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Other oddities like sun sneezing, piss shivers and body jerks when falling asleep?


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
I have had all three of these happen many times. Are there other ones that you are aware of without looking them up?

I could easily look this category up, but what would be the fun in that?
Piss shivers intrigue me because I nearly have a full orgasm every time I urinate. No semen is involved but I do break out in beads of sweat and mumble to muself. In a public bathroom I said (oh yeah take me home mama bear) as if I had Turrets. You may think that is a joke but I really did that. I learned to control my vocals since the phenomenon started, shortly after a back surgery, actually. I can count on it every time I pee, now. I've had a 50-60% decrease in semen overall, when it comes to actual orgasms. I don't know if there is connection there.

Is this what "piss shivers" mean to anyone else? Pretty good slang anyway. Thank you
I have had all three of these happen many times. Are there other ones that you are aware of without looking them up?

I could easily look this category up, but what would be the fun in that?

IIRC sun sneezing has a pretty well-understood neurological mechanism.

Another popular idea takes a more evolutionary approach to hypnic jerks, explaining that the spasms are an ancient primate reflex to the relaxation of muscles during the onset of sleep — the brain essentially misinterprets the relaxation as a sign that the sleeping primate is falling out of a tree, and causes the muscles to quickly react.
I sometimes have it.
Was thinkin that maybe I perceive the pain of a kidney stone as an orgasm. That is my only conclusion, and not many people are willing to open up about the subject. I can't possibly be the only one.
Was thinkin that maybe I perceive the pain of a kidney stone as an orgasm. That is my only conclusion, and not many people are willing to open up about the subject. I can't possibly be the only one.

There are people who climax hundreds of times a day. Don't even have to work for it. Never heard of anyone orgasm while peeing though...congrats.
I feel like an object is inside where my adenoids would be, when I q-tip. I feel the Q-tip deeper than I should, and it makes me gag sometimes, seyorni.

OLDMAN I enjoyed my urination orgasms for a while. If I'm in public, it really puts pressure on me to NOT MUMBLE when I am done. Like, "yeah you know you liked that" -as if I've just done something unspeakable to a urinal. It is hard to control what you say during an orgasm. Now I'll just whisper, as if I'm talking to myself. I have a few key phrases that blurt out after a urine-gasm. I say the word "bear" a lot". "Honey bear" or "mama bear". Quite embarrassing at first, before I learned control my mouth.

The orgasm is acute. There is no build up. As soon as the pee is gone from my bladder, the head of my penis goes into total orgasm, including actual throbbing movements and color change. How could I EVER tell a urodynamics specialist something like this? I simply could not, so I live with it. I only pee twice a day lately anyway. I was masturbating more than that back in my prime, so I don't see any threat to my health, unless there is a gigantic stone in my penis.. causing such intense pain, that my brain has no option but perceive it as great pleasure.
Don't forget brain zaps. Those hit me when I'm drifting off to sleep. I know a good lot of people who suffer the brain zaps when falling asleep. I get them in my chest all the time. Chest zaps? Like unspent energy that needs spent before you can sleep, or something
Don't forget brain zaps. Those hit me when I'm drifting off to sleep. I know a good lot of people who suffer the brain zaps when falling asleep. I get them in my chest all the time. Chest zaps? Like unspent energy that needs spent before you can sleep, or something

sounds related to hypnic jerk.
Same kind of adrenaline-ish feeling. Logged it as hypna jerk because it sounds more hip hop. Sleeping with a crystal clears that up sometimes. Who can say why, probably just placebo crystal, which also sounds really hip hop to me. All of these words do.

I lost my hypnacrystal and never got another because who the hell buys crystals ya know. I'm thinking the hypna zap would clear up from a nice creek-found crystal, and the orgasmic piss shivers are possibly a gift I'm misperceiving. Drank a gallon of liquid yesterday out of boredom. Things could be worse on the piss shivers front.
Yes, yes, and yes. The sleep thing happens to me in my jaw most often. It will just flex out of nowhere. If my teeth are together, it's just startling. If not, I end up biting the crap out of my tongue. It's weird. Everything's peaceful and I'm off to la la land and out of the blue, CHOMP!
don't forget the jimmy legs. Kramer invented restless leg syndrome.
Sleep Paralysis exists? Had a girlfriend who cried at night because "a ghost was holding her down". A copper key worn around the neck for a week clears that one up apparently. I think the key has to be kissed by a virgin and soaked in jam or something like that. The information is out there I'm sure. But it really exists as a medical condition you're saying. And you get this sometimes? How often? The slang would be ghost gravity wouldn't it?
Sleep Paralysis exists? Had a girlfriend who cried at night because "a ghost was holding her down". A copper key worn around the neck for a week clears that one up apparently. I think the key has to be kissed by a virgin and soaked in jam or something like that. The information is out there I'm sure. But it really exists as a medical condition you're saying. And you get this sometimes? How often? The slang would be ghost gravity wouldn't it?

It's quite real and can be terrifying. Its believed that people who claim to have been strapped down and probed by aliens were in a state of sleep paralysis, while undergoing hypnogogic hallucinations. Read up on it. Its actually pretty fascinating.
My ex read up on it and mentioned something about aliens. I never paid much attention to her when she was talking. She was just being an idiot I thought. Her situation was psychosomatic because the copper key cured her. Hypnogogic hallucinations added to my pile of awesome words thank you. And sorry you have that btw. I'd suggest a copper key, but yeah.

Do your dreams have anything to do with the hallucination/phenomenon? Anything strange about spiders by chance? She always mentioned spiders, ghosts, ummm. That is all I remember because she talked too much and I took in about .06% of it. The dream angle is what I'm interested in though. No dreams with it?
These are three totally separate things...

Sun Sneezes have less to do with the sun and more to do with the lifting of the head. Leaning your head back moves fluid in your sinuses enough to trigger an impending sneeze.

Urine shivers are related to the prostate. Have yours checked if your urination experience changes. There is quite the knot of nerve endings around there... anything can happen.

Sleep jerks are a common phenomenon related to the brain falling asleep before the body does, in a manner of speaking. The reason you are able to thrash about in your dreams, without flying out of bed (usually), is that the brain, when unconscious, cuts off the signals to the muscles, creating what is known as 'sleep paralysis'. Sleep disorders (or just extreme fatigue) can cause the paralysis to remain after waking, or cause the paralysis to set in late. those falling dreams where you kick yourself awake tend to happen just as you feel like you are falling asleep... it's a timing issue.
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