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Vast majority of cases is. And they appear to be admitting that whole bunch of people got sick, prior to Hillary.
And it is a good general rule to assume it's contagious until doctors determine it is not.

Do you think Hillary has not seen a doctor about it? It seems to me that her doctor provided a prognosis to her on Friday, which likely would have indicated whether or not she should quarantine herself for any length of time.
Yes, I do think Hillary would and in this case actually did ignore doctors.
Trumpers are mad as hatters, obviously. I think it is a scandal that they can't be treated by a proper NHS!

At least the British were not as bad since voted to leave the 4th Reich. Hopefully the disengagement process commences during early next year. :)

After the German elections is the latest word, when China will be well on the way to providing our nuclear power. With luck, they will ask the Iranians to help! :)
At least the British were not as bad since voted to leave the 4th Reich. Hopefully the disengagement process commences during early next year. :)

After the German elections is the latest word, when China will be well on the way to providing our nuclear power. With luck, they will ask the Iranians to help! :)

If Britain remains in the EU China can get an EU grant to run such power plants. I'm sure an Iranian company would be welcome also for some other industry. It's not clear what will happen to Herr Merkler. There has been a recent surge in AFD support in regional elections gaining up to 24 percent of the votes in Saxony. Then the extreme right in Austria is still the leading party in polls leading up to a re poll.
Trumps says on the stump, "How many people believe Hillary could stand up here for an hour?". She's already done it, several times, while fighting pneumonia, tool.
Do you think Hillary has not seen a doctor about it? It seems to me that her doctor provided a prognosis to her on Friday, which likely would have indicated whether or not she should quarantine herself for any length of time.
Yes, I do think Hillary would and in this case actually did ignore doctors.

The only question I asked was: "Do you think Hillary has not seen a doctor about it?"

You reply contains a contradiction of itself. You answered yes to the question, then followed it up by stating you think she ignored the doctor. How could she ignore a doctor she never saw?
FYI: "Insane" does not mean "having any views or characteristics that I don't personally don't care for." Sloppy use of language and broadening of word meanings is the hallmark of false equivalence.

It's a matter of actions that determines the lunacy. Libya is an example of a loony tune which Hiliary initially took credit saying, "We came, we saw, he died.'

Actions don't determine lunacy. Rather, lunacy has an impact on actions, but one that is not reliable enough to infer the antecedent from the consequent. While casual and unscientific use of the term sometimes refers to actions, that is limited to actions that are so unpredictable and far outside what is typical and normal. There is nothing atypical or unpredictable about what Hillary did as Secretary that would not be expected of most people who have and would likely hold that position.

More scientifically, insanity refers not to actions but to mental processes that impede a person's ability to comprehend basic facts about reality. Any action can be the result of countless different mental processes, so even if statistically abnormal, it cannot be attributed to insanity unless it is so self destructive and bizarre that no set of normal human thoughts and motives could plausibly produce it. Again, nothing she has done comes close to that. Also, insanity can actually produce actions that are statistically "normal". A person engaged in the very normal action of swatting flies is still insane if they are doing it because they think the flies are reading their thoughts.
IOW, there is not a reliable relationship between insanity and actions that allows a valid inference from action to insanity, except in the most extreme instances of actions that no possibly sane person would take under any circumstances.

Hillary acted and spoke very predictably for a US Secretary of State in regards to Libya. While that is not a compliment towards her, it does mean that any effort to claim those actions imply she is insane are patently ideological and invalid.
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