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Pastor talks about God's wrath on Sarah Silverman regarding her 2005 standup act.

No joke -- I think this guy's name is Adam Fannin. He's a Florida pastor. One quote from his anti-Sarah video clip is "I hope that God breaks her teeth out and she dies." He also calls her a Zionist witch. Some of Sarah's Twitter followers have urged her to report all this to the FBI, and I hope she does. Time to quote Pascal again about the worst of the worst being those who commit acts that purportedly come out of their religion. Rev. Fannin -- can you feel the love? Can everyone see that Christian faith has made him a new man, spiritually reborn, part of the Beloved Community?
2005?? What is god waiting for?

To God, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day. He's actually planning to get to it after lunch, but she'll be long dead and gone by then, so he'll just shrug and drop the matter.
And by the way, since Jesus supposedly had to die for the sins of mankind, wouldn't it be a good thing for him to have been killed? Shouldn't Christians be thanking the Jews, not blaming them? This is one thing I never understood...
It's pretty obvious that Sarah Silverman is already a soulless jezebel in satan's employ, considering she hasn't aged a bit over the last three decades.
Right, isn't she 68? Sarah quote (in character, in case you're a religious right lunatic): 'I don't care if you think I'm racist, as long as you think I'm thin.'
(Actually, I'm not sure today's religious right would have a problem with that.)
And by the way, since Jesus supposedly had to die for the sins of mankind, wouldn't it be a good thing for him to have been killed? Shouldn't Christians be thanking the Jews, not blaming them? This is one thing I never understood...
Well, the story started when God left kids alone with the knowledge of how to behave. And got upset that when they DIDN'T know how to behave, they behaved badly. So he punished them.

Then, the WHOLE WORLD was wicked, because it's just part of man's design that part of him is wicked, so God punished THE WHOLD WORLD. For being as they were made to be.

And later, Moses was given the 10 commandments. And when he took them back to the Hebrews, they were all breaking the commandments ... And God punished them for breaking rules they hadn't yet been given.

So, yeah.It seems quite natural that God sent Jesus down, as a necessary sacrifice for Mankind's sins.
And the Jews set him up for sacrifice.
And God's plan was complete.
Therefore, the Jews must be punished for completing God's plan as He willed it...
And by the way, since Jesus supposedly had to die for the sins of mankind, wouldn't it be a good thing for him to have been killed? Shouldn't Christians be thanking the Jews, not blaming them? This is one thing I never understood...

Sounds like a classic case of utilitarian vs, deontological ethics.
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