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Pentagon has me worried

What some have said about service and command in the military being strong and enough to thwart using armed forces against citizens makes me feel hopeful and relax a bit. But then I remember all the times I felt hopeful and relaxed before and it still went bendy.

Like in the 90s, when I thought the internet would be the end of the cult of scientology, at least in terms of its fraudulent, criminal, abusive nature, and I thought Arnie Lerma posting OT III materials and Miscavige not being able to do anything about it (although for years he committed mountains of abuse and crimes trying, and is still attacking critics) would surely tame that evil beast. But it didn't. The cult is alive and well with little change in how they fleece adherents, attack critics, manipulate and defraud members, and essentially enslave people.

You might think exposing all that would have stopped it. Obviously, it did not. It only scared some lowly innocent employees and caused the not so innocent management to just change a few tactics and lie about "we don't do that anymore."

Lots more of that happened not just with the cult but through the Bush administration, the bigotry and bullshit of the GOP and their fans throughout the Obama administration, and then Obama saying the American people were too sensible to elect Trump. I fucking believed him. Talk about believing what you want to be true and ignoring reality! I might as well be a religious nut.

I don't know about you all, but as great as it is for Biden to win, I feel like the nightmare is not even close to being over or even necessarily on its way out for a long time if ever.
And it's tempting to calm yourself by simply thinking, "Biden's going to un-do all these whack-a-doodles about four minutes after he's inaugurated, so what's to worry? Let these last-minute deadenders have their day in the sun for 15 minutes, and then a grownup will step in."

And, that's true. We're not stuck with them, whether Trump even knows that or not.

But what worries me is...what might they be planning to do BEFORE Jan.20? I think that is a legitimate concern...
And it's tempting to calm yourself by simply thinking, "Biden's going to un-do all these whack-a-doodles about four minutes after he's inaugurated, so what's to worry? Let these last-minute deadenders have their day in the sun for 15 minutes, and then a grownup will step in."

And, that's true. We're not stuck with them, whether Trump even knows that or not.

But what worries me is...what might they be planning to do BEFORE Jan.20? I think that is a legitimate concern...

What might he do after he's out and facing huge overdue loans? He has a huge trove of valuable national secrets and a penchant for advertising the fact.
They are already working on installing a new dictator asap, whether it's Trump himself or Pompeo or someone else, Trump has given the corrupt GOP a wicked playbook and don't think those compromised fucks won't use it with someone more palatable.
What some have said about service and command in the military being strong and enough to thwart using armed forces against citizens makes me feel hopeful and relax a bit. But then I remember all the times I felt hopeful and relaxed before and it still went bendy.

Like in the 90s, when I thought the internet would be the end of the cult of scientology, at least in terms of its fraudulent, criminal, abusive nature, and I thought Arnie Lerma posting OT III materials and Miscavige not being able to do anything about it (although for years he committed mountains of abuse and crimes trying, and is still attacking critics) would surely tame that evil beast. But it didn't. The cult is alive and well with little change in how they fleece adherents, attack critics, manipulate and defraud members, and essentially enslave people.

You might think exposing all that would have stopped it. Obviously, it did not. It only scared some lowly innocent employees and caused the not so innocent management to just change a few tactics and lie about "we don't do that anymore."

Lots more of that happened not just with the cult but through the Bush administration, the bigotry and bullshit of the GOP and their fans throughout the Obama administration, and then Obama saying the American people were too sensible to elect Trump. I fucking believed him. Talk about believing what you want to be true and ignoring reality! I might as well be a religious nut.

I don't know about you all, but as great as it is for Biden to win, I feel like the nightmare is not even close to being over or even necessarily on its way out for a long time if ever.

Personally I'm letting the relief last a while. Even if it's the case that Trump will try a military coup, I'll be better off mentally when it happens.
Opinion | The crisis at the top of the Pentagon is just beginning - The Washington Post
It’s becoming clear that President Trump’s firing of Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper by tweet Monday was only the first step in an effort to remove the entire top Defense Department leadership team and replace it with officials loyal to the president. As more and more senior Pentagon officials lose their jobs, all eyes are on Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley, who has fallen out of favor with many inside the White House.

On Tuesday, the purge widened dramatically as the White House asked for the resignations of three more top Pentagon officials: Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Anderson, Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Joseph Kernan and Pentagon Chief of Staff Jen Stewart. All three are being replaced by staffers more loyal to Trump’s political agenda. Officials said Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist could be the next White House target for dismissal.
But Gen. Milley may be hard for Trump to fire.
Milley would be harder to fire than Esper. He was confirmed by the Senate for a four-year term as chairman in 2019 by a vote of 89 to 1. Replacing him with a political loyalist would be difficult because the Joint Chiefs chairman position has specific requirements, including that it must be filled by a senior military commander (although Trump could exert a waiver). Milley has also worked to stay in Trump’s personal good graces, more successfully than Esper. But officials warned that might not stop the White House officials who want him gone.
It's so much like that much-parodied scene of "Downfall". One pictures Trump getting super angry as he watches the vote turn against him in some swing states, and as he watches his legal challenges to the count get rebuffed. Also getting angry at Congressional Republicans for not doing enough to help him.
It's so much like that much-parodied scene of "Downfall". One pictures Trump getting super angry as he watches the vote turn against him in some swing states, and as he watches his legal challenges to the count get rebuffed. Also getting angry at Congressional Republicans for not doing enough to help him.

There is a Trump election loss version of that parody now. Go look it up.
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