if our thought processes occur in an immaterial fairyland of religious fantasy.

Again, we're talking about substantive differences; not minute differences that have no fundamental effect on the brain as a whole. You're trying to argue that there is some sort of difference that separates a white person's brain from a black person's brain; when in matter of fact the differences between the average black and average white brain are exactly the same sort of differences we see between two different and random white brains.

Wrong. Nothing I have said requires that the between group differences be greater than what can be observed between members of the same group. Men are taller than women due to biology, yet it is easy to find 2 men who differ in height more than the avg man and women do. In fact, I have pointed out that for any differences the distributions for any trait likely overlap a great deal, but the various levels of a trait are just more or less frequent for different groups. No such differences are required for massive differences in every aspect of psychology. Merely having differences in the average number of neural connections from the Amygdala to any of the numerous brain regions it connects to would be more than enough. Heck, even mere differences in myelination of the axons would impact transmission speeds enough to alter cognition, decisions, and actions. You are just attacking a cartoonish strawman in which groups cannot differ unless one group has an amygdala and the other group does not.

Every cultural or experiential impact on human psychology and behavior has it impact only via the physiological differences they cause in the brain itself, which is always the proximal cause.

And that is why this argument fails. Again; there are no such fundamental differences between the brains of different ethnic groups.

Stop tossing around words like "fundamental" when you clearly have no clue how the brain works and how it determines cognition. Neural connections, the number of connections, the exact pattern of a complex network of connections among those billion or so neurons, the myelination of the axons in those connections, the amount of neurotransmitters and receptors at every brain site, and the exact voxel volume of each brain region are all "fundamental" to psychological processes and causes significant differences in cognition, emotion, and behavior. In addition, all of these either vary at birth or their development over time is impacted by factors that vary at birth, and avg differences in any of these can produce avg psychological differences in subpopulations, which is the extent of the differences being discussed.
Please direct us to the body of scientific studies showing that large random samples of African and European males have undergone both FMRI and numerous types of post-mortem tissue analyses needed to measure every combinations of these variables and have been shown to be identical in every single one of the billions of ways that brains can differ in psychologically impactful ways via the combination of these factors. This is the minimum bar you must meet to support your claim. (note that we can certain no such literature exists because the methods don't even exist that would allow for complete measurements of all these variables in two brains and allow for a comparison on all of them plus all of their trillions of potential interactions).

The only way we could even remotely take serious the possibility that these sort of fundamental biological differences exist between ethnic groups, is if indeed there were some genetic differences which directly affect the brain or our tendencies. For instance a genetic change that causes a population to become entirely colorblind might cause significant cultural changes in that population.

This illustrates your strawman creation. You are limiting differences to those where one group completely lacks a psychological feature like perceiving color that another population has. That is like saying "Africans experience intense fear, while Europeans completely lack the capacity for experiencing fear. Where is anyone anywhere making such a claim? No one is talking about all or nothing traits where one group has X and the other does not. Nearly every psychological trait is something that varies in degree and quantity, plus in relative degree in relation to other traits. A population has a central tendency around with degree of that trait vary and that variance can itself vary in how dispersed or clustered it is, whether it is skewed, bimodal, etc.. It is these averages and/or nature of the distributions for each sub-population that is all anyone is referring to when they talk about psychological differences. For example, if the average ratio of number of connections between the amygdala and the thalamus to the connections between the amygdala and the visual cortex was 8:5 for Europeans versus 5:5 for Africans that could impact psychological processes and thus the outputted behaviors in numerous ways.

(incidentally, it would be those genes that are the proximal cause and not the brain, since the brain would be influenced by them and not the other way around)

Wrong. The brain would be the proximal cause of the psychological experience of colorblindness. Genes and experience impact brain biology, then biology impacts psychology. Thus, brain biology is always more causally proximal cause of psychology than genes or experience.
Before you respond to this thread, please finish reading the entire post first; that way you can avoid making the mistake of responding to something I say without realizing I address your objection literally a sentence or two-three later, again.

IT is relevant because people ignorant enough to dismiss the possibility of psychologically relevant brain differences between races are often those ignorant enough to deny such differences between genders.

I have never once heard anyone make any such claim. Certainly nobody in this thread has made such a claim; therefore, it *is* irrelevant.

It is relevant because males and females are pretty darn genetically similar, yet they have biologically based brain differences that are more than significant enough to produce psychological differences.

This is absurd; you DO know, I trust, that men and women have different numbers of chromosomes, right? The fundamental genetic differences between men and women are far more significant than those between any two healthy men (or any two women) of any combination of ethnicities. You don't get to put the two on the same level.

Ah, so you admit that neural connections highly determine our personalities and thoughts (and therefore actions),

"Highly?" Stop ascribing descriptive terms to my views that serve no purpose other than to prop up your own arguments.

yet in the next breath argue that differences in neural connonections are too "minute" to create psychological differences between people. What's that again?

Learn some reading comprehension, please; I said nothing of the sort. What I said was that there are no sognificant identifiable neural structures in the brain that differ based on ethnicity. As I already explained to you; the kind of factors that differentiate your white brain from that of an african brain are NO DIFFERENT than those that differentiate your white brain from MY white brain. There is no ethnic component.

Then you should easily be able to find many peer reviewed neuroscience articles concluding that African and European brains differ on no dimension that any brains could differ on that is relevant to any psychological processes. You cannot, because it isn't anything anyone literate in neuroscience would ever utter.

Excuse me? Are you SERIOUSLY asking me to find you peer reviewed articles that show not only that there's *no* difference, but that there *couldn't* be? Do you not understand how science fucking *works*? I'm guessing no, since what you're doing is a classic example of reversing the burden of proof. If you want to make the claim that there are differences in brain structure between different ethnicities significant enough to alter group psychology, *you* are the one who'se going to have to come up with actual peer reviewed material. *I*, meanwhile, am under no obligation to waste my evening scouring the internet for research that disproves an interpretation that hasn't been taken seriously by mainstream science for the better part of a *century*.

No, my statement is based upon being actually aware of the state of neuroscience

Nobody who'se actually aware of the state of neuroscience would be trying to paint a picture of our knowledge as being so insufficient as to make it a toss-up in regards to this question.

and of the fact that most of what their is to know about the human brain, the trillions of ways in which brains can differ, and the numerous ways that any difference can impact psychological processes is still unknown. I am aware that nothing in the science of neuropsychology precludes the possibility of measurable neuro-based psychological differences between Africans and Europeans. I am aware that only gross ignorance of these areas of science could allow for statements like yours to be made.

And once again, you're demonstrating both an ignorance of science, and dishonesty. First of all, neither I nor anyone else claimed the possibility does not exist; as such, you're setting up a strawman version of what I've actually said and that's a dishonest tactic. Secondly, it's science-ignorant because while it may be true that we might end up finding measurable and significant-enough neurological differences between different ethnic groups, this fact says nothing about whether or not we actually *will*; and science is not in the business of making far-reaching assertions like yours without the evidence lining up. Right now, it doesn't. Just because science might one day discover that reality is just an illusion and there really is a god that create the universe 15 seconds ago with our memories in place, doesn't mean it is a scientific statement *today*.

If that were true???? So, you doubt that human cognition is a product of the brain?

Again, please learn some reading comprehension, because it is perfectly obvious why I made that qualifying statement just a little while later in that post.

Wrong. Nothing I have said requires that the between group differences be greater than what can be observed between members of the same group.

Actually, it does. You have consistently been talking about biological differences between ethnic groups that account for different psychology and behavior. This becomes completely *meaningless*, however, if those differences are the exact same sort of variation we see between members of the same ethnicity. You can't argue that the apples of one farm are fundamentally different from those of another farm just because your randomly picked sampling of apples have slight differences in size and shape; not when we see the exact same level of variance in size and shape between the individual apples of each farm.

Your height example doesn't really address this either; since it relies on the assumption that a general difference exists without any evidence for it. Yes, women tend to be shorter than men, and the fact that you can find a woman taller than the average difference doesn't change this. This is not, however, analogous to the subject we're talking about, since there's no evidence of such a general difference in brain structure.

Merely having differences in the average number of neural connections from the Amygdala to any of the numerous brain regions it connects to would be more than enough.

Which would approach an actual argument if we in fact found such differences to exist...

... we have not.

Stop tossing around words like "fundamental" when you clearly have no clue how the brain works and how it determines cognition.

Only when you stop accusing people of not having a clue how the brain works before launching into an explanation I already grasped perfectly well back before I could even grow a beard.

This illustrates your strawman creation. You are limiting differences to those where one group completely lacks a psychological feature like perceiving color that another population has. That is like saying "Africans experience intense fear, while Europeans completely lack the capacity for experiencing fear. Where is anyone anywhere making such a claim? No one is talking about all or nothing traits where one group has X and the other does not. Nearly every psychological trait is something that varies in degree and quantity, plus in relative degree in relation to other traits.

Yes, you're very clever for misrepresenting as my actual position what I stated to be an *example*; examples, particularly those of the hypothetical kind, tend to be exaggerated for the purposes of discussion.

A population has a central tendency around with degree of that trait vary and that variance can itself vary in how dispersed or clustered it is, whether it is skewed, bimodal, etc.. It is these averages and/or nature of the distributions for each sub-population that is all anyone is referring to when they talk about psychological differences. For example, if the average ratio of number of connections between the amygdala and the thalamus to the connections between the amygdala and the visual cortex was 8:5 for Europeans versus 5:5 for Africans that could impact psychological processes and thus the outputted behaviors in numerous ways.

And again, you'd have an actual argument if there was actual science demonstrating this to be so.

However, if you want me or anyone else to take this idea to be at all likely, *you* are going to have to point us at some actual *evidence*. I realize of course, that it's much easier and more convenient for you to ask me to disprove your idea, but I'll reiterate once more that that's a reversal of the burden of proof and not how science arrives at useful conclusions. Provide some compelling evidence, or expect your notions to be rejected as baseless conjecture.

Wrong. The brain would be the proximal cause of the psychological experience of colorblindness. Genes and experience impact brain biology, then biology impacts psychology. Thus, brain biology is always more causally proximal cause of psychology than genes or experience.

Proximal; situated toward the point of origin. The brain develops based on instructions from the genes, and is acted upon by biological processes that are subservient/dependent upon the genes. So no, the biology of the brain is NOT always the proximal cause.
I have always had an impression that Native Americans are stuck on a slow gear mentally or physiologically. Or maybe they are just laid back. They often speak English very haltingly.

However, one smart and quick speaking person I know of is Sherman Alexie.

What a completely moronic statement! What else can one say to the above....you happen to know only one Indian who to you is erudite and quick witted so your conclusion is they are mentally or psychologically slow in general! Could it be your insufficient sample size? It is more likely your compulsion to measure head size and believe white folks an have edge here!

What would the purpose of Native Americans or Australian Aboriginals having the same population distributions of temperament as Chinese people for example? There would be no benefit to it. Work yourself to death for no gain? Sure, some of them have have a keyed up personality, but it was not selected for as in the Chinese. The pace of life was slower for the natives, so no point expending the energy.

Imagine releasing a border collie into the wild and comparing it to a husky, it would be so uselessly OCD it would burn itself out.

American indians did in fact have agriculture and large building programs, including large "indian mounds" and prosperous towns and villages along the Mississippi river and other areas. This followed development of strains of corn from about 1000 CE that allowed large well planned agricultural sites. It all collapsed shortly after Spanish explorers introduced smallpox and influenza etc to the area. In a century these large settlements were no more.
I have never once heard anyone make any such claim. Certainly nobody in this thread has made such a claim; therefore, it *is* irrelevant.

You asserted that "the genetics aren't really all that different" between africans and Europeans as support for your claim that "there actually aren't any biological differences" related to psychological processes and thus "the brain's identical" between the groups.
It is highly similar to the claims many make about male and female being not very different genetically and therefore unlikely to have any biologically based psychological differences. It is relevant because it points out the total meaningless of statments like "aren't really all that different" since a tiny % of differences can still mean differences of millions of positions in the genome which are more than enough to produce meaningful brain differences.
Sure, men and women differ more than men and men, but the same meaningless statement of "not really all that different" could apply to and often gets used to refer to genders, and the smaller differences within gender are still more than enough to allow for brain differences.

Ah, so you admit that neural connections highly determine our personalities and thoughts (and therefore actions),

"Highly?" Stop ascribing descriptive terms to my views that serve no purpose other than to prop up your own arguments.

You just said that the "neural connections are not atomically identical from one person's brain to the next; if they were we'd all have identical personalities and thoughts". IOW differences in connections create differences in personalities and thoughts. How is that not indicative of one "highly" influencing the other? This is one of the only things you get right about neuroscience, so why dishonestly deny that you acknowledge it?

yet in the next breath argue that differences in neural connonections are too "minute" to create psychological differences between people. What's that again?

Learn some reading comprehension, please; I said nothing of the sort.
It is exactly what you said. You dismissed differences in neural connections as "those kind of minute differences" and not fundamental to variances in human cognition. Your whole argument rests upon this assumption.

Then you should easily be able to find many peer reviewed neuroscience articles concluding that African and European brains differ on no dimension that any brains could differ on that is relevant to any psychological processes. You cannot, because it isn't anything anyone literate in neuroscience would ever utter.

Excuse me? Are you SERIOUSLY asking me to find you peer reviewed articles that show not only that there's *no* difference, but that there *couldn't* be?

Yes, because you are the one making the extremist definitive claims. You are claiming that it is "a scientific fact" that European and African brains are "identical" and that there "aren't any biological differences [sufficient to] lead to different behavior and psychology".

Do you not understand how science fucking *works*?
If you want to claim a scientific "fact" as you repeatedly have, then you need evidence to support it. That is how science works. And yet, you've failed to even attempt to provide a single study show that the brains are "identical" as you claim, let alone the thousands of studies using thousands of brains and methods that don't even exist yet in order to provide evidence that no differences exist, again you have repeatedly claimed. Note you have not claimed a mere lack of observed differences but that it is a fact that no differences exist, observed or otherwise.

If you want to make the claim that there are differences in brain structure between different ethnicities
A claim I never made nor implied and which is not assumed in anything I have said.

No, my statement is based upon being actually aware of the state of neuroscience
Nobody who'se actually aware of the state of neuroscience would be trying to paint a picture of our knowledge as being so insufficient as to make it a toss-up in regards to this question.
Yes, they would, because such differences are 100% consistent with everything that we do already know and the countless billions of differences that could exist given the known dimension on which people could vary make those difference quite plausible, and make your assertions of “identical” brains as “scientific fact” completely irrational and unscientific.

and of the fact that most of what their is to know about the human brain, the trillions of ways in which brains can differ, and the numerous ways that any difference can impact psychological processes is still unknown. I am aware that nothing in the science of neuropsychology precludes the possibility of measurable neuro-based psychological differences between Africans and Europeans. I am aware that only gross ignorance of these areas of science could allow for statements like yours to be made.

And once again, you're demonstrating both an ignorance of science, and dishonesty. First of all, neither I nor anyone else claimed the possibility does not exist.
You have claimed that it is a “scientific fact” that “there actually aren’t any biological differences” and that the brains are “identical”. If something merely hasn’t been observed yet because no one has looked very thoroughly, then there is no “scientific fact” other than the fact that no one has looked. It is true that it is nearly impossible to prove a negative, which is why no literate scientist assert the absence of something as a “scientific fact”, because such assertions are inherently irrational and unscientific , except maybe if the thing in question is extremely specific and the search for it extremely exhaustive. Note that it not even a “fact” that there are no differences according to current science. Current science allows for the very real plausibility of such differences and nothing in science suggest they don’t exist. The lack of already observed differences is utterly meaningless and mute on the issue since something can’t be observed if no one has looked (and no one has looked for 99% of the potential differences that could exist). You simply have been caught in irrational nonsense you cannot support and made extremist ideological assertions that you are now trying to backpeddle out of and pretend that all you meant was “No differences have been observed”. Had you said or in any way implied that this discussion would have ended long ago with my simple response of “Correct, but that is meaningless since no one has looked. “

and science is not in the business of making far-reaching assertions like yours without the evidence lining up.
Science is in the business of using general facts that are known to speculate about what is plausible and probable (it happens every second in ever field and the best scientists do it all the time). We reserve claims that something plausible is a “scientific fact” until we have more direct evidence of it. Likewise, no scientist ever claims something does not exist before anyone has bothered to look, which is exactly what you have done.
Just because science might one day discover that reality is just an illusion and there really is a god that create the universe 15 seconds ago with our memories in place, doesn't mean it is a scientific statement *today*.
My assertions are all consistent with what is scientifically known. Nothing we know currently needs to be revised in order for there to be brain differences between these groups. Such differences would be perfectly consistent with and in fact provide added support to all relevant scientific theories. That is my point, that such differences are highly plausible because they would make perfect sense given the general facts we already know and the billions of pathways and brain variables by which any differences could emerge. I have not made assertions about differences that actually exist. It is you who have made definitive and extremist assertions that no differences exist and that the brains are “identical”. These are completely irrational and unscientific assertions. IF no differences have been observed to date that would be completely meaningless for you to point out because it would have zero relevance to anything I have said. I made a theoretical argument about the plausibility of yet unknown differences existing based upon general relevant facts that are known. You made no effort to challenge the assumptions of that argument and instead simply asserted that my conclusion has already been proven wrong because it is “scientific fact” that no differences exist and that the brains are “identical”.

Wrong. Nothing I have said requires that the between group differences be greater than what can be observed between members of the same group.

Actually, it does. You have consistently been talking about biological differences between ethnic groups that account for different psychology and behavior. This becomes completely *meaningless*, however, if those differences are the exact same sort of variation we see between members of the same ethnicity. You can't argue that the apples of one farm are fundamentally different from those of another farm
There is that word you keep meaninglessly tossing about. Nowhere have I said or that anyone’s or any group’s brain is “fundamentally different” from another. That is your strawman invention to make it seem like I am assuming one group has frontal lobes and the other doesn’t. I have only ever implied a strongly probability of their being a “difference”. In fact, I have repeatedly rejected the notion of one group being able to do X and the other being unable, or one group lacking a brain basic structure that the other one has. I have only ever referred to potential differences in matters of degree and in tendencies that vary across individuals but can also vary in the central tendencies (the averages) for each group around which individuals in each group vary.

Your height example doesn't really address this either; since it relies on the assumption that a general difference exists without any evidence for it. Yes, women tend to be shorter than men, and the fact that you can find a woman taller than the average difference doesn't change this. This is not, however, analogous to the subject we're talking about, since there's no evidence of such a general difference in brain structure.

It is perfectly analogous to the issue being illustrated, which is that two groups can differ in tendencies even though the variation in that dimensions is greater within each group than between them. It doesn’t matter whether there is direct evidence of a between group difference in brains. The point is that you are absolutely wrong that between group differences are “meaningless” if there is similar level of variation within the groups. It is really science 101. Anyone who understands what a simple t-test of differences between means would understand what I am talking about. In most scientific experiments when 2 conditions are significantly different, it is still the case that their distributions on the outcome variable greatly overlap and that the within group variance is as great or greater than the between group difference in central tendency. It is clear that you would fail any test of introductory undergraduate research methods.

Merely having differences in the average number of neural connections from the Amygdala to any of the numerous brain regions it connects to would be more than enough.
Which would approach an actual argument if we in fact found such differences to exist...

... we have not.
My argument has never been anything more than claiming that there have been countless environmental pressures that could have produced brain differences and billions of ways that brains could have been impacted to produce group level differences in tendencies, despite large levels of within group variation. I have merely stated differences are highly plausible, you have made the extremist and unscientific assertion that it is a “scientific fact” that no differences exist and that the brains are “identical”. Yes, we need to attempt to make the observations to see if differences exist, both before claiming a difference exists and before claiming (as you have) that no differences exist. Only you have made assertions that require such evidence. My assertions have been merely that that is plausible enough that it is worth looking and that no honest or knowledgeable scientists would be the least bit surprised to find such differences.

Stop tossing around words like "fundamental" when you clearly have no clue how the brain works and how it determines cognition.
Only when you stop accusing people of not having a clue how the brain works before launching into an explanation I already grasped perfectly well back before I could even grow a beard.
Sorry, but no one with the slightest grasp of neuroscience, let alone who grasps it “perfectly well” would ever would ever claim that neural connections are not “fundamental” to psychological variance or that it is a “scientific fact” that two human populations have “identical” brains. I look forward to your backpeddling denying that you have made such claims, despite the fact that without these claims nothing you’ve said in any way contradicts anything I have said.

This illustrates your strawman creation. You are limiting differences to those where one group completely lacks a psychological feature like perceiving color that another population has. That is like saying "Africans experience intense fear, while Europeans completely lack the capacity for experiencing fear. Where is anyone anywhere making such a claim? No one is talking about all or nothing traits where one group has X and the other does not. Nearly every psychological trait is something that varies in degree and quantity, plus in relative degree in relation to other traits.

Yes, you're very clever for misrepresenting as my actual position what I stated to be an *example*; examples, particularly those of the hypothetical kind, tend to be exaggerated for the purposes of discussion.

Your exaggerated example is a very good example of how your entire argument rests upon a straw man exaggeration that any meaningful difference must be a "fundamental difference in brain structure", even though no such extreme differences are needed for highly significant, impactful, and meaningful differences in biologically driven psychological tendencies. Your whole nonsense about group differences having to be qualitatively different from within group variance (a claim inconsistent with every branch of science) rest on this silly straw man. Groups can differ in meaningful ways along the same dimension the individuals within a group differ. Any way in which two persons can differ is a way in which 2 groups can differ in their central tendencies. If you are more aggressive than me, the group we belong to could still be less aggressive than another group, even if one of both of us happen to be more aggressive than some people from that group. It appears that entire argument stems from a basic failure to grasp this simple fact of how within and between group variance on a continuous dimension operates.

A population has a central tendency around with degree of that trait vary and that variance can itself vary in how dispersed or clustered it is, whether it is skewed, bimodal, etc.. It is these averages and/or nature of the distributions for each sub-population that is all anyone is referring to when they talk about psychological differences. For example, if the average ratio of number of connections between the amygdala and the thalamus to the connections between the amygdala and the visual cortex was 8:5 for Europeans versus 5:5 for Africans that could impact psychological processes and thus the outputted behaviors in numerous ways.

And again, you'd have an actual argument if there was actual science demonstrating this to be so.

However, if you want me or anyone else to take this idea to be at all likely, *you* are going to have to point us at some actual *evidence*.
My argument is only that what is known make such differences plausible. I don't need any direct evidence of specific differences for that argument. In fact, such known differences would mean my argument of plausibility is mute, because it is an observed fact that they exist. There has been almost zero attempt to compare European and African brains in most of the ways that would matter for psychological differences (e.g., those “minute” differences you dismiss but that account for most variance in human thought processes). Thus, we wouldn’t expect observed differences if no valid effort has even been made to engage in such observations. To date what we have are many relevant basic facts evolution and neuroscience which together make brain differences between sub-groups with differing environmental histories a strong probability. These are the basic facts about human evolution, the role of environment , variance in environments of sub-groups, variance in the variance of environments for each sub-group, and evidence of the genetic influence on the many brain factors I listed that can combine in billions of ways to produce differences between people, thus allowing for billions of brain features natural selection could impact over 100,000 years to produce measurable psychological and behavioral differences. Then we also have many known biological and genetic differences between these sub-groups. Despite your blind dismissal of the genetic differences between groups, using the full genome of people, they can be categorized according to which human sub-group they belong to with a very high degree of accuracy. This is only possible because while each single difference is only modestly discriminating between groups, there are so many differences that their combination

I realize of course, that it's much easier and more convenient for you to ask me to disprove your idea,
I didn’t ask you to disprove my idea. My idea is merely that what we know in general makes such differences very plausible. To disprove that you would need to refute the basic facts of evolution and human cognition. You have tried the latter by asserting that the billions of variables that produce most variance in human cognition are merely "minute" and "meaningless" differences that couldn't produce group differences in psychology. I have explained how that is absurd and against almost everything in neuroscience in the last 30 years.
What I asked you to do what to provide evidence for your own extremist claim that is is a "scientific fact" that the brains are "identical". That requires evidence to be anything but the pure ideological faith that we both know it is.

Provide some compelling evidence, or expect your notions to be rejected as baseless conjecture.
I have provided extensive bases for my conjectures and you haven't challenged any of it. Instead you have asserted that the probability of differences can be rejected without considering my underlying argument because we already know that no differences in the brains exist as a matter of scientific fact. You're wrong, we don't know anything of the sort. All we know is that such differences could occur in billions of ways and would be consistent with everything we already do know, and that nothing we know precludes their possibility and that no effort has been made to seriously look for such differences.

Wrong. The brain would be the proximal cause of the psychological experience of colorblindness. Genes and experience impact brain biology, then biology impacts psychology. Thus, brain biology is always more causally proximal cause of psychology than genes or experience.

Proximal; situated toward the point of origin. The brain develops based on instructions from the genes, and is acted upon by biological processes that are subservient/dependent upon the genes. So no, the biology of the brain is NOT always the proximal cause.
That is not the definition of proximal cause. Proximal cause is in contrast to “distal” causes that are further away from the consequence being caused in the causal chain of events. The proximate cause is the one that more immediately precedes the event being explained. IOW, it is the cause situated toward the destination point (the effect) and NOT toward the origin point, which would be the original and most distal cause. The brain is causally closer than genes or environment to the behavior being explained, thus is the more proximal cause of the behavior. If a chain of events is X --> Y --> Z, then the more proximal cause of Z is Y.
from [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proximate_and_ultimate_causation" said:
Wiki on "Proximate and Ultimate Causatio[/URL]n]
A proximate cause is an event which is closest to, or immediately responsible for causing, some observed result. This exists in contrast to a higher-level ultimate cause (or distal cause)
• Example: Why did the ship sink?
• Proximate cause: Because it was holed beneath the waterline, water entered the hull and the ship became denser than the water which supported it, so it could not stay afloat.
• Ultimate cause: Because the ship hit a rock which tore open the hole in the ship's hull.
You asserted that "the genetics aren't really all that different" between africans and Europeans as support for your claim that "there actually aren't any biological differences" related to psychological processes and thus "the brain's identical" between the groups.

That is not quite what I asserted, but alright.

It is highly similar to the claims many make about male and female being not very different genetically and therefore unlikely to have any biologically based psychological differences.

No, it is not even remotely similar to that claim. Especially since there *are* significant differences that are clear and identifiable between men and women, while no such significant differences exist between members of the same gender but different ethnic groups. You're trying to paint me as someone who'se comparing apples and oranges, and it's not very convincing.

Sure, men and women differ more than men and men, but the same meaningless statement of "not really all that different" could apply to and often gets used to refer to genders, and the smaller differences within gender are still more than enough to allow for brain differences.

It is completely *irrelevant* what other people the statement of 'not really that different' to. Nobody in this thread applied it to that topic, and so it is irrelevant. Get over it.

You just said that the "neural connections are not atomically identical from one person's brain to the next; if they were we'd all have identical personalities and thoughts". IOW differences in connections create differences in personalities and thoughts. How is that not indicative of one "highly" influencing the other? This is one of the only things you get right about neuroscience, so why dishonestly deny that you acknowledge it?

"Highly" is a subjective term that, when you apply it to my position in my stead, is meant purely to make it appear I hold a view more closely aligned to your own than I in fact do. It is dishonest. I did not, and would not, use that term. So don't ascribe it to me.

It is exactly what you said.

No, what I said was that the differences do not translate over entire groups.

Yes, because you are the one making the extremist definitive claims. You are claiming that it is "a scientific fact" that European and African brains are "identical" and that there "aren't any biological differences [sufficient to] lead to different behavior and psychology".

Again, no. Stop trying to define *my* position. I can do that myself, thank you very much. What I'm claiming is that there is no *evidence* of what you're saying; and that it is a fact that we haven't thus far identified any of these supposed psychological differences nor any biological mechanisms to explain them.

You're the one making the positive claim; that there's such a mechanism/difference. That means *you* have the burden of proof. Get to it. If you want to claim that there are such fundamental differences between the brains of different ethnic groups, then *you* are the one who will have to provide the evidence. Then, furthermore, if you want to claim that those differences result in psychological differences; *you* are once again the person who will have to provide the evidence.

I no more have to prove the opposite to you than you have to prove that I haven't invented the timemachine I keep in my kitchen.

You simply have been caught in irrational nonsense you cannot support and made extremist ideological assertions that you are now trying to backpeddle out of and pretend that all you meant was “No differences have been observed”.

Regardless of your emotional need to pigeonhole me like that, I am not backpeddling. My assertion has *always* been that there is no evidence of these sorts of difference, irrespective of whatever language I may have used to express that or your apparent inability to comprehend said language.

Had you said or in any way implied that this discussion would have ended long ago with my simple response of “Correct, but that is meaningless since no one has looked."

Congratulations, you just 'proved' to every theist on the planet that the fact they haven't managed to produce evidence for god is meaningless since we haven't looked for the evidence in every corner of the universe. He could be hiding behind an asteroid on the far side of betelgeuse, or something. :rolleyes:

My assertions are all consistent with what is scientifically known. Nothing we know currently needs to be revised in order for there to be brain differences between these groups.

A fact which does nothing to make the assertions more likely, however.

Such differences would be perfectly consistent with and in fact provide added support to all relevant scientific theories. That is my point, that such differences are highly plausible because they would make perfect sense given the general facts we already know and the billions of pathways and brain variables by which any differences could emerge.

"highly plausible?"; no. They are by no means "highly" plausible. There you go using that word again.

Furthermore, the supposed plausibility of a hypothesis really doesn't have anything to do with the reality of said hypothesis. Lots of things are perfectly plausible, even highly so, without actually being true.

I have not made assertions about differences that actually exist.

I find it 'highly implausible' that you would be protesting my posts so much if you *didn't* believe these differences actually exist.

It is you who have made definitive and extremist assertions that no differences exist and that the brains are “identical”. These are completely irrational and unscientific assertions.

When mainstream neuroscience starts telling me that it's reversing its position and that there really are substantial fundamental differences between ethnic group's brains, then I'll adopt the new position. Even were I to do so, however, it would not make my current position either irrational or 'unscientific'.

IF no differences have been observed to date that would be completely meaningless for you to point out because it would have zero relevance to anything I have said.

While absence of evidence is not evidence of absence; it is most certainly fucking relevant when someone's making claims that aren't backed up by evidence.

I made a theoretical argument about the plausibility of yet unknown differences existing based upon general relevant facts that are known. You made no effort to challenge the assumptions of that argument and instead simply asserted that my conclusion has already been proven wrong because it is “scientific fact” that no differences exist and that the brains are “identical”.

Once again, stop trying to define my position for me, kthnx.

There is that word you keep meaninglessly tossing about. Nowhere have I said or that anyone’s or any group’s brain is “fundamentally different” from another. That is your strawman invention to make it seem like I am assuming one group has frontal lobes and the other doesn’t. I have only ever implied a strongly probability of their being a “difference”.

Now who'se backtracking?

And no, i'm not accusing you of asserting that one group has frontal lobes and another doesn't. What the hell do you think I mean by 'fundamental' differences!?

In fact, I have repeatedly rejected the notion of one group being able to do X and the other being unable, or one group lacking a brain basic structure that the other one has. I have only ever referred to potential differences in matters of degree and in tendencies that vary across individuals but can also vary in the central tendencies (the averages) for each group around which individuals in each group vary.

And that still relies on there needing to be fundamental differences between groups. You DO understand that by 'fundamental' difference, I mean 'any neurological difference that is the result of base ethnic-wide genetics as opposed to normal variance between individuals', right?


It is perfectly analogous to the issue being illustrated, which is that two groups can differ in tendencies even though the variation in that dimensions is greater within each group than between them.

I don't think you quite understand what you're actually saying here. Or what I'm saying for that matter. I'm not asserting what you think I am. I'm asserting that the *pattern* of variation; based purely on biological psychological factors; is likely to be IDENTICAL between the two groups. If the pattern of variation is identical (accounting for cultural influence), then you have no argument.

Sorry, but no one with the slightest grasp of neuroscience, let alone who grasps it “perfectly well” would ever would ever claim that neural connections are not “fundamental” to psychological variance or that it is a “scientific fact” that two human populations have “identical” brains.

Your personal definition of the word 'fundamental' is clearly not the same as my own; as evidenced by your prior inability to understand what I was saying. Whether this is a failing on your end, or the result of English not being my native language, I can not say. But I think it highly plausible that it is the result of you being unable or unwilling to understand colloquial usage of words.
Your exaggerated example is a very good example of how your entire argument rests upon a straw man exaggeration that any meaningful difference must be a "fundamental difference in brain structure", even though no such extreme differences are needed for highly significant, impactful, and meaningful differences in biologically driven psychological tendencies.

Ignoring the fact that by 'fundamental difference'; I do *not* mean "extreme difference".

My idea is merely that what we know in general makes such differences very plausible. To disprove that you would need to refute the basic facts of evolution and human cognition. You have tried the latter by asserting that the billions of variables that produce most variance in human cognition are merely "minute" and "meaningless" differences that couldn't produce group differences in psychology. I have explained how that is absurd and against almost everything in neuroscience in the last 30 years.

I'm getting tired of repeating myself; that's not what I asserted. I asserted that there's no evidence that these differences are distributed based on ethnicity; not that they couldn't account for psychological differences if they were.

What I asked you to do what to provide evidence for your own extremist claim that is is a "scientific fact" that the brains are "identical". That requires evidence to be anything but the pure ideological faith that we both know it is.

Ignoring the fact I have never made that claim.

I have provided extensive bases for my conjectures and you haven't challenged any of it.

That's because there's nothing to challenge. If these differences exist, your conjecturing might turn into actual scientific fact.

So fucking what? The same is true for any claim, no matter how plausible or implausible. No matter how sane or crazy. I'm not interested in challenging your hypothetical arguments.

That is not the definition of proximal cause.

Wikipedia is not a dictionary.

However, I will concede the point. Not that it really matters, but ok.

Incidentally, I will not respond again unless there's a return to a less broken up format (or something actually new said); I know that I'm usually the first to start breaking up other people's posts so I can quote and address individual points, but this is getting ridiculous.
Here's a fairly adequate takedown of Nicholas Wade's ideas in statistics/social science terms:


I link because no one else has brought it up.

FYI, and since it was brought to my attention in the old forums, we no longer need genetics to explain apparent IQ testing deficiencies among North American minorities, we now know that Leaded Gas was in the mix.


The Mother Jones author does not come to the conclusion that the IQ data in "The Bell Shaped Curve" can be accepted as the result of disproportionate pollution in inner cities causing developmental deficiencies and the Racial Inferiority hypothesis can be thrown out, but it's obvious that it logically follows if everything in his article is true. No one to my knowledge has done a racial comparison of standardized test scores since the last group of children who grew up with active lead contamination reached adulthood in the mid 1990s, but it ought to show a diminution of racial variation in those scores since that time.

As to the reason Europe beat out China and India in the technology race, this is also pretty obvious from Guns, Germs and Steel, although Jared Diamond himself did not notice the argument, and perhaps no one who hasn't worked in publishing would think of it: It was, until very recently, massively more expensive to print books in Chinese than it is in the Western European languages, because we work with a set of only about 30 characters for our movable type printing presses as opposed traditional Chinese's tens of thousands. Books being more expensive means fewer are written and a corpus of "Classics" that every educated person is expected to be familiar with dominate most libraries. That describes the situation in both China and Europe until Europe adopted China's printing technology and the massive unearned cultural advantage of its alphabet became a technology accelerator. "The Western Classics" in education stayed around much, much longer after the need to establish such an educational canon evaporated, of course.

The reason the Latin and Greek/Cyrillic alphabets stayed so short might have to do with the political fragmentation Diamond talked about, but the Latin and Greek alphabets coalesced mostly because of the violent political and social discontinuity the Classical civilizations had with their Bronze Age forebears in Babylon and Egypt, the latter of which continued using its hieroglyphic script down to the Roman Conquest. China still uses, with modifications, the same writing system it had in the Bronze Age.

This may mean that (once again) Europe got lucky with the existence of the Mediterranean.

Interestingly, Japan quickly pulled ahead of China technologically when outside contact was restored in the Nineteenth century, and Japanese uses a simpler syllabery writing system that is better suited to the printing press which probably developed by virtue of its political isolation from China.

Nicholas Wade is not a racist. In his new book, A Troublesome Inheritance, the former science writer for the New York Times states this explicitly. “It is not automatically racist to consider racial categories as a possible explanatory factor.” He then explains why white people are better because of their genes. In fairness, Wade does not say Caucasians are better per se, merely better adapted (because of their genes) to the modern economic institutions that Western society has created, and which now dominate the world’s economy and culture. In contrast, Africans are better adapted to hot-headed tribalism while East Asians are better adapted to authoritarian political structures. “Looking at the three principal races, one can see that each has followed a different evolutionary path as it adapted to its local circumstances.” It’s not prejudice; it’s science.

I think the best science articles are the ones that start with "[Scientist X] is not a racist."
Sounds like Lokey from the Avengers.
Duke Leto:
Interestingly, Japan quickly pulled ahead of China technologically when outside contact was restored in the Nineteenth century, and Japanese uses a simpler syllabery writing system that is better suited to the printing press which probably developed by virtue of its political isolation from China.
Are you sure about the relative complexity of Japanese and Chinese script? As I understand it, Japanese uses many of the Chinese characters, as well as two more sets of characters: that is Japanese is written in three different sets of characters. It certainly sounds complicated.


- - - Updated - - -

Sounds like Lokey from the Avengers.
That would be Loki.


Double checked.

The first script is a replication of the Chinese characters, but the two kana scripts are syllabyleries. It does appear that kanji is more in use than I thought, but typesetting only half the time in hieroglyphics is much better than typesetting all the time with hieroglyphics.
Double checked.

The first script is a replication of the Chinese characters, but the two kana scripts are syllabyleries. It does appear that kanji is more in use than I thought, but typesetting only half the time in hieroglyphics is much better than typesetting all the time with hieroglyphics.

Maybe the Japanese learnt foreign languages in greater numbers and with a different sense of purpose. After all it was the Germans who reorganised their Army and the British their Navy. For a long time their modern technology was a simple copy of the West's technology. I don't know about their printing, but if you knew English and German at the end of the 19th century, you could learn all the technology the world knew then.
Interestingly, Japan quickly pulled ahead of China technologically when outside contact was restored in the Nineteenth century, and Japanese uses a simpler syllabery writing system that is better suited to the printing press which probably developed by virtue of its political isolation from China.

That can actually primarily be be explained by Rangaku; "Dutch Learning"; though. Contrary to popular misconception, the Japanese were very interested in learning about western science and technology during the Sakoku era. The Dutch sold western scientific knowledge to the Japanese; there were literally thousands of Dutch and other western science books translated into Japanese and published during the era. Because of the Dutch dominance in the far east, the Japanese didn't really have to worry that Sakoku would be broken by other European powers; and because of the limited nature of the relationship (and their own culture at the time), they couldn't just rely on Dutch technology and science imports either. Rangaku allowed them to be aware of western science far more so than other Asian powers of the time were, and allowed the Japanese to build their own theoretical base of science which they used to rapidly modernize after Sakoku ended. The simpler writing system may have had something to do with it in that it made it simpler to translate and print western books; but I think that would still have happened either way under the circumstances.

4321lynx said:
Maybe the Japanese learnt foreign languages in greater numbers and with a different sense of purpose.

Until Perry, the Japanese really only learned Dutch, as that was the only western language worth knowing to them since they had no contact with other European nations.

After all it was the Germans who reorganised their Army and the British their Navy.

First I've heard of this. It was the French who helped develop the Imperial Army (and later the Airforce); the Prussians came later. The Italians helped them with their foundries, and it was the Dutch that first helped modernize their coastal defenses and fleet (the first Japanese steam warship was Dutch built). The British came a little later, when Japan wanted to greatly expand its navy.

For a long time their modern technology was a simple copy of the West's technology.

While not exactly incorrect, it gives a distorted view of the reality. For instance, they managed to create a near perfect copy of a three masted Dutch barque based on nothing more than technical drawings. That requires a substantial theoretical scientific base to accomplish, and is hardly 'simple'.
Last edited:
My argument has never been anything more than claiming that there have been countless environmental pressures that could have produced brain differences and billions of ways that brains could have been impacted to produce group level differences in tendencies, despite large levels of within group variation. I have merely stated differences are highly plausible, you have made the extremist and unscientific assertion that it is a “scientific fact” that no differences exist and that the brains are “identical”.

Actually, you're claiming much more than that. Back in post #28 when you said "that human subpopulation largely aligned with what are referred to as "races" are biologically different in many ways that matter for human psychology, cognition, emotion, and behavioral temperament", and again in this post when you talk about comparing "European and African brains".

You are claiming that there are plausibly between-group psychological differences, but you are furthermore assuming that, if they exist, they align with "races". That is implausible even if we were to concede your more general point.

When we look at known cases of population level differences caused by environmental pressures, they don't tend to align with "races". This isn't really surprising either since environmental parameters don't very well align with "races" either. Similarly genetic clustering of population tells us a lot about migratory history and very little about past selective pressures: A gene that confers a selective advantage in certain environments will find it easy to spread across to populations with different genealogies even when overall gene flow between the populations is way too low too eradicate the fingerprint of their genalogies. Thus, genetic variants associated with traits that would confer selective advantages in some but not other environments can confidentally be predicted to vary less between "races" then phenotypically neutral genetic variants.

Here's an example of actual (as opposed to, maybe, if we buy your premises, hypothetically plausible) adaptive variation between groups: The number of copies of a gene producing amylase, an enzyme needed to break down starch. The number of copies is positively correlated with the amount of the protein in the saliva, and indeed we find between group differences in the number of copies, correlating with the starch content of the groups' traditional diets (although with large overlap between the groups, as would be the case for the kind of differences you're trying to defend):

Starch consumption is a prominent characteristic of agricultural societies and hunter-gatherers in arid environments. In contrast, rainforest and circum-arctic hunter-gatherers and some pastoralists consume much less starch. We found that copy number of the salivary amylase gene (AMY1) is correlated positively with salivary amylase protein level and that individuals from populations with high-starch diets have, on average, more AMY1 copies than those with traditionally low-starch diets. [...] Notably, the proportion of individuals from the combined high-starch sample with at least six AMY1 copies (70%) was nearly two times greater than that for low-starch populations (37%).


So, all in all, an example of the kind of differences you're talking about: Clearly caused by the environment (and to some extent by the environment as a cultural product, since dietary choices are cultural), and with strong overlap between groups but nonetheless significant and fairly large differences between the group means.

But: The differences aren't "racial": The groups sampled include the Datooga (low-starch pastoralists) and the Hadza (high-starch hunter gatherers with high reliance on tubers), both from central Tanzania, as well as the Japanese (high-starch rice based) and the Yakuts (low-starch pastoralists and fishers) both from North-East Asia.

There's no reason to suspect that any hypothetical cognitive differences between groups would pattern along "races" either.
Then we also have many known biological and genetic differences between these sub-groups. Despite your blind dismissal of the genetic differences between groups, using the full genome of people, they can be categorized according to which human sub-group they belong to with a very high degree of accuracy.

A fact which has a lot to do with the history of human migrations, and which is neither here nor there when it comes to past selective pressures.

Wrong. The brain would be the proximal cause of the psychological experience of colorblindness. Genes and experience impact brain biology, then biology impacts psychology. Thus, brain biology is always more causally proximal cause of psychology than genes or experience.

Proximal; situated toward the point of origin. <snip>

You managed to get one thing right: dystopian was confused about the meaning of "proximate".
Jeez Dystopian, that's a whole lotta Dutch in that post...

That can't be helped; since we were the only westerners allowed into Japan for like 3 centuries, as such our influence was vastly disproportionate. It lingered for a bit after Sakoku ended; but dissipated pretty quickly as by then we'd stopped being a Great Power for some time. There's some interesting stories from that time; such as how Fukuzawa Yukichi (who'se considered one of the founders of modern Japan due to his liberal ideas and writings on government) was asked by his family to learn Dutch (a lot of influential families had at least one member who could at least read the language) shortly after Perry first entered Japan, so that he could study European cannon designs. He became fluent in Dutch, and then traveled to one of the ports opened to western trade only to find, to his dismay and confusion, that all the traders were speaking English instead.
Jeez Dystopian, that's a whole lotta Dutch in that post...

That can't be helped; since we were the only westerners allowed into Japan for like 3 centuries, as such our influence was vastly disproportionate. It lingered for a bit after Sakoku ended; but dissipated pretty quickly as by then we'd stopped being a Great Power for some time. There's some interesting stories from that time; such as how Fukuzawa Yukichi (who'se considered one of the founders of modern Japan due to his liberal ideas and writings on government) was asked by his family to learn Dutch (a lot of influential families had at least one member who could at least read the language) shortly after Perry first entered Japan, so that he could study European cannon designs. He became fluent in Dutch, and then traveled to one of the ports opened to western trade only to find, to his dismay and confusion, that all the traders were speaking English instead.

Now I know why my Japanese wife loves to cook croquetes...
Are you sure about the relative complexity of Japanese and Chinese script? As I understand it, Japanese uses many of the Chinese characters, as well as two more sets of characters: that is Japanese is written in three different sets of characters. It certainly sounds complicated.
It's pretty much the same as English in this respect. The two native Japanese character sets are small and almost a one-to-one match for each other -- there's just a convention for when you use one or the other -- exactly the way English uses upper case and lower case letters. And you can write everything with just these symbols, which stand for the basic sounds of the language, but it's faster to supplement them with symbols that stand for whole words instead of writing every word out phonetically, just as English does with symbols such as 7 and $. So it's only a difference of degree -- there are over a thousand Chinese characters in everyday use. The language itself isn't well-suited to getting rid of them, because it's heavily packed with homonyms, which make it hard to disambiguate what you're reading when it's written out phonetically.
Some intrinsic factors, several accidental factors and then the first mover advantages.
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